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Fight With Westerners On Phi Phi


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From The Miller Williams Blog

If you are one of the victims, PLEASE CONTACT ME ASAP. Until I’ve accounted for everyone I will not let up the search. Just tell me you’re safe and what happened after the police separated us. If you need help I can still direct people to come find you. Like I told you that night, don’t worry about persecuting the Phi Phi police until you are safe.

If you are a concerned family member, friend, or member of the press, I will post all of the information the victims send me on this blog as soon as I receive it. You can subscribe for instant updates to this blog by clicking on the large email logo in the right-side tool bar or by clicking here.


To my dear friends and family: I got off the Island of Phi Phi disguised and safely, then caught a taxi back to Tiger Muay Thai in Chalong, Phuket. I am staying with a friend outside the camp now to ensure an even greater level of personal security. They live in a gated, protected community in a rich part of the city and have a good deal of influence in Phuket and with the police here. I am safe.

None of that matters to me right now, though. The five victims of the Phi Phi “Police/Security” force brutality that occurred 36 hours ago are still missing. They should have my contact information, yet none of them have contacted me. I am now working directly with the US Embassy to find them. My next task is to make this an international story, as the victims are (as far as I know) of Australian, UK, and American nationality. At least two of them (the women) were seriously hurt the last time I saw them. There are five missing victims in total, and each one of them has families of their own that either don’t know their loved ones are in serious trouble or are extremely concerned for their livelihood. I need to rest now, but when I wake up I will work tirelessly to make sure the victims are safely off the island. Please read the email I sent out last night for more information until I can provide further updates.

Yesterday I sent this out:

Note on 3/25/2011, 1:41PM BKK Time: I have made some minor changes to the original email in order to make it as accurate and objective as possible now that I have had some time to distance myself emotionally. Journalistic integrity is important to me, and as hard as it is when you’re personally involved in something so disturbing, I appreciate the fact that my words and actions now are being closely scrutinized and any details I share that are in some way inaccurate could jeopardize the mission of my publication, namely the safety of the victims, by appearing to sensationalize the events. From this point forward I will state facts and evidence and everything that’s not fact or evidence is my personal account until more witnesses of the events (and hopefully the victims themselves soon) can corroborate my story.


Written 17 hours ago, 3/23/2011:

Dear Friends and Family,

Please Spread This Email to anyone you can as rapidly as possible. The important information is at the bottom, please do everything in your power to help. Thank you.

Yesterday I witnessed a brutal assault of five Westerners by the Phi Phi “security” and “police” forces. I came across the scene because I was lost on my way back to my room. Being used to dealing with physical violence I assumed that the commotion I heard was another common bar brawl and I rushed in to make sure nobody ended up with a big hospital bill. I’m saving my long explanation of the details for another time because right now I’m actually still in danger. When I’m safe I’ll post updates to www.millerwilliamsaction.com. Beyond how disturbing seeing handcuffed women brutally beaten by Phi Phi police was, was seeing the way their “system” worked to cover their own backs. The corruption is so indescribably rampant. I spent the hours of midnight through four AM breaking up the (several) assaults and trying to aid the victims in every way possible. THE WORST NEWS IS THIS: I HAVE NOT SEEN OR HEARD FROM ANY OF THE VICTIMS SINCE THE INCIDENT, AND THEY ALL HAVE MY CONTACT INFORMATION. As of now, I consider this to be an extremely urgent matter. I personally saw the group unhandcuffed by telling the Phi Phi police “Mr. Dune” that I was an American Attorney and had already called the US Embassy–at that point I had not. The police refused to give badge numbers, names, or anything else to identify themselves. The victims were left on the street, the women still bleeding from head trauma and having panic attacks, the men dazed and overwhelmed. The head of police at Phi Phi asked to speak to me in private. The man who had instigated the attacks (I say this with confidence because there were at least 20 witneses), the police chief, and I sat in the office. The details of the conversation I’ll wait to disclose, but when we were finished he told me the victims had been taken to the hospital about a mile down the road.

I asked to be taken to the hospital. The police refused. I desperately paid a trashman with a tuk tuk at roughly 2AM to drive me there. When I arrived the lights were off. I rang the bell. The victims were not there, the hospital staff hadn’t heard anything, but they let me use the computer at which point I posted my Facebook “EMERGENCY” message.

Copy from last night:


I tried to contact the US Embassy but could not from the hospital, so I ran back outside and after running for a few minutes found a group of people. One of them had a phone and let me use it after I quickly explained the situation. I got through to the Embassy and after saying I had an emergency was put on hold for 3-4 minutes.

During those minutes the group I was with then was approached by one of the armed “security” forces. The entire “force” obviously knew what was going on since the whole night had been spent dealing with the drama, and then trying to cover it up and scare people into silence on their part. Every single officer on Phi Phi knows my face because they took pictures of me as I helped earlier.

The man first actually offered to sell our group cocaine, holding out a bag of white powder. I let the group of people talk while I waited on hold. My assumption at the time was that he was trying to get one of the group members to do something stupid so he could arrest them (and therefore me by association). After the group refused the cocaine the security officer (one of them) tried to get me off the phone. The group heroicly stood in his way long enough for me to talk to the embassy rep. in Bangkok. I told him as quickly as possible what happened (impossible to summarize properly in the circumstance, or now for that matter).

I was told that nobody could come to help the situation, the best the embassy could do was make a phone call.

I hung up.

I’ve been in hiding on the island since then, scared for my welfare, and especially distraught that I haven’t seen or heard from the victims of the attack.

I’m doing everything I can to disguise myself and get off the island. I’m writing this rapidly from a secluded internet cafe.

There’s a good chance I will run into trouble while trying to get off on the ferry tomorrow morning. My plan is to leave in about 6 hours from now on the morning ferry. The police and authorities here seem to have no limits to their brutality and corruption anything seems possible. I am praying I get safely from Phi Phi to Phuket without conflict.

At this point I am extremely concerned for the safety of the victims. I decided to stay on the island today in order to find them. I’ve looked around, asked people, and observed, and seen nothing. It’s like they’ve disappeared. I truly hope they’re just hiding out somewhere on the island and that their injuries were superficial. Either way, it’s prudent to consider them MISSING until they contact the US Emassy and/or myself (since I have business cards for my website www.millerwilliamsaction.com, they all have my contact information and I believe they will write to me as soon as they’re able, but like I said I haven’t heard anything).

Please do everything in your power to put pressure on news organizations (International, Thai, US, etc.), the US/Thai embasses both in the States and in Thailand, and anyone else capable of helping, to MAKE THE STORY PUBLIC. There are over twenty witnesses not including myself or the victims that saw what happened, and I know they’ll come forward when they feel safe. My first concern is the whereabouts of the victims, my second is the prosecution of the brutal and corrupt police force on Phi Phi. The more people that call around and make this story known the better the outcome is likely to be for myself and for the victims. Please call the US/Thai Emassies and express your concern.

From the US Embassy Websites numbers to call:

66 2 20504049

Call Center Service: 001-800-13-202-2457

Tel: +66-2-205-4049

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +66-53-107-777

Fax: +66-53-252-633

E-mail: [email protected]

Thai Embassy in US

Call +813-3222-4101 to 200, 275.

Line. +81 3-3222-4121.

Fax +81 3-3222-4122.

Also consider contacting Bangkok Post, NY Times, Associated Press, etc.

I will post updates to www.millerwilliamsaction.com AS SOON AS I’M SAFELY BACK TO PHUKET. Otherwise I will rely on emailing my closest friends/family to spread news.

Sincerely and Gravely and with Love to All my Friends/Family,

Miller Williams



If you are one of the victims, PLEASE CONTACT ME ASAP. Until I’ve accounted for everyone I will not let up the search. Just tell me you’re safe and what happened after the police separated us. If you need help I can still direct people to come find you. Like I told you that night, don’t worry about persecuting the Phi Phi police until you are safe.

If you are a blogger, journalist, or in any position to have this news spread internationally or especially in the area of Phuket/Thailand, please do everything in your power to spread this urgent news. You can contact me through this website and I will respond promptly if you are a member of the press.

continued here : http://millerwilliamsaction.com/blog/2011/03/24/phi-phi-police-brutality-and-corruption-thailand-police-emergency/

Edited by saintofsilence
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Sounds like the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic to me, maybe taken a kick or two to the head too many, or 'under the influence'?

Fled Phi-phi in disguise, yeah the fake mustache did it, nobody recognized you.

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Mr Williams (21 years old) told the police he was a lawyer and US embassy representative.

On his website he is describing himself as a ''writer, fighter, true actor,''

:whistling: :whistling: :whistling:

Also on his website:

"My life philosophy in three lines: 1. Protect the people you love. 2. Stand out. 3. Embrace chaos."


Edited by Shot
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Well it does bear some investigation, although his blog screams out beware.

Anyone on Phi Phi care to comment?

Sometimes people make matters worse by getting excited. When dealing with the local authorities, I have found that low key, but firm is the best approach. Why do I have a feeling that this kid tried to talk down and intimidate the locals, no matter how "right" he may have been?

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Something is very, very strange about this story.

I do not believe that the police will let 5 tourists disappear like that.

There is always 2 sides to every story..and evidence can only be based on..FACTS....WHATEVER HAS HAPPENED..SOMEONE HAD TO START IT...We must remember this before anyone is blamed...the correct way of dealing with this is via ..THE TOURIST POLICE, They have experianced volunteers to assist in this problem...i suggest someone gets in touch with them immediatley..ASAP..

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I can see why some people have doubt about this story but he has put his credibility on the line he has accused police on phi phi which is risky business if you live close.

We wont know until another witness comes forward or some other type of evedince but it should by fully investigated by tourist police and media and we all know bad police and fake police are quite common in thailand.

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Maybe there was a fight which is very well possible as we all know.

Maybe the police broke it up. If you are luckily. :whistling:

Maybe the westerners involved walked away or went on with their own business, who knows.

But for the rest it is for me a big bulls**t story.

In all my time living on Phuket ( 22 years ) and reasonable well connected to the Thai government I don’t believe this story for one second.

I’m sorry that I sound cynical but there are always some westerners who see the devil himself in the Thai government etc etc. :guitar:

The Thai system or government people are not perfect ( by a long shot ) but to let people disappear. Come on please get a life.

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Dude be full of sh*t! One look at his website reveals he's a writer, fighter, true actor and gob <deleted>. Raised on the mean streets of Ohio by his single mom because his bad ass dad wasn't around. He overcame the odds and learned to take care of himself. Now currently in Thailand to train at a camp in the jungle, where "I will be putting my head in front of the fists, shins, elbows and knees of short deadly Thai men every day". Quote taken from one of the three pages of his blog entitled "Why I'm Flying to Thailand to Fight without health insurance" (sounds like a good move Miller). In his spare time he will be swimming with sharks and playing with anacondas from what I can gather. John Rambo eat your heart out. Cant wait for the full story to come out on this one.

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Dude be full of sh*t! One look at his website reveals he's a writer, fighter, true actor and gob <deleted>. Raised on the mean streets of Ohio by his single mom because his bad ass dad wasn't around. He overcame the odds and learned to take care of himself. Now currently in Thailand to train at a camp in the jungle, where "I will be putting my head in front of the fists, shins, elbows and knees of short deadly Thai men every day". Quote taken from one of the three pages of his blog entitled "Why I'm Flying to Thailand to Fight without health insurance" (sounds like a good move Miller). In his spare time he will be swimming with sharks and playing with anacondas from what I can gather. John Rambo eat your heart out. Cant wait for the full story to come out on this one.

Are you saying that because he is a writer and actor that he must be lying ? your being a bit hard on him I think.

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I've just spent an interesting hour reading this guy's blog/website. I think he is really out of his depth on this incident. It probably happened, but that's hardly news here is it? Those of us who live here are well aware of the underlying violence (Thai on Thai), and threat and use of physical violence of Thai on 'farang'.

You are not in Kansas now... get over it.

I applaud you for trying to help, but your background as a 21 year old wannabe fighter is unlikely to gain you much credibility with the authorities over here.

One suggestion that might assist your longterm health in Thailand. Drop the Muay Thai training for the moment and spend some months as a wannabe monk in Issan, and (importantly), learn some Thai language. That will do wonders for calming your aggression and instilling patience and peace of mind in yourself, as well as a better understanding of Thai people, culture and corruption.


PS - Tiger Muay gym is not in the middle of the jungle, but just up the road from the Rawaii girlie-bars and 7/11 minimart.

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PS - Tiger Muay gym is not in the middle of the jungle, but just up the road from the Rawaii girlie-bars and 7/11 minimart.

There is a new one in Rawai, Lion Muay Thai. Maybe you are confusing the 2.

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Actually, it's in Chalong, between the two Chao Fah roads.

I stand corrected :)

Is there a jungle?

Simon's point taken regardless of the location of one of the numerous Muay Thai camps that have opened up around here.

Frankly, I hate the element these camps bring in like the guy that killed the Marine last year, I've seen many of these kooks, pent up aggression they don't save for the ring once a few drinks are under their belts, wannabe tough guys.

Did a brawl happen, probably. Is this guy sensationalizing it to get hits on his blog? Definitely.

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Actually, it's in Chalong, between the two Chao Fah roads.

I stand corrected :)

Is there a jungle?

Yes..............of rubber trees, which actually proves the sensationalist journalism.

not exactly a jungle as much as a a field of trees........

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This is one of his quotes on his facebook page mar 18th

"I don't like begging for "likes" but I know from my site statistics that a ton of people are actually reading my writing for over 10 minutes, so if you're one of these "lurkers" I could really use the tangible support in terms of "likes" and comments."

What I don't understand is because he was there for quite a while and also with friends where is a photo ? surely this whole story is not made up if so he is making himself look awfully stupid,

At this stage he deseerves benefit of doubt but some evidence needs to come forward.

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This is one of his quotes on his facebook page mar 18th

"I don't like begging for "likes" but I know from my site statistics that a ton of people are actually reading my writing for over 10 minutes, so if you're one of these "lurkers" I could really use the tangible support in terms of "likes" and comments."

What I don't understand is because he was there for quite a while and also with friends where is a photo ? surely this whole story is not made up if so he is making himself look awfully stupid,

At this stage he deseerves benefit of doubt but some evidence needs to come forward.

There was a brawl, he witnessed a part of it, had no clue what exactly what was happening but though he did, and has been chasing his own tail ever since. And judging from his blog and writings he'll keep on doing that for quite some time more.

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Another quote from his blog today

'My concern since the beginning (and until the end) has been and will be the safety of the missing people I helped that night. It’s been five days without word. The story is spreading around, and each of the victims told me that they wanted to pursue legal action. I told them to wait until they were safe. Once legal action is pursued (if they still feel the same), or once they contact one of the many news organizations reporting on the story, all the silly allegations people are making about me and my story will be put to rest.


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I've just been reading some of this young man's blog, I actually ended up feeling a bit sorry for him.

The impression I got from his writing was that he has a very inflated opinion of himself as some sort of guru/leader (or that's what he wants people to think), his accounts of training in "one of the most vicious" Muay Thai training camps" and trying to make out that it was "in the jungle" (5 minutes from a 7/11) just proves to me that he's desperate for attention and will go to any lengths to achieve that aim. Maybe that's what his near-hysterical call to the 'vanished' brawl victims was about.

Read his blog, it's all ME ME ME - aren't I wonderful?

Give him 10 years of (hopefully) growing into maturity and he'll be totally embarrassed by his own writings - or he should be!

He's just a young man with an out of control ego. I agree with the earlier suggestion that he should spend his 3 months here in a Buddhist Monastery, it would do him a world of good. :wai:

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A fight between some farang and some Thais that have a boss with police connections isn't really far-fetched.

This guy witnessed the police beat-up a group of farang that were no doubt fighting before they arrived.

What this young man is saying, is that the police laid into the farang group with batons and punches.

Really............is that too hard to believe.

His ego and persona are not a relevant subject...................unless he is an out and out liar, which, in this case, I don't believe.

Edited by KarenBravo
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