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Newbie To The Uk

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Hi there guys and gals.

As you may know, Mrs Bojangles joined me in the UK last week and apart from the weather, is settling in pretty well.

A guy who goes to the Thai Temple, is now due to submit his wifes application for ILR but hasn't saved any type of documentation and is now unsure as to what he needs.

My question. To avoid being in the same predicament as the guy mentioned. What should i be looking to do NOW, so that in 23 months (all going well) when we apply for ILR, i have everything all prepared. It seems a long way off but after the trauma of the SV, i want to have everything in place.

I have already had her name put on the Utility bills and i will save all of these but is there anything else i should be saving? Or looking to keep in her portfolio. My understanding is that, you have to prove you have been living together as man and wife but without the Video evidence of bedroom activity :o what else can you provide?


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The best form of evidence is, as you've already said, letters. It doesn't necessarily have to be utility bills, but any form of communication addressed to your wife at the matrimonial address. Ideally, it should span the whole 2 years, too. Perhaps also chuck in a few photos and greetings cards as well as your passport.

I recall a few years ago I was asked to undertake a home visit in order to establish whether an ILR applicant and her husband were living together. When I got to the address, the husband invited me and my colleague in, explaining that his wife wasn't home, but that we were to feel free to have a look round the house. He showed us the matrimonial bedroom and I noticed a photo ablum lying on a table. I asked if he minded me looking at the photos, to which he said not. I leafed through the piccies and, bugger me, they were all of his wife in bed with another woman.......


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The best form of evidence is, as you've already said, letters. It doesn't necessarily have to be utility bills, but any form of communication addressed to your wife at the matrimonial address. Ideally, it should span the whole 2 years, too. Perhaps also chuck in a few photos and greetings cards as well as your passport.

I recall a few years ago I was asked to undertake a home visit in order to establish whether an ILR applicant and her husband were living together. When I got to the address, the husband invited me and my colleague in, explaining that his wife wasn't home, but that we were to feel free to have a look round the house. He showed us the matrimonial bedroom and I noticed a photo ablum lying on a table. I asked if he minded me looking at the photos, to which he said not. I leafed through the piccies and, bugger me, they were all of his wife in bed with another woman.......


That reminds me, is there any chance of having my photo album back Scouse?

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