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Certificate Of Existence


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How about your Embassy?

For example, the U.S. sends me a form every few years that just needs to be signed and returned to keep receiving my Social Security $$$, does not require the Embassy chop, tho.. And some years ago I heard that they even required the SocSec recipients, perhaps over a certain age (?), to actually show up at the Embassy/Consulate to prove that they were still alive.

Makes a degree of sense to me as otherwise there'd be a lot of pension funds flowing in to Thailand when the intended receiver had already gone up in smoke....


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You might want to provide more background information to increase your chances of getting a good answer.

Such as ... your nationality.

For pension? What do you mean? Are you trying to sign up for a pension from your home country's government? In that case, contact your embassy. If not that, what?

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Jingthing: You might want to provide more background information to increase your chances of getting a good answer.

I am Italian. Starting from the year 2004, when I was 65, I receive here in Thailand my monthly Italian retirement pension. I just got a letter from the Italian Pension Institution informing me that, from now on, I have to send to them in Italy a yearly “document of existence”.

Thank you.

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I think it's a regular check to ensure payments are going to the individual they're meant for.

I had to do a similar thing regularly when I had power of attorney for an old lady in Canada - one of her pension boards insisted every year on getting a signed letter saying that she was still alive and receiving her pension.

Probably easiest going to your embassy if you're here. Check just what kind of document is needed, and you might be able to do it yourself in future.

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British embassy charges 905 Baht (number 4 under notarial fees) but OP doesn't say where he is from?


He's Italian (see post nr 4)

My home country sends me the required document every year around my birthday and then I have to go to my embassy to have it checked, approved and signed, free of charge.


Edited by yermanee
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I'll try again I had a letter about 2 years from my privaite pension all they wanted to know if I was still alive,had to go to the local post office they signed the letter,stamped it,I signed it and then posted it back thats all it was.

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I'll try again I had a letter about 2 years from my privaite pension all they wanted to know if I was still alive,had to go to the local post office they signed the letter,stamped it,I signed it and then posted it back thats all it was.

That's posh innit, private pension...boy from the Valleys

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I'll try again I had a letter about 2 years from my privaite pension all they wanted to know if I was still alive,had to go to the local post office they signed the letter,stamped it,I signed it and then posted it back thats all it was.

That's posh innit, private pension...boy from the Valleys

We don't all work down the pit :D

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