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Make Don Mueang an airport hub for private jets

That is the funniest comment from Taksin , how many private jets are coming to Thailand ? He tried to attract wealthy people in here with his Elite card , a total flop ... There is nothing in Thailand to attract wealthy people , specially those who owns private jets , they prefer to go to Mediterranean in summer and Caribbean in winter. Its normal to promise the moon during campaign , Taksin isa good at it . :lol:

I imagine one person and his mates private jets will be using it. Now who could that be? :D:whistling:

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And he wil fix the traffic in Bangkok within weeks of taking office.Oh wait a moment that was his promise last time :annoyed:

Thought he said he was staying out of politics too?


I've said it before and i'll say it again.

I believe the FARANG TOUIST VISA's(trip to cambodia and back for 30/15 days stamps) actually entails something a lot more sinsister...

Why not just go to Bangkok to renew your visa, and pay your fees to THAILAND? why on earth would Thailand lose such bounty?

Because CAMBODIA (Taksins buddy of influence) makes bundles of cash from us Farangs going on VISA runs

An elaboration Laundering DEAL made between ruling powers to pay Cambodia for certain assets coming into Thailand.

There is no way on Earth Thailand would lose out on our VISA run money if there was not an alterior motive.

conspiracy theory perhaps? prove me wrong then...

Not everyone goes to Cambodia for their visa runs. Many cross the border to Laos, or fly to Singapore, Hong Kong, KL, etc, etc.

You can't just go to Bangkok and pay a fee because the idea, as a tourist or here on short term business, is that you are not allowed to stay here indefinitely - you have to leave the country. The same types of rules apply in nearly every country.


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

You forgot to mention Ireland with its low company tax etc....maybe Khun Thaksin does not read the same press/media as you and I do

Yes, both points about the taxes I have to agree with. Ireland really is up the creek.

I have to question his motive for making visa applications easier. Is he trying to soften the stance of all the expats? I believe that Western opinion of Thaksin has to extent influenced some Thai people's opinion of him, especially those (Thais) who have daily exposure to Farangs. He hates us, he knows we see past his nonstop barrage of lies, and he knows we share our opinions with the electorate ....

Which "Farangs" are you speaking for?

It doesn't matter a rat's arse what Farangs think or do, since they have no vote (thank Buddha).

Why are so many afraid of this man's influence?

He is the only voice I have heard that seems to offer a vision.

Who else in Thai politics offers a vision of a modernistic future for this medieval society???

I know , I know.

Imagine if we did we might keep voting in corrupt politicians and cause protests that destroy the economy or even military coups. Thank god it will never come to that.


Seems to be a missing variable here. Thaksin has promised:

1) Significantly cutting both corporate and personal income taxes

2) Huge infrastructure projects on a scale that has never been seen before, costing trillions of baht.

But no new sources of revenue have been identified to counter the revenue loss from income taxes.

Where does the money come from? Or is the idea to run Thailand into a huge sovereign debt?

For those of us who have a basic understanding of arithmetic, please balance the equation for us, Mr. Thaksin.



Why are so many afraid of this man's influence?

He is the only voice I have heard that seems to offer a vision.

For the love of god, did you just get to Thailand and decide to comment? How about you look at his history and answer the dam_n question yourself. He's a murderer that's why he is to be feared. In any country if thousands are killed as a result of the leaders policies the leader is held responsible and he has to step down if not face imprisonment, but not here!


- Make Don Mueang an airport hub forprivate jets How many private jets fly in per day? Does it warrantthe maintenance of a runway and terminal? I doubt it somehow. Might be handyfor the next time Thaksin has to run away like the chicken*hit he is.

- Further penetrate the Chinese and Indian markets

Wow, there's a stroke of genius... hoedid he come up with the idea of doing more business with the two fastestgrowing economies? I think you'll find that this process is already underway.

-Set up training centres for Thai workers and factory workers offering coursesand loans for the courses to be repaid later in instalments There are already loads of FREE (or negligible)training courses available in a wide range of fields

- Organise and legalise migrant workersfrom neighbouring countries

What? And give them rights in this country? Highlydoubtful this would happen. How are their wealthy employers going to abusethem? And his countryside base may not be too happy to see the jobs go - higherminimum wage = more low wage migrant workers.

-Build10 more electric train lines and dual-track railroads linking Bangkok and itsvicinity Reduce taxes and build more railroads? With Chinesemoney/kickbacks, by some chance?

Thaksin,who admitted to being "hyperactive" during the videoconference, didnot fail to attack political enemies, however. Corruption is now rampant and many politicians are used to getting 30-per-cent kickbacks,he said. Money that is rightfully his to steal...

Thaksin also claimed that just before the military coup on September 19, 2006, aSingapore agency held a meeting to discuss the competition from the yet-to-be opened Suvarnabhumi Airport. "But they stopped the meeting after learning that I was ousted, saying the placecould no longer be a hub now that Thaksin was gone."

Hahahahaha!!! Only one capable man in the whole country? Nice to see Thaksin is as delusional as ever. In reality,Singapore stopped feeling threatened once they saw that the airport wasn't fit to lick Changi's boots.


for anyone suggesting HIGH TAXES are good, please, STAY OUT OF MY POCKET!

I do not trust any government to take care of me. Eastern, western, high taxes, low taxes, it doesn't matter.

I trust in my family and myself, i do not want the state making choices for me. Taxes not only reduce my bank account, they also reduce my freedom!

The last financial crisis had nothing to do with taxes, it had everything to do with investments banks using their friends in power to steal from the working class. One more reason to keep your own money and not give it to the government. By nature, governments are extension of the people in power and people in power are only people, and all people look out for themselves first. (THAKSIN included!)

20% tax rate seems very reasonable. That means one day out of a five day work week you work for everyone else, donating your efforts to the general good. Isn't that enough? I do not want to pay 1/3 of my income to some boozo in power. No thanks.

High tax = high entitlement countries are not out of the woods by far, they have some troubles ahead. As their population ages compared to their work force, the issue of entitlements become huge.

You cannot tax your way out of everything.

Hmmm... let me guess... American?


Make Don Mueang an airport hub for private jets

That is the funniest comment from Taksin , how many private jets are coming to Thailand ? He tried to attract wealthy people in here with his Elite card , a total flop ... There is nothing in Thailand to attract wealthy people , specially those who owns private jets , they prefer to go to Mediterranean in summer and Caribbean in winter. Its normal to promise the moon during campaign , Taksin isa good at it . :lol:

I imagine one person and his mates private jets will be using it. Now who could that be? :D:whistling:

Perhaps some humble, grassroots-minded, man-of-the-people who has spent 1.5 Billion Baht on a Bombardier Global Express?

globalexpress.jpg globalexpress2.jpg


Seems to be a missing variable here. Thaksin has promised:

1) Significantly cutting both corporate and personal income taxes

2) Huge infrastructure projects on a scale that has never been seen before, costing trillions of baht.

But no new sources of revenue have been identified to counter the revenue loss from income taxes.

Where does the money come from? Or is the idea to run Thailand into a huge sovereign debt?

For those of us who have a basic understanding of arithmetic, please balance the equation for us, Mr. Thaksin.

Here's the story on whether raising or lowering taxes raises or lowers revenue to the government. It's really easy to conceptualize but probably near impossible to determine the outcome.

First the easy part. Assuming the objective is to maximize revenue to the state.

Set up a graph where the y-axis represents revenue to the govt. The x-axis has a scale between 0% and 100%, and represents the tax rate.

Assume the state charges everyone no tax at all. Obviously it will get no revenue. Plot a data point at the intersection of the x and y axes.

Now assume the state assesses 100% taxes on all income. Once again the state gets no revenue because in all likelihood no-one will work (for nothing) Plot another data point on the x-axis at 100%.

Everywhere else in between 0% and 100% will result in at least some revenue to the state.

We don't know the exact shape of the curve but it will be a hump with a peak somewhere.

That is the easy part.

The hard part is knowing which side of the peak we are on before we argue to raise or lower taxes. If we are to the left of the peak then raising taxes will raise revenue to the state. If we are on the right of the peak then raising taxes will lower revenue to the state.

Obviously there are only 2 variable here, but it does demonstrate how difficult it is to argue one way or the other.


anyone noticed how many newbies have appeared on TV since Thaksin started campaigning ?

so many people who have suddenly found Thaivisa after all these years and are so vocally in favour of Thaksin

George and the teams fingers must be working like bees wings to get a grip of this rush to register

anyone notice a strange smell.................?


Whatever we think of Thaksin The last 4 years have seen changes in Visa application rules making it increasingly difficult for many applicants. was this a deliberate policy of Abhisit or ministers?

how is it more difficult except for low class scum forang who has no money little income and spend their time drunk most of the time and behaving in a very bad way. For those with some decent money it is easy to live here and no real problem getting long term visas. For short term tourists no problem in fact unless you want to stay more than 1 month one of easiest places to visit with visa on arrival. Those under 50 who do not qualify for retirement extensions can easily get 1 year tourist visas in their own country provided they can show enough money to support themselves.


It's good that someone comes up with visionary ideas ... but if the price would be to have Thaksin back for that, it would be too high. Him complaining about corruption is like a joke - his government was the worst in terms of corruption of them all, and he is a convicted criminal for doing it bigtime for himself, as far as I know. :ph34r:

I just hope the upcoming government takes up a few ideas of him, some of them are actually pretty good - like the one easing visa regulations and limitations, and to fix the rampant traffic problems.

Of course bringing all of these 'promises' up, Thaksin knows that he will never have to keep them.


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

It always amazes me whenever there is a reference to countries that have "high standards of living", that these are the countries mentioned. First, let's look at the profile of these countries. All of them are have about the same demographics, form of government and percentage of the same religious belief. These are micro countries with less then 10 million each, each have over 90% either ethnically Scandinavian or at least western European. There is virtually no ethnic diversity, religious diversity, social diversity, and all of them have one form or another of a Monarchy. All of this adds up to having extremely consistent, unified, political, economic, and social policies and practices in a very small sample of the world's economic picture. It is like taking Fairfax County in Virgina and using it as a benchmark for prosperity for the United States. It has a population of over 1 million and average household income of $106,000. That is as ridiculous as using these insignificant countries to compare to others. Also, I don't see these countries contributing to the overall wellbeing of the world like the US, England, even China does, mainly because they are so busy keeping what's there's there's they don't much care about anyone else. Oh, and did I mention there is the same number of Norwegians living in America as Norway, so if Norway was so great, why did half of them leave.

I don't see their Monarch's being the philanthropists that Gates and Buffet are, all I see is pomp and circumstance and the news media making circuses out of so-called fairy tale weddings. Fairfax County VA or Marin, CA, will blow the doors off of any country mentioned above in terms of per capita anything (education, wealth, income, etc)

When you have such a homogeneous society of people who are all of the same cloth, religious belief, have a social hierarchy where there's a such thing as [wait I have to puke], "Royalty", it is pretty dam n easy to have a higher standard of living than other countries. Here is what impresses the heck out of me. Take a country that goes from 5 million population to 300 million in only 200 years with a mass of poor, uneducated, religiously spanning believers of all known religions, coming from every dirt-water country in the world, and becoming the largest economy in the world (surpassing England as #1) in the late 1800s. Now thats impressive. A bunch of educated, rich, security gated folks in Marin County are as unimportant to America as Sweden, Norway, and Denmark are to the rest of the world. So get off your errogant high-horse and get real.

Also, I am friends with many of the folks from the countries above and all of them curse the high taxes.

However, now we get to economics, which I am well versed in. The problem with high taxes is that the progression of tax rates begins far to low in the income curve and stops way to short in the income curve. The belief that high taxes discourages investment is true until you get to income levels high enough that there's still enormous surplous after funding a very comfortable life. For example, a person in America with a household income over 500,000/yr is not going to be deterred from starting a business if they have a 60% tax rate instead of the current 37-47% depending on what state you live in. That family still has $200,000 annually and if they live high on the hog, they still have over $100k/yr surplus. If that person saves for only 10 years, they have far more money to start 80% of the different types of small business imaginable from manufacturing to high tech. and with that $1million in saving, they are guaranteed to get financing. Its the person making $100,000/yr, with the same tax rate, netting $60-65,000/yr and living off of all but $5-10,000 that can't get started and is discouraged. That person is who should be at a 20% rate and the $500,000/yr guy at 60%.

Fact, without redistribution of wealth through progressive taxation, concentration of wealth occurs and eventually you lose control of the market, the political process, and democracy. Some K!ng owns it all.

So that's where Thaksin's idea about taxes is bad for Thailand. Lowering the tax rate only allows the rich to get richer.


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

That's right mate and for all that "free government" your going to pay for it. Thaksin is right about lowering taxes. Lowering taxes always raises revenue to the government through increased economic activity. Regan proved that in America. Sweden is VERY VERY EXPENSIVE. I don't know what fantasy land others live in but the cost of things in Sweden are 20, 30, 40, 50% higher at least, Taxes both sales and personal are outrageous (all to pay for the social welfare system, which has it's major problems depite the propaganda) Swedish people in general are actually quite cold and rude (push past you, knock you down walking down the street) some people mistake being able to speak fluent english for helpfulness. The Norwegians, Finns, Danes and Dutch (especially) are far more friendly. Things are fairly efficent but then it's also not a big country and has been industrialised for centuries so it's hardly surprising but the country does live on it's faded glory. Also don't be taken in by the great myth of a land of beautiful people or blond viking gods and godesses that's just plain wrong. Finland is actually the most expensive with Norway close on its heels. Reykjavik is one of the most expensive cities in the world, with Oslo as a close second.


Empty promises from an empty soul. Believe NOTHING he says since he will say ANYTHING to get back into power.


I fully agree. Doen't Thailand have some Navy Seals to round up this convict and put him in jail?


Whatever we think of Thaksin The last 4 years have seen changes in Visa application rules making it increasingly difficult for many applicants. was this a deliberate policy of Abhisit or ministers?

how is it more difficult except for low class scum forang who has no money little income and spend their time drunk most of the time and behaving in a very bad way. For those with some decent money it is easy to live here and no real problem getting long term visas. For short term tourists no problem in fact unless you want to stay more than 1 month one of easiest places to visit with visa on arrival. Those under 50 who do not qualify for retirement extensions can easily get 1 year tourist visas in their own country provided they can show enough money to support themselves.

as i recall, the whole thing was tightened up after an incident in August 2003 when it turned out an notorious terrorist had been crossing the Northern borders frequently using the 30 day visa system

the USA paid Thailand a very substantial reward for his capture

it was an embarrassing incident for thailand though as the Prime minister at the time, Thaksin had declared to the world that ''there are no terrorists in Thailand''

then only 2 weeks later they caught one at the border................

so faced with international condemnation for their poor practices the immigration department wanted to try to get more advance information on people entering the Kingdom

so they made the long term stayers using the short term loopholes more and more difficult

what they really wanted was people to get a visa in their home country so some rudimentary checks could be done on applicants before granting entry

it was felt border checks and even airports were to rushed to be totally efficient

so it was not due to Thaksin, Abhisist or any one person that visa rules have been tightened, it was mostly due to the terrorist abusing and exploiting the lax rules of entry at that time


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

You forgot to mention Ireland with its low company tax etc....maybe Khun Thaksin does not read the same press/media as you and I do

Yes, both points about the taxes I have to agree with. Ireland really is up the creek.

I have to question his motive for making visa applications easier. Is he trying to soften the stance of all the expats? I believe that Western opinion of Thaksin has to extent influenced some Thai people's opinion of him, especially those (Thais) who have daily exposure to Farangs. He hates us, he knows we see past his nonstop barrage of lies, and he knows we share our opinions with the electorate ....

Have to totally disagree with the sentiment that low tax is what has devastated the Irish economy. What went wrong in Ireland. The problem was a run up in money supply and credit by central bankers who think they can know the correct quantity of money. So they price fixed interest rates artificially low for far too long. Those conditions of easy credit were interpreted as real savings, however, it wasn't real savings, it was an artificial growth in money supply. Money from thin air, back by nothing. That was the boom which inflated the credit bubble the world over, and was the major factor in the real estate bust in Ireland.

The part of the economy that benefits from low tax has been the best performer. IT and Pharma. Ireland is running a large trade surplus due to the huge amount of exports from these industries and is a world leader. It is all explained in the above lin,,, what went wrong in Ireland.

As for Sweden, they had their own banking crisis, and have devalued the currency a few times. There has been no private sector growth in jobs since 1957. The demographics are no favourable. What happens when the baby boomers retire and the tax base shrinks? Can the state support this demographic change?


I fully agree. Doen't Thailand have some Navy Seals to round up this convict and put him in jail?

Don't you mean shoot him in his mansion (whether he's armed or not), and then fly his body out to sea, attach some weights to his body and dump it?


Thank you from a friendly Dane. Taxes are too low in Thailand, there need to be taxes on condoes/houses, too many are empty, tax them and the empty ones will be in use. Look how the Thai lives, terrible it is better in a Danish Zoo for the animals. Who are not corrupt in Thailand ? Taksin did try to do something what does the Yellow do ? Taksin don`t like foreigners just the same here in Denmark. Foreigners can´t buy land in Denmark for summerhouses, same in Thailand, Denmark for Danes Thailand for Thais.


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

you can't compare sweden, norweay or any of those countries with thailand, thailadn need foreign investment in order of develloping it economy and the way of atracting foreign investors is with lower taxes(and that's a good way of stimulate national producers too) otherwise thailand will be always a third's world country, i dont know what is thaksin planing or even if he's gonne fullfile all these promises but what i do believe is that thailand has all the potencial necessary to become a devellop country in only a few years, the only thing that they need is political stability, and someone with vision and with the commitment of develloping this pice of land for the good of it people, if that someone is gonne be thaksin or not i dont know, but what i do can tell you is that this nation has a lot of potencial;)


Whatever we think of Thaksin The last 4 years have seen changes in Visa application rules making it increasingly difficult for many applicants. was this a deliberate policy of Abhisit or ministers?

how is it more difficult except for low class scum forang who has no money little income and spend their time drunk most of the time and behaving in a very bad way. For those with some decent money it is easy to live here and no real problem getting long term visas. For short term tourists no problem in fact unless you want to stay more than 1 month one of easiest places to visit with visa on arrival. Those under 50 who do not qualify for retirement extensions can easily get 1 year tourist visas in their own country provided they can show enough money to support themselves.

as i recall, the whole thing was tightened up after an incident in August 2003 when it turned out an notorious terrorist had been crossing the Northern borders frequently using the 30 day visa system

the USA paid Thailand a very substantial reward for his capture

it was an embarrassing incident for thailand though as the Prime minister at the time, Thaksin had declared to the world that ''there are no terrorists in Thailand''

then only 2 weeks later they caught one at the border................

so faced with international condemnation for their poor practices the immigration department wanted to try to get more advance information on people entering the Kingdom

so they made the long term stayers using the short term loopholes more and more difficult

what they really wanted was people to get a visa in their home country so some rudimentary checks could be done on applicants before granting entry

it was felt border checks and even airports were to rushed to be totally efficient

so it was not due to Thaksin, Abhisist or any one person that visa rules have been tightened, it was mostly due to the terrorist abusing and exploiting the lax rules of entry at that time

exactly i used to get 1 year visas no problem only drawback is you had to leave the country every 90 days and now im older I use retirement way which means i don't have to leave the country but simply report here every 90 days. It does also have disadvantage of needing to hold 800,000 baht in bank for 3+ months but thats a relatively small amount. Only problem with it is every time i renew I have 800,000 spare which is quickly gone on new car home improvements when I should really just reinvest it. I know some who can get retirement visa but prefer to go for yearly tourist visa in their home country since they visit once a year anyway and then they don't need to tie up 800,000 baht even thought they can easily afford to do so. It gives them opportunity to cross border and do a little shopping every 90 days.

15 years now and apart from really long queues sometimes at immigration never any problem staying here on yearly extensions weather as now using retirement or before getting them in my home country which i used to visit anyway at least once a year

Anyway sorry.gif off topic but it does show their is little truth in saying visas are harder except for low life who IMHO should not be here anyway and do not contribute much if anything to the country except maybe enabling their girlfriends to cheat them which is what most of them deserve


I would think the easier tourist visas would be for Chinese tourist, given his audience.

that's right , cuz actually only a few western counties need tourist visa to get in here, what we need are some reforms, for example , to make easier the process of getting permanent recidence visa to all those foreigner that like me , has a thai wife:)


Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

Lowering taxes always raises revenue to the government through increased economic activity. Regan proved that in America.

Hmmm, maybe we don't remember the same Reagan.

Under Carter the the USA had a positive balance and Reagan presided over the largest budget deficit build up in American history. It would be more accurate to say that Reagan's Trickle-down economics has been proved to be nothing more than wishful thinking.

Governments need revenues to meet their responsibilities. For that the best solution is a fair tax code. That means one that is not regressive (as is the current tax code in the USA). Then the government does need to meet its responsibilities to invest in the country and the people : education, health & infrastructure. Thaskin did invest in health care for Thais. As for infrastructure, today there is no reason for any government not to invest heavily in renewable energies and focus on good environmental policies in infrastructure. This has been already proved to make good economic sense as well as being good for the planet, and it will be the wave of the future.

Thaskins' idea of building a city in the gulf of Thailand is a horrible idea for the environment, and (IMO) Thailand should not take its cue from Middle East countries who don't give a hoot about protecting the environment.




for anyone suggesting HIGH TAXES are good, please, STAY OUT OF MY POCKET!

I do not trust any government to take care of me. Eastern, western, high taxes, low taxes, it doesn't matter.

I trust in my family and myself, i do not want the state making choices for me. Taxes not only reduce my bank account, they also reduce my freedom!

The last financial crisis had nothing to do with taxes, it had everything to do with investments banks using their friends in power to steal from the working class. One more reason to keep your own money and not give it to the government. By nature, governments are extension of the people in power and people in power are only people, and all people look out for themselves first. (THAKSIN included!)

20% tax rate seems very reasonable. That means one day out of a five day work week you work for everyone else, donating your efforts to the general good. Isn't that enough? I do not want to pay 1/3 of my income to some boozo in power. No thanks.

High tax = high entitlement countries are not out of the woods by far, they have some troubles ahead. As their population ages compared to their work force, the issue of entitlements become huge.

You cannot tax your way out of everything.

i agree100% with you B)


Thaksin to me sounds like a smart man. I don't know the details about his "conviction".....could it be that he was railroaded?

Training workers, raise min wage, more rail, crack down on corruption....who can argue against that?

All the small businesses that would go bust. Thailands life blood for the poor.

Anyone that seriously goes after corruption won't live long. But that is the #1 thing they need to do to get rid of their third-world status. It is a shame more Thais don't get a chance to see how civilized countries conduct business !

Thailand doesn't have Third world status.

well the last time that i look to the status of thailand according to it GDP,the result was that thailand is one of the poorest countries in the world :(


I'm not in any way defending the man, but here is something, to me, that makes zero sense.

1) He was convicted of corruption for "abuse of power" by signing a legal document that, BY THAI LAW, he is REQUIRED to sign if his wife (at the time) was buying property.

2) So, he's LEGALLY REQUIRED, as her husband, to sign it.

3) BUT the court then says he "abused his power" by signing it since he was PM at the time. Can anyone explain that to me in a rational manner?

4) The courts have since ruled that the land purchase was "Null and Void" which, in legal terms, means IT NEVER HAPPENED. The wife (ex now) had to give the land back, and she got her money back, plus interest.

5) So, therefore, if the courts ruled the deal was "Null & Void", and never legally happened, that means any documents he signed, in accordance with Thai law, are also "Null & Void", and therefore he cannot be guilty of "abuse of power".

Perhaps someone on here knows Thai law much better than I do, but as I stated earlier, this make zero sense to me. Unless, of course, you consider that TIT, where making sense of things is a totally alien concept to them.

Oh, and I also noticed someone said Thaksin's Goverment was the "most corrupt". I find that somewhat amusing, since Transparency International now rates Thailand as MORE corrupt than it was during the time when Thaksin was PM.


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