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Do You Like Living Here ?


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To stay on topic, during the time I lived in Thailand I didn't really like it that much. If you ask why I bother coming to this forum if I don't live in Thailand anymore? Well unfortunately I live in a bordering country so Thailand's perennial insanity has an affect on my life. I loved Thailand way back in the day but the usual grievances others bring up on a regular basis put me off, namely crime, over development and a change in Thai people's attitudes.

15 years ago it was uncommon to hear of robberies, break ins and such stuff now it is an everyday thing.

It's sad to note that Thai society has adapted and borrowed this terrible affliction introduced from foreign places. The disease of obsessed and mindless consumption.....the root of many problems here that didn't exist in days of yore. This unnecessary need for want and subliminal consumptive behaviour is incredibly destructive.

Those rose-tinted glasses must weigh heavily on the bridge of your nose (I am assuming you are not Thai).

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To stay on topic, during the time I lived in Thailand I didn't really like it that much. If you ask why I bother coming to this forum if I don't live in Thailand anymore? Well unfortunately I live in a bordering country so Thailand's perennial insanity has an affect on my life. I loved Thailand way back in the day but the usual grievances others bring up on a regular basis put me off, namely crime, over development and a change in Thai people's attitudes.

15 years ago it was uncommon to hear of robberies, break ins and such stuff now it is an everyday thing.

It's sad to note that Thai society has adapted and borrowed this terrible affliction introduced from foreign places. The disease of obsessed and mindless consumption.....the root of many problems here that didn't exist in days of yore. This unnecessary need for want and subliminal consumptive behaviour is incredibly destructive.

Those rose-tinted glasses must weigh heavily on the bridge of your nose (I am assuming you are not Thai).

I thought it was sarcasm, personally.


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I love Thailand, I'm going to move back to Thailand with my family after my Graduation (1 month left as of May 3 2011 :D)

The weather and stuff might not be perfect, but I love how open and how I get to be with my family and friends all the time is.

I Love Thailand! :D and I'm happy that I'm also Thai!

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I like living here for the same reasons I liked sailing (which I don't do anymore) It's for the satisfaction of doing something risky and managing it well enough so I don't have a wreck. I know lots of sailors who pushed off into the wild blue and got wrecked because they didn't know what they were doing. Some of these people took their lumps and tried to do better next time. I wish I had a nickle for every time I got my ass kicked by mother nature, but after a short time licking my wounds went right back out there and did it again. I never blamed mother nature for my incompitence. I didn't sue the weather service for bad information or sue the boat maker for flaws in the design or blame anyone but my self. I you do it and are not aware of the danger your a fool.

So living in Thailand has it's own set of dangers. That's what makes it so interesting for me. My first few years here I took huge risks with the girls, drinking and acting like a fool. Fortunately I didn't get burned, but it was just lucky. Now I live differently, I'm married and I try to follow the rules and my eyes are open to the danger. I believe in statistics and I hope I've increased my odds of success, but there is no certainty to that.

What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompitence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

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What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompetence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

Well said, trisailor. A very enlightened and sobering perspective. Your wisdom transcends!

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What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompetence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

Well said, trisailor. A very enlightened and sobering perspective. Your wisdom transcends!

Did you get burned in the USA by any chance?

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What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompetence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

Well said, trisailor. A very enlightened and sobering perspective. Your wisdom transcends!

Did you get burned in the USA by any chance?

I think a lot of us in Thailand have been "burned" in our home countries at some point, and we come to Thailand for a restful holiday and just to clear our heads. We get to Thailand without any expectations and are surprised by what we find. The whole culture and way of thinking is different from western countries and we don't understand the intricacies. Many men are unprepared for all the available women and tend to over indulge. That can lead to problems if you don't have your head screwed on tightly. It's too easy to think with the little head instead of the one on our shoulders. Many men were never comfortable amongst women in their own country and all of a sudden they are "Handsum man". That can easily lead to disaster and it's really no different to poorly thought out relationships in any western country. A look at the Jerry Springer show on US TV is good evidence of that. I would hazard a guess that a real live Jerry Springer show is played out every day in Pattaya, Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy... except the gals in Thailand bars are more attractive.

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"Did you get burned in the USA by any chance?"

No more than anyone living in the US. I made the usual bad choices for the usual wrong reasons and the result was not always to my liking but all and all I did pretty well because I made a choice to try to learn from my mistakes. I must be making progress because the mistakes are fewer and the consquences less as time goes on.

So no, I don't feel like I got burned in the US at all. I was happy living there and I suspect that we will go back at some point and maybe split our time between the two. Life is what we make it. I can be as happy there as here. Like I said, the US is a little boring these days and the eye candy sucks. We lived in Cocoa Beach, FL which is a major cut above the usual cow pastures in the US these days but even it can't hold a candle to Pattaya.

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I'm loving it here. 10x better than living in the crumbling united states of stupidity.

The tv shows are a bit high strung and silly :rolleyes:, but that is my only problem with the place. Everything else is perfect. :jap:

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To stay on topic, during the time I lived in Thailand I didn't really like it that much. If you ask why I bother coming to this forum if I don't live in Thailand anymore? Well unfortunately I live in a bordering country so Thailand's perennial insanity has an affect on my life. I loved Thailand way back in the day but the usual grievances others bring up on a regular basis put me off, namely crime, over development and a change in Thai people's attitudes.

15 years ago it was uncommon to hear of robberies, break ins and such stuff now it is an everyday thing.

It's sad to note that Thai society has adapted and borrowed this terrible affliction introduced from foreign places. The disease of obsessed and mindless consumption.....the root of many problems here that didn't exist in days of yore. This unnecessary need for want and subliminal consumptive behaviour is incredibly destructive.

Those rose-tinted glasses must weigh heavily on the bridge of your nose (I am assuming you are not Thai).

I thought it was sarcasm, personally.


Jeffy is not capable of sarcasm.

He has a rather myopic view of Thais/Thailand - OK if that works for you.

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It's sad to note that Thai society has adapted and borrowed this terrible affliction introduced from foreign places. The disease of obsessed and mindless consumption.....the root of many problems here that didn't exist in days of yore. This unnecessary need for want and subliminal consumptive behaviour is incredibly destructive.

Those rose-tinted glasses must weigh heavily on the bridge of your nose (I am assuming you are not Thai).

I thought it was sarcasm, personally.



Jeffy is not capable of sarcasm.


He has a rather myopic view of Thais/Thailand - OK if that works for you.

(1) Maybe he's trying...

(2) Rose-coloured welders' goggles?


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Jeffy is not capable of sarcasm.


He has a rather myopic view of Thais/Thailand - OK if that works for you.

(1) Maybe he's trying...

(2) Rose-coloured welders' goggles?


(2) One-eyed welder's goggles.

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To stay on topic, during the time I lived in Thailand I didn't really like it that much. If you ask why I bother coming to this forum if I don't live in Thailand anymore? Well unfortunately I live in a bordering country so Thailand's perennial insanity has an affect on my life. I loved Thailand way back in the day but the usual grievances others bring up on a regular basis put me off, namely crime, over development and a change in Thai people's attitudes.

15 years ago it was uncommon to hear of robberies, break ins and such stuff now it is an everyday thing.

It's sad to note that Thai society has adapted and borrowed this terrible affliction introduced from foreign places. The disease of obsessed and mindless consumption.....the root of many problems here that didn't exist in days of yore. This unnecessary need for want and subliminal consumptive behaviour is incredibly destructive.

Those rose-tinted glasses must weigh heavily on the bridge of your nose (I am assuming you are not Thai).

I thought it was sarcasm, personally.


Indeed, Cowboy. Those who spend their odd thoughts towards others' eye-wear usually are short-sighted anyway. Without connections.

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What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompetence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

Well said, trisailor. A very enlightened and sobering perspective. Your wisdom transcends!

Agreed. Yet, wisdom transcends heavy when the absorption level is nil.....to this day, most don't get it.B)

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I thought it was sarcasm, personally.


Indeed, Cowboy. Those who spend their odd thoughts towards others' eye-wear usually are short-sighted anyway. Without connections.

I hadn't realised that, but you are quite right. And, as I have pointed out often enough, colour-blind as well, so I was really just guessing about the tint.

Out of interest, and straying dangerously close to topic, is there anywhere you have not liked living?


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15 years ago it was uncommon to hear of robberies, break ins and such stuff now it is an everyday thing.

Well it was very common 20 years ago and there was no internet to spread it around. :whistling:

That could be but I never personally experienced crime back then and have since. Call me stupid but I learned to wise up. You can't trust people like you used to. By god I am getting old. lol

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Did you get burned in the USA by any chance?

I think a lot of us in Thailand have been "burned" in our home countries at some point, and we come to Thailand for a restful holiday and just to clear our heads. We get to Thailand without any expectations and are surprised by what we find. The whole culture and way of thinking is different from western countries and we don't understand the intricacies. Many men are unprepared for all the available women and tend to over indulge. That can lead to problems if you don't have your head screwed on tightly. It's too easy to think with the little head instead of the one on our shoulders. Many men were never comfortable amongst women in their own country and all of a sudden they are "Handsum man". That can easily lead to disaster and it's really no different to poorly thought out relationships in any western country. A look at the Jerry Springer show on US TV is good evidence of that. I would hazard a guess that a real live Jerry Springer show is played out every day in Pattaya, Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy... except the gals in Thailand bars are more attractive.

It's not a question of being burned or not.

After many years I have come to the conclusion that it's best for ME not to trust women.

I don't mean I think some random woman will steal from me, or empty my wallet if I leave it in sight.

I think I can NEVER trust any woman I have entered a relationship with.

The sort of women I meet always seem to end up incredibly vindictive and try to damage me and steal from me when the relationship ends.

When I say steal from me, I mean my major assets, my house, my pension, my children.

When in a relationship

In the west I can't control what happens to my major assets, a judge deals with that.

I LIKE LIVING HERE In Thailand it's up to me what they take with them when they go, I can control that fully.

Now for the sake of clarity let me state I have never hated any woman, in general or in particular

(not even the one in particular who stole my children, pension, house, dog).

I just don't trust the ones I form relationships with (and you are completely free to form the opinion that it is entirely my fault).

This is not an attack on women, just a comment on the 4 women I have had relationships with and the next 4 that I may meet in the future.

I hope I have been clear enough not to get banned (again)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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It's not a question of being burned or not.

After many years I have come to the conclusion that it's best for ME not to trust women.

I don't mean I think some random woman will steal from me, or empty my wallet if I leave it in sight.

I think I can NEVER trust any woman I have entered a relationship with.

The sort of women I meet always seem to end up incredibly vindictive and try to damage me and steal from me when the relationship ends.

When I say steal from me, I mean my major assets, my house, my pension, my children.

When in a relationship

In the west I can't control what happens to my major assets, a judge deals with that.

I LIKE LIVING HERE In Thailand it's up to me what they take with them when they go, I can control that fully.

Now for the sake of clarity let me state I have never hated any woman, in general or in particular

(not even the one in particular who stole my children, pension, house, dog).

I just don't trust the ones I form relationships with (and you are completely free to form the opinion that it is entirely my fault).

This is not an attack on women, just a comment on the 4 women I have had relationships with and the next 4 that I may meet in the future.

I hope I have been clear enough not to get banned (again)

That is a tough cross to carry - good luck.

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I'll answer the question "Do I like living here?" two ways;

The short answer is; Nope, not particularly or overly fond of it. :lol:

The longer answer is; While it’s true, I don't like living here all that much, after being here almost 6 years now, I can say, I'm 100% sure I'd like living back in America a WHOLE lot less!. ;)

As far as other countries I've lived in or contemplated living in, Thailand ain't all that bad or all that good. :) It just "is what it is", after all "This Is Thailand", right? :D

You learn to deal with their idiosyncrasies, the Thai mindset or you die :whistling: . Thankfully I dealt with that stuff a while ago. B)

One thing, with 65+ million native Thai speakers; since I learned to speak and read Thai it sure has got a lot easier to live here :lol:. The jury is still out on if it's easier for the Thais or for me though. .. I think it's a draw :huh:

Edited by tod-daniels
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I thought it was sarcasm, personally.


Indeed, Cowboy. Those who spend their odd thoughts towards others' eye-wear usually are short-sighted anyway. Without connections.

I hadn't realised that, but you are quite right. And, as I have pointed out often enough, colour-blind as well, so I was really just guessing about the tint.

Out of interest, and straying dangerously close to topic, is there anywhere you have not liked living?


French Polynesia might come close...

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What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompetence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

Well said, trisailor. A very enlightened and sobering perspective. Your wisdom transcends!

Now, I was accused of getting it wrong on another thread, so I just want to clarify - was that sarcasm ?

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What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompetence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

Well said, trisailor. A very enlightened and sobering perspective. Your wisdom transcends!

Now, I was accused of getting it wrong on another thread, so I just want to clarify - was that sarcasm ?


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What I think is sad is the people who come here and lose, are angry and want to blame Thailand and Thai people for their own incompetence. Every person I know who bad mouths Thailand has been burned here. They want to blame Thailand but my question to them is if your so superior than how is it that you got burned? Thailand is what it is. There are far more good than bad. I can attract the good or attract the bad but I will never blame Thailand for my mistakes. If I fail so be it. It says everything about me and nothing about Thailand.

Well said, trisailor. A very enlightened and sobering perspective. Your wisdom transcends!

Did you get burned in the USA by any chance?

Frankly, no. I'm very fond of the USA, actually. It's like my second favorite country.

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It's not a question of being burned or not.

After many years I have come to the conclusion that it's best for ME not to trust women.

I don't mean I think some random woman will steal from me, or empty my wallet if I leave it in sight.

I think I can NEVER trust any woman I have entered a relationship with.

The sort of women I meet always seem to end up incredibly vindictive and try to damage me and steal from me when the relationship ends.

When I say steal from me, I mean my major assets, my house, my pension, my children.

When in a relationship

In the west I can't control what happens to my major assets, a judge deals with that.

I LIKE LIVING HERE In Thailand it's up to me what they take with them when they go, I can control that fully.

Now for the sake of clarity let me state I have never hated any woman, in general or in particular

(not even the one in particular who stole my children, pension, house, dog).

I just don't trust the ones I form relationships with (and you are completely free to form the opinion that it is entirely my fault).

This is not an attack on women, just a comment on the 4 women I have had relationships with and the next 4 that I may meet in the future.

I hope I have been clear enough not to get banned (again)

I don't think a lot of us here are that unalike for the very same reasons. Just call it wisdom.

It doesn't mean we are right or wrong. It's just a case of being more cautious. I analyze everything and pick our what I'm interested in and stick with that. What I've been able to determine about relationships is it's just the luck of the draw. Some folks meet the right person for them the first time they try. Some never find the right person. It doesn't mean they are wrong. It just means they are unlucky. The odds are out there for everyone to see. Over 50% of all first time relationships fail, and the odds increasingly get worse. And, of the relationships that stay together only a small percentage are truely happy after 20 years. Just don't put all your eggs in one basket and enjoy life one day at a time.

I just recently came back from the optomitrist. He told me I had a strange pink tone over my eyes that he couldn't figure out what it was. I told him not to worry about it. That rose tint has been there ever since I got divorced for the second and final time... 15 years ago.

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I dont recall passing any judgment

So calling Ian was a 'sex tourist' wasn't a judgment?

I simply applied the term, you brought your own negative connotations. he claimed he was an anomaly, indicating his belief that he was unique. I merely pointed out that he was, in fact, not unique and provided a more accurate descriptor based upon the abundant information he has provided us on this forum.

and may i ask why you would call me a hypocrite? you know nothing about me or my lifestyle.

Agree with nocturn, no criticism just an observation. Also a wry, pithy and subtle one. The term presumably applies to anybody who has ever paid a barfine, or in any other way taken advantage of the availability, quality and competitive pricing of that for which Thailand is justly famous.

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The term presumably applies to anybody who has ever paid a barfine, or in any other way taken advantage of the availability, quality and competitive pricing of that for which Thailand is justly famous.

It would also have to include the fellows who come here and take advantage of the vast difference in incomes in order to "date" women who would never even talk to them in their own country. ;)

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The term presumably applies to anybody who has ever paid a barfine, or in any other way taken advantage of the availability, quality and competitive pricing of that for which Thailand is justly famous.

It would also have to include the fellows who come here and take advantage of the vast difference in incomes in order to "date" women who would never even talk to them in their own country. ;)

Brilliant! - so all these years I have been "dating". Wonderful, I feel better about that.

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The term presumably applies to anybody who has ever paid a barfine, or in any other way taken advantage of the availability, quality and competitive pricing of that for which Thailand is justly famous.

It would also have to include the fellows who come here and take advantage of the vast difference in incomes in order to "date" women who would never even talk to them in their own country. ;)

Brilliant! - so all these years I have been "dating". Wonderful, I feel better about that.

If {or when} you ever "settle down"......your wonderment might change.:rolleyes:

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The term presumably applies to anybody who has ever paid a barfine, or in any other way taken advantage of the availability, quality and competitive pricing of that for which Thailand is justly famous.

It would also have to include the fellows who come here and take advantage of the vast difference in incomes in order to "date" women who would never even talk to them in their own country. ;)

Brilliant! - so all these years I have been "dating". Wonderful, I feel better about that.

If {or when} you ever "settle down"......your wonderment might change.:rolleyes:

tsk, tsk Jeff - I feel settled already :)

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