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Why Don'T Thais Have Forward Thinking?

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if Thai's are incapable of forward thinking then how do you explain all the examples of Thai ladies on the long con that we read about here?

One might just as well ask why are so many farang unable to learn from history and collective experience?

I would say the ladies are running on a predator instinct.

And the guys experiencing Darwinism.


Well, besides isn't it one of the core teachings of buddhism to live in the "here and now?

A US-Citizen with a PhD in Psychology and xyz from the sacred harvard university good mate of Ralph Metzner, Timothy Leary and well known John C. Lily the man who talks to dolphins, this man even wrote abook with the title "be here now!" and became quite famous as "ram das"... so the OP has some lessons to learn, it's hi who isn;t up to date - I suggest upgrade your software!

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Oi! Some of us try hard, you know


Yes, some attempts are too hard. But an overwhelmed percentage still don't connect.....their dreamy existence.


Oh SC you're so wrong. :o All of us "farangs" are so evil. Kisten to the preachings of berkshire. This guy has never to my knowledge ever said anything pleasant about foreigners, none that i've read anyway. A true apologist keyboard warrior. :wacko:

Gives me the impression he's the type that parades around in a sarong and wai's five year old kids. :rolleyes::ermm::lol:

I think you'll find I can be as narrow-minded and prejudiced as the next man (depending on who I am stood beside).

Do you think many foreigners are upset that Berkshire has ne'er a good word t say about them? Personally, I cut him a little slack for adopting a rhyming slang moniker.

I thought his point was fair and valid; a lot of people don't really want to understand Thais, they just want a simple rule of thumb to explain their behaviour; and then there are the chaps who have gone bush and proud of it, and are forever telling us how long they have lived in squalor, and how they know the Thai word for BOING and that they can squat on their heels.

It is quite wrong to lump all foreigners together, but with the two categories just described, you should have everyone covered except the Japanese sex tourists and Burmese indentured labourers, who you could group together in the category "asian foreigners" along with the sukhumvit road tailors, who are mostly from Tollcross in Edinburgh.



This guy has never to my knowledge ever said anything pleasant about foreigners, none that i've read anyway.

Without foreigners, we wouldn't have any Mexican food in Thailand. There you have it. Seriously, I've never read you say anything positive about the Thais or Thailand. So why the <deleted> are you in Thailand to begin with? Are you one of those sorry souls who hates it here, but has no other options? And why the h*ll do you keep following me around?


Personally, I cut him a little slack for adopting a rhyming slang moniker.

Well I appreciate you cutting me a little slack...although I don't know what you're talking about.

I thought his point was fair and valid; a lot of people don't really want to understand Thais, they just want a simple rule of thumb to explain their behaviour; and then there are the chaps who have gone bush and proud of it, and are forever telling us how long they have lived in squalor, and how they know the Thai word for BOING and that they can squat on their heels.

At least you put forth some effort....

It is quite wrong to lump all foreigners together...

Absolutely. But surely, you must see that those "on the dark side" (i.e., carmine) do the EXACT same thing to Thais all the time. All the freakin time.


it is because Thais never had to store food, supplies and wood for the winter, so planning is not part of their culture.

It's the same reason why a lot of Thais don't have a problem wasting food either. I've seen Thai families order a bunch of food and then over half of it winds up in the bin. It's not just Thais that do this but a lot of SE Asians in general have this sort of mentality. Scarcity and waste just have different meanings here.

Same, same but different. When I lived in an Issan village. I saw the same cooked food come out from under the insect cover day after day until it was eaten. Didn't make any difference if it was bought from outside, went in plastic and taken home.


What you're saying doesn't actually contradict my point. It's feast or famine a lot of times. Thais definitely have the propensity to spend themselves into insolvency when they have some extra cash on hand to the point where it's time to go on a diet of mama and coke for the next couple months. Even middle class Thais exhibit this sort of behavior. If you look on the road a lot of those cars are probably purchased on credit with steep interest rates involved.


If more than 10% of the world's population (and of any country, group, etc.) had forward thinking, the planet would have run out of resources tens of thousands of years ago.



Take a day off. What the hell do you mean by labelling all foreigners as not really trying to understand Thai behaviour. Your sweeping generalisations really are quite insulting.

You must be the most blinkered obsessive i've ever read on here.

And you're just the most fair-minded, objective, clear-thinking, intelligent poster of them all, aren't you Carmine? (Note heavy sarcasm) Face it, buddy, you're the exact opposite of me. You know that this thread is nothing but pig-headed generalizations and mindless trolling, yet, you've not come out to at least concede that. You're one of the serial Thai bashers on TV and I rarely see you defend Thais on any subject, regardless of how asinine the premise may be. Pot calling the kettle black, perhaps?

1 Stop lying about me Thai bashing. You cant back this statement up. Better to revert to swearing at me rather than lying and being petulant.

2 Check out my post on the How to tolerate Thais" thread. Is that a serial Thai basher posting. Read my posts young man and you might learn something. A little less swearing as you did in a more recent post, and more education. I try to tell you the merits of balancing arguements but you won't get this by swearing to make a point will you.

3 I happen to be very fond of this country and most of the people i've met over many years living here. It has also been very good to me so again stop lying about my views on the place.

4 This forum should'nt be about attacking or defending Thais, but more about debating issues. Try it sometime and you might not upset people so regularily.

5 In summary, stop swearing and lying, take off the rose tinted glasses and try and see everyones opinions and you won't keep throwing the toys out of the pram.

6 I really don't follow your posts, but i do admit to finding them trollish, naive and childish....yes and rather amusing at times.



And btw, labeling the disposition of nations by "weather" also seems to be something you are "just making up."

Are you suggesting that I said that? Nowhere did I ever bring up "the weather." Disagree with me if you will, but please don't put words in my mouth.

You are correct; I got yours and Nancy's comments mixed up. Apologies


2 Check out my post on the How to tolerate Thais" thread. Is that a serial Thai basher posting. Read my posts young man and you might learn something. A little less swearing as you did in a more recent post, and more education. I try to tell you the merits of balancing arguements but you won't get this by swearing to make a point will you.

Well, I did check out your post on that thread, to wit:

"I find the title of the topic rather strange. In short, we're in their country. Isn't it up to them to tolerate us, which incidentally is exactly what they do. tolerate us. If you choose to live in someone elses country you have to basically accept it as it is or find somewhere more suitable for you."

I'll admit, that's a sound argument and certainly something that I would agree with.

4 This forum should'nt be about attacking or defending Thais, but more about debating issues. Try it sometime and you might not upset people so regularily.

If I attack someone on an issue, that person darn well deserves it. I'm sorry, but your comments here rings rather disingenuous. I'm happy to debate issues, but most here aren't about debating the issues. They're about making derogatory comments about the Thais. Perhaps it's a self-esteem issue, that some farangs feel a need to put down the Thais to feel better about themselves. I find that repulsive.

6 I really don't follow your posts, but i do admit to finding them trollish, naive and childish....yes and rather amusing at times.

I can say the same about yours, and add rather defensive, boorish, unimaginative, and somewhat immature. But hey, freedom of speech and all that.


Could it be possible that it is just an American trait, just because I've come across an American Bigot on the forum?:jerk:

I highly doubt that a lack of forward thinking is an American trait. BTW, just because I have lived in the US doesn't mean I am an American. I have responded only to comments made. You however are assuming, and....you assume too much B)


And btw, labeling the disposition of nations by "weather" also seems to be something you are "just making up."

Are you suggesting that I said that? Nowhere did I ever bring up "the weather." Disagree with me if you will, but please don't put words in my mouth.

You are correct; I got yours and Nancy's comments mixed up. Apologies

No worries....


Drifting off topic a little

Do Westerners bicker amongst themselves more than Thais or other races?

Have they no idea of consensus?



Thai's practice forward thinking just like all humans do to the degree that is necessary. My wife's family back in the village grow rice and store it for the season. Her aunt has a wonderful organic farm with a fish pond that produces an array of produce. Her uncle is one of the cleverest people I've seen who can seem to make anything out of nothing. Everywhere I go I see day after day Thai's trying to be great at their jobs and create a future. You just have to look at the big picture.

The other extreme is farang who live for tommorow. Those poor souls miss experencing today. I know far more farang who live for the elusive carrot sacrificing their health and their balance.

Spot on. Have any of you guys grown rice? No? Well, let me tell you that you won't be able to get much rice out of the field if you lack the ability to plan ahead. It seems like most of you guys left your head back in the west.


In conclusion, the Thai's are forward thinking it just looks a little strange to us.

This would instinctively translate in TV world: As it is strange and different from our more superior manner of thought and reasoning, it is our responsibility to help these backward Orientals abort their ancient despotic dispositions and see the cherished European enlightenment as a gift, less a hindrance. White Man's Burden, you know.:rolleyes:;)


In conclusion, the Thai's are forward thinking it just looks a little strange to us.

This would instinctively translate in TV world: As it is strange and different from our more superior manner of thought and reasoning, it is our responsibility to help these backward Orientals abort their ancient despotic dispositions and see the cherished European enlightenment as a gift, less a hindrance. White Man's Burden, you know.:rolleyes:;)

I think you both summed it up pretty well...although I wonder if some of the readership will get the zz's cryptic message....:unsure:


I highly doubt that a lack of forward thinking is an American trait. BTW, just because I have lived in the US doesn't mean I am an American. I have responded only to comments made. You however are assuming, and....you assume too much B)

I don't assume anything, I just go by what you claimed in other thread that you are American, were you lied because you are ashamed of your own motherland?, actually it does not matter a bigot is a bigot regardless of nationality, below is your post from other thread.

snapback.pngKilgore Trout, on 2011-03-29 17:03:52, said:

Hmm, how many westerners have been duped contract wise or found out that things are very different when they get here (such as the company saying we don't need to fulfill our contractual obligations but you do...in addition we have re thought your contractual obligations and now you have to do this, this and this) seen it happen a million times over and over again.

So, as the Thais would say to said foreigner; I will say the same to these Thais; "this is our country and if you don't like it you can leave. We don't need you, you should consider it an honor and a privelege that we let you be here, so do what we say, don't complain or just go!"



In conclusion, the Thai's are forward thinking it just looks a little strange to us.

This would instinctively translate in TV world: As it is strange and different from our more superior manner of thought and reasoning, it is our responsibility to help these backward Orientals abort their ancient despotic dispositions and see the cherished European enlightenment as a gift, less a hindrance. White Man's Burden, you know.:rolleyes:;)

I suppose that's why foreign countries send their crown princes and future prime ministers to farangland to be educated, as well.

On the topic of cultural comparison, I wonder if anyone would like to compare the spread of Chinese restaurants (I suppose, to avoid accusations of cultural blinkers, Oriental restaurants) with the spread of 'fast food' restaurants.

On the topic of culture, I wonder if anyone would like to expound on a comparison of elite culture with culture of the masses; temples and cathedrals versus mai pen rai and lager-louts



Spot on. Have any of you guys grown rice? No? Well, let me tell you that you won't be able to get much rice out of the field if you lack the ability to plan ahead. It seems like most of you guys left your head back in the west.

^ good one!

can only speak from my own experience, rather than hearsay.

We moved last month from a year living on the family farm in Sa Kaeo; my partner's brother-in-law:

  • manages the family farm 180r
  • manages a farm contracting business
  • works three days a week permanent part-time as a farm advisor
  • supports one daughter through uni so she hasn't had to borrow any money
  • has a second daughter to start at uni/medical school in May
  • contributes to the community
  • has no debt - neither lends nor borrows money outside immediate family

Her whole family completely blow away the misconceptions (lies?) put forward so often about Thai people, particularly the rural ones.

Four from six children went on to further education, one married the b-i-l, other lives/looks after his wife's family farm; this from a family where the father died when youngest was aged 5.

Old mum had some forward planning skills too.


If the OP is hanging out in a small Isan village, the people he is encountering are the equivalent of -- say -- the residents of a trailer park in Alabama.

That he is using this sampling to stereotype 66 million Thais is, patently, ridiculous.

He needs to get out more. Not all Thai are uneducated country bumpkins.


If you can read a5, you will see that I never lied about anything and I don't care for you enough to explain my background, citizenship or ethnic persuasion.

I do like to play devil's advocate on occasion though, and much of what I say is tongue in cheek.

Quite funny that I have been called a bleeding heart PC liberal and a bigot all on the same forum, and again; no no no my friend, I have not once ever lied on this forum and that is the truth whether you choose to believe it or not. Honest injun :D


If you can read a5, you will see that I never lied about anything and I don't care for you enough to explain my background, citizenship or ethnic persuasion.

I do like to play devil's advocate on occasion though, and much of what I say is tongue in cheek.

Quite funny that I have been called a bleeding heart PC liberal and a bigot all on the same forum, and again; no no no my friend, I have not once ever lied on this forum and that is the truth whether you choose to believe it or not. Honest injun :D

I suppose we should all have one vice from which we refrain.

I thought I'd managed to steer clear of paedophilia until I read on another thread that if your girlfriend's 20 years younger, that's just as good.

Thank God for hard drugs, eh?

Personally, I agree with the bloke that blamed the weather. I blame typhoons for the lack of solid construction in the Philippines, as well.

There's plenty of bigotted "liberals" on this forum; to flush them out, ask whether people should be allowed to hold opinions about people of different colour...



Perhaps we could examine other comparative properties. Free thought, intuition, instinct, and other natural connections that don't seem to fare well when exploring the surface model of what is passed of as intellect and progressive thinking.


Perhaps we could examine other comparative properties. Free thought, intuition, instinct, and other natural connections that don't seem to fare well when exploring the surface model of what is passed of as intellect and progressive thinking.

Or perhaps a thread on why we feel superior to other posters...

... Done - even while we bicker...



Perhaps we could examine other comparative properties. Free thought, intuition, instinct, and other natural connections that don't seem to fare well when exploring the surface model of what is passed of as intellect and progressive thinking.

Or perhaps a thread on why we feel superior to other posters...

... Done - even while we bicker...



You're the man, Cowboy!:D


Perhaps we could examine other comparative properties. Free thought, intuition, instinct, and other natural connections that don't seem to fare well when exploring the surface model of what is passed of as intellect and progressive thinking.

Or perhaps a thread on why we feel superior to other posters...

... Done - even while we bicker...



You're the man, Cowboy!:D

That's why I feel superior...

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