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Uk Retirement Age To Be Debated


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Brits here who have not yet retired will be pleased to know that that Gordon Brown has announced 'we need a national debate on the normal retirement age' - This is Gov.org speak for 'It's Open Season on Your Pension'.

Now before you go saying, ah but I have a personal/company pension - read the small print, it will almost certainly make some statement regarding when pensions are payable and that date will be 'Normal Retirement Age'.

Mr Brown basis this need to move the normal retirement age on statistics that show we are all living longer (or at least some of us), he's happy to tell us men are living to an average of 76 and women to an average of 81 and paying pensions to that age costs money.

What he doesn't tell you is that the same government statistics show that men are remaining healthy on average to the age of 67 years old, which just happens to be the normal retirement age he would like to see in force.

So work 'till your knackered and die.

Edited by GuestHouse
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