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When I first came here back in 2003, it was meant as a stop off on the way to Oz, never made it to OZ. I was teaching for a while until I got a plan. I was an awful teacher and promptly gave it up after a few months. I was in my early twenties and fond of heading out, and living the hedonist lifestyle. One day in the early morning class, I was feeling pretty bad from the night before. I had been in India before, and had a bad stomach, that i could not seem to rid myself off. Anyway, that morning all the class had filed in, I think they were a year 3 or something. An awful cramp came over my stomach, and the old sphincter muscle gave way, and basically I sh*t myself. I quickly excused myself, got out of the class, went into the mosquito infested splash toilet and tried to get cleaned up, at least the caking part anyway. However, the heat and those trousers were not going to be cleaned up. So jumped in a taxi, and back to the condo. Horrible feeling. That had been the second time in 2 years. The first time it happened was in India, and it happened with shorts on, outside the front of a guest house as I fondled to get my key to get in the front door. That was everywhere through the guest house hall way floor, tiled thankfully. Got into the room, and got onto the toilet and alas, there was nothing left. That was the result of drinking water from a shower head in India. Had woke up with a fever and forgotten to bottled water, and it was 45 degrees, with only a fan. I needed water desperately. Everything was fine until the next day. The kicker was that there was no real warning. Usually you get warning. The second time was the result of a much more deadly concoction that the shower head water in India....the second time was the result of too many beer Changs,lol.

lol...that happened to me, decorated my legs and the tiles in the lobby and elevator of a hotel in KL post too much Guinness and curry..would have "made it" upstairs to my room but got waylaid across the road from the hotel by a beautiful Malaysian girl wanting to accompany me inside...Then had to ask for the bloody room key...of course she was gone next night...dam_n.

.. Think I will wear jeans and bicycle clips next time I am down there....

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My most embarrasing moment also turned out to be dam humiliating as well. I use to be one of those guys going about town in the bars telling people that i was a special forces(SF) person. It really helped me in getting respect from people in my life and work place. My house of cards came tumbling down one night a few years ago when I took a cheap shot at a ex friend i that i didnt do the right thing by in a business relationship. I was with some of my pretend friends at the time in the Villa-supermarket on sukhumvit 33 when I ran into him. I made a smart-ass wise track,and then next thing i know i was face dragged along the food shelves and read the roit act by him. What hurt the most was that my friends were expecting me to do some SF hard man stuff. I basically nearly peed myself in shock like a rabbit in the headlights. My ego has taken a few hits since that embarrasing night. I lost so much respect that night.,the people there are still talking about it. You can guess the rest.

What did I learn.? Just be yourself!


My most embarrasing moment also turned out to be dam humiliating as well. I use to be one of those guys going about town in the bars telling people that i was a special forces(SF) person. It really helped me in getting respect from people in my life and work place. My house of cards came tumbling down one night a few years ago when I took a cheap shot at a ex friend i that i didnt do the right thing by in a business relationship. I was with some of my pretend friends at the time in the Villa-supermarket on sukhumvit 33 when I ran into him. I made a smart-ass wise track,and then next thing i know i was face dragged along the food shelves and read the roit act by him. What hurt the most was that my friends were expecting me to do some SF hard man stuff. I basically nearly peed myself in shock like a rabbit in the headlights. My ego has taken a few hits since that embarrasing night. I lost so much respect that night.,the people there are still talking about it. You can guess the rest.

What did I learn.? Just be yourself!

Gee, that would have hurt anybody's ego. I am glad you learned your lesson though!


Continuously mis-pronounced a young lady's name - kept on calling her the English equivalent of 'pubic hair' all evening. :blink: No-one pulled me aside to correct me

I've shown some of these to my Thai gf although it takes a while if I have to explain them. This one took some time as I had to help her with the pronunciation as she was getting confused between "pubic" and "public". I think she was keen to get it right so that if she were ever asked in English what she studied at university she didn't say "A masters degree in Pubic Policy Administration".


Renting our first house in Thailand. One of our neighbours was an old school chum of my girlfriend who was called "Nom". My tonal expertise being what it was at the time, every time I saw her I was asking her " Nom sabai dee my krap? What I was actually saying to her was " How are yout t#ts today?

3-4 of these daily hellos later, she had to visit my GF to tell her how to pronounce her name better.

Done the "Hee Mah" one also to howls of laughter.



20 years ago walking down KSR and spotted, from behind, a girl I knew from the islands sitting on a stool having her hair plaited. Came up behind her and bent down and whispered in her ear, "What's the point, you'll still look like a butch dyke in the morning "

Yep, as she spun around in a state of shock I realised it wasn't her. If only it could have ended there.

Unfortunately as I stumbled backwards spouting apologies I fell over a large plant pot and reaching for support, managed to pull a large rail of jeans down on top of me. In the ensuing mayhem I could hear an Australian voice shouting " Who you calling a f***ing dyke" as the kicks reined in.... :blink:


At the full moon party about 8 years ago something horrific happened to me which left me scared for life.

I think I will get banned if I talk about it but it involved a Ladyboy, Alcohol, Mushrooms etc, missing cash, boom boom and a green dishcharge out of my willy the next day. :unsure:


Travelling past the Amari at Don meaung yesterday brought up one of my greatest moments.

I had checked in as normal sometime in the evening only to find out they had upgraded my room to the executive floor (think its the 5th). Feeling good and a little arrogant I may add in my massive room all alone I decided to step out onto the balcony only to fall flat on my face, there is quite a big step down and I didn't read the sign untill it was too late. The fall was so dramatic that I still cry laughing about it.

I crawled back in the room quickly to tend to my wounds.


Travelling past the Amari at Don meaung yesterday brought up one of my greatest moments.

I had checked in as normal sometime in the evening only to find out they had upgraded my room to the executive floor (think its the 5th). Feeling good and a little arrogant I may add in my massive room all alone I decided to step out onto the balcony only to fall flat on my face, there is quite a big step down and I didn't read the sign untill it was too late. The fall was so dramatic that I still cry laughing about it.

I crawled back in the room quickly to tend to my wounds.

So you should change your name to LongStep


I was traveling back from Malaysia and as soon as I crossed the boarder I flagged down a bus going from Padang Basar to Hat Yai. As soon as I got on the bus a guy sitting in the rear most seat yelled "YOH!". I thought wow! what a reception, so I yelled "YOH!" back and put my hand in the air to give him the high five. He just got a strange look on his face and turned away. When I looked around everyone on the bus was looking at me standing with my hand in the air. I quickly sat down and everyone went back to what they were doing.

About 5 minutes later the bus stopped and another passenger got on. When they were completely on the bus the same guy yelled "YOH!" again and the driver sped off.

It turned out he was the conductor working on the bus and "YOH!" was his signal for the driver to proceed.


This story wasn't really that embarrassing but it was kind of funny.

I picked up an aluminum shower curtain pole from HomePro and later jumped on a sky-train. I was standing by the doors holding the pole which was about 2 meters long, when 2 Thai girls boarded the train and stood beside me. Suddenly the train jerked side to side and both girl dived and grabbed my pole thinking it was part of the train and all three of us fell over. No one was hurt but everyone got a good laugh.


One incident, to be honest I'm thick skinned, so I thought it was funny, more than embarrassing; I saw this bar girl, a few years back, nice girl, (our second date, of 4) I was visiting my mate and wife, (they live in Pattaya) whose parents were over from the UK, to help and celebrate the birth of their second child. My mate says to me; "we are going for a meal tonight, come along….see you at 8. "OK" say me. So I tell this girl to put something on tonight as we will be going out to eat. I ask her to meet me atthe pre-arranged place. Anyway we are all stood waiting for her to turn up ……Me,my mate, his wife, there 3 year old son, baby and his mom and dad, I just met,for the first time.

So, we are standing around and my mate says, "10 O'clock….10 O'clock, check it out!! I look, and it's my date! Well she is dressed to kill,Ok, fact, she was hot! Tall, pretty, very elegant, legs that don't give-up andan ass like an 8 year old school boy….in a see-though dress, my mate's old mannear had a heart attack on the spot when she walked over to us. I think all in all things went very well, apart from my mate's dad kept spilling his beer,when he tried to take a drink, I think he had Thai fever! My mate and I always laugh about this night.

I see. That your thing is it?whistling.gif

Tonto21, this quote is far more embarrasing than the whole post. :blink:

Its something that you'll have to live, oh the shame. Still laughing now.


At the full moon party about 8 years ago something horrific happened to me which left me scared for life.

I think I will get banned if I talk about it but it involved a Ladyboy, Alcohol, Mushrooms etc, missing cash, boom boom and a green dishcharge out of my willy the next day. :unsure:

Lucky for you you only have 12 posts. You can change your name now.... :ph34r:


This story wasn't really that embarrassing but it was kind of funny.

I picked up an aluminum shower curtain pole from HomePro and later jumped on a sky-train. I was standing by the doors holding the pole which was about 2 meters long, when 2 Thai girls boarded the train and stood beside me. Suddenly the train jerked side to side and both girl dived and grabbed my pole thinking it was part of the train and all three of us fell over. No one was hurt but everyone got a good laugh.

I'll need to try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

EDIT: Imagine the mortification... you get on the skytrain, and there's someone else also holding their shower rail hopefully...


This story wasn't really that embarrassing but it was kind of funny.

I picked up an aluminum shower curtain pole...

I'll need to try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

EDIT: Imagine the mortification... you get on the skytrain, and there's someone else also holding their shower rail hopefully...

I wouldn't recommend this as a way to meet girls. The girls felt more embarrassed than anything.

If you can't meet girls using your charm and whit, it's highly unlikely that wandering around carrying a 2 meter aluminum pole is going to improve your chances. People would probably just start saying "There goes that nut-job with his aluminum pole again". :blink:


At the full moon party about 8 years ago something horrific happened to me which left me scared for life.

I think I will get banned if I talk about it but it involved a Ladyboy, Alcohol, Mushrooms etc, missing cash, boom boom and a green dishcharge out of my willy the next day. :unsure:

Lucky for you you only have 12 posts. You can change your name now.... :ph34r:

...and for lunch he had a dick-cheese sandwich with green-pee soup. :lol:


At the full moon party about 8 years ago something horrific happened to me which left me scared for life.

I think I will get banned if I talk about it but it involved a Ladyboy, Alcohol, Mushrooms etc, missing cash, boom boom and a green dishcharge out of my willy the next day. :unsure:

And not forgetting the condom hanging from your A@@ whistling.gif


Farting with confidence, i nearly always fail,,,,

Occasional follow through?

Maybe "honkytonklagoon" can teach him some sphincter exercises, since he's discovered muscles he never knew he had before.


This story wasn't really that embarrassing but it was kind of funny.

I picked up an aluminum shower curtain pole...

I'll need to try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

EDIT: Imagine the mortification... you get on the skytrain, and there's someone else also holding their shower rail hopefully...

I wouldn't recommend this as a way to meet girls. The girls felt more embarrassed than anything.

If you can't meet girls using your charm and whit, it's highly unlikely that wandering around carrying a 2 meter aluminum pole is going to improve your chances. People would probably just start saying "There goes that nut-job with his aluminum pole again". :blink:

That maybe so, but think of the pole dancers you might meet. :whistling:


An oldie, but a goodie. Tossing and catching a 10 baht coin at work, it fell to the floor and started to roll away. I leapt across the room and stomped on it in front of 15 of my Thai staff.

This one cracked me up. Brilliant.:lol:

How is this funny or embarrassing? I wanted to.. but sometimes I just can't understand British humor


This story wasn't really that embarrassing but it was kind of funny.

I picked up an aluminum shower curtain pole from HomePro and later jumped on a sky-train. I was standing by the doors holding the pole which was about 2 meters long, when 2 Thai girls boarded the train and stood beside me. Suddenly the train jerked side to side and both girl dived and grabbed my pole thinking it was part of the train and all three of us fell over. No one was hurt but everyone got a good laugh.

It was very funny


An oldie, but a goodie. Tossing and catching a 10 baht coin at work, it fell to the floor and started to roll away. I leapt across the room and stomped on it in front of 15 of my Thai staff.

This one cracked me up. Brilliant.:lol:

How is this funny or embarrassing? I wanted to.. but sometimes I just can't understand British humor

Actually it's more dangerous than funny; You're basically stomping on a portrait of the King, which would be considered an insult, and is also illegal.


An oldie, but a goodie. Tossing and catching a 10 baht coin at work, it fell to the floor and started to roll away. I leapt across the room and stomped on it in front of 15 of my Thai staff.

This one cracked me up. Brilliant.:lol:

How is this funny or embarrassing? I wanted to.. but sometimes I just can't understand British humor

Actually it's more dangerous than funny; You're basically stomping on a portrait of the King, which would be considered an insult, and is also illegal.

Ha ha got it! I didn't think of that !:jap:


wow totally agree,thats must have hurt. but you cant be alone out there on this subject as this place is full of these types of characters.

this same guy fits a few a stories that were going around town earlier after batman defrocked that undesirable individual on soi33.

Could be the same guy! if so my hat goes off to you for going public and mending your ways. that takes guts.

My most embarrasing moment also turned out to be dam humiliating as well. I use to be one of those guys going about town in the bars telling people that i was a special forces(SF) person. It really helped me in getting respect from people in my life and work place. My house of cards came tumbling down one night a few years ago when I took a cheap shot at a ex friend i that i didnt do the right thing by in a business relationship. I was with some of my pretend friends at the time in the Villa-supermarket on sukhumvit 33 when I ran into him. I made a smart-ass wise track,and then next thing i know i was face dragged along the food shelves and read the roit act by him. What hurt the most was that my friends were expecting me to do some SF hard man stuff. I basically nearly peed myself in shock like a rabbit in the headlights. My ego has taken a few hits since that embarrasing night. I lost so much respect that night.,the people there are still talking about it. You can guess the rest.

What did I learn.? Just be yourself!

Gee, that would have hurt anybody's ego. I am glad you learned your lesson though!

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