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Your Experiences With Reverse Culture Shock


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I'm sure some of you have experienced this before, reverse culture shock, basically when you go back to your home country and experience culture shock after being gone from your home country for a while. As I have been living and working in thailand for the last 3 1/2 years. I've decided to go back to the US for a 3 week visit.

You would think I would remember my own experiences from last time I was in the US, but after not being in the US for 3 1/2 years seems I don't remember much. I would like to hear your comments or experiences on this matter or what you faced when you got back to your home country. look forward to everyones postings

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I experienced major shock, not having visited for 5 years or so. Had trouble figuring out everything including public transport and other common things. And you look extra stupid when you ask because you don't sound like a tourist.

I try to avoid going "home" altogether actually. No need.

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I only went back to the USA once since I moved here for rather a long trip. It was a little surreal but no major issues. I am sure I would have them if I moved there though. It's a little hard to explain but having people assume you are a local just because you look and sound like one but knowing you just popped in for awhile and are no longer a part of the fabric of life there ... So when you act like you live there, it kind of feels like you're a faker, but that's better than announcing to strangers "I live in Thailand" ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Reverse culture shock is very real, and is a recognised problem. The extent you feel it depends on how much culture shock you had coming to Thailand. If you felt very little coming here, you are likely to suffer very badly going home.

But 3 weeks definitely is not long enough. It may be unpleasant but not at the levels of unease that you can expect if you go back for more than a few months. Of course, if only 3 weeks, it can be reassuring to know you hate your home as it will refresh your time in Thailand when you return.

Just be aware of it. Keep yourself busy. And expect your friends back there to treat your time in Thailand as a gap, something to be forgotten. Expect them to show no interest in your time in Thailand and anticipate you will start many sentences "Well, when I was in Thailand..."


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My partner hasn't been to the US yet and wants to go. I have only been back once in the last 8 years ,no culture shock -- and no aversion to telling people where I live. In fact my father was retiring from the university and proudly mentioned where I lived and what I am doing here.

I am comfortable enough going back to the US, but to be honest it just isn't home. I think I will go with my partner this summer sometime so he can meet my parents and see Maine, and Colorado and DFW and Atlanta ... then a flight to SFO and back home. To Thailand.

The oddest thing for me in my one trip back was NOT speaking Thai. There was one professor at the uni that is Thai but he had been in the US for 20 years and had basically lost his fluency so we switched to English very quickly.

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I was sharing with a friend X on this topic; he mentioned he was back at home after several years in the Fasr East

"So, where you been, X?"

"Well, I've been in Houston and Hong Kong this last few years"

"I thought I hadn't seen you for a while. Did you see the football on Saturday?"

Wherever I go, I still say "m'goi" and "mai dan" to the waiting staff, and they all seem to understand it, with the appropriate hand signals.

Culture shock is never a problem for imperialists....


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I guess I don't get culture shock because I only stay in Thailand for 5 months of the year. But, one thing Thailand has done for me is it makes me feel like I own the world. I'm 71 and I bounce around like a teenager. Absolutely nothing fazes me anywhere I go. I just have this smug little feeling that I'm impervious. Although I've been confident in my own abilities for a long time, having spent half my time in Thailand for the past 15 years has made me feel even more confident. Maybe it's because I know I always have something to look forward to and can live anywhere with equal ease.

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Lots of little surprises when you go back to your native country after a long time:

Like going to The Netherland and using the Euro currency for the first time, it had been introduced like two years ago. Not familiar with the many sorts of coins yet, initially I skipped the problem by just paying with bills. But soon my purse was bursting out of its seams, and trying to pay with coins it invariably took me a really long time to sort out the exact amount. Doing this I always felt people looking at me and thinking " what a moron, did he still not figure it out yet?"

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Went back to the UK after 17 years in Thailand ........

Absolutely could NOT walk into someone's house with my shoes on!

Was gobsmacked at the total lack of interest from shop assistants when wanting to enquire about a product!

Got on a bus with two friends for a short trip and I offered to pay .... when the driver told me how much I gasped "I could rent an air conditioned taxi for a whole day for that in Thailand" He smiled, stopped the bus, opened the doors and replied "Well it's up to you" We stayed on and then as we moved off, I got the last laugh "I only wanted to ride on your bus, wasn't interested in buying the dam_n thing!" I shouted!

My sister asked about the footprints on the toilet seat!!!

Found it amusing how tight people were with their cigarettes!

Immediately saw the look of despair on the average brit's face as they brave the freezing weather and generally miss the whole point of life!

Couldn't understand why the owner got upset when I walked into his chinese restaurant eating my takeaway from the one across the street! (I did order a drink)

Noticed how most people were too scared to take a risk and talk to a stranger!

Soon stopped the habit of changing eveything into Thai baht (that made it so hard to swallow)

Found something over there that was much cheaper than here (Thailand) so I took advantage of it!

(My sister still says that 50 kg of King Edwards potatoes was the strangest birthday present she's ever had)

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I am planning to go back in the next couple of years for a few weeks. It will be my first extended trip back in 20 years (I spent two days in London 10 or so years ago on business). I am both looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I never suffered from culture shock when I came here and after spending more than half my life here, Thailand is the norm. It will certainly be an adventure as so many things will have changed.

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Last time I was in the States, there was an instance where I was in a shopping mall looking for a bathroom.

I walked in and there was a Mexican cleaning lady mopping the floor.

Thinking nothing of it, I proceeded to use the urinal and she starts screaming for me to get out.

I thought I was going to be arrested for indecent exposure.....

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Last time I was in the States, there was an instance where I was in a shopping mall looking for a bathroom.

I walked in and there was a Mexican cleaning lady mopping the floor.

Thinking nothing of it, I proceeded to use the urinal and she starts screaming for me to get out.

I thought I was going to be arrested for indecent exposure.....

See, there you go. I didn't know what you did was wrong!!! :lol:

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I have a lot of reverse culture shock. The portions of food served are so much bigger. Got a traffic ticket last time 20 kilometers over the speed limit was told be the rcmp I was lucky to just geta ticket should have had to go to court and it cost me $300. Everything is bought in hugh superstores in bulk and much of it is frozen. Everything is super sized from trucks and houses to food. Everyone dresses the same and same hair style. Day to day life has no zest everything feels dogmatic. And how much your house is worth and how big it is seems to come into every conversation at some point.

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I stayed in Thailand 1968, 69 and 70. When I went back to the States I went back to college.

A lady from the student newspaper wanted to do an interview with me to find what it was like for me to come back to the States after so long in SEA.

She asked what were the major differences that I was having a hard time adjusting to. I told her sleeping with one woman at a time and paying for beer and cigarettes. The beer, booze and cigarettes were free to the military.

That was the end of the interview. She closed her notepad and walked out and slammed the door. The whole think lasted 10 seconds. Needless to say the interview never made the newspaper.

Now I have no intentions of ever going back.

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I have visions that if I ever went back to London I would encounter people of more different sizes, colours and creeds than I would on lower Suk. When I left I felt that England wasn't my country any more and I'm sure it is now unrecognisable from the country of my youth. However, even with all the changes, I have changed even more. Thailand, even with all its minor annoyances. suits me just fine.

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after living here for 8 years I will be going to the UK to live in about 2 weeks time. should be fun :D

I will not bother with telling anybody about my life here as I doubt very much that they will believe me anyway.

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I doubt you'll experience much shock. It's your home.

I haven't lived in the US since '99 but take to it like a duck to water everytime I go visit.

Perhaps the cost of things you remember will shock you some.

Good point, I went back, last year after 4 and a bit years, my main concern was, as I was going to hire a motor for the time I was in Blighty, my worry was about getting my lights punched out, (my lights, not the cars)I flapped about my Thai driving style and how it would go down in the UK. All the other stuff, no worries. The driving…….OK, so I pulled a few dodgy moves, (Thai stylie) I left a few people with that; “Oh my God” look on their fizoggs. As for the other stuff, the only thing I remember was saying; “how much” to every thing that was said to me!

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after living here for 8 years I will be going to the UK to live in about 2 weeks time. should be fun :D

I will not bother with telling anybody about my life here as I doubt very much that they will believe me anyway.

Onnu! Why don’t you give us some credit….spill the beans. I reveled some of my past and was surprised, I didn’t get a slagging. Over to you.

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I doubt you'll experience much shock. It's your home.

I haven't lived in the US since '99 but take to it like a duck to water everytime I go visit.

Perhaps the cost of things you remember will shock you some.

The cost of things is about the only shock I get. I always seem to remember the prices of things from when I lived there, and when inflation takes its toll while I am away, the new prices seem so high to me.

Other than that, well, pretty much nothing is much of a shock to me. Everything else is pretty comfortable, like slipping on an old pair of blue jeans.

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