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Countries with higher taxes are those struggling?


USA with its low taxes are doing great

Canada, Sweden, Finland with high taxes are doing bad?

uh? Canada wasn't even affected by the world crash. The banks still made a profit(small but a profit) that year while the usa went banktrupt.

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I copied and pasted this sentence from the article,

"Thaksin spent hours listening and talking to the chamber members through an Internet video link at a Bangkok hotel."

How is it that the Nation knew where he was and the Thailand police department did not? And if they knew where he was why did they not arrest him for the fugitive that he is?

Thaksin wasn't at the Bangkok hotel. The chamber members were.


Like it or not Thaksin is the only one providing any concept of what the future would look like. Everybody else is status quo. I would like to see what others envision Thailand as.

Would you care to share a detailed enlightenment of what you see as 'the thaksin vision', sounds interesting.

To give a "detailed enlightenment" would surely bring out the wolves. Thaksin is promoting growth and overall economic growth helps everybody. You may disagree with his vision of growth but no opponents are countering anything he is saying about his vision of expansion. Why not? What would it hurt? An opponent cannot speak how the the citizens of Thailand would be benefited from their rise to or maintaining power? I believe that is a called a debate. That is disparately needed here.


I copied and pasted this sentence from the article,

"Thaksin spent hours listening and talking to the chamber members through an Internet video link at a Bangkok hotel."

How is it that the Nation knew where he was and the Thailand police department did not? And if they knew where he was why did they not arrest him for the fugitive that he is?

Thaksin wasn't at the Bangkok hotel. The chamber members were.

I noticed that too but I said to myself, why bother?



Countries with higher taxes are those struggling?


USA with its low taxes are doing great

Canada, Sweden, Finland with high taxes are doing bad?

uh? Canada wasn't even affected by the world crash. The banks still made a profit(small but a profit) that year while the usa went banktrupt.

USA is a bad example. We have a president attempting to transition the country. USA will be a good example again, but later.


Interesting how a man (allegedly) behind the civil unrest, looting, burning down buildings, arguably deaths on both sides, and convicted? felon be allowed to host a video conference with the audience in Thailand composed of his political compatriots.

I know the government cant really prevent it by internet, (censorship acknowledged), but this is somewhat akin to Bin Laden hosting a live video conference in a NYC hotel with his followers.

76% Thai's surveyed "corruption is ok if it benefits them"

None of my comments are intended as criticism, just observation.


Thaksin to me sounds like a smart man. I don't know the details about his "conviction".....could it be that he was railroaded?

Training workers, raise min wage, more rail, crack down on corruption....who can argue against that?

Anyone that seriously goes after corruption won't live long. But that is the #1 thing they need to do to get rid of their third-world status. It is a shame more Thais don't get a chance to see how civilized countries conduct business !

Mr. Thaksin and his relatives are perhaps the epitome of corruption in Thai history. I personally know business men that had to pay such mammoth kickbacks to Mr. Thaksin in order to secure contracts it will make your head spin. Hemakes me puke.


when is this joker going to give up

- Make Don Mueang an airport hub for private jets

- Further penetrate the Chinese and Indian markets

Another Hub for private jets? What about the Thai markets? The joke is that the joker will never give up.

Seems that many people buy his lies. :jap:


Thaksin is playing directly into Abhists hands

aside from him being a convicted criminal he is a banned from politics for 5 years

by campaigning for Poo Thai, he is opening the party up for a dissolution charge even if by the remote possibility they were to win

keep it up smart guy, the EC commission is no doubt amongst your most avid viewer............

You forget Poo Thai said if elected in their manifest they will forgive him all his past sins ie corruption, theft, murder on and on and on, and bring him in to lead this country to a brighy future with untold wealth for everyone, with no more corrupt MPs and no longer will universatiy degrees be for sale, they will give everyone a degree of choice free. Best of all lower taxes from 30% to 20% which will benefit the 85% of the population who pay no taxes. How about easier visas for the hapless tourist this is great news and turn Don Muang into an airport for small private jets, maybe the jet set will sw from the med to corrupt Thailand WOW what forward thinking. The only mistake he made in his BS was not promising to raise minimum wage to 1000 baht a day instead of 300 But I am sure this oversite will be passed on to him, but wait does this mean his daughter will be out of a job ? oh no think again God we all love her.


Which "Farangs" are you speaking for?

It doesn't matter a rat's arse what Farangs think or do, since they have no vote (thank Buddha).

Why are so many afraid of this man's influence?

He is the only voice I have heard that seems to offer a vision.

Who else in Thai politics offers a vision of a modernistic future for this medieval society???

Why are so many afraid of his influence? Because he has so much of it and because of the millions of fools who are influenced.


Thaksin to me sounds like a smart man. I don't know the details about his "conviction".....could it be that he was railroaded?

Training workers, raise min wage, more rail, crack down on corruption....who can argue against that?

Anyone that seriously goes after corruption won't live long. But that is the #1 thing they need to do to get rid of their third-world status. It is a shame more Thais don't get a chance to see how civilized countries conduct business !

You are right when you say you dont know much .


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

You forgot to mention Ireland with its low company tax etc....maybe Khun Thaksin does not read the same press/media as you and I do

Yes, both points about the taxes I have to agree with. Ireland really is up the creek.

I have to question his motive for making visa applications easier. Is he trying to soften the stance of all the expats? I believe that Western opinion of Thaksin has to extent influenced some Thai people's opinion of him, especially those (Thais) who have daily exposure to Farangs. He hates us, he knows we see past his nonstop barrage of lies, and he knows we share our opinions with the electorate ....

Only mentioned visas for tourists, not long term


"Today, countries with problems are those with high taxes," said Thaksin,

Thats funny, I thought the countries with the biggest problems are those who are broke...how is lowering taxes going to help them :huh:

Maybe he has joined uncle Sams easy solution.....mai pen rai, print more baht :rolleyes:


Great Ideas, wonder who would make the most money from these..............:whistling: Thaksin himself!!

I think the thai companies and foreign investors and the whole country will get this benefit.

My answer is based on economic reason not hating or guessing.


Thaksin knows at least how to keep word, something that is very different with other politicians. Lowering taxes is fine, Thaksin will go after those who make also "honest mistakes" and forget to pay what they owe. Just asking hot shots how they paid for their Mercedes Benz on a salary of 40,000 Baht a month will bring you a long way.


I've said it before and i'll say it again.

I believe the FARANG TOUIST VISA's(trip to cambodia and back for 30/15 days stamps) actually entails something a lot more sinsister...

Why not just go to Bangkok to renew your visa, and pay your fees to THAILAND? why on earth would Thailand lose such bounty?

Because CAMBODIA (Taksins buddy of influence) makes bundles of cash from us Farangs going on VISA runs

An elaboration Laundering DEAL made between ruling powers to pay Cambodia for certain assets coming into Thailand.

There is no way on Earth Thailand would lose out on our VISA run money if there was not an alterior motive.

conspiracy theory perhaps? prove me wrong then...


Was it not the same Thaksin who changed all the visa regulations?:blink:

Tourist Visa is not hard to get as is, an i am pretty sure it is not the reason for tourists, so how would that help the economy or Thai people?

He is promising to increase minimum wage and cut tax, so what would come first? tax or wages?

Not only minimum wage is not enforced now, but taxes are hardly paid by the rich, including himself. So he will make it more easier for the rich to get even more rich?

Unfortunately again, his whole campaign of promises is aimed at rather less educated(the majority) and those are not always able to analyze and see the full picture.

Let anyone who builds a home in Thailand have a show for 1 year so they can stay and maintain their house.Let they have ownership of maximal1 Rai.<BR closure_uid_l0iwjk="21452">See how Spain built up the tourist industry. Do the same in Thailand and provide many new jobs to the population. You can not get anything unless you give something back. But I think that Thai politicians are afraid of foreigners and do not want them in Thailand, just their money. Foreigners may own buildings but not land and may stay in the country max1 months without show. How to maintain the house when you must leave the country after 30 days? Have you invested 5 to 10 million in Thailand, it is reasonable that one gets 6 months show automatically.<BR closure_uid_l0iwjk="21453">Is there a Thai politician who volunteer for this?<BR closure_uid_l0iwjk="21454">This results in lots of jobs for Thai people and gives them the opportunity of a better life.



Thaksin knows at least how to keep word


"I have no political ambitions. I am calling it quits."

From the nearly 800-post, 30,000-viewed thread of 2007:

Former Thai PM Thaksin: "I'm Calling It Quits"



Frankly, I think Thaksin is a &lt;deleted&gt; - but the one thing I would say to his credit is that he "weilds" power rather than pandering to it. He is no ones puppet, and is a true "leader" (albeit it leading in the wrong direction perhaps, probably.


for anyone suggesting HIGH TAXES are good, please, STAY OUT OF MY POCKET!

I do not trust any government to take care of me. Eastern, western, high taxes, low taxes, it doesn't matter.

I trust in my family and myself, i do not want the state making choices for me. Taxes not only reduce my bank account, they also reduce my freedom!

The last financial crisis had nothing to do with taxes, it had everything to do with investments banks using their friends in power to steal from the working class. One more reason to keep your own money and not give it to the government. By nature, governments are extension of the people in power and people in power are only people, and all people look out for themselves first. (THAKSIN included!)

20% tax rate seems very reasonable. That means one day out of a five day work week you work for everyone else, donating your efforts to the general good. Isn't that enough? I do not want to pay 1/3 of my income to some boozo in power. No thanks.

High tax = high entitlement countries are not out of the woods by far, they have some troubles ahead. As their population ages compared to their work force, the issue of entitlements become huge.

You cannot tax your way out of everything.


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

He just doesn't embrace a social system where a country looks after their poor. It's a typical attitude in Asians nations.


"Corruption is now rampant and many politicians are used to getting 30-per-cent kickbacks, he said."

It may well be true but exactly the same words were said when he was in power and his wife was apparently demanding huge kickbacks from any project to do with the airport construction. In one case to do with supplying furniture for the airport a businessman tried to sue her to get his money back, claiming that he paid the requested bribe and the contract went to some one else.


Once again Thaksin is trying to write checks his ass can't cash. Mandating pay increases only increases inflation. He wants to lower tax rates form 30% to 20% to ignite spending. Perhaps he should consider getting tax revenue from all the street vendors who now operate with virtual impunity form prosecution. The vast majority have no business licenses and dam_n sure pay no taxes.


Thaksin to me sounds like a smart man. I don't know the details about his "conviction".....could it be that he was railroaded?

Training workers, raise min wage, more rail, crack down on corruption....who can argue against that?

All the small businesses that would go bust. Thailands life blood for the poor.

Anyone that seriously goes after corruption won't live long. But that is the #1 thing they need to do to get rid of their third-world status. It is a shame more Thais don't get a chance to see how civilized countries conduct business !

Thailand doesn't have Third world status.

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