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Egypt to open Gaza crossing permanently


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It's a great big lie, a fat lie indeed that Gaza is starving. Figures from the world health organizstion prove it, and was corroborated by a red cross spokesperson less than a week ago. Hamas do have a history of commendeering aid from NGO's which is also well documented.

And here is the one about Hamas stealing food aid from the normally anti-Israel guardian.


The UN agency for Palestinian refugees said today it has halted all aid shipments into the Gaza Strip after the Hamas government seized thousands of tonnes of food and other provisions.

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Anyway getting back on topic. With the Egypt Gaza border open, I hope now that oppressed will have the tools to unload their fury on the oppressors. Israel may very well get their just desserts.

So you are looking for a total war then, is that it? Lovely.

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Midas just cited a user COMMENT on the Huffington website. Not the same thing as the site itself. As far as Redmatn, she is a woman, and I hope people aren't thinking that Redmatn and the man in the video are the same person. Does Redmatn exist? Not sure. Seems so, yes?


But that's what he does, selectively quotes and uses crackpot hate sites to slander Israel many being refuted as myths so it's a bit rich him questioning the source. Here is Fatah TV telling about Hamas murderers, perhaps Midas chooses to believe Hamas though as they are more anti-Israeli. ;)

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It's a great big lie, a fat lie indeed that Gaza is starving. Figures from the world health organizstion prove it, and was corroborated by a red cross spokesperson less than a week ago. Hamas do have a history of commendeering aid from NGO's which is also well documented.

And here is the one about Hamas stealing food aid from the normally anti-Israel guardian.


The UN agency for Palestinian refugees said today it has halted all aid shipments into the Gaza Strip after the Hamas government seized thousands of tonnes of food and other provisions.

A looney tunes video has more credibility than this one ! :blink:

Another one from " http://www.fuelfortruth.org/ "

fuelfortruth.org Who We Are

" Fuel For Truth was born in the days following September 11, 2001 by a group of young, secular Jewish men " :cheesy:

And you have the gall to say i refer to crackpot sites :lol:

Edited by midas
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Anyway getting back on topic. With the Egypt Gaza border open, I hope now that oppressed will have the tools to unload their fury on the oppressors. Israel may very well get their just desserts.

So you are looking for a total war then, is that it? Lovely.

No I want peace for the Palestinians. Build a big wall around my house and see where it gets you.

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Anyway getting back on topic. With the Egypt Gaza border open, I hope now that oppressed will have the tools to unload their fury on the oppressors. Israel may very well get their just desserts.

So you are looking for a total war then, is that it? Lovely.

No I want peace for the Palestinians. Build a big wall around my house and see where it gets you.

You have a very funny way of expressing your desire for peace. I don't believe you want peace. Unload their fury.

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Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

hear, hear ! And can we we abolish the Fed while at it ? :unsure:

Edited by midas
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Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

Define what you mean by the 'Israel problem'. I ask because that sounds like something a Nazi would say.

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" Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years."

this can be interpreted in so many ways.........

even a UN diplomat could get away with saying this .......... ;)

Edited by midas
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Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

Define what you mean by the 'Israel problem'. I ask

because that sounds like something a Nazi would say.

Well it had to come, that old chestnut, anything critical or isreal or Jews roll out the nazi/holocaust card. Oh so predictable.

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Anyway getting back on topic. With the Egypt Gaza border open, I hope now that oppressed will have the tools to unload their fury on the oppressors. Israel may very well get their just desserts.

So you are looking for a total war then, is that it? Lovely.

No I want peace for the Palestinians. Build a big wall around my house and see where it gets you.

If you have a predeliction for turning yourself into a walking bomb I would hope someone obliges you. :ph34r:

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Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

Define what you mean by the 'Israel problem'. I ask

because that sounds like something a Nazi would say.

Well it had to come, that old chestnut, anything critical or isreal or Jews roll out the nazi/holocaust card. Oh so predictable.

That wasn't anything critical, dude. Saying the 'Israel problem' suggests the "Jewish problem" and the final solution. I ask again -- DEFINE what you mean exactly. To imply that the state of Israel in itself is a "problem" is indeed potentially inflammatory unless you define what you mean. In your case, I assume you want the destruction of Zionism and Israel as a Jewish state based on the context of your previous pro violence posts. Am I wrong? OK, explain yourself then.

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Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

Define what you mean by the 'Israel problem'.

Since Israel was created 60 years ago, there have been nothing but problems in the Middle-east.

Have you ever asked someone to define what they meant by "Palestinian problem"? :whistling:

I ask because that sounds like something a Nazi would say.

I take offense at your crude and baseless implication. :realangry:

And by the way, there is quite a bit of difference been Israel, Israelis and followers of the Jewish faith.

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Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

Define what you mean by the 'Israel problem'. I ask

because that sounds like something a Nazi would say.

Well it had to come, that old chestnut, anything critical or isreal or Jews roll out the nazi/holocaust card. Oh so predictable.

did you happen to see this bridge ? :whistling:

This is a former Israeli Minister :)


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I really don't care if people drumming up war in the Middle east take offense.

First you compare me to a nazi and now you claim I'm drumming up war in the Middle east? And neither of these slurs is based on even the slightest bit of evidence.

This is exactly why I normally don't post on political threads. <_<

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Hamas is on record as favoring destroying the Jewish state of Israel and much of their propaganda internally refers to the glory of murdering Jews (not only Israelis, Jews, got that now?). That's an antisemitic position. If you support the militant radical Islamic fundamentalist Hamas government of Gaza (you may not agree they are terrorist but you can't deny the militant radical Islamic fundamentalist part), you are indeed supporting an antisemitic regime. There is no doubt about that. Also, if you oppose the right of Israel to exist as Jewish state, to be consistent you should also oppose the existence of the over FIFTY Islamic states in the world (of course we know the Israel demonizers never are consistent that way). To the question of individuals who oppose specific Israel policies (including of course the Gaza blockade policies) making that person an antisemite. Of course that doesn't.

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" Fuel For Truth was born in the days following September 11, 2001 by a group of young, secular Jewish men " :cheesy:

And you have the gall to say i refer to crackpot sites :lol:

This seems to suggest that all Jews are "crackpots" even though the video was factually accurate. It is no surprise that the Israel haters ignore facts and rely on mud throwing instead.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Hopefully this opening will eventually lead to an end to the Israel problem that the world has been dealing with for the last 60 years.

Define what you mean by the 'Israel problem'. I ask

because that sounds like something a Nazi would say.

Well it had to come, that old chestnut, anything critical or isreal or Jews roll out the nazi/holocaust card. Oh so predictable.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

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" Fuel For Truth was born in the days following September 11, 2001 by a group of young, secular Jewish men " :cheesy:

And you have the gall to say i refer to crackpot sites :lol:

This seems to suggest that all Jews are "crackpots" even though the video was factually accurate. It is no surprise that the Israel haters ignore facts and rely on mud throwing instead.

Those who hate Israel for whatever reason to include antisemitism, have arguments and opinions that are not necessarily rendered moot simply by virtue of their bigotry.

If a person says for example, Menachem Begin was a terrorist who led the Irgun to kill many British during the Mandate, is a true statement. You do not have to be anti-semetic to point it out. The question I have is whether it is anti-goyim to keep it quiet?

The idea of "active retaliation" was the philosophy of the Irgun fighters as they terrorized both British citizens and Arabs during the British Mandate. Active retaliation, a term coined by Zionists, is also the method of terror used by Hamas.

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Norman Finklestein is a Jew and he is not crackpot. Then again, Norman does speak the truth, and not the filth spewed out from the anti defamation league that uses the holocaust as a marketing machine.

Agreed ! I also respect this man !!

I saw a documentary on this guy. If more Israeli's thought like him there could

be harmony. Another Israeli I respect is Mordechai Vanunu.

But all they want to do with people that speak the truth is lock them up for 18 years ( 11 years

in solitary confinement ) :bah:

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