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Buying Electronics In Los


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Hi All,

I’m considering purchasing electronics there in Thailand, but could use some advice. I’ll be living in LOS soon, and was wondering whether to buy these items there, or here before I leave (the states)


Circuit City has them for $200 for a nano 2GB. Don’t think I would be able to click and drag my current mp3’s to an ipod; or can I?

Cameras, Digital and Video:

The ones that I did see there were comparable in price from what I saw here at Sears. Perhaps a bit more.

Laptop Computer:

to store my tons of music and pics, and to edit videos.

So would it be cheaper to buy these items here (Circuit City or Best Buy) or there, say at Pantip. I also worry about warrantees and product grantees. If I buy here and something goes wrong, I may get screwed in postage sending items back and forth to the US for service/repair. Also, would I get nailed for Customs duty when the repaired item comes back to me?

Anyway, any info or help would be appreciated.



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Thailand uses the PAL TV system The States is NTSC ie NOT COMPATIBLE (you won't be able to watch your movies on the TV).

Of course, if you will eventually move back or intend sending all your video back home maybe an NTSC camcorder is a good an idea. If you burn your NTSC to DVD most PAL players will play the disks perfectly (the reverse is not necessarily true).

Everything else you mention will work just fine (watch the power adaptors are 'universal 100-240V').

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Buy at a retailer (like Sears) and the price may not be all that different from LOS. Buy online (at places like Amazon/Newegg) and the prices may be a lot cheaper.

All the electronics you mentioned won't have any trouble with being used here, except of course for the video standard.

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Thailand uses the PAL TV system The States is NTSC ie NOT COMPATIBLE (you won't be able to watch your movies on the TV).

Of course, if you will eventually move back or intend sending all your video back home maybe an NTSC camcorder is a good an idea. If you burn your NTSC to DVD most PAL players will play the disks perfectly (the reverse is not necessarily true).

Everything else you mention will work just fine (watch the power adaptors are 'universal 100-240V').

Thanks for that reminder, I didn’t think of that. However, I was actually planning to buy one of those Camcorders that use the mini DVD format. Will that work? I had planed to buy a DVD player over there and have it tweaked so to play all formats of DVD.

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Thailand uses the PAL TV system The States is NTSC ie NOT COMPATIBLE (you won't be able to watch your movies on the TV).

Of course, if you will eventually move back or intend sending all your video back home maybe an NTSC camcorder is a good an idea. If you burn your NTSC to DVD most PAL players will play the disks perfectly (the reverse is not necessarily true).

Everything else you mention will work just fine (watch the power adaptors are 'universal 100-240V').

Thanks for that reminder, I didn’t think of that. However, I was actually planning to buy one of those Camcorders that use the mini DVD format. Will that work? I had planed to buy a DVD player over there and have it tweaked so to play all formats of DVD.

Should be OK. If you get a cheap Chinese DVD player it will play almost anything you put in it. Region lock, what Region lock :o

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