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Fencing In Thailand

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Does any one know where I can get wire strainers, end insulators etc. I have looked every where even online but there seems be be nothing like that in Thailand, I ordered high tensile 2.5 mm wire and got low tensile rubbish. I have resorted to making my own end insulators which is a mission. I got my old strainers sent from home. Any one??

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I looked a while back for electric fence insulators,

until a TV member suggested PVC pipe.

It works well, has an extremely high electrical resistivity.

I used the clips designed to fasten the corrugated cement roof panels to wooden stringers,

a steel strip with a hook on one end and a 90 degree tab on the other.

Cut a piece of half inch pvc pipe around 0.30m long,

which slips over the hook by friction fit.

Then drilled a hole in the wire end.

I can't claim it's perfect, but it keeps the wire suspended in open air.

How the next guy rigs it is up to his creative talent, but PVC pipe is the right material.

I've never seen a really tight fence here.

We tensioned barbed wire on concrete posts in runs of three or four posts with a crow bar.

The barbed wire and the electric fence are two different applications.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Put google search ..


..You can find a link Wasp

Traditional physical barriers such as fencing, walls and palisades in conjunction with barbed or razor coils are evident at residences and industrial sites throughout Thailand.

It is Wasp's opinion that there is nothing to compare with an electric fence when one wishes to ensure that intruders in Thailand do not enter where they are not wanted. Not only will the intruder be faced with a physical barrier, they will also be exposed to high voltage pulses that WILL deter the most hardened criminal.

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Put google search ..


..You can find a link Wasp

Traditional physical barriers such as fencing, walls and palisades in conjunction with barbed or razor coils are evident at residences and industrial sites throughout Thailand.

It is Wasp's opinion that there is nothing to compare with an electric fence when one wishes to ensure that intruders in Thailand do not enter where they are not wanted. Not only will the intruder be faced with a physical barrier, they will also be exposed to high voltage pulses that WILL deter the most hardened criminal.



Swede dead after failed electric fence rescue

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  • 2 weeks later...

non tensioned barbed wire fences are much more difficult to get through. Years ago I 'improved' an untidy looking fence and it was only then that sheep started coming over to eat my vegetables. I also like the website, I'll put the ref. on another forum also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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