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Programming Kids Brains On Thai Schools


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Currently living next to a elementary school, the schools started again and I wonder what they 'feed' the kids every day, of course they have to sing the national anthem everyday, but after they get lots of other stuff to recite, only hear 'prathet Thai' many times so it's pretty nationalistic stuff I guess, maybe about what a great nation and people they are ? Just wonder what the full translation of such texts would be.

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'james24' timestamp='1304998841' post='4413389']

ALOT of false history.

Id love to know what they were saying also. Having speakers in schools, housing estates etc seems very North Koreanish and in a very clever way Thailand kinda is.

It is a form of brain washing whereby the students really believe what they have been taught is the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , this is further ingrained by the lack of ability to question the teacher or , indeed , even think for themselves , parrots suit the elite very well in controlling the masses to suit their own agenda .

This is my own personal thinking , no animals died in the writing of my comment/opinion .

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It is a form of brain washing whereby the students really believe what they have been taught is the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , this is further ingrained by the lack of ability to question the teacher or , indeed , even think for themselves , parrots suit the elite very well in controlling the masses to suit their own agenda .

I'd agree. It is quite funny at times to see the extent of this brainwashed ueber-nationalism even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary

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Very close to the mark Dumball. It appears that during the little Fracas in Bkk. , last year , instructions were given to teachers to teach an anti Red Shirt line in the classroom. Also through the moobans, it appears phuyai bans were told to tell people that they must stand still for the National Anthem. We noticed in a big change , particularly in our Monday evening market. People never use to stop for it, then all of a sudden , the whole market stopped. The elite controlling the peasants, no?

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As someone who worked in a couple of government schools many moons ago, I can tell you it is almost criminal how little opportunity the students are given. I would say it even borders on child abuse. They are molded from a young age NOT to learn and think, but to repeat and obey. Thai schools basically exist to create good little factory workers for the other Thais who have been lucky enough to get an education outside of the system.

I think that pretty much sums it up ‘andy’

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As someone who worked in a couple of government schools many moons ago, I can tell you it is almost criminal how little opportunity the students are given. I would say it even borders on child abuse. They are molded from a young age NOT to learn and think, but to repeat and obey. Thai schools basically exist to create good little factory workers for the other Thais who have been lucky enough to get an education outside of the system.

I think that pretty much sums it up 'andy'

Not knowing where 'member' lives or where 'andy' taught, I can only comment on the present day where I live.

I don't really agree, a very narrow view point is being said, it may happen in some schools and maybe thats why many Thai parents, ( mainly Mothers :whistling: ) try to get there children into certain schools in there area but some don't have a choice..

Then you get on the other hand a parent telling the child " No school for you today, get out to work in our rice fields ".

Sometimes I'm asked to help a friend a local Thai teacher who teaches English, and situations are not hard to understand, it's mostly just case of money.

His conversation with the kids, lets say, a rich kid, that is learning well, they tell him they want to be e.g. A Doctor.

His ' ditto ' with a poor kid not bothering to learn much is " I have to work on the farm everyday and I will have to work with my father as soon as I can leave school.

On a funny note a cute story, when he first joined the school he was talking with students to find out how they were getting on with English, one particular boy spoke very well, so he asked him another question in English " Where do you come from ", the boy was taking his time, and repeating the question to himself, and then he replied,

" I am from my mother " :lol: :lol: quite a fair answer I think to not quite a full question.

The Prathet Thai is of Siam Thai origin, the official language of Thailand is the Kradai language closely related to Lao and Shan language in Burma, numerous smaller languages are spoken in an arc from Hainan and Yunnan south to the Chinese border.

The Kradai language is the principal language of education and government and spoken throughout the country.

The standard is based on the dialect of the central Thai people,

My mother in-law speak an old Thai and I can only make out and understand somethings that she has said.

Little bit more history for some :-

There are numerous tribal languages are also spoken, including those belonging to the Mon-Khmer family, such as Mon, Khmer, Viet, Mlabri;

Austronesian amily, such as Cham, Moken, and Orang Asli, Sino-Tibetan family such as Lawa, Akhan, and Karen;

Other Tai languages such as Nyaw, Phu Thai, and Saek and Hmong is a member of the Hmong-Mien languages, which is now regarded as a language family of its own.

Edited by Kwasaki
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I taught English for longer than I care to remember .In both Govt. and Private schools. From Kindergarten to University. In Bangkok and in the country . The Thai education system is a joke. Students are chastised for asking teachers questions. Why? Simple , if the teacher does not know the answer , the teacher loses "face". Terrible!!! I forced students to ask me questions. It is extremely hard to do so successfully.They are so frightened.Everything is rote teaching. Too many times ,have I seen the teacher set work on the board, and then disappear for the entire class. Anybody who can find any redeeming features in the Thai education system either has blinkers on or is wearing rose coloured glasses.

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It is a form of brain washing whereby the students really believe what they have been taught is the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , this is further ingrained by the lack of ability to question the teacher or , indeed , even think for themselves , parrots suit the elite very well in controlling the masses to suit their own agenda .

This is my own personal thinking , no animals died in the writing of my comment/opinion .

Very true yes, but especially interested in what information they get served, which texts etc.

Instead of the innumerable topics about the system itselves with all critics and bashing etc. that we know already.

Wish to know WHAT that over-amplified teachers with their monotonous robot voices exactly are feeding them. Sometimes I hear some song (sounds older then Charlie Chaplin) repeated for half our or so, it's not the national anthem but something else and must contain 'important information'.

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I taught English for longer than I care to remember .In both Govt. and Private schools. From Kindergarten to University. In Bangkok and in the country . The Thai education system is a joke. Students are chastised for asking teachers questions. Why? Simple , if the teacher does not know the answer , the teacher loses "face". Terrible!!! I forced students to ask me questions. It is extremely hard to do so successfully.They are so frightened.Everything is rote teaching. Too many times ,have I seen the teacher set work on the board, and then disappear for the entire class. Anybody who can find any redeeming features in the Thai education system either has blinkers on or is wearing rose coloured glasses.

Sorry that it has turn you to sound so very bitter, perhaps you should have got out of the job earlier than you did, or maybe stood up to them and got the bullet.:lol:

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Boy, not another wind-up thread. And a bunch of replies from clueless farangs who just love to batch the Thais about something. So are you guys suggesting that the kids just drop out of school, go to Pattaya, and sell their bodies to the highest bidder? And all this because the OP is annoyed that the kids are reciting the national anthem every morning. Well guess what? When I was a little kid growing up in America, guess what I did every morning at school? Recited the national anthem. Until it was seared to my brain. But that was patriotism. If the Thais do it, it's nationalism. I always wondered how you guys make the distinction. No, the Thai education system is not perfect. And neither are any of you blowhards.

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ALOT of false history.

Id love to know what they were saying also. Having speakers in schools, housing estates etc seems very North Koreanish and in a very clever way Thailand kinda is.

The way that social sciences {especially history - Thai history} are applied in any such Thai curriculum is quite appalling and predictable, less the primary and secondary levels, but within a university setting as well.

The educational systematic infrastructure in Thailand has always come across as nothing but a venue for that old stereotyped rigid promotion of nationalism and homogeny . North Korea might be a kind comparative.

For years, I've taken it upon myself to subvert the mindwashing of my children with alternatives, countering the system, encouraging them to apply critical thought, questioning and challenging the ever-present standard convention.

Even the old Wat education allowed for free association...........what really should sound of alarms is how this suppressive indoctrination has long-been a university standard. Critical thinking and questioned reason is never a promoted consideration.

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Boy, not another wind-up thread. And a bunch of replies from clueless farangs who just love to batch the Thais about something. So are you guys suggesting that the kids just drop out of school, go to Pattaya, and sell their bodies to the highest bidder? And all this because the OP is annoyed that the kids are reciting the national anthem every morning. Well guess what? When I was a little kid growing up in America, guess what I did every morning at school? Recited the national anthem. Until it was seared to my brain. But that was patriotism. If the Thais do it, it's nationalism. I always wondered how you guys make the distinction. No, the Thai education system is not perfect. And neither are any of you blowhards.

Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

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'Berkshire' timestamp='1305020064' post='4414261']

Boy, not another wind-up thread. And a bunch of replies from clueless farangs who just love to batch the Thais about something. So are you guys suggesting that the kids just drop out of school, go to Pattaya, and sell their bodies to the highest bidder? And all this because the OP is annoyed that the kids are reciting the national anthem every morning. Well guess what? When I was a little kid growing up in America, guess what I did every morning at school? Recited the national anthem. Until it was seared to my brain. But that was patriotism. If the Thais do it, it's nationalism. I always wondered how you guys make the distinction. No, the Thai education system is not perfect. And neither are any of you blowhards.

Oh boy , if only you had been taught to read and understand English as it is written , hard to do in America I would imagine , first remove your special taiwise eye wear and re-read what the clueless farangs actually wrote , there is no Thai , what was that word ? Oh yes , batch what ever you meant that to mean , the antham was not brought up , but the rote method of shoving information into receptive grey matter was , this is a fact of methodology in the realm of Thai education facilities , not all of course .Denial is the biggest factor holding Thai progress basically static , oh , but of course , that is a part of your need to live cheaply in the realm on the backs of the poor under educated , underpaid masses , sorry for my intrusion into your ' Dream world' , hope it lasts for you .

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Having been involved in the Thai Education system for 28 years, I have seen some things ...... One such occasion had me translating for a US PhD Professor in a meeting with a high level MoE woman. The Thai wanted the US Profs opinion on how best to train Thai teachers on the learner centered approach and the advice was "don't waste your money trying to blanket train all Thai teachers, find suitable schools and concentrate your efforts on those until you reach a level of success. Then use those schools as hubs to pass on what they have learned to others." The Thai constantly took notes and seemed very interested yet the end result was a total waste of money. They did exactly what the US Prof warned them not to do and wasted a few hundred million baht.

Some may want to change the education system but the elite certainly don't want a generation of young, poor people that can think!!!

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Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

Ok, let us discuss this rationally....and honestly. Your words:

"....but after they get lots of other stuff to recite, only hear 'prathet Thai' many times so it's pretty nationalistic stuff I guess, maybe about what a great nation and people they are ?"

This is where you and many like you confound me. Firstly, the terms nationalism and patriotism are very similar, although the true meaning of each can differ profoundly. To put it simply, patriotism is love and devotion to one's country. Nationalism is that, COMBINED with a negative view of other races or cultures. So in a sense, we can say that patriotism is generally accepted as "good," while nationalism is viewed as "bad."

So why would you and those of your ilk automatically assume that any sort of patriotic gesture by Thais is "nationalism?" Nearly all the Thai's that I meet almost universally view foreigners in a positive light. This is absolutely the opposite of what you're suggesting, if we are to go by the true definition of what nationalism is. If Thai's do demonstrate a certain love and devotion to their country, how can you immediately interpret that to be nationalism and not patriotism? What evidence do you have that Thai's have a "negative view of other races or cultures?" Unless you're simply attempting to mislead and/or attack the average Thai's for your own personal agenda. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

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Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

Ok, let us discuss this rationally....and honestly. Your words:

"....but after they get lots of other stuff to recite, only hear 'prathet Thai' many times so it's pretty nationalistic stuff I guess, maybe about what a great nation and people they are ?"

This is where you and many like you confound me. Firstly, the terms nationalism and patriotism are very similar, although the true meaning of each can differ profoundly. To put it simply, patriotism is love and devotion to one's country. Nationalism is that, COMBINED with a negative view of other races or cultures. So in a sense, we can say that patriotism is generally accepted as "good," while nationalism is viewed as "bad."

So why would you and those of your ilk automatically assume that any sort of patriotic gesture by Thais is "nationalism?" Nearly all the Thai's that I meet almost universally view foreigners in a positive light. This is absolutely the opposite of what you're suggesting, if we are to go by the true definition of what nationalism is. If Thai's do demonstrate a certain love and devotion to their country, how can you immediately interpret that to be nationalism and not patriotism? What evidence do you have that Thai's have a "negative view of other races or cultures?" Unless you're simply attempting to mislead and/or attack the average Thai's for your own personal agenda. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

I think a lot of people are embarrassed by their own lack of patriotism and loyalty to their country, for whatever reason, and prefer to claim that as 'open-mindedness', or tolerance. They then attack patriotism in others as 'nationalism', which has negative connotations (as I myself noted in a passing discussion of the government in Holyrood)


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Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

Ok, let us discuss this rationally....and honestly. Your words:

"....but after they get lots of other stuff to recite, only hear 'prathet Thai' many times so it's pretty nationalistic stuff I guess, maybe about what a great nation and people they are ?"

This is where you and many like you confound me. Firstly, the terms nationalism and patriotism are very similar, although the true meaning of each can differ profoundly. To put it simply, patriotism is love and devotion to one's country. Nationalism is that, COMBINED with a negative view of other races or cultures. So in a sense, we can say that patriotism is generally accepted as "good," while nationalism is viewed as "bad."

So why would you and those of your ilk automatically assume that any sort of patriotic gesture by Thais is "nationalism?" Nearly all the Thai's that I meet almost universally view foreigners in a positive light. This is absolutely the opposite of what you're suggesting, if we are to go by the true definition of what nationalism is. If Thai's do demonstrate a certain love and devotion to their country, how can you immediately interpret that to be nationalism and not patriotism? What evidence do you have that Thai's have a "negative view of other races or cultures?" Unless you're simply attempting to mislead and/or attack the average Thai's for your own personal agenda. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

'Nationalism or patriotism' thanks for explaining both words, let we take the second one then. Although 'love and devotion to their country' sure why not, but when force-feeding patriotic songs and teachings to very young children you see it as positive ? Freedom of thinking and respect for individual minds are positive, indoctrination is not in what ever culture include the American.

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Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

Ok, let us discuss this rationally....and honestly. Your words:

"....but after they get lots of other stuff to recite, only hear 'prathet Thai' many times so it's pretty nationalistic stuff I guess, maybe about what a great nation and people they are ?"

This is where you and many like you confound me. Firstly, the terms nationalism and patriotism are very similar, although the true meaning of each can differ profoundly. To put it simply, patriotism is love and devotion to one's country. Nationalism is that, COMBINED with a negative view of other races or cultures. So in a sense, we can say that patriotism is generally accepted as "good," while nationalism is viewed as "bad."

So why would you and those of your ilk automatically assume that any sort of patriotic gesture by Thais is "nationalism?" Nearly all the Thai's that I meet almost universally view foreigners in a positive light. This is absolutely the opposite of what you're suggesting, if we are to go by the true definition of what nationalism is. If Thai's do demonstrate a certain love and devotion to their country, how can you immediately interpret that to be nationalism and not patriotism? What evidence do you have that Thai's have a "negative view of other races or cultures?" Unless you're simply attempting to mislead and/or attack the average Thai's for your own personal agenda. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

'Nationalism or patriotism' thanks for explaining both words, let we take the second one then. Although 'love and devotion to their country' sure why not, but when force-feeding patriotic songs and teachings to very young children you see it as positive ? Freedom of thinking and respect for individual minds are positive, indoctrination is not in what ever culture include the American.

There you go again, foisting your own individualistic ideology on us, hoping it will sink in subliminally.

Luckily we have been brought up to ignore trouble-makers and radicals...


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Did I say hearing the national anthem annoys me ?? No I did not say that and it does not annoy me either. Neither I am comparing Thailand with America neither this topic is about the national anthem or a 'wind up treat'.

Ok, let us discuss this rationally....and honestly. Your words:

"....but after they get lots of other stuff to recite, only hear 'prathet Thai' many times so it's pretty nationalistic stuff I guess, maybe about what a great nation and people they are ?"

This is where you and many like you confound me. Firstly, the terms nationalism and patriotism are very similar, although the true meaning of each can differ profoundly. To put it simply, patriotism is love and devotion to one's country. Nationalism is that, COMBINED with a negative view of other races or cultures. So in a sense, we can say that patriotism is generally accepted as "good," while nationalism is viewed as "bad."

So why would you and those of your ilk automatically assume that any sort of patriotic gesture by Thais is "nationalism?" Nearly all the Thai's that I meet almost universally view foreigners in a positive light. This is absolutely the opposite of what you're suggesting, if we are to go by the true definition of what nationalism is. If Thai's do demonstrate a certain love and devotion to their country, how can you immediately interpret that to be nationalism and not patriotism? What evidence do you have that Thai's have a "negative view of other races or cultures?" Unless you're simply attempting to mislead and/or attack the average Thai's for your own personal agenda. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

I think a lot of people are embarrassed by their own lack of patriotism and loyalty to their country, for whatever reason, and prefer to claim that as 'open-mindedness', or tolerance. They then attack patriotism in others as 'nationalism', which has negative connotations (as I myself noted in a passing discussion of the government in Holyrood)


Good point, SC. I agree.

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'Nationalism or patriotism' thanks for explaining both words, let we take the second one then. Although 'love and devotion to their country' sure why not, but when force-feeding patriotic songs and teachings to very young children you see it as positive ? Freedom of thinking and respect for individual minds are positive, indoctrination is not in what ever culture include the American.

You can have "freedom of thinking and respect for individual minds," yet still have love of country and countrymen. That's why I brought up the USA (which you seem to reject, yet bring up again). American children ARE force-fed patriotic songs (I was, anyhow, back in the day), but I never felt brainwashed or programmed. Now if the kids were being taught to hate other countries and races, then yes, I would be absolutely alarmed and appalled. I just saw a piece this morning on CNN where Afghan kids were being taught to hate America at a very young age. Now that is despicable. That is not what's going on in Thai schools.

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Having been involved in the Thai Education system for 28 years, I have seen some things ...... One such occasion had me translating for a US PhD Professor in a meeting with a high level MoE woman. The Thai wanted the US Profs opinion on how best to train Thai teachers on the learner centered approach and the advice was "don't waste your money trying to blanket train all Thai teachers, find suitable schools and concentrate your efforts on those until you reach a level of success. Then use those schools as hubs to pass on what they have learned to others." The Thai constantly took notes and seemed very interested yet the end result was a total waste of money. They did exactly what the US Prof warned them not to do and wasted a few hundred million baht.

Some may want to change the education system but the elite certainly don't want a generation of young, poor people that can think!!!

Indeed. This advancement would be quite detrimental to their long-historied cause.

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