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? cryptic. Known when?

If you'd known then what you know now...

I guess, implicitly, when or before you learnt it...

If I'd known then what I know now, I'd have never got married, and that would have ended in disaster

I think we appreciate our lucky escapes, but we rarely appreciate having avoided gaol

all together




I wouldn't change a thing. There are many things I did that I won't repeat, but I'm glad I did them once. Most of my better stories are about things that happened to me and I don't want to repeat but glad I experienced them once.

I've certainly made some financial errors in judgement that cost me a bit of money, but because I've always been a bit cautious I haven't been stung too badly. And, most of those bad decisions were because I believed the woman I was married to was going to hold up her end of our mutual decision... but didn't.

As I've said many times, anything that doesn't kill or maim you is a valuable lesson learned. A small error in judgement that causes problems initially might actually save your life in the long run.


I wouldn't change a thing. There are many things I did that I won't repeat, but I'm glad I did them once. Most of my better stories are about things that happened to me and I don't want to repeat but glad I experienced them once.

I've certainly made some financial errors in judgement that cost me a bit of money, but because I've always been a bit cautious I haven't been stung too badly. And, most of those bad decisions were because I believed the woman I was married to was going to hold up her end of our mutual decision... but didn't.

As I've said many times, anything that doesn't kill or maim you is a valuable lesson learned. A small error in judgement that causes problems initially might actually save your life in the long run.

I guess I am saying - ignore advice, make your own way out of the mistakes you get into - because if you avoid the mistakes we made, you will find yourself in trouble that we cannot help you with....

I dont see what is your big resentment about being maimed; if you can't take a maiming then you can't be very resilient....and, in retrospect, I don't see how I would have built up to it.

Mutual decision ! Another great piece of humour. anyway, we can all dwell on the past, or not. I beleieve you generally do not

Sorry for the non-sequitors; late at night and time to go home - maybe we can both piece them together in the morning



If I knew then that being in my home country would be this boring after living in Thailand. However by being home for a few years I can return to Thailand and have more opportunities.



I guess I am saying - ignore advice, make your own way out of the mistakes you get into - because if you avoid the mistakes we made, you will find yourself in trouble that we cannot help you with....

I dont see what is your big resentment about being maimed; if you can't take a maiming then you can't be very resilient....and, in retrospect, I don't see how I would have built up to it.

Mutual decision ! Another great piece of humour. anyway, we can all dwell on the past, or not. I beleieve you generally do not

Sorry for the non-sequitors; late at night and time to go home - maybe we can both piece them together in the morning


If you ignore people's advice who have been through the "wars" then you deserve whatever befalls you. However, when you are married then you make MUTUAL decisions, or at least you are supposed to make mutual decisions. Those mutual decisions will affect both of you... but not necessarily equally. However, if you decide to remain single then there are consequences for that as well. Some people can't handle being alone, while others thrive on it.

Being maimed is a lot different than just being injured. Maimed means permanent. Injuries you can usually recover from.

I seldom dwell on the past... other than to thank my lucky stars for having learned the lessons that life taught me. You couldn't pay me enough to take back either of my two wives, even though we had many great times together. I'm more than happy with "rentals" now.

I'm taken some scary risks in the outdoors and was lucky enough to survive. I'm just a little more cautious now. However, I'm not going to STOP taking risks because life would be too boring otherwise. I'll just temper the risks I take with a little caution. Riding a motorbike in Thailand is probably the most dangerous thing I do, but I'm not going to stop riding. It just opens too many wonderful experiences not to. But, the days of my jumping off cliffs with a parasail are over; as is sky diving and free climbing up rock faces.


I'm always thankful of not going to gaol, and not being killed. Some of the people I used to know had both happen to them.

There are some moments that I wish I had continued my formal education, but they are brief moments followed by the realisation that, if I had, there are so many things I would have missed out on.

There are things I've done which have caused me pain and sorrow but I've learned from them, I hope! :lol:

I look back on parts of my life and sometimes think 'you were treading water there for a while son' but then opportunities present themselves and I always follow my own life advice.

Life is a series of yes/no decisions, you can have plans, and stick rigidly to them, but that will often lead you to miss out on something wonderful.

I'm always ready to say either 'yes' or 'no' fairly instantaneously and be quite happy with my decision. I trust my instincts as I've been listening to them for some time now. They've lead me into some fairly odd/dangerous/interesting/downright ridiculous situations and I'm happy for that.

Someday I'll only be fit for a rocking chair on a verandah somewhere. I'll have plenty to smile about, a good few tears as well but, as they say 'in every life a little rain must fall'

Makes you appreciate the sunshine :D


I still cannot get used to the constant stream of warnings about Thai women, the people out there who feel duty bound to 'warn' people of the 'dangers'..............

Those who take their comments on board are so likely to miss out on the often enjoyable personal experience of finding their own way..........in my opinion......


I wouldn't change a thing. There are many things I did that I won't repeat, but I'm glad I did them once. Most of my better stories are about things that happened to me and I don't want to repeat but glad I experienced them once.

I've certainly made some financial errors in judgement that cost me a bit of money, but because I've always been a bit cautious I haven't been stung too badly. And, most of those bad decisions were because I believed the woman I was married to was going to hold up her end of our mutual decision... but didn't.

As I've said many times, anything that doesn't kill or maim you is a valuable lesson learned. A small error in judgement that causes problems initially might actually save your life in the long run.

Gets my vote Ian !


As we know, there are known knowns

there are things we know, we know

we also know there are known unknowns

that is to say, we know there are things we don't know

but these are also unknowns -

the ones we don't know, we don't know...........

This being said, I don't believe I personally would change a thing.....even if I did know.:jap:


I don't know .

What about if I didn't know then that what I knew now would help me understand what i now know and then again what I knew then but only now understand didin't make any difference then ?


I don't know .

What about if I didn't know then that what I knew now would help me understand what i now know and then again what I knew then but only now understand didin't make any difference then ?

Would the Grandfather Paradox apply?


I don't know .

What about if I didn't know then that what I knew now would help me understand what i now know and then again what I knew then but only now understand didin't make any difference then ?

Would the Grandfather Paradox apply?

Is that the one where if a Grandfather is on the cicumference of a circle and jumps half the distance to its center and then half the distance to the center again and so on he gets to the center in about three jumps and then has to go out for a cold beer ?


I don't know .

What about if I didn't know then that what I knew now would help me understand what i now know and then again what I knew then but only now understand didin't make any difference then ?

Would the Grandfather Paradox apply?

Is that the one where if a Grandfather is on the cicumference of a circle and jumps half the distance to its center and then half the distance to the center again and so on he gets to the center in about three jumps and then has to go out for a cold beer ?

...yeah, close enough.:P


One things for sure, i would'nt have come here to live. I would not have invested any money here either, just enjoyed my holidays.

Saying that, i have no regrets, its been a learning experience in my life and i have learnt to appreciate more my country of birth and what it offers. The positives and negatives i have taken from here will help me one day when i am able to move on and i'll leave here with generally good memories, and owing nothing.


One things for sure, i would'nt have come here to live.

I would have come here in my early 20s instead of early 30s. :)

I don't understand why you've replied to my post with this type of answer. Can you explain? I mean i was'nt being nasty about Thailand was i. Please don't tell me you found something in my post that you have deemed anti Thai. If you have i totally despair for you.


One things for sure, i would'nt have come here to live.

I would have come here in my early 20s instead of early 30s. :)

I don't understand why you've replied to my post with this type of answer. Can you explain? I mean i was'nt being nasty about Thailand was i. Please don't tell me you found something in my post that you have deemed anti Thai. If you have i totally despair for you.

Move back to Blighty then ya beer missing yer bubble haven't you?...oh and them lurve handles....:rolleyes:


One things for sure, i would'nt have come here to live.

I would have come here in my early 20s instead of early 30s. :)

I don't understand why you've replied to my post with this type of answer. Can you explain? I mean i was'nt being nasty about Thailand was i. Please don't tell me you found something in my post that you have deemed anti Thai. If you have i totally despair for you.

Move back to Blighty then ya beer missing yer bubble haven't you?...oh and them lurve handles....:rolleyes:

I don't understand what you are talking about either. :)


First whiff of winter would have you scurrying back to Thailand. The UK you remember is crumbling fast...and don't criticise my English....

I'm busy learning Polish and Lithuanian just so I can do my shopping. :D

Lithuanian girls don't seem to have discovered KFC buckets yet so maybe thee's hope.....:wub:



First whiff of winter would have you scurrying back to Thailand. The UK you remember is crumbling fast...and don't criticise my English....

I'm busy learning Polish and Lithuanian just so I can do my shopping. :D

Lithuanian girls don't seem to have discovered KFC buckets yet so maybe thee's hope.....:wub:


Nowheres perfect smokie. It ultimately hangs on what aspects of life are the most important to you. I can't really be bothered to discuss because its like walking on egg shells when trying to have a discussion on here and you get these narrow minded numpties jumping on every word trying to make out that you are saying nasty things about Thailand. Its become so tedious. Prize plums the lot of 'em.

I love berkshires posts though. :D


Its true carmine. Beer in Thailand is absolutely disgusting.

Yes its a troll post folks designed to flush out all the shermans who'll no doubt disagree.

I'll be back later to see how y'all are getting on. :D


Its true carmine. Beer in Thailand is absolutely disgusting.

Yes its a troll post folks designed to flush out all the shermans who'll no doubt disagree.

I'll be back later to see how y'all are getting on. :D

I can hear the apologist cavalry approaching. "If you don't like the beer here then leave" :lol:


First whiff of winter would have you scurrying back to Thailand. The UK you remember is crumbling fast...and don't criticise my English....

I'm busy learning Polish and Lithuanian just so I can do my shopping. :D

Lithuanian girls don't seem to have discovered KFC buckets yet so maybe thee's hope.....:wub:


lucky sod !

i am having to learn Romanian and Russian too, just to get by. sad.gif

you know the government could make things so much easier for them by putting all the places they gather together in, in one place. the dole office for signing on, the post office for collecting all their benefits, the bookies of course for a bit of r and r with the mates on the roulette machines after eating a kilo of smoked meats, sausages and bread which is washed down with a bottle of imported beer from the Polski sklep shop. while the wife and entourage of kids spend about a hundred quid in the pound shop.

check it out, they are even making the ads now to make them feel more at home.


Isn't multiculturalism wonderful? Thank you Tony! :D

Those in Canadian politics like to think that multiculturalism is working, but what I see is little groups forming countries within the country of Canda. Certain ethnic groups intigrate quite well., but some NEVER intigrate. None of the Muslim groups have intigrated into Canada and very few of the East Indians and Pakistanis have either. Chinese and Japanese will often integrate after one generation, but even after 4 or 5 generations of East Indians born in Canada there haven't been any changes.

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