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Obama: U.S. mission in Libya is succeeding, saved 'countless' lives


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Obama: U.S. mission in Libya is succeeding, saved 'countless' lives

2011-03-26 17:55:07 GMT+7 (ICT)

(Editor's note: The full address of President Obama can be viewed at http://1.usa.gov/dGtbVs)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- President Barack Obama on Saturday said the U.S. mission in Libya is succeeding and already saved 'countless' of lives, but said the country cannot intervene every time there is a crisis somewhere in the world.

Obama made the remarks in his weekly radio and internet address, making it the first time he formally addressed the American people on the situation in Libya. "When I ordered our armed forces to help protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Muammar Gaddafi, I pledged to keep the American people fully informed," he said.

The speech comes a day after Obama briefed a group of Members of Congress on the situation in Libya. Some Members of Congress have repeatedly called on the President to give a formal televised address, lay out his goals in Libya, and and to declare war with the African nation, although that is not expected to happen. On Monday evening, however, Obama will speak about Libya in a televised address.

In Saturday's speech, Obama said its military mission in Libya is 'clear and focused', despite some criticism. "We're succeeding in our mission," he said. "We've taken out Libya's air defenses. Gaddafi's forces are no longer advancing across Libya."

The U.S. military action against Libyan forces is authorized under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 which calls for the establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya and to take "all necessary measures" to protect Libyan civilians from government-led attacks.

The President said that, as Commander in Chief, there is "no greater decision" than sending American service members into harm's way. "The United States should not - and cannot - intervene every time there's a crisis somewhere in the world," Obama said.

"I firmly believe that when innocent people are being brutalized, when someone like Gaddafi threatens a bloodbath that could destabilize an entire region, and when the international community is prepared to come together to save many thousands of lives - then it's in our national interest to act. And it's our responsibility. This is one of those times," Obama said.

Obama further said scores of civilian lives have already been saved because of the military intervention in Libya. "Because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians - innocent men, women and children - have been saved," he emphasized.

"Every American can be proud of the lives we've saved in Libya and of the service of our men and women in uniform who once again have stood up for our interests and our ideals," Obama added. "And people in Libya and around the world are seeing that the United States of America stands with those who hope for a future where they can determine their own destiny."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-26

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Obama further said scores of civilian lives have already been saved because of the military intervention in Libya. "Because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians - innocent men, women and children - have been saved,"

Can pack up & go home then, sure they'll all get along just fine now, probably be handing out flowers and such.

the west is governed by insane children

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OK, while I have felt supportive of the world including the US helping the people of Libya liberate themselves, for Americans, this kind of puts thing in (depressing) perspective --


So here we are pouring shiploads of cash into yet another war, this time in Libya, while simultaneously demolishing school budgets, closing libraries, laying off teachers and police officers, and generally letting the bottom fall out of the quality of life here at home.


The U.S. has not just misplaced its priorities. When the most powerful country ever to inhabit the earth finds it so easy to plunge into the horror of warfare but almost impossible to find adequate work for its people or to properly educate its young, it has lost its way entirely.


There is plenty of economic activity in the U.S., and plenty of wealth. But like greedy children, the folks at the top are seizing virtually all the marbles. Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. have reached stages that would make the third world blush.

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Obama made the remarks in his weekly radio and internet address, making it the first time he formally addressed the American people on the situation in Libya. "When I ordered our armed forces to help protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Muammar Gaddafi, I pledged to keep the American people fully informed," he said.

This is the problem..... Guy has it a$$ backwards

He is under the impression it is ok to do what he & other bobble heads want & later *inform* the country for whom he supposedly works.

He feels it is ok to ignore the War Powers Act

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. ) was a United States Congress joint resolution providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat. ...

And as others have said....Meanwhile Rome Burns

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OK, so now that the Benghazi rebels have begun to "retake" cities from government troops, we should find evidence of "genocide", because that is what Obama was saving the rest of Libya from, right? There should be thousands and thousands--if not tens of thousands of bodies--right? Because, the US intervened to halt the genocide. Just like it did in Kosovo, where John McCain promised to find mass graves of a couple of hundred thousand people, which, for some reason, never showed up at all. Ah, but never mind. In a couple of weeks, Americans will be belching beer, stuffing their obese guts with nachos, and concentrating on what really matters, the NBA, MLB, some golfer, whoever is about to get kicked off some reality island, or who can put some lamebrained dance skit together. Meanwhile, Libya, a country with one of the highest standards of living in North Africa a few weeks ago, can watch its hospitals, schools, roads, and everything else be blown to smithereens, while the French and British tote away all the oil.

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Only saving the lives of those which YOU choose to protect. What is happening now in Libya Mr Obama??? Still more killing being done. However this time it is being done by, guess what, the side that YOU choose. You and your foriegn policy is so bias it is beyond belief. Maybe you should just stay right out of other countries affairs for once. And actually earn that Noble Peace Prize that they sooo mistakenly awarded you. :annoyed:

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wow. The President can't win can he? When he was reluctant to participate, he was condemned for his inaction as people were dying. Now that the USA has provided some support, the President is condemned for supporting a UN sanctioned activity. The fact of the matter is that the French along with the UK have taken the lead on this. Spain and Canada have provided close support. The concern for France and Spain is an influx of tens of thousands of refugees that could overwhelm their refugee service abilities and cause civil unrest. The only children are the opposing groups on the presence of US forces in the conflict. The USA never wanted to participate but was basically dragged into this mess at the insistence of its western EU allies and arab countries with a vested interest in regional stability.

What do you people want from the USA? Make up your <deleted> minds. I have always opposed the US involvement, but at this point it has no choice but to participate.

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wow. The President can't win can he? When he was reluctant to participate, he was condemned for his inaction as people were dying. Now that the USA has provided some support, the President is condemned for supporting a UN sanctioned activity. The fact of the matter is that the French along with the UK have taken the lead on this. Spain and Canada have provided close support. The concern for France and Spain is an influx of tens of thousands of refugees that could overwhelm their refugee service abilities and cause civil unrest. The only children are the opposing groups on the presence of US forces in the conflict. The USA never wanted to participate but was basically dragged into this mess at the insistence of its western EU allies and arab countries with a vested interest in regional stability.

What do you people want from the USA? Make up your <deleted> minds. I have always opposed the US involvement, but at this point it has no choice but to participate.

" Hillary Clinton said this morning that regime change—Gaddafi's departure from power—was also a key U.S. demand, but Obama did not include regime change in his list of “non-negotiable” terms." :whistling:

Read more: http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2011/03/18/why-are-we-going-to-war-with-libya/#ixzz1HoDQJkkl

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Opponents of Obama will hate anything he does. Like he has said if he says the sky is blue, they will say no, it isn't. They have been proven to change their own position on a dime if Obama makes a decision they would have liked, then they don't like it because it is from Obama. Yes some of those reactionary people are racists, a huge portion of Americans still have doubts that Obama is American, that is basically insanity.

I always detested Bush but on the few occasions that he did something I approved of, I had no problem being honest and giving him credit. Too bad so many Obama bashers act like spoiled children.

Edited by Jingthing
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OK, while I have felt supportive of the world including the US helping the people of Libya liberate themselves, for Americans, this kind of puts thing in (depressing) perspective --


So here we are pouring shiploads of cash into yet another war, this time in Libya, while simultaneously demolishing school budgets, closing libraries, laying off teachers and police officers, and generally letting the bottom fall out of the quality of life here at home.


The U.S. has not just misplaced its priorities. When the most powerful country ever to inhabit the earth finds it so easy to plunge into the horror of warfare but almost impossible to find adequate work for its people or to properly educate its young, it has lost its way entirely.


There is plenty of economic activity in the U.S., and plenty of wealth. But like greedy children, the folks at the top are seizing virtually all the marbles. Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. have reached stages that would make the third world blush.

Yes and what about Syria now? Do the people there being slaughtered deserve any of the U.S. support? Or is that just too big a fish to fry??

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Opponents of Obama will hate anything he does. Like he has said if he says the sky is blue, they will say no, it isn't. They have been proven to change their own position on a dime if Obama makes a decision they would have liked, then they don't like it because it is from Obama. Yes some of those reactionary people are racists, a huge portion of Americans still have doubts that Obama is American, that is basically insanity.

I always detested Bush but on the few occasions that he did something I approved of, I had no problem being honest and giving him credit. Too bad so many Obama bashers act like spoiled children.

but in this day and age of austerity why would anyone want to fight more than 42 cases in Federal Courts spending a reported $800,000 just to stop people seeing your birth certificate ? :ermm:

Edited by midas
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Opponents of Obama will hate anything he does. Like he has said if he says the sky is blue, they will say no, it isn't. They have been proven to change their own position on a dime if Obama makes a decision they would have liked, then they don't like it because it is from Obama. Yes some of those reactionary people are racists, a huge portion of Americans still have doubts that Obama is American, that is basically insanity.

I always detested Bush but on the few occasions that he did something I approved of, I had no problem being honest and giving him credit. Too bad so many Obama bashers act like spoiled children.

Especially when it wreaks of hypocrisy and contradiction. I'm still just peeved at how he got into office on his criticisms of same responses by past presidents saying how "change" was the new order.. Was he that naive or just blatantly lying to get elected? Rhetorical question and neither is acceptable anyway.

I have given him credit for his actions but now there are others just as deserving it seems, but what to do?

Edited by WarpSpeed
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wow. The President can't win can he? When he was reluctant to participate, he was condemned for his inaction as people were dying. Now that the USA has provided some support, the President is condemned for supporting a UN sanctioned activity. ...

You fail to realize that these points were raised by different people and that this criticism comes from different sides.

The WOW surprise is that there is a faction who argue that the POTUS never can do anything wrong. Previously they have praised Obama for doing nothing and now they applaud him for doing it.

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Opponents of Obama will hate anything he does. Like he has said if he says the sky is blue, they will say no, it isn't. They have been proven to change their own position on a dime if Obama makes a decision they would have liked, then they don't like it because it is from Obama. Yes some of those reactionary people are racists, a huge portion of Americans still have doubts that Obama is American, that is basically insanity.

I always detested Bush but on the few occasions that he did something I approved of, I had no problem being honest and giving him credit. Too bad so many Obama bashers act like spoiled children.

Especially when it wreaks of hypocrisy and contradiction. I'm still just peeved at how he got into office on his criticisms of same responses by past presidents saying how "change" was the new order.. Was he that naive or just blatantly lying to get elected?

I have given him credit for his actions but now there are others just as deserving it seems, but what to do?

There has never been a liberal President .In fact most presidents would of got into Hitlers inner circle. The difference between the US parties is 1 policy Health care. One party wants the poor to die on the streets & the other wants them to die in hospital out of sight.

There is no difference in their murderous christian campaigns or that they are puppets of the Banks & the Multinationals.

So why are you surprised at what is happening ?

Have you seen this poor rebel army ? They have better weapons than the British army. What is going to happen when or if these rebels reach the parts where Gaddaffi is popular ? is the UN going to protect the citizens of them Cities ?

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In fact most presidents would of got into Hitlers inner circle. The difference between the US parties is 1 policy Health care. One party wants the poor to die on the streets & the other wants them to die in hospital out of sight.

There is no difference in their murderous christian campaigns or that they are puppets of the Banks & the Multinationals.

Thanks for sharing. :wacko:

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Opponents of Obama will hate anything he does. Like he has said if he says the sky is blue, they will say no, it isn't. They have been proven to change their own position on a dime if Obama makes a decision they would have liked, then they don't like it because it is from Obama. Yes some of those reactionary people are racists, a huge portion of Americans still have doubts that Obama is American, that is basically insanity.

I always detested Bush but on the few occasions that he did something I approved of, I had no problem being honest and giving him credit. Too bad so many Obama bashers act like spoiled children.

Especially when it wreaks of hypocrisy and contradiction. I'm still just peeved at how he got into office on his criticisms of same responses by past presidents saying how "change" was the new order.. Was he that naive or just blatantly lying to get elected?

I have given him credit for his actions but now there are others just as deserving it seems, but what to do?

So why are you surprised at what is happening ?

Didn't display any surprise, only dismay..

The rest of your post is not worth a response...

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Opponents of Obama will hate anything he does. Like he has said if he says the sky is blue, they will say no, it isn't. They have been proven to change their own position on a dime if Obama makes a decision they would have liked, then they don't like it because it is from Obama. Yes some of those reactionary people are racists, a huge portion of Americans still have doubts that Obama is American, that is basically insanity.

I always detested Bush but on the few occasions that he did something I approved of, I had no problem being honest and giving him credit. Too bad so many Obama bashers act like spoiled children.

Especially when it wreaks of hypocrisy and contradiction. I'm still just peeved at how he got into office on his criticisms of same responses by past presidents saying how "change" was the new order.. Was he that naive or just blatantly lying to get elected?

I have given him credit for his actions but now there are others just as deserving it seems, but what to do?

So why are you surprised at what is happening ?

Didn't display any surprise, only dismay..

The rest of your post is not worth a response...

Because you know it to be correct . You could always call a friend LOL

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Only saving the lives of those which YOU choose to protect. What is happening now in Libya Mr Obama??? Still more killing being done. However this time it is being done by, guess what, the side that YOU choose. You and your foriegn policy is so bias it is beyond belief. Maybe you should just stay right out of other countries affairs for once. And actually earn that Noble Peace Prize that they sooo mistakenly awarded you. :annoyed:

You didn't really consider any such military movement in Libya by "coalition" forces to improve the situation, did you?

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Can you say "double standard"? If President Bush had attacked Libya you libs would be pitching a hissy fit. Because it's Obama you & MSNBC are all in favor. Ditto all the obamamaniamedia.

I wouldn't. Bush lied that Iraq was about 9-11 and most of the American people bought that bull. Nothing like that going on here.

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Especially when it wreaks of hypocrisy and contradiction. I'm still just peeved at how he got into office on his criticisms of same responses by past presidents saying how "change" was the new order.. Was he that naive or just blatantly lying to get elected?

I have given him credit for his actions but now there are others just as deserving it seems, but what to do?

So why are you surprised at what is happening ?

Didn't display any surprise, only dismay..

The rest of your post is not worth a response...

Because you know it to be correct . You could always call a friend LOL

Know what to be correct :blink: ? My post? Of course I know my post is correct that's why I posted it :ermm: ...

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but in this day and age of austerity why would anyone want to fight more than 42 cases in Federal Courts spending a reported $800,000 just to stop people seeing your birth certificate ? :ermm:

Somehow I ain't surprised that you're a birther.

I wonder if you got your info from this guy's website (in case people don't buy the racism/birther linkage)?


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Can you say "double standard"? If President Bush had attacked Libya you libs would be pitching a hissy fit. Because it's Obama you & MSNBC are all in favor. Ditto all the obamamaniamedia.

I wouldn't. Bush lied that Iraq was about 9-11 and most of the American people bought that bull. Nothing like that going on here.

I agree. Bush had support not only from Dem's but a broad international coalition going into Afghanistan. I remember about a year ago when sir Paul Mcartney joked about Bush's ability-or lack thereof of literacy. This provoked a quick response from Carl Rove on fox news. "I bet him(while in office) that he couldn't read more than 100 books in a year. He won" By my math thats about 2 books a week. No time left to read the 2000 page Patriot act. The same group of birthers and bashers at their best.ph34r.gif

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Can you say "double standard"? If President Bush had attacked Libya you libs would be pitching a hissy fit. Because it's Obama you & MSNBC are all in favor. Ditto all the obamamaniamedia.

No double standard, that is the "change" Obama spoke of.

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Only saving the lives of those which YOU choose to protect. What is happening now in Libya Mr Obama??? Still more killing being done. However this time it is being done by, guess what, the side that YOU choose. You and your foriegn policy is so bias it is beyond belief. Maybe you should just stay right out of other countries affairs for once. And actually earn that Noble Peace Prize that they sooo mistakenly awarded you. :annoyed:

You didn't really consider any such military movement in Libya by "coalition" forces to improve the situation, did you?

People are still fighting and dying in Libya whilst we sleep peacefully. The difference is that the rebels are doing most of the killing now instead of Government forces.

What do you think will happen if the rebels do topple the Gaddafi regime? Do you think they are going to open up their arms and borders and welcome the West as thier saviours, pat them on the back and love them forever. Please!!! They will turn thier backs on the West in the blink of an eye. Then in 5, 10, or 15 years time the west will be over Libya again ,blowing the <deleted> out of it for some other godforsaken reason. If one thinks otherwise then one neeeds to stick thier head out of the bubble world that they are in for a quick looksie.

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Only saving the lives of those which YOU choose to protect. What is happening now in Libya Mr Obama??? Still more killing being done. However this time it is being done by, guess what, the side that YOU choose. You and your foriegn policy is so bias it is beyond belief. Maybe you should just stay right out of other countries affairs for once. And actually earn that Noble Peace Prize that they sooo mistakenly awarded you. :annoyed:

You didn't really consider any such military movement in Libya by "coalition" forces to improve the situation, did you?

People are still fighting and dying in Libya whilst we sleep peacefully. The difference is that the rebels are doing most of the killing now instead of Government forces.

What do you think will happen if the rebels do topple the Gaddafi regime? Do you think they are going to open up their arms and borders and welcome the West as thier saviours, pat them on the back and love them forever. Please!!! They will turn thier backs on the West in the blink of an eye. Then in 5, 10, or 15 years time the west will be over Libya again ,blowing the <deleted> out of it for some other godforsaken reason. If one thinks otherwise then one neeeds to stick thier head out of the bubble world that they are in for a quick looksie.

Plenty of killing going on...but the government militia is still doing a lot. Watch the BBC and see what is being reported. It's horrible. Poor, innocent people getting murdered. Whatever NATO does will be a lose lose scenario....

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