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Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In

Lite Beer

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''After the first three months, the headache will be gone.''

i hope so Thaksin, you are the headache this country has

i would like to see you come back to Thailand .....................in a box!

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

If he has demi-god status it was given to him by the Thai people and taken away by a Military coup and Amataya money. As a European who are you to criticise them.

I believe it was manufactured, at great effort, by his political machine, very cynically to control the masses.

I admire how well he has done this, but deplore it's results. He's become a man for all philosophies and a believer in none, a peddler of populism and socialism in one hand, and uber-capitalism in the other. Do as a say and not as I do. Ignore that man behind the curtain, but fear the great and powerful Oz. It would be great theater if it wasn't so sad as reality.

Answer the question and stop spouting meaningless cant.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

On the opposite, since I don't support a fascist or authoritarian system I believe is is the right of every human to protest against any government they feel is unfair, even if they are not allowed to vote for or against it.

What you are saying is that women or people of color had no right protesting politicians or the laws during the 19th century. How enlightened of you. With that attitude they would still not have any right to vote.

You're very confused as to the meaning of democratic. There's nobody saying that you can't protest against any government that you want and it's got nothing to do with race no matter what colour you personaly are, if that is why you raised the race issue. You're not allowed to vote in Thailand because you are a guest in the country and as such if the majority of the Thai electorate decide that they want a certain person or political party to govern them you should respect that or at least try to understand their wishes. Quote. "I disagree with what he says but I will defend with my life his right to say it."

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If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

And there are people that what to repeat it with Thaksin. :bah:


One of my daughters is working in an office in the Amata industrial estate near Chonburi and last week I boarded a bus at Mor Chit to visit her.

Whilst waiting to depart, a red shirt enthusiast boarded the bus, distributing leaflets and announcing in a loud voice. that he was here for 'true democracy'.

I asked him who the leader was of Pheua Thai and who would select him or her.

What policies they had to assist the nation.

He had no answer, no reply and quickly left the bus.

Just a headband with nothing inside.

If such an incident did take place (and I doubt that it did)would you and the other passengers have rathered that he held the bus up for an hour or so whilst he gave a speach?

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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

Please name a parliamentary democracy where the PM is not the leader of the party in government. Or, just to make it easier for you, name a party (in government or opposition) where the leader is not the PM candidate.

I am not say there aren't any, it's just that I have never known of one. I know it's never happened in Aus.


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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

Obama is a directly elected president. A president isn't elected as part of an election of MPs and can for all intent and purposes be an independent.

Talk about comparing Oranges and Birds.

Duh. I was referring (slightly off thread) about parliamentary democracies but going back on thread Obama is a Democrat but I doubt that he is the leader of the American Democrat party - maybe he is,

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

On the opposite, since I don't support a fascist or authoritarian system I believe is is the right of every human to protest against any government they feel is unfair, even if they are not allowed to vote for or against it.

What you are saying is that women or people of color had no right protesting politicians or the laws during the 19th century. How enlightened of you. With that attitude they would still not have any right to vote.

You're very confused as to the meaning of democratic. There's nobody saying that you can't protest against any government that you want and it's got nothing to do with race no matter what colour you personaly are, if that is why you raised the race issue. You're not allowed to vote in Thailand because you are a guest in the country and as such if the majority of the Thai electorate decide that they want a certain person or political party to govern them you should respect that or at least try to understand their wishes. Quote. "I disagree with what he says but I will defend with my life his right to say it."

Your attempt to edit the quotes has messed up who said what.

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Duh. I was referring (slightly off thread) about parliamentary democracies but going back on thread Obama is a Democrat but I doubt that he is the leader of the American Democrat party - maybe he is,

And next you will compare to another political system with no connection to the current one we argue about?

Stay on target, this is pathetic. A presidential candidate don't go to election in a party banner, they go to election on their own banner.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

On the opposite, since I don't support a fascist or authoritarian system I believe is is the right of every human to protest against any government they feel is unfair, even if they are not allowed to vote for or against it.

What you are saying is that women or people of color had no right protesting politicians or the laws during the 19th century. How enlightened of you. With that attitude they would still not have any right to vote.

You're very confused as to the meaning of democratic. There's nobody saying that you can't protest against any government that you want and it's got nothing to do with race no matter what colour you personaly are, if that is why you raised the race issue. You're not allowed to vote in Thailand because you are a guest in the country and as such if the majority of the Thai electorate decide that they want a certain person or political party to govern them you should respect that or at least try to understand their wishes. Quote. "I disagree with what he says but I will defend with my life his right to say it."

Your attempt to edit the quotes has messed up who said what.

That's one way of saying I can't answer.

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Duh. I was referring (slightly off thread) about parliamentary democracies but going back on thread Obama is a Democrat but I doubt that he is the leader of the American Democrat party - maybe he is,

And next you will compare to another political system with no connection to the current one we argue about?

Stay on target, this is pathetic. A presidential candidate don't go to election in a party banner, they go to election on their own banner.

Nobody said that they did except for you above.

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Please name a parliamentary democracy where the PM is not the leader of the party in government.


Don't be so uneducated.

Party leader David Cameron, of the Conservatives, is the PM. They won the most votes and took the helm in the coalition that formed.

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And next you will compare to another political system with no connection to the current one we argue about?

Stay on target, this is pathetic. A presidential candidate don't go to election in a party banner, they go to election on their own banner.

Nobody said that they did except for you above.

I think perhaps you need to learn to read.

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It started with the assets concealment case in 2001. It really came to a boil with his unilateral changing of the law to sell off more than 25% of Shin to Temasek in Singapore. There were of course other things in the interim like the sadly not too unpopular war on drugs with its 2500+ extra-judicial murders and Tak Bai and Kru Seh which completely alienated some of the South.

Did you miss this as a possible divisive element JD...........after all this is a party supported by the majority...................or is your opinion a little selective?

Thai Rak Thai (Thai: ไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a political party in Thailand that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. From 2001 to 2006, it was the ruling party under Prime Minister and its founder Thaksin Shinawatra. Eight months after a military coup forced Thaksin to stay in exile, the party was dissolved on May 30, 2007 by the Constitutional Tribunal for violation of electoral laws, with 111 former party members banned from participating in politics for five years

Please cite your source :) quoting material without citation is a no-no.

I assume it it Wiki since it is clearly a flawed article "forced Thaksin to stay in exile" is clearly not true, not only did the coup not force him to stay in exile, he returned and then fled again.

You can (fairly accurately I admit) suggest that Thaksin had support of a vast number of the electorate, it frankly doesn't matter when you cheat to get the vote. Other people might suggest that Thaksin was the first person to unite the regional power-families/political machines in 2 sections of the country and as normal those machines told people how to vote. TRT was on the way out and Thaksin knew it. He had YEARS left on his term but he tried what you are trying. He tried to use the ballot box to white-wash his and his party's behavior. All this AFTER having demolished the checks and balances that are required for a democracy to function.

Couldn't agree more any man who uses the ballot box to get his point across should be horse-whipped. A gentleman would always use a coup or Military/Amataya backing and money.

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Please name a parliamentary democracy where the PM is not the leader of the party in government. Or, just to make it easier for you, name a party (in government or opposition) where the leader is not the PM candidate.

I am not say there aren't any, it's just that I have never known of one. I know it's never happened in Aus.


Try again.


David William Donald Cameron is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service and Leader of the Conservative Party.

Maybe you have to be more specific with when the PM wasn't the party leader.

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Like many foreigners you are mistaking Thailand for a Western democracy. You see the titles- Prime Minister, Army Chief Of Staff, etc and you automatically assume things run the same way as in your country.

But they don't.

Even Thaksin, the richest and most powerful civilian Prime Minister in Thailand's history, found that out to his cost. The army don't answer to him.

The Rohingya boat people was the responsibility of the Navy- what could Apisit do about that? Dismiss the Chief Admiral?

Thaksin didn't take the rap for the massacre in the mosque Krue Sae or the Tak Bai tragedy, rather the army leaders responsible should have done.

Regarding last April and May, do you really think the army are going to own up to any government about any deaths attributed to them?

How long did it take the British government to apologize for Bloody Sunday in Londonderry? 30 years?

Apisit's power is limited by both military and political constraints- if he had kicked out Pumjaithai, the government would have collapsed.

He needed time to show what he was capable of as PM, and indeed , he has done that.

Thank you, I can assure you I have never confused Thailands political arrangement as a western democracy.

Will other posters on the board that insist that Thaksin was personally responsible for the war on drugs deaths, Krue Sai and Tak Bai please take note of your reply.

The Rohingya Boat people tragedy - Back in 2009 Abhisit told Human Rights Activists that his government had no policy to violate the rights of the Rohingya. He went further and said there would be an investigation into the tragedy. Initially he had denied that the Rohingya were towed back out to sea. Video evidence was produced to refute this denial. Nobody has been brought to account for this incident. In January of this year another 91 Rohingya people landed on the Nicobar and Andaman islands having been towed out to sea from Thailand. Abhisit denied that this had happened. No news of any investigation.

The Army doesn't answer to the PM? So why does Abhisit insist that it does and that they were under the control of CRES and by definition Suthep during the events of last April and May. If they weren't under his control it must have been the height of irresponsibility to let them loose.

Abhisits 9 Iron Rules on corruption - so if he had kicked out the BJP the government would have collapsed - Abhisit being the man that had said he would rather risk his political survival than condone corruption, well only up to a point then. This man either has no idea what goes on around him or has turned more blind eyes than Horatio Nelson. He has thrown a couple of token mp's to the wolves but has presided over an increase in corruption since the beginning of his PM'ship.

Abhisit has certainly shown what he is capable of.

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Abhisit has certainly shown what he is capable of.

Correct. Walking a tightrope over a cage full with hungry lions, wolves, hyenas, jackals and vultures. Still managing to bring the country forward a little bit under tremendous obstruction.

Of course on the other hand there are those who will promise you the sky and being rich within six months and solving all your problems. Ah, wishful thinking, hope swells my heart. Any kind soul who wishes to donate some? Do you need my bank account number?

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One of my daughters is working in an office in the Amata industrial estate near Chonburi and last week I boarded a bus at Mor Chit to visit her.

Whilst waiting to depart, a red shirt enthusiast boarded the bus, distributing leaflets and announcing in a loud voice. that he was here for 'true democracy'.

I asked him who the leader was of Pheua Thai and who would select him or her.

What policies they had to assist the nation.

He had no answer, no reply and quickly left the bus.

Just a headband with nothing inside.

If such an incident did take place (and I doubt that it did)

Doubting the veracity of Siripon's honesty is a losing proposition. ;)

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One of my daughters is working in an office in the Amata industrial estate near Chonburi and last week I boarded a bus at Mor Chit to visit her.

Whilst waiting to depart, a red shirt enthusiast boarded the bus, distributing leaflets and announcing in a loud voice. that he was here for 'true democracy'.

I asked him who the leader was of Pheua Thai and who would select him or her.

What policies they had to assist the nation.

He had no answer, no reply and quickly left the bus.

Just a headband with nothing inside.

If such an incident did take place (and I doubt that it did)would you and the other passengers have rathered that he held the bus up for an hour or so whilst he gave a speach?

I can assure you the incident did occur, and as the election draws nearer no doubt there will be a lot more of this type of canvassing. He didn't hold up the bus, as you probably know buses at terminals in Thailand often turn the engines on half an hour or more prior to departure. But he clearly was only able to parrot the lines about true democracy and couldn't wait to get off the bus once he was faced with questions.

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One of my daughters is working in an office in the Amata industrial estate near Chonburi and last week I boarded a bus at Mor Chit to visit her.

Whilst waiting to depart, a red shirt enthusiast boarded the bus, distributing leaflets and announcing in a loud voice. that he was here for 'true democracy'.

I asked him who the leader was of Pheua Thai and who would select him or her.

What policies they had to assist the nation.

He had no answer, no reply and quickly left the bus.

Just a headband with nothing inside.

If such an incident did take place (and I doubt that it did)would you and the other passengers have rathered that he held the bus up for an hour or so whilst he gave a speach?

I can assure you the incident did occur, and as the election draws nearer no doubt there will be a lot more of this type of canvassing. He didn't hold up the bus, as you probably know buses at terminals in Thailand often turn the engines on half an hour or more prior to departure. But he clearly was only able to parrot the lines about true democracy and couldn't wait to get off the bus once he was faced with questions.

Regardless of whether the incident did or did not take place, it's a realistic summary of the knowledge and insight into democracy, the rule of law, etc., of the majority of the RED rank and file.

And how would they know the answers, nobody in their various organizations UDD, PT, the new female 'leader', or whoever (including the paymaster himself), has ever given an insightful presentation or speech about building and maintaining democracy, none of these people (including the paymaster himslef) has ever shown any respect for the law, none of them are role models for values or morals. In fact I use them as examples of very poor values when I discuss values and morals with my son.

Jatuporn as Foreign Minister or Interior Minister - god help us!

Sanoh as Finance Minister or Transport Minister - Lock up your land title deeds, he'll sell your land out from under you.

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Being PM of Thailand is like juggling running chainsaws with a monkey riding each one. If a man can get ANYTHING positive done in the job, considering the array of things ready to stop him, he deserves a chance to continue with a majority in the legislature, sadly the system is jiggered against that happening, and we see the results.

And what of those that primarily get negative things happening when in office? They get their cronies to move heaven and earth to reinstall them by any means possible; illegal, immoral, or even murderous, or just plain idiotic, anything will do if the goal is reached.

The style begats the end result.

Even if you are not perfect trying to be better in difficult circumstances, is infinitely more than those who could care less about being better, just about bettering their station in life, and sod all other than that.

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That's one way of saying I can't answer.

No, it is to say that it will confuse people when you incorrectly edit peoples posts.

Nah, Nah, Nan Na Nah.

Nice to see you finally got around to making your point, now you should really start sharpening sticks and collecting tires.

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I'm wondering whether much of the support for Thaksin, UDD or Pheu Thai are from:

  • people whose businesses earn income from companies that are controlled by the Shinawatra family and relatives
  • shareholders in companies that are controlled by the Shinawatra family and relatives

Would a Pheu Thai led government boost business profits and the value of their stock investment portfolio?

Do any of you own shares in Thaksin-connected companies and does that influence (or does it conflict with) your political views of Thailand?

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I'm wondering whether much of the support for Thaksin, UDD or Pheu Thai are from:

  • people whose businesses earn income from companies that are controlled by the Shinawatra family and relatives
  • shareholders in companies that are controlled by the Shinawatra family and relatives

Would a Pheu Thai led government boost business profits and the value of their stock investment portfolio?

Do any of you own shares in Thaksin-connected companies and does that influence (or does it conflict with) your political views of Thailand?

Hell, I still try to avoid even using AIS SIM cards, in case he is still getting a backdoor cut.

No doubt much of the monied logistical and practical political support for Thaksin comes from those who do garner income or benefits from his companies. And more still who WISH TO benefit from Thaksin when and if ever returned to office, or practical control of those in office...

No doubt those monied interests are dragging their 'local minions' by similar bait and switch or wishful thinking tactics, or just plain political control of a areas voters, using highest Machiavellian legerdemain to make this come about any way possible.

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Why are political phone-ins allowed from people who are blocked from politics for another few years?

Typo corrected

Probably for the same reasons under the table deals can be done with banned politicians to form governments.

Another blinding post oberkommando.......are you referring to the other banned members of the Thai lak thai party ..............Obviously !!

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It still amazes me that to this day some still have blinkers on, that blind them to the reality of Thaksins mindset. Regardless if the majority of Thai political players good, bad and indifferent still work within the existing system, the fact remain Thaksin is an exception to the rule of HOW a politician can and should act in and out of office. He sets an extraordinarily dangerous precedent. I love democracy, but there may be times it can not adequately stand up to onslaught, 'clear and present danger', and must be augmented for the safety of those very people Democracy would ostensibly represent.

Augmented with military coups and martial law?

There's always an 'enemy' that the military has to remove for the benefit of others as we can see throughout Thai history.

If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

Better a military coup than a criminal in charge of a country ala Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler..............time to wise up and stop messaging tripe id say Oberkommando

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What's the hurry about naming our candidate as prime minister? Wait until the House is dissolved...and I will let you know the name," he said.

The man is a pathological liar. Throughout the illegal and violent redshirt protests, he claimed he did not lead them or the PT.

Not to mention his frequent 'no more politics for me, I'm just a guy looking for work' statements to the press.

How can anyone with a brain take this man seriously?

Because he did good

Ask a Thai

If by stealing 47 billion baht "he done good" then yes I suppose he did - but then the military HAD to remove the lying cheating theiving murdering thug

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How can anyone with a brain take this man seriously?

You just named the problem there is in Thailand and which Thaksin exploits.

Sigh.... It is rather sad to see such ignorances.

The people that Thaksin appeals to are not without brains. They may well be without education. There is a big difference.

It may be a good time to review your own education and why you hold such views.

I have a Doctorate in Business Administration and happen to completely agree with him....anyone who can be bought for a few baht is probably if not uneducated.. brainless!!

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