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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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Just saw the spokesman on channel 3 announcing that the law will most likely pass. He actually said "this question unite all Thai people's minds. All think the same, both yellow and red."

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People (including these Asian governments) are combining Marriage with Marriage Visas as one topic. They are not the same thing and should be discussed and addressed separately.

Before they start pointing the finger, they should look at themselves, and make laws that apply to people, not "foreigners". Would they apply this law to themselves (no marriage over 50)? No of course not, it would be a ridiculous law.

If their issue is the age difference, make it an age difference law (still stupid). But again, it wouldn't pass if they applied it to the general population.....


Hey, I'm gay, who cares? :whistling:

Me too! :whistling:

hehehe they're out there! ph34r.gif

So what?

I am reporting this as someone has altered my post - I did NOT say 'I am gay' it's against forum rules to alter posts


Blatant racist discrimination. What next? They'll be telling foreigners they can't own land...

This is a "classic" racist post.......

why is it that expats are so quick to accuse others of what they think is "racism" when they can't even recognise their own racism

racists love to accuse others of racism - especially "races" as they feel it mitigates their own racism.

This propose legislation - is not racist - it is ageist and XenophobicIt is also completely irrational and unenforceableAnyone who think this is a "good idea" is a buffoon with know idea of basic governmental principles - but what d'you expect on TV?

<br />
<br />So if you only have 400,000 in the bank, you are a burden on Thailand <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> <br /><br />Looks like i am a BIG burden.<br />
<br /><br /><br />Amazing we foriegners are a burden with only 400,000 that's a joke. How many thai people do you know who make over 40,000 baht a month ( 40,000 x 12 = 480,000 - taxes of about 80,000) none the average salary here for a master's degreed professional if they are real fortunate is 20,000 most make about 12,000 to 18,000. So I guess all thai citizens are a burden on thier own country according to this article.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Just to inform you, the average income for the approx. 6 million people living in Bangkok, is approximately 400,000 THB per year. Among the people I know (including my wife, her family and all our friends) I don't know a single one who earns less than 75,000 THB per month. So not all Thais are a burden, just the same way that not all foreigners are a burden.

I think you may be quite deluded. 400 000 average? Cut the top 1 percent out and have a look again.


Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

I propose that any Foreigner over the age of 50 is allowed to marry a National up to 20 years age difference. Male and Female included!


Who are you to determin the "up to 20 years age difference"? The vote should be put to the women of Thailand, because they are the ones choosing the husbands. At 59, I was frequently telling the youngest women on Thai Love Links, that they should look for younger men, especially if they wanted to start a family. But when I still had that account, I was getting on average, five expressions of interest every day, from all ages, even though I had set the minimum at 30 year old.

I guess you are very young, and have not experienced much.


This is ridiculous... hmm, it's April Fools' Day too. This surely isn't a humourous prank by the Ministry of Interior is it? If so, my opinion of them has risen ten-fold!


Just saw the spokesman on channel 3 announcing that the law will most likely pass. He actually said "this question unite all Thai people's minds. All think the same, both yellow and red."

to suggest the "minds" are involved is stretching the matter a bit too far, don't you think?


Wow..280+ replies in a couple of hours...on APRIL FOOLS DAY..:D :D :D

many of us figured this out and posted this HOURS ago - the posts were deleted by Mods to keep up the fun and the lemmings on the hook jap.gif


Yes, basic human rights are violated here - another way of oppressing and exploiting women, or of forcing them to leave Thailand so there are no longer a 'burden' on the government, financially or morally.

No country that has signed the UN Charter of Human Rights could pass a law like this without violating the Charter:

Article 2.

  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 7.

  • All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 12.

  • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

and in particular ----

Article 16.

  • (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
  • (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
  • (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

So does that mean that a foreigner over 50 cannot marry any Thai national regardless of age?

e.g Foreigner 51 and Thai woman 45 cannot get married?

That would seem ridiculous!

Yes it is ridiculous and doesn't this law also go against basic human rights?


So if you only have 400,000 in the bank, you are a burden on Thailand :lol:

Looks like i am a BIG burden.

heheheheh, you think you are the only one...........?

O boy, there are too many of us in the same boat, and yes we are burden on the Government if have only 400.000 ...big laugh.have a Hineken........


Blatant racist discrimination. What next? They'll be telling foreigners they can't own land...

This is a "classic" racist post.......

why is it that expats are so quick to accuse others of what they think is "racism" when they can't even recognise their own racism

racists love to accuse others of racism - especially "races" as they feel it mitigates their own racism.

This propose legislation - is not racist - it is ageist and XenophobicIt is also completely irrational and unenforceableAnyone who think this is a "good idea" is a buffoon with know idea of basic governmental principles - but what d'you expect on TV?

That's the pot calling the kettle black!


Hi Readers,

This has been checked out and is against the International Court of Human rights ruling. "Members of all races, no matter what nationality shall have the right to be legally married and reside in a country of their choice providing the laws of Immigration rights allow"

What is this proposed Thai law trying to achieve? It is clearly rediculious and has no sound base. Luckily I've been married for many years to my Thai wife now 40 an I'm 62, but do not live in Thailand because of their stoneage thinking and regular introduction of measures to prevent foriegners from residing for any length of time in the country.

Much of which I understand, but it really does scew up the genuine couples, hence our children have British and Thia Citizenship and later in life can choose for themselves. We would like to live in Thailand, but as I said before it is far too restrictive if you want to stay with-in the ever changing laws and spend weeks at the end of each year trying to justify why you should be alloed to stay in Thailand with your family.

What is coming next?

A bunch of us laughing at your expense!

But don't you think that it is a mighty tribute to the endless sheer drivel which is spewed out daily by Thai government spokesmen and academics and reported so ineptly by the Nation, that expats, and even some Thais on TV are so ready to believe any amount of nonsense they read. The OP is entirely believable, and that is the sad thing about Thailand. It is simply not ridiculous enough to be funny, because we get serious items every day which are more ridiculous....


Has to be said, the moderators are doing a fantastic job on this thread.

The young girl I had in my shower this morning was giggling and clearly happy with being with a man 39 years her senior.

She's quite happy to be left to stay the night with friends of mine too. This is what healthy young girls want. Lots of play and fun. Sometimes I don't have the energy or just want to give her a change. Who's to say that only somoene of the same age can give them this? They don't care about the age.

Why do people see anything wrong with this?

Believe me mate - it's all about the money, when you saw her giggling she was thinking 4 men x 1000bt = 4000bt. Either that or she just had it away with your mate's wallet - GROW UP YOU SAD PERVERT


As usual politicians protecting their own interests. Methinks that the older foreigners have put a dent on the supply of mia nois and geeks for the politicians. Or the foreigners are driving up the price of mia nois and geeks.

Regardless, perfect excuse. - I would really like to marry you honey, but the government won't let me. So let's just live together so I have no financial responsibility for you later, ok? :whistling:


Can't believe so many have fallen for this. It must have touched a nerve!

(And while Lao/farang marriages in Laos are difficult to pull off, I don't think there's any age restrictions).


My prediction of 20 pages of posts before the 12 (noon) deadline is on target . . . keep it coming guys, this is great! lol


I am reporting this as someone has altered my post - I did NOT say 'I am gay' it's against forum rules to alter posts

Think yourself lucky, my post 6 pages ago alluding to 1st April got deleted...


quick, before they pass this law.

you can easily divorce anytime in the future.

on the second thought, over 50 you can get a retirement visa, no need to marry


It is just another way to keep the Thai people from inheriting any foreign money.

Meaning the Wealthy won't need to pay a 'living wage' to their servants...

The foreigners who live here bring in much more money than tourists, but that money goes to the rural areas and helps balance the economy.

With fewer poor people coming from the rural areas, labor costs have increased, so the Thai Government must find a way to keep the poor to provide the slave labor.

This also means that the supply of poor women will not disappear. So rich men may have many minor wives and the bars and whorehouses will have plenty of willing women...



I guess "ChiangMaiFun" you are more clever than me. I got caught real good by the news.

After talking to a few Thai friends and checking the newspaper,,,I realized I was.....a Fool on a Fool Day !:bah:


Has to be said, the moderators are doing a fantastic job on this thread.

The young girl I had in my shower this morning was giggling and clearly happy with being with a man 39 years her senior.

She's quite happy to be left to stay the night with friends of mine too. This is what healthy young girls want. Lots of play and fun. Sometimes I don't have the energy or just want to give her a change. Who's to say that only somoene of the same age can give them this? They don't care about the age.

Why do people see anything wrong with this?

Believe me mate - it's all about the money, when you saw her giggling she was thinking 4 men x 1000bt = 4000bt. Either that or she just had it away with your mate's wallet - GROW UP YOU SAD PERVERT

You just dont get it do you. Great reply. I just love it.

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