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Lao Girl Cut In Half By Fleeing Stolen Porsche: Thai Police


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Police identify Porche driver that decapitated 17 yr old girl from DNA of sweat on steering wheel; arrest warrant to be issued on Mon /TANN

Monday? Oh, good. That gives him no time at all to pack his bags, head for the border and get the hell out of Dodge.

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Police identify Porche driver that decapitated 17 yr old girl from DNA of sweat on steering wheel; arrest warrant to be issued on Mon /TANN

WOW, considering what l feel about policing here this is amazing stuff. Interesting to see the outcome. :)

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A DNA sample would have to be compared to something. Unless they have someone's DNA on file, how do they know who the person is?

That's what I was thinking.

I reckon the police are just trying to look smart. They know who did it anyway but just waiting for the next move by the wealthy father.

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Did the owner of the vehicle leave it unlocked, unattended with the keys in the ignition? Since when are car thieves so considerate and lock/secure the vehicle for the owner so as it doesn't get stolen again. Would,t a police officer with 1/8 of a brain be saying hang something is not quite right here?

The BiB wil be thinking about how can we make money out of this, nothing much else. :huh:

Not sure that thinking is a strong suit of the BIB, but I suspect in general they spend very little time trying to make money from rich elites. Much safer to squeeze money from the little people. If they do make money from this event, it would be in the form of hush money to make everything quietly go away, rather than the more standard extortion technique. This whole incident makes me want to puke, as the sun will rise tomorrow, and nothing will happen to this idiot in the form of punishment. He can thank his lucky stars he did not run over one of my relatives........ :realangry:

Where's Dexter when you need him most?

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A DNA sample would have to be compared to something. Unless they have someone's DNA on file, how do they know who the person is?

Think one would round up the '' obvious '' suspect(s) and do a test to compare eh, easy, peasy :)

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The driver was clearly driving too fast and endangering but these cars are not faster than the speed of sound or invisible. A stock Cayman makes a fairly throaty and aggressive engine noise.

Learn to look and listen when crossing the road.

I wonder if driver called someone on the cell phone and they told him to abandon the car.

In some countries they would be checking phone call records and cell tower locations.

I doubt they will be bothering after they collect some "fees" from the owner.

I used to live opposite the accident scene. There is a small overpass bridge here. If the girl was on either side of it, and the driver was driving too fast over the bridge (say over 150 km/h), the accident was probably unavoidable.

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Don't DNA results take more than a week to process?

AS proper one, yes. Only on the tv-show CSI does it take some hour.

I just checked and it is minimum three days for a family member.

So it is pretty amazing the police have got theirs done in a day. Amazing Thailand.

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First of all, the DNA is relatively useless without a reference sample.  I very much doubt that Thailand has a DNA database (but I can see it coming now). Second, the DNA on the steering wheel could be from anyone who drove the car or handled the steering wheel.  Third, as someone had previously pointed out, the crime scene was very far from secured.  Any number of people may have touched the steering wheel and most likely the police had their hands on the wheel. Even a bad lawyer would have an easy go of getting the guy acquitted based on what has been reported about the DNA.

The best sample they should get is a stool sample, since I am sure when the guy saw half a body in his car, he most likely crapped all over the place.

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I used to live opposite the accident scene. There is a small overpass bridge here. If the girl was on either side of it, and the driver was driving too fast over the bridge (say over 150 km/h), the accident was probably unavoidable.

It was an "unavoidable accident" only if one assumes that driving at over twice the post speed limit in an urban environment is an accident of fate.

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Don't DNA results take more than a week to process?

AS proper one, yes. Only on the tv-show CSI does it take some hour.

I just checked and it is minimum three days for a family member.

So it is pretty amazing the police have got theirs done in a day. Amazing Thailand.


In a serious crime investigation DNA matching can done in less than 24 hours. Depends on the importance. Most western police forces/agencies have thier own forensic labs. I don't know about Thailand and doubt that they would have made this a high priority given the origin of the victim. Besides or the rubber necks and who ever would have been crawling all over the vehicle for hours. Anyway any normal policing agency would obtain an arrest warrant within 30 minutes. In Australia there is a thing called an after hours magistrate who is on call 24 hours. All you need is sufficient evidence, fax and telephone and your set to go. Just wondering if the BIB read my post at #100.

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Anyway any normal policing agency would obtain an arrest warrant within 30 minutes. In Australia there is a thing called an after hours magistrate who is on call 24 hours. All you need is sufficient evidence, fax and telephone and your set to go. Just wondering if the BIB read my post at #100.

It is great they only get them during normal office hours.

Great for planning that big raid on Friday evening and have 2 full days to get out of the country.

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Insult an Aussie in this way and you would find yourself dead in the time it takes a bee to flap it's wings once. (200 times per second)

The wealthy Thais have no need to verbally insult Aussies, they simply relocate their spoiled children who have behaved badly to schools in Australia until the Thai public forgets and daddy has paid off those he must. In a former time the peerage would send misbehaving children to England, but back in the 1980s one particularly ill behaved lad wore out the welcome mat in London.

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There is a video clip of the police going through the crime scene here

WARNING: This clip contains unedited footage of the crime scene and many gory scenes! Use your own discretion when viewing it.

Wished I had heeded your advice. I've forgotten just how distasteful Thai media can be. For those of you who do decide to watch you will no doubt end up wishing the driver maximum bad karma.

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There is a video clip of the police going through the crime scene here

WARNING: This clip contains unedited footage of the crime scene and many gory scenes! Use your own discretion when viewing it.

When you watch this you know that the Bastard responsible needs to be jailed!

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There is a video clip of the police going through the crime scene here

WARNING: This clip contains unedited footage of the crime scene and many gory scenes! Use your own discretion when viewing it.

Wished I had heeded your advice. I've forgotten just how distasteful Thai media can be. For those of you who do decide to watch you will no doubt end up wishing the driver maximum bad karma.

The driver, yes, should be the target of Karma from it.

I don't agree that the media is distasteful. Actually, to a degree, people need to see these images.

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I used to live opposite the accident scene. There is a small overpass bridge here. If the girl was on either side of it, and the driver was driving too fast over the bridge (say over 150 km/h), the accident was probably unavoidable.

It was an "unavoidable accident" only if one assumes that driving at over twice the post speed limit in an urban environment is an accident of fate.

My god this is nasty isn't it ?.........I always was taught that these "accidents" were incidents until it was deemed different, Like this is a horrific traffic incident, but I myself say accident along with all. This incident where a child died in an horrific way does not to me look like an accident. With a lot of unkown pieces missing, or not yet forthcoming

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There is a video clip of the police going through the crime scene here

WARNING: This clip contains unedited footage of the crime scene and many gory scenes! Use your own discretion when viewing it.

Not nice to watch but one can see now what happened. My guess the guy was travelling pretty quick.

Amazes me how ''some '' must try and look at the gory scene and bits of the lass, why don't the police clear the area and give the lass some dignity, but l suppose thats where we farangs are different. ;)

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This is on of those times that 'hang um high comment' is really not out of place.

I guess it is some small consolation that it must have been a very quick way to go, but her ghost started haunting that driver instantly and will stick to him like glue. What ever happens he should never have a peaceful sleep again.

No doubt he did panik for 10 km knowing if did stop near the scene he likely would be beaten to death, but finally realizing he needs to get the hell out of that car quick. Of course a sense of responsibility for his actions is not part of the personal deal. Pathetic.

I hope they catch the bastard and drop a library of law books on him.

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Shocking! The driver must be an animal. He will get off with this, most here know that. Makes it much worse.

RIP young lady

No, the driver is not an animal. He's probably some rich bastard's brat that has absolutely no morals or conscience and thinks it's clever to drive at twice the speed limit.

Animals don't act that way. If he'd hit a soi dog at 150kph, well that would have messed up his car, but then in this sick bastards head he probably thought he had hit a soi dog.

After having watched the shocking video of the crime scene it is amazing just how lax the police are here regarding keeping the public clear. Might as well have sold tickets for the ghouls.

BTW, I understand your sentiments. :jap:

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Horrible and sad for a young 17-year old girl with a whole life ahead of her to be snuffed out in a fraction of a second because a driver wanted to drive like a hotshot with no regard to the safety of others. There's no excuse for such senseless recklessness. R.I.P. for the young girl, and deepest sympathy for the family who now have to deal with such a nightmarish loss.

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I used to live opposite the accident scene. There is a small overpass bridge here. If the girl was on either side of it, and the driver was driving too fast over the bridge (say over 150 km/h), the accident was probably unavoidable.

It was an "unavoidable accident" only if one assumes that driving at over twice the post speed limit in an urban environment is an accident of fate.

My god this is nasty isn't it ?.........I always was taught that these "accidents" were incidents until it was deemed different, Like this is a horrific traffic incident, but I myself say accident along with all. This incident where a child died in an horrific way does not to me look like an accident. With a lot of unkown pieces missing, or not yet forthcoming

my point was that at the (most likely) high speed of the vehicle in that location the 'incident' was most likely unavoidable.

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I cannot believe the kid drove for another 4 to 5 minutes, then sat in the car 5-10 minutes after parking (according to witnesses via one of the news links above) and then got out and left.

There is a very good possibility the girl was still alive, albeit in a serious state of shock and probably for only a few minutes as she bled out, but depending on how she landed inside and where exactly she was cut, she could have still been able to move a little, look at him, and possibly even speak a word or two. Even if none of this happened, this kid's life is ruined as well (and rightly so). He will be haunted by her in his head forever, and he will always see her in his mind.

Sat with half a dead corpse for ten minutes in the confines of a small car.

Either in shock or a real bad ass. :(

Having been a train driver and had mates who unfortunately were driving trains when somebody committed suicide or just walked on the track I know better than most the effects of it. One good friend took a swan diver from the bridge straight thru the front door of the train. It knocked a 300 kilo door of its hinges and splattered body fluids all over the driver, even in his mouth. He was frozen rigid for over 1 hour and could not speak, move or hardly breathe, only relaxant in the form of an injection allowed them to move him to hospital.

Now take this arrogant little tw4t, drives another 10km, sits there and makes some phone calls, gets out, locks the door and hops in a taxi. Half a kid in your car and you sit there and chat on mobile. Something seriously wrong with this person, just like the young girl on the phone after killing nine from a mini bus. These rich kids here are totally detached from any form of reality and some are lauded in magazines and on tv for the youngsters to copy, dont blame them, blame their parents. If the son absconds then lock his family up...wishful thinking

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There is no chance she was alive even one minute later.

Far too much blood loss, and the hit she took, stopped consciousness almost instantly.

The one in shock, not to disimilar to the train driver, minus the rictus, is the car driver. With the horror staring him in the face right there in the front, a partial disconnect from reality seems not unusual. 10k later the enormity of it all was kicking in and he stopped.

Locking the car as he got out is not the sign of a rational mind...

I think the car owners cell phone needs to be checked for calls at that time, if it was stolen as he reported, then there would be no call, easily triangulated to the site of the car, at the known time 'someone' abandoned the car.

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Put 2 and 2 together.

The car was NOT stolen.

Anyone wealthy enough to own a Porsche...

... is wealthy enough to make the ...

... problem go away...

(My guess)

This is the last you have heard of this story in the news.

Nobody goes around stealing a Porsche in Thailand.

.. or the owner was seeking to cheat on the insurance.

You have made quite good points here. Looking forward though ... They will catch the wrongdoer(s) I think.

A bit too horrific for this one to be swept away.

Though I can agree someone with that kind of disposable cash also has disposable clout up to a certain point, that point may have been reached in this case....

RIP poor girl.

... I disagree, animatic ... I believe you under-estimate the soulless animal acts which an overwhelming number of Thais are perfectly capable of perpetrating ... on their fellow human beings, their Buddha, their own families, even their own children ... no ... "that point" has not yet been reached.

... my bet is that this story is over for us.

... God bless this poor girl's soul ... hope the disgusting filthy wretch of a human who murdered her suffers agonizing pain in his own death.

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