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Fight With Westerners On Phi Phi


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One of the many incidents that happen in LOS. Some sore heads from too much beer and (perhaps) a baton or two, and all forgotten. I think that Chainsaw is fairly close to the mark as to this person's immaturity, but I don't doubt an incident occurred. The youths at the wrong end of the batons have since gone home and forgotten all about it. It is highly likely that neither these youths nor the main witnesses read ThaiVisa or the unmentionable publication. The unmentionable publication didn't help by putting this bit of nonsense out there in the first place.

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As would be expected the old hands on this site have seen through this story for what it is. :sleepy:

Since my sarcasm detector just went off I'll respond here-absolutely !

Those of us who have been around for awhile have seen a lot, including bar brawls but did not find it necessary to sensationalize it on a blog and then openly ask for "likes" on the blog.

Did he witness the BIB thwacking some out of control, maybe drunken and disorderly tourists, sure. Wait until the guy sees them extract confessions from people.

As Dorothy clearly stated "we're not in Kansas anymore Toto", the "author" "crime fighter" "vicious Muay Thai Camp in the jungle survivor" seems to have missed this.

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Must be the biggest load of nonsense i have read in a long time. Attention seeking country boy from the US in never never land just looking for hits on his egotistical website. A dreamer of the first degree somebody popped something in his Phi Phi bucket!!!!. Not a word about any of these people and nothing in the news. Are there magic mushrooms on Phi Phi? because I think that this fighter ? thinker ? may have taken some.

As he states he embraces chaos should be imagines chaos. Cry wolf springs to mind on this story.

Edited by McFarang
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Ha Ha, Now the crazy young man is complaining that the editor from the unmentionable got the days that this event happened wrong.Of course he who is always right denies this. Facts? if between them they cannot get basic facts right why are we supposed to believe any of this garbage.

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I've been here for more than a decade and have never heard of anything like this. In this day of everyone having a camera on their mobile phones, there would have to be some footage of this kind of fight/attack and it would be all over youtube like every other violent event that occurs in the world.

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Well, I certainly think he must have seen something.

To say that he made up the whole story makes me question WHO it is that is living in a fantasy.

As a first time traveler to a country where some things are kept quiet, and you don't go around harassing police in any way, perhaps he sensationalized a bit, but to say that he dreamed this up on his own..................I don't buy that.

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The story just doesn't have ANY "ring of truth" to it for me. Looks and sounds like an attention seeking behavior, and when you add the call for "likes and comments" .........

JD nailed it. Maybe TV should open a new subforum "Creative Writing"

Why does TV allow this BS to run? slow news day?

Pattaya One should be all over this. If it were true which it is not.

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The story just doesn't have ANY "ring of truth" to it for me. Looks and sounds like an attention seeking behavior, and when you add the call for "likes and comments" .........

JD nailed it. Maybe TV should open a new subforum "Creative Writing"

Why does TV allow this BS to run? slow news day?

Pattaya One should be all over this. If it were true which it is not.

It was actually reported by Alan Morrison's site which is questionable most times.

Phuket Gazette wouldn't touch this or even report on it without some credible witnesses.

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The silence regarding anyone else involved is deafening.

Why is it that "Rambo" is the only guy reporting this?

The picture in the unmentionable news source is hilarious, the guy has the tourist shot with the snake around his neck. Why is Thailand such the goofball magnet ?

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If you haven't yet read this guys blog, do so. What an incredible egotist!

Here's an excerpt from the story of how he got severely spanked in a Muay Thai bout. Knocked down 3 times.

"I will always f*****g get back up. That’s what Alpha Males do. That’s what Leaders do. That’s what I do. That’s what Heroes do". :violin:

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Well, I certainly think he must have seen something.

To say that he made up the whole story makes me question WHO it is that is living in a fantasy.

As a first time traveler to a country where some things are kept quiet, and you don't go around harassing police in any way, perhaps he sensationalized a bit, but to say that he dreamed this up on his own..................I don't buy that.


What supporting documentation at all exists? Shouldn't there be parents and families getting loud about this already? Wouldn't they have at least contacted the embassy in BKK and the embassy contacted the *cough* blogger?

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Wasn't there a true news story a while back in Chang Mai about a Thai policeman that killed a young Canadian and wounded the woman he was with? The local police chief didn't show up at the trial, so the case still hasn't been closed. But then the same police officer beat his new young Thai bride to death with a piece of wood and he was convicted of that crime. Things do happen here in Thailand and everywhere else that go little or unreported. I'm just sayin'....

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Because of the way this guy self promotes him self and is writing the report as if it is ready for release into a book makes it very questionable , he also say that there are a few international news sources now picking it up but he does not show who they are.

There is probably some truth in it Police cover up crimes all over Thailand so it should be reported in the media for the sake of the families of the missing tourists if thats the case.

Time will tell :)

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Wasn't there a true news story a while back in Chang Mai about a Thai policeman that killed a young Canadian and wounded the woman he was with? The local police chief didn't show up at the trial, so the case still hasn't been closed. But then the same police officer beat his new young Thai bride to death with a piece of wood and he was convicted of that crime. Things do happen here in Thailand and everywhere else that go little or unreported. I'm just sayin'....

Not exactly ----- but there Was a NEWS STORY ..... that is exactly the point. It isn't that bad things don't happen. It is that it does hit the news, particularly coming from a tourist resort and happening in public.

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Wasn't there a true news story a while back in Chang Mai about a Thai policeman that killed a young Canadian and wounded the woman he was with? The local police chief didn't show up at the trial, so the case still hasn't been closed. But then the same police officer beat his new young Thai bride to death with a piece of wood and he was convicted of that crime. Things do happen here in Thailand and everywhere else that go little or unreported. I'm just sayin'....

Not exactly ----- but there Was a NEWS STORY ..... that is exactly the point. It isn't that bad things don't happen. It is that it does hit the news, particularly coming from a tourist resort and happening in public.

Not exactly what? That there wasn't a news story to that affect or that bad things happen that are not reported in the news?

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Wasn't there a true news story a while back in Chang Mai about a Thai policeman that killed a young Canadian and wounded the woman he was with? The local police chief didn't show up at the trial, so the case still hasn't been closed. But then the same police officer beat his new young Thai bride to death with a piece of wood and he was convicted of that crime. Things do happen here in Thailand and everywhere else that go little or unreported. I'm just sayin'....

this is actually a true story. it happened in Pai a few years back.

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Wasn't there a true news story a while back in Chang Mai about a Thai policeman that killed a young Canadian and wounded the woman he was with? The local police chief didn't show up at the trial, so the case still hasn't been closed. But then the same police officer beat his new young Thai bride to death with a piece of wood and he was convicted of that crime. Things do happen here in Thailand and everywhere else that go little or unreported. I'm just sayin'....

Not exactly ----- but there Was a NEWS STORY ..... that is exactly the point. It isn't that bad things don't happen. It is that it does hit the news, particularly coming from a tourist resort and happening in public.

Not exactly what? That there wasn't a news story to that affect or that bad things happen that are not reported in the news?

Not exactly in Chiang Mai ... and not exactly unreported. When a foreigner gets attacked here it does get reported and when it is a group in a resort town?

http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2010/12/31/pai-canadian-murder-the-dilatory-truth/ If you like AD's style here's an update from last year.

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Well Mr Grumpy old man maybe you should cheer up. Most of the people come here to train muay thai are very respectable kind considerate people. Don't tar them all with the same brush . Why are you in phuket Mr grumpy ? To train in sports,stay fit and healthy and pay respect to the Thais and their national sport or to sit and drink all day in seedy bars trying to pick up girls/prostitutes 40 years younger than yourself ??? do tell :-)

Actually, it's in Chalong, between the two Chao Fah roads.

I stand corrected :)

Is there a jungle?

Simon's point taken regardless of the location of one of the numerous Muay Thai camps that have opened up around here.

Frankly, I hate the element these camps bring in like the guy that killed the Marine last year, I've seen many of these kooks, pent up aggression they don't save for the ring once a few drinks are under their belts, wannabe tough guys.

Did a brawl happen, probably. Is this guy sensationalizing it to get hits on his blog? Definitely.

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Exacly. just Another sad old pervert just as i thought. Yes i have seen the type taking girls home young enough to be there grandchildren. It makes me sick. It is the Sad sex tourists that give Thailand a bad name and not the Muay thai students .........Do you really think these young girls like fat old men ?????

You got it right , but forgot "very bald"..they are very prevelent inThe Grumpy Sad pervert group also....:whistling:

Dont worry about this particular GOM..he frequently has keyboard warrior moments against Muay Thai guys...maybe got his ar-- kicked in the past...:D

........or maybe I've seen enough of these Muay Thai guys act really poorly in the bars I've been in.

Watched as some MT knucklehead headbutted a 70 year old guy and broke his nose for no reason, watched as a foreigner MT lady get so worked up at some Thai women that she picked a fight and then got her ass kicked. Oh, then of course the steroided out freak who cowardly stabbed an American serviceman last year.

No, seen enough idiots of this type, more and more coming due to the preponderance of the "vicious jungle camps" as stated by the OP (back on topic). But I will say you are correct in that I shouldn't paint all with one brush.

And now I'll bow out of this thread as we've gone away from Rambo and his claims.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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You have bowed out as you know you are wrong generalising about all muay thai students. There are nearly 1500 ppl training in phuket during the high season on any given day and you have just given 3 examples of violence by them you have heard about or seen in the past few years. you have also bowed out as it seems, where you may not be violent you have not not denied being one of Phukets SEX TOURISTS !!!!!!!!!!

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You have bowed out as you know you are wrong generalising about all muay thai students. There are nearly 1500 ppl training in phuket during the high season on any given day and you have just given 3 examples of violence by them you have heard about or seen in the past few years. you have also bowed out as it seems, where you may not be violent you have not not denied being one of Phukets SEX TOURISTS !!!!!!!!!!

i'll stick up for GOM here...he's a business man here. a legit one. and for as long as i've known him, he's not been a sex tourist.

maybe it is wrong to generalize all muay thai students--i've lived here a long time (no i am not a sex tourist) and the majority of muay thai trainees and wanna-be's that i have come into contact with, unfortunately, have been on the shady side. i am assuming you are a lady, as most men don't care about sex tourists--chill out, do your training, don't snog your thai trainer and all will be well and balanced in your life.

back to the original thread--any word on this rumor of what's happened in phi phi?

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i'll stick up for GOM here...he's a business man here. a legit one. and for as long as i've known him, he's not been a sex tourist.

maybe it is wrong to generalize all muay thai students--i've lived here a long time (no i am not a sex tourist) and the majority of muay thai trainees and wanna-be's that i have come into contact with, unfortunately, have been on the shady side. i am assuming you are a lady, as most men don't care about sex tourists--chill out, do your training, don't snog your thai trainer and all will be well and balanced in your life.

Don't you get it? That's the point. He's not a sex tourist, but generalising about boxers, is exactly the same as other people generalising about him. I think he would soon feel hard done by if he was constantly referred to as a sex tourist just because he was old.

Yes of course their are a lot of them who have violent tendencies that they can't control, that's obvious. It would be impossible to take 100 people who want to be as best as they possibly can, at beating the <deleted> out of somebody else and not have a certain percentage who are low life scum bags. But to tar them all with that brush is naive and ignorant.

Then again, I wouldn't expect much more from someone who thinks because someone is a man, they don't have any issues with sex tourism??

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