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Thailand KFC Faces Employee Lawsuit For Unfair Practices

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Dear friends,

And with that money they have to pay for their accommodation, food, clothes, shoes, educate their children and have some fun once a week.

Good idea but I can't make the right calculation.

On the other side, no one will give them a rise if they do not fight.

If they don't fight they will live worse and worse.

If they lift the boycott on KFC food I am gonna support them.

Try imagine being on BHT 27 a week.

A bottle of Leo beer is 48 baht.

So sad :(

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Basically KFC International will be making a profit out of their name in every country. The rest of the major profits go to the operator or YUM (in Thailand). So if we're paying the same price for KFC in Australia as we do here in Thailand, shouldn't we be getting the same size chicken and the staffs get same wages?

The point has been made that where a western franchise will employ 5 or 6 staff per shift, Thai has to employ 25 to get the same work done.


Had to "Force" them to eat instant noodles? I call BS!dry.gif

Let me help you grasp this translation, forced as in all they can afford. Instant noodles are inexpensive. No one held a gun to an employee's head. figurative not literal.

Let me help you grasp this as well.( Without the condescending bull shit) They applied for this job. KFC did not force them to work there. KFC did not hunt them down and say you must work for this amount of money. I have worked in the restaurant biz all over the world for 25 years and every one gets a meal and there are no leftovers. Dont like it get out! Dont apply and then whine about the farang making so much money or the Chinese, holy cow. Its every bodies fault but the staffs. They are being trained in an entry level position and are younger Thais. This is job is designed for uneducated people to get a job and have pocket money. It is not designed to raise a family. Staff wanting a payout from the man, no doubt. Ever wonder why it takes five times the amount of staff here than any where else. Maybe that's why pay is so little because staff is so week. Employee meals are a bonus unless written into the work contract which probably is because the Thai government makes it so. Ever try to fire a bad Thai employee? Even with due cause you have to pay them for 2 months salary. They steal from you and you fire them , You have to pay as they run to the employment office and cry about being fired and "no one told them they weren't supposed to steal"!. The government and my lawyers tell me i still must pay!" Farang never win in emlpoyee termination hearing"! It has happened many, many times. The cost of employee theft is exorbitant as well. There are many out side jobs that they can consider that dont have air con and the such. Pay is less as well.To say they are not happy with their work environment, hand me a tissueviolin.gif

Totally agree.


By catching them red handed and firing them in front of everyone else. I saw my co-worker get fired for eating an apple that he took from the produce dept without paying for it.

sounds more like a profit shakedown.

hey if they don't like working there then vote with your feet.

When I was in high school I worked in a McD's. They had a policy of only giving a small sandwich per employee per shift. We ate like kings though. How can you prevent an employee from sneaking food? making them wear a locked muzzle maybe.

Not the healthiest food though...


Dear friends,

And with that money they have to pay for their accommodation, food, clothes, shoes, educate their children and have some fun once a week.

Good idea but I can't make the right calculation.

On the other side, no one will give them a rise if they do not fight.

If they don't fight they will live worse and worse.

If they lift the boycott on KFC food I am gonna support them.

Try imagine being on BHT 27 a week.

A bottle of Leo beer is 48 baht.

So sad :(

If they will fight, they will loose their jobs and will end up sleeping on the streets.

This is conditions in the country, they are NOT any worse off the any other person working in Thailand.

Now the managers who created the problem(providing this is all out in Thai media) may find themselves little unemployable for a while.


27bht a hour no more kfc.for me,i paid my gardner 50bht a hr his boss said that was too much never seen him since.


27 baht per

hour and they never get tips like in other restaurant...

we/you can eat so cheap in this country because restaurants earn big money but pays their employees a very very small salary

They are not forced to work there! When will all you whiners realise that!

27bt an hour is above the minimum wage- and it's easy work.

Let them accept or look elsewhere. There's easy money to be made in Pattaya if they prefer!


I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

They should sure the Gold Diggers. For using company money and company time illeagely.


I think corporations(which are more like monopolies now) should be spreading the wealth. They are the reasons the world is in such a dilemma to begin with. Criminals allowed to operate as if they are respectable citizens making an honest living. Nauseating. Share the wealth to benefit the people and the world or be crushed out of economic existence.


Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

Fair comment but when all the other options for employment are similiar it aint much of a choice.


Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

Quite, in my entire working history I have never expected to be provided food at my employers expense, or expected them to pay for me to get to and from my place of employment.

If they asked me to wear a crap uniform and perform some form of company song in front of customers however, that may be grounds for a complaint.

No grounds for complaint Thad if it was a condition of employment at the outset and you accepted.


If the allegations are correct than YUM Brands has mislead its investors and has lied to the public with its claims to being a fair and equitable employer. YUM regularly touts its employment practices and presents an overview to its customers and nvestors http://www.yum.com/csr/default.asp

However, buried in the report is an admission; we cannot oversee associate practices in all of our over 38,000 restaurants. We do, however, offer guidelines, coaching and training to encourage our franchisees and licensees to implement and manage best practices in accordance with our corporate goals and objectives.

So who's responsible? YUM Thailand which controls several outlets or its franchisee?

In 2007, YUM appointed a new managing diretor Sran Smutkochorn, who had this to say;

“YUM is very much like that of a family whose members work closely in a very good team work.Every success at YUM is attributed to our staff’s contribution and team’s spirit.”

Well, Sran, staff are the backbone of a service based business. If you don't take care of the staff, then you will not have a business.

So, was he telling a porkie?

<br />Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht<br />Price is KFC in New Zealand  140 Baht<br /><br />Wages for staff in New Zealand  $13 hour =  290 baht an hour<br />Wages for staff in Bangkok                                 27  baht an hour<br /><br />KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay  10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price<br />Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too<br /><br />I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits  these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends<br />it makes me want to be a socialist<br /><br />Same goes for McD.<br /><br />As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Most fast food in Thailand is a total ripoff.

I would think having 1 kfc meal supplied everyday would increase the absentee rate due to poor health!


I wonder if meals during working hours was part of the staff contract - it often is with food related companies as it's an easy way to get value from what might otherwise be waste. (And I don't mean plate scrappings but excess food that is perfectly fine but past the serving time margin used in fast food businesses. That said my experiences of Thai KFC they do not work to the "book" but cook to order in an effort to reduce food waste costs at the expense of prompt service to customers.)


Standard fare for Asia pay them the lowest possible wage you can get away with. I was in Vietnam a while back and near the place I was staying there was a huge Nike factory manufacturing footwear. Daily wages were US $1. Seen the price of Nike shoes in the shops ?


Capitalism at its worst.

The salaries and conditions suck, but the employees are probably still dong better than they would at most Thai restaurants or businesses. :huh:

Capitalism is one thing; Savage Capitalism is another. I can not understand how some companies can charge what they do. I still have not "gotten my head around" the fact that I can buy a Toyota in USA at half the price it would cost here in Land of Scams (LOS) and it's built here.

I believe the average construction worker makes a/b Bt300 a day and the day's work is more than 8 hours. I do not believe they are fed etc. Hell they are not even give safety equipment by the company e.g. using grinders w/ out eye protection, welding w? sunglasses, no hard hats etc.

Or how a/b the people cutting sugar cane?

So the average Thai hourly rate is very low. But that is what the rich/ruling class wants. I wonder if people working at Krispie Kreme bitch if they are "forced" to eat "left over" donuts at the end of their shift? Granted the working conditions here are somewhat appalling. I was told Unions exist in Lack of Sanctions but I'm not sure what capacity they do.

Sorry but this might be another example of wanting to SQUEEZE anything/everything out of a foreigner or foreign company. That's the Thai way. Is it not?

I offered manual labor (digging holes for fence posts) work for approx twice the average rate here in my wife's village. And guess what????? No takers - I heard too hot/too hard work. Will lie in my hammock at my parents house and eat their rice - never mind.


Had to "Force" them to eat instant noodles? I call BS!dry.gif

I agree... totally BS

Why couldn't they quit the Job if it was Really forced (whatever that means)... if they didn't quit then its the "Option" they choose.


If you have a problem with KFC or any other company then remmeber your voice is your voice. Be heard.....don't eat there. Couldn't be simpler. This is probably more powerful than your democratic voice. How many people who are complaining on here will visit KFC in the next month for some "finger licking good" chicken?

I have made a promise to myself to NEVER eat in McDonald's again. Not because they are successful, but because their food is fairly tasteless, overpriced and often not hot....not to mention the calorie content. This is my choice, you are welcome to eat there if it makes you happy. This is your choice. Certainly fairer than your "democratic" vote.


Dear friends,

And with that money they have to pay for their accommodation, food, clothes, shoes, educate their children and have some fun once a week.

Good idea but I can't make the right calculation.

On the other side, no one will give them a rise if they do not fight.

If they don't fight they will live worse and worse.

If they lift the boycott on KFC food I am gonna support them.

Try imagine being on BHT 27 a week.

A bottle of Leo beer is 48 baht.

So sad :(

How much a week ?????---------------------when on low wages you shouldn't be trying to buy the Thai quality beers, if you do you won't have much money left. I'll bet they all have a mobile /motorbike on the low wage. Sorry but in my young working life earning 125 bht a WEEK, paying my mother 60 baht, I didn't have a push bike let alone have money for beer.

I'm not grumbling and the times were harder then than here. But yes money paid is not excessive by any means, but it is not a bad start, if you are willing to NOT have the luxuries earlier and save. get an improved job later, Thai people move around these days to get more money. We did all those years ago--I went to London got work and improved my wage 3 fold. It's not all gloom here, but it is if you want it to be.whistling.gif


I can't believe the comments suggesting that these employees don't have a legitimate complaint or that they are just trying to cause trouble. How does anyone live for a month on 5,200 baht in Bangkok. Typical of some expats who seem to think that the local population has some magical way of making 5,000 baht into a fortune in Thailand. It isn't. It's a little above slave labor. True it may be the official rate but it raises the broader of the right of Thai workers to demand better wages. I suggest those posters who criticize their actions take it upon themselves to live on 5,200 baht a month. Don't expect any of them will but they still complain that workers are lazy and paid to much. Seriously who's going to work hard for that sort of cash?

Go back to whatever socialist haven you came from. These two are obviously "useful idiots" of this Thai Labour Solidarity Committee (TLSC), Chaiyasit Suksomboon goon. Anyone associated with "Solidarity" is a commie pinko, in my opinion. They just opened another Micky D's here in Chiang Mai and the locals were in a freaking lottery and feeding frenzy just to get a job because the work conditions are so desirable and the wages so good. Unfortunately, you couldn't even get on the interview list for a job unless you were "connected" by family or friends. Tell these cry babies to go home or take them with you back to your socialist haven and pay to put them on the dole. Cold hearted? It's called reality.


It is perfectly acceptable to report on events and give opinions, it is not acceptable to post in an inflammatory manner. Posts have been removed.

Another reminder: Turn off Caps Lock when posting. It is not necessary to shout. Shouting posts (all caps) have been removed.


Hmm i think someone was going to try that idea but it didnt work too well [i.e. soviet union].

I think corporations(which are more like monopolies now) should be spreading the wealth. They are the reasons the world is in such a dilemma to begin with. Criminals allowed to operate as if they are respectable citizens making an honest living. Nauseating. Share the wealth to benefit the people and the world or be crushed out of economic existence.


Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

Writing from an ivory tower, are we? Probably written by someone who's never tried to compete for a livable wage in an entry-level position in this particular market? :rolleyes:

Current data from BOI Thailand Listed in Cost of Doing Business in Thailand. The minimum wage in Thailand is currently 206 baht per day in Bangkok and slightly less in the provinces.

So then basically KFC employees seem to be earning just about minimum wage -- 27 baht per hour X 8 hours = 217 baht for an 8 hour shift.

I'm pretty much pro-labor....but it's hard to get too outraged here...

1. Fast food businesses are meant to employee a part-time, largely unskilled workforce, often students and such. It's not meant to be a job that most people live on exclusively, at least at the line worker level.

2. I'd think that scenario is pretty much replicated throughout the various fast food companies (where YUM is a major multi-brand player), so KFC is hardly alone in those traits...

3. It's also a pretty common situation in the food service industry, at least in the better settings, where the employees get to eat the surplus food free of charge. Though, I remember some places, restaurants back in the U.S., where the staff were NOT allowed to eat even the surplus food... They got nothing, and had to fend for themselves.

If you don't want to eat fried chicken, or burgers or pizzas or ...., then it's probably best to not work at a ........ fast food chain... It comes with the territory.

What I find most interesting about the report is that the complaint campaign wasn't being waged by line-level workers (kids), but rather by moderately senior mid-level managers (ones who each had dozens of stores under their jurisdiction). Now that's an unusual situation in the labor relations world.


Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

Writing from an ivory tower, are we? Probably written by someone who's never tried to compete for a livable wage in an entry-level position in this particular market? :rolleyes:

Or someone living in reality and not some delusional dream


I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

wow ... impressively inhuman .... somewhere I PITY YOU FOR BEING SO COLD HEARTED.

Well whatever you call cold hearted or warm hearted... but i am sorry to break this news to you that there are many people who earn less then 27 Baht per hour. Thats the way of life. some people earn well some dont.... if you choose that job then you cant come back and sue them... I am not saying they dont deserve more or neither am i saying its fair.. but Life aint fair mate.... i hope they get a better job . . but suing the employer for "FORCING" to eat Noodles...? come on... there are better ways...


Current data from BOI Thailand Listed in "Cost of Doing Business in Thailand.

"The minimum wage in Thailand is currently 206 baht per day in Bangkok and slightly less in the provinces."

So then basically KFC employees seem to be earning just about minimum wage -- 27 baht per hour X 8 hours = 217 baht for an 8 hour shift.

I'm pretty much pro-labor....but it's hard to get too outraged here...

1. Fast food businesses are meant to employee a part-time, largely unskilled workforce, often students and such. It's not meant to be a job that most people live on exclusively, at least at the line worker level.

2. I'd think that scenario is pretty much replicated throughout the various fast food companies (where YUM is a major multi-brand player), so KFC is hardly alone in those traits...

3. It's also a pretty common situation in the food service industry, at least in the better settings, where the employees get to eat the surplus food free of charge. Though, I remember some places, restaurants back in the U.S., where the staff were NOT allowed to eat even the surplus food... They got nothing, and had to fend for themselves. If you don't want to eat fried chicken, or burgers or pizzas or ...., then it's probably best to not work at a ........ fast food chain... It comes with the territory.

What I find most interesting about the report is that the complaint campaign wasn't being waged by line-level workers (kids), but rather by moderately senior mid-level managers (ones who each had dozens of stores under their jurisdiction). Now that's an unusual situation in the labor relations world.


Don´t forget to use the TIP-BOX next time you visit KFC:-)

I've often wondered about the tip boxes in such places. I'd like to know if the employees really get to keep the tips or does the tip money also flow into the restaurants' tills and into the owners pockets?


Had to "Force" them to eat instant noodles? I call BS!dry.gif

Let me help you grasp this translation, forced as in all they can afford. Instant noodles are inexpensive. No one held a gun to an employee's head. figurative not literal.

If they are earning 6500 that's more than minimum wage that most people earn. It's just under 5800 outside of BK and I assume it went up the same in BK so about 6100 in BK. Or did it just go up as a recommended amount for Farang companies and still 5500 and 5800 ? And that's if they don't have accomodation and food taken out.

What they earn is rubbish, but as said it's still more than most who buy or cook their own food. Let's face it they could leave and get another job, but they simply wouldn't get paid as much as that for doing the same thing and probably have to work longer hours. No one on that money in Thailand gets a travel allowance or benefits and they know it. Good on them in a way for trying to improve things, but it's simply unrealistic in this country for unqualified people to get what they think is standard practice unfortunately.

There is benefits for Laos workers in Thailand now under a new scheme between the countries, just the workers have to find 40,000 B to join the scheme. :rolleyes:

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