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Major Push To Prevent HIV Infections In Thailand's Gay Community


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Major push to prevent gay HIV infections

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation


Over a million condoms and lubricants will be distributed at fitness centres, saunas and sex and entertainment venues in 48 provinces across the country to promote safe sex and prevent HIV infections in the gay community.

The move came after a new report showed infections among men who have sex with men were rising at an alarming rate.

The Department of Disease Control's Aids, Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Disease Bureau will install condom machines in 188 sex and entertainment venues including saunas, fitness centres and discotheques in tourism areas and gay communities.

"We expect the HIV infection rate among gay men to fall after the condoms become more available and easy to access," Public Health Ministry permanent secretary Dr Paijit Warachit said at a press conference to launch the project.

The ministry is planning to install the machines across the country by 2012.

According to a Public Health Ministry report, about one-third of 10,853 new HIV infec?tion cases were men who have sex with men. The ministry expects the infection rate among gay men to increase to 50 per cent of new cases in the next 14 years.

The ministry last year pro?vided 500,000 condoms and 270,000 lubricants to people visiting 38 healthcare centres in Thailand and found that 50 per cent of those who asked for the safe-sex products were aged 16 to 25.

About 13,000 of them were gay men and 10,000 transsexual.

Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand president Kittinun Daramadhaj said gay men, especially in upcountry provinces, were having sex in beauty salons.

"Most beauty salon owners in upcountry provinces are lady boys. They open their salons' second floors for their gay customers to have sex with casual partners, charging them only Bt30," he said.

He added that most gay men are now more likely to use condoms when they have sex with their partners but some do not know how to use condoms correctly.

Some of them use the wrong sizes, which could cause infections during sex. Others do not know the correct way to with?draw a condom after they finish anal intercourse.

"Even though condoms have now become available in many places, education to teach gay men how to use them correctly is still an important thing," he said.

To help the public access condoms to prevent HIV infection, Kittinun said the price of condoms should not be more than one baht.

He said a lot of young men had complained to him that condoms were too expensive, so they had sex with their partners without them.

"This is the real situation happening today," he said.

The Department of Disease Control's deputy director-general, Dr Somsak Akarasilp, said the department would next year ask the government for Bt100 million to support HIV/Aids prevention, especially to buy condoms to distribute to the public.

Dr Phusit Prakongsai of the Public Health Ministry's International Health Policy Program (IHPP), said the government spent only 1.9 per cent of the health budget or about Bt7 million on Aids in 2009. Just over 76 per cent was for care and treatment and 13.7 per cent was for prevention.

"HIV/Aids is a major health problem for the country but the government is just investing a small amount to prevent this disease," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-03-31

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I know for a fact heterosexuals can get HIV but it still seems to largely effect gays more than any others. I'm not saying this is any reason to take risks but I wonder what percentage of new cases worldwide are non homosexual and not IV drug based.

Edited by wasabi
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I know for a fact heterosexuals can get HIV but it still seems to largely effect gays more than any others. I'm not saying this is any reason to take risks but I wonder what percentage of new cases worldwide are non homosexual and not IV drug based.

The equation is simple: more partners = more risk

The "gay community" (whatever that means) tend to be more fancy-free about relationships and many of them change partners on a regular basis, greatly increasing the risk of spreading the virus.

This is similar for injected drug users: they share needles and that's how they contaminate each others.

However, heterosexuals are far from being safe. Actually, there are worldwide more heterosexuals infected than homosexuals. Notably in Africa and India. I

It is NOT a "gay disease".

I don't have numbers handy but just look at yesterday's article published here:


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I know for a fact heterosexuals can get HIV but it still seems to largely effect gays more than any others. I'm not saying this is any reason to take risks but I wonder what percentage of new cases worldwide are non homosexual and not IV drug based.

I found here a few stats for the UK:


Cumulative UK HIV diagnoses by transmission route, all years until the end of June 2010



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Most of us now understand how the Aids virus is spread, through anal sex and intravenous drug use... its a blood virus that can only live in blood... also in fresh sperm which has just been manufactured from blood. So , very difficult but not impossible for a woman to pass to a man... remember gums can bleed ,open wounds can be almost invisible to the eye.. I`m sure kissing has spread more Aids between females and hetrosexual men than actual intercourse.. cold sores will let in the virus.. Anal sex however is the major source of the spread of this virus because of the rupture of thousands of tiny blood vessels in the anal passage allowing this virus to enter , very quickly, into the blood. A suppository is a drug delivery system that is inserted into the rectum..... the reason soppository drugs work so quickly is because the quickest way to get something into your blood system is to push it up your a**...... Intravenous excluded... Thats my ten cents worth...!!!!!

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Most of us now understand how the Aids virus is spread, through anal sex and intravenous drug use... its a blood virus that can only live in blood... also in fresh sperm which has just been manufactured from blood. So , very difficult but not impossible for a woman to pass to a man... remember gums can bleed ,open wounds can be almost invisible to the eye.. I`m sure kissing has spread more Aids between females and hetrosexual men than actual intercourse.. cold sores will let in the virus.. Anal sex however is the major source of the spread of this virus because of the rupture of thousands of tiny blood vessels in the anal passage allowing this virus to enter , very quickly, into the blood. A suppository is a drug delivery system that is inserted into the rectum..... the reason soppository drugs work so quickly is because the quickest way to get something into your blood system is to push it up your a**...... Intravenous excluded... Thats my ten cents worth...!!!!!

The totally false myths that are still around decades after HIV started are truly amazing.

Without condoms, heterosexual transmission continues to soar. Consider this. In some African nations, 1 in 3 adults are infected with HIV. The majority of sexual contact is unprotected, making transmission more likely and more widespread.


Worldwide, the majority of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections result from heterosexual transmission
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[...] Thats my ten cents worth...!!!!!

Yeah, well, it's definitely not worth more than 10 cents.

As others demonstrated before in this thread, your assertions and reasoning are incorrect, and the fact that many share this idea accounts for a lot of the infections these days.

Please, stop spreading such nonsense.

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Most of us now understand how the Aids virus is spread, through anal sex and intravenous drug use... its a blood virus that can only live in blood... also in fresh sperm which has just been manufactured from blood. So , very difficult but not impossible for a woman to pass to a man... remember gums can bleed ,open wounds can be almost invisible to the eye.. I`m sure kissing has spread more Aids between females and hetrosexual men than actual intercourse.. cold sores will let in the virus.. Anal sex however is the major source of the spread of this virus because of the rupture of thousands of tiny blood vessels in the anal passage allowing this virus to enter , very quickly, into the blood. A suppository is a drug delivery system that is inserted into the rectum..... the reason soppository drugs work so quickly is because the quickest way to get something into your blood system is to push it up your a**...... Intravenous excluded... Thats my ten cents worth...!!!!!

So here we go again-gays and druggies.. you people make me laugh.

'' Anal sex however is the major source of the spread of this virus because of the rupture of thousands of tiny blood vessels in the anal passage allowing this virus to enter. ''

What about the percentage of men who have anal sex with a FEMALE...do not have stats on that do we NO why because people will not admit to doing it, because others think they are perverted in some way--Ha 5555..... this is a very High risk area you gay and druggie bashers are forgetting. Nisa why didn't you mention this very high risk element---IT'S UNIVERSAL-it's enjoyed-no babies conceived.....don't come back and post its not done. because have you ever had a conversation with anyone who admits to this act ??? NO YOU HAVENT

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Most of us now understand how the Aids virus is spread, through anal sex and intravenous drug use... its a blood virus that can only live in blood... also in fresh sperm which has just been manufactured from blood. So , very difficult but not impossible for a woman to pass to a man... remember gums can bleed ,open wounds can be almost invisible to the eye.. I`m sure kissing has spread more Aids between females and hetrosexual men than actual intercourse.. cold sores will let in the virus.. Anal sex however is the major source of the spread of this virus because of the rupture of thousands of tiny blood vessels in the anal passage allowing this virus to enter , very quickly, into the blood. A suppository is a drug delivery system that is inserted into the rectum..... the reason soppository drugs work so quickly is because the quickest way to get something into your blood system is to push it up your a**...... Intravenous excluded... Thats my ten cents worth...!!!!!

Perhaps the Thai government should be educated foriegners too!!!

Fresh or old sperm-it makes no difference; virginal fluids, sperm or blood--it makes no difference; cuts on penis. Very easy for a woman to pass on to a man and this accounts for majority of the cases in Africa as viginal fluids get's into cracks in the skin at the back of the foreskin. However, it's believed that HIV dies if there's enough Oxygen which is why scientists believe that kissing is not dangerous at all or sharing tooth brushes, etc. Saliva can also help stop the virus getting into wounds. Cold soars on the mouth may spread in theory but again doctors tend to put this at a minimum level due to both oxygen and saliva being present.. Oral sex is also arguably safe for the same reasons and one HIV specialist questioned a few years ago if there's been a single case from oral sex anywhere in the world?

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[...] Thats my ten cents worth...!!!!!

Yeah, well, it's definitely not worth more than 10 cents.

As others demonstrated before in this thread, your assertions and reasoning are incorrect, and the fact that many share this idea accounts for a lot of the infections these days.

Please, stop spreading such nonsense.

I totally agree with you. I just can not understand, where some people get there information from. Always use a condom. Far better to be safe than sorry.


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About a month ago, I had a friend who was diagnosed with AIDS. He has been sick with various illnesses for the past year, including significant weight loss. When he first starting experiencing health problems, I told him he should get tested. His doctor(s) over the past year, told him he didn't need to be tested.

He was recently hospitalized and has deteriorated very rapidly.

It might be wise for doctors to actively encourage testing. This is not the first person who I have known in a similar position without being tested.

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About a month ago, I had a friend who was diagnosed with AIDS. He has been sick with various illnesses for the past year, including significant weight loss. When he first starting experiencing health problems, I told him he should get tested. His doctor(s) over the past year, told him he didn't need to be tested.

He was recently hospitalized and has deteriorated very rapidly.

It might be wise for doctors to actively encourage testing. This is not the first person who I have known in a similar position without being tested.

I am saddened to read this. Bear in mind that one of the obstacles to deal with here, is that people are shy. Despite all the openness we assume is out there, Thais don't like to discuss sexuality with their physicians and many more are hesitant to say they are gay. it is as if they don't want to be disproved of. I don't know, but Thais seem similar to alot of other cultures in that regard. My point here is that if a patient says I am chaste and not having sex, or doesn't discuss his/her sexuality the physician will never know.

My very dear GP was incredibly open and understanding. It took me several years to work up the courage to mention some sexual health concerns with him. Now imagine what happens in Thailand where visiting a doctor is like a sausage factory process and where many of the physicians are judgemental and robotlike.

Yes, encourage testing but make t anonymous and in a setting that is warm and friendly. Bring it to rural areas. Bring it to older people as well who are terrified of confronting th subject.

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I know for a fact heterosexuals can get HIV but it still seems to largely effect gays more than any others. I'm not saying this is any reason to take risks but I wonder what percentage of new cases worldwide are non homosexual and not IV drug based.

However, heterosexuals are far from being safe. Actually, there are worldwide more heterosexuals infected than homosexuals. Notably in Africa and India. I

It is NOT a "gay disease".

I would think that worldwide there is a larger hetrosexual population than homosexual population so you would need to look at it in a per captia perspective. I don't know these numbers myself but I would think that the homosexual group would have a higher occurance rate p/c than the hetrosexual group.

It is very well documented that the original breakout and subsequent spread of the virus was as a result of homosexual activity, hence the original name was GRID and then past onto the greater population. That in itself may suggest that it is indeed alot easier to contract by unptotected anal sex then viginal sex.

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That's certainly true that gay men in general are at higher risk than heterosexual men or women. However, estimates of the gay population globally are as low as 2 percent, so that really shouldn't give massive comfort to non-gay people. They are also at risk, based on the specifics of their sexual behavior (or needle sharing, needle accidents, etc.). As far as the origin of HIV into humans, I haven't kept up but the latest I remember was monkeys in Africa, something about locals there eating/butchering raw monkey meat.

I am pretty sure that globally there are more non-MSM (men having sex with men) HIV cases than MSMs but that varies by country.

Agreed, risk groups are a different thing than gross numbers of cases. Do the math.

I think some people here and in the world still want to "blame" gays for Aids. Well, that's just wrong, but if you insist, please protect yourselves anyway because I wouldn't wish Aids on my worst enemy.

Edited by Jingthing
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I know for a fact heterosexuals can get HIV but it still seems to largely effect gays more than any others. I'm not saying this is any reason to take risks but I wonder what percentage of new cases worldwide are non homosexual and not IV drug based.

However, heterosexuals are far from being safe. Actually, there are worldwide more heterosexuals infected than homosexuals. Notably in Africa and India. I

It is NOT a "gay disease".

I would think that worldwide there is a larger hetrosexual population than homosexual population so you would need to look at it in a per captia perspective. I don't know these numbers myself but I would think that the homosexual group would have a higher occurance rate p/c than the hetrosexual group.

It is very well documented that the original breakout and subsequent spread of the virus was as a result of homosexual activity, hence the original name was GRID and then past onto the greater population. That in itself may suggest that it is indeed alot easier to contract by unptotected anal sex then viginal sex.

So my reply earlier that was hardly answered, was the vast amount of women who are into anal sex, Very high risk then, but as I say people are embarrassed to talk about that high risk problem !!

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I haven't kept up but the latest I remember was monkeys in Africa, something about locals there eating/butchering raw monkey meat.

According to the'Natural transfer' theory (also called 'Hunter Theory' or 'Bushmeat Theory'), the "simplest and most plausible explanation for the cross-species transmission"[7] of SIV or HIV (post mutation), the virus was transmitted from an ape or monkey to a human when a hunter or bushmeat vendor/handler was bitten or cut while hunting or butchering the animal. The resulting exposure to blood or other bodily fluids of the animal can result in SIV infection.[21] A recent serological survey showed that human infections by SIV are not rare in Central Africa: the percentage of people showing seroreactivity to antigens - evidence of current or past SIV infection - was 2.3% among the general population of Cameroon, 7.8% in villages where bushmeat is practiced, and 17.1% in the most exposed people of these villages.[22] How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate, although natural selection would favor any virions capable of adjusting so that they could live, infect and reproduce in the T cells of a human host

Just one, the most likely according to some, of 3 or 4 possible ways it was transferred. chimpanzees and gorillas to humans and sooty mangabeys to humans are a couple of other theorys.

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