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Rubber Trees

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41 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

I presume that's a gate price. Same as gate prices round here...

Yep, at the collection depot. Everyone weighs in and they ship it off to a processor. I assume they get somewhere round the online quoted prices for cup i.e. around double what they pay.

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59 minutes ago, grollies said:

Yep, at the collection depot. Everyone weighs in and they ship it off to a processor. I assume they get somewhere round the online quoted prices for cup i.e. around double what they pay.

"Gate price" round here means you do not transport. They come to you. Your "gate" of your farm.

Collection depot where everyone transports their own produce sounds like our auctions, which are true auction with different bidders on the day etc. Perhaps it's a co-op type of thing. Either way, profit by the "buyers" ie the middlemen who sell to the factories is rarely more than 1 baht a kg. But when you've got 550 sellers with an average of 1000 kgs, that's still a handsome day's profit, less ex'es.

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Ohhkay, seems like different places have different ways of buying and selling.


My missus mentioned the other day about collecting from the gate.


Most round here producing cup lump go to one of the two local weigh in places - pretty much like the cassava place opposite us. The rubber depot has trucks to take to the processor. But they weigh on scales and have a daily spot price.


We had a look round the other day and there are auction places that buy sheet. There don't seem to be auction places for cup tho.

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18 minutes ago, scotbeve said:


12 baht in Mae Ai, Fang, and Chai Prakarn. Lowest in history. The filks in the south are getting extremely peeved!

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At 12 baht we'll be shutting down for a while.


Something not right, as of yesterday cup lump was B35/kg. We've always got 50% of quoted price so should be B17.5/kg minimum.

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18 hours ago, grollies said:

Ohhkay, seems like different places have different ways of buying and selling.


My missus mentioned the other day about collecting from the gate.


Most round here producing cup lump go to one of the two local weigh in places - pretty much like the cassava place opposite us. The rubber depot has trucks to take to the processor. But they weigh on scales and have a daily spot price.


We had a look round the other day and there are auction places that buy sheet. There don't seem to be auction places for cup tho.

Yeah, sheet auctions are once a month, cup auctions once a fortnight, same place, same people running it. Obviously, when you've got half a dozen to a dozen bidders bidding for the whole lot, it helps the price compared to one buyer with a daily spot price.


2 hours ago, scotbeve said:



12 baht in Mae Ai, Fang, and Chai Prakarn. Lowest in history. The filks in the south are getting extremely peeved!

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Something not right with that price. Someone, somewhere is making a serious killing.

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1 hour ago, scotbeve said:


The north was always shafted one way or another (except when the Shins were piloting the ship).

15 baht today.

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That's a little better.


Down to the big 5 cartel of buyers rigging the price. I don't go for this low demand and oil price rubbish.

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On 11/16/2017 at 4:23 PM, grollies said:

That's a little better.


Down to the big 5 cartel of buyers rigging the price. I don't go for this low demand and oil price rubbish.

Still too low.... we're selling ALL of our rubber plantations (120 rai++).

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Scott, just interested. Whats your plan after selling your 120 rai? Still some type of farming?
You been around for a while. Just interested in your ideas.

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We've been actually hands-off farming for some time now and our family was running it all... But due to these historical low prices for lump, we've decided to sell all the land including our first house / farmhouse (400 sq mtr with a 20 m swimming pool, 110 sq m garage - 4 bay - and workshop, approx 100 sq m rubber staging barn (planned to do RSS)). I've retired as of 2 yrs ago from my "day job" (O & G industry). We have 3 rents coming in from properties in Chiang Mai and 2 rentals from 2 plots at the farm. Essentially, all the land sales are supposed to be retirement cash. Deadly slow tho' . Sold the last of our farm equipment 5 months ago (had 4 rice harvesters and other equipment / machines before that). One plot was surveyed and okayed by the "government" for a 20 rai solar farm. A decent deal which fell through due to govt corruption and ineptitude. The private company that was going to install the solar farm, paid a down payment to over one hundred "farms" but got screwed by "Dah Leh". So in short, retire and get onto the bucket list!

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scott, sounds like you have been busy..... can you give me idea on the price, say per tree ish what the teak returned for you, the trees were about 25 years old if i remember right?

with what you have learned through farming here, would you farm again if you could turn the clock back?

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Yup. Grew sticky rice... We're northerners. lol. Had : tractors, dump trucks, back hoes (mack hoes lol), bulldozer, and various machines of grass destruction. Fish farms, teak plantations, bamboo, mangos, and some other cash crops besides rice. All in all...? A lot of work, small returns. The $$$ is in property but long term.

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[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] noyce. Jack of all trades. Jasmin rice is 18,000 per ton as opposed to 7000 per ton for plain rice. Sticky rice is even better. So are the outgoings higher for the more expensive stick and jasmin rice? So at the end of the day you still have not much profit? Not talking about the price of buying the seed,as after 1st harvest,you own the seed.
I know the guys round Sukhothai get 700 kg per rai of plain rice. Is sticky rice less weight after harvest per rai or still about 700 kg per rai?
Even better,any idea on expenses?
I feel its like any type of farming. You need volume.
Open to your ideas.
Cheers cobbler

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For those of you that remember the Collister Rubber Company and a guy called Jim. Spoke to him yesterday and he is selling at 13 baht farm gate. Not happy but still here. Says there are big rubber companies closing factories as they cannot achieve sales above the cost of production. Also said it is just a matter of time before the tappers down tools and go home. 

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1 hour ago, cobbler said:

emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png noyce. Jack of all trades. Jasmin rice is 18,000 per ton as opposed to 7000 per ton for plain rice. Sticky rice is even better. So are the outgoings higher for the more expensive stick and jasmin rice? So at the end of the day you still have not much profit? Not talking about the price of buying the seed,as after 1st harvest,you own the seed.
I know the guys round Sukhothai get 700 kg per rai of plain rice. Is sticky rice less weight after harvest per rai or still about 700 kg per rai?
Even better,any idea on expenses?
I feel its like any type of farming. You need volume.
Open to your ideas.
Cheers cobbler

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that is some good kg per rai cobbler, must have good land ect there to acheive that.... 

around us the land is poor, to very bad, stone ect... the wife has some farm land that the macro 20 tonner will not dig out because of the sheer mass of stone, 1 metre under the land, still that farm is mostly going for houses now. 

so around as good land will get you approx 450kg per rai, while most land will return 200kg per rai, that would be planted and have 1 applications of vits 46/0/0 i think.... those are figures from what the family/friends have been gettting for many years. we sell the bags they use for the rice,6 years now....

from what i see the volume is about the same on the jasmine or sticky rice. i would guess the seed/quility would play a big part in the volume harvested.  people just use the same seed year in year out here.

i agree, to make money you need money,volume,skill and also luck.... labor/workers, i will not say......555

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1 hour ago, IsaanAussie said:

For those of you that remember the Collister Rubber Company and a guy called Jim. Spoke to him yesterday and he is selling at 13 baht farm gate. Not happy but still here. Says there are big rubber companies closing factories as they cannot achieve sales above the cost of production. Also said it is just a matter of time before the tappers down tools and go home. 

sounds like it could be time to learn how to tap..... almost double your money over night.....

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that is some good kg per rai cobbler, must have good land ect there to acheive that.... 
around us the land is poor, to very bad, stone ect... the wife has some farm land that the macro 20 tonner will not dig out because of the sheer mass of stone, 1 metre under the land, still that farm is mostly going for houses now. 
so around as good land will get you approx 450kg per rai, while most land will return 200kg per rai, that would be planted and have 1 applications of vits 46/0/0 i think.... those are figures from what the family/friends have been gettting for many years. we sell the bags they use for the rice,6 years now....
from what i see the volume is about the same on the jasmine or sticky rice. i would guess the seed/quility would play a big part in the volume harvested.  people just use the same seed year in year out here.
i agree, to make money you need money,volume,skill and also luck.... labor/workers, i will not say......555

Thoongfoned . Mate thanks so much for that. Thats exactlly what i was hoping to hear. Same amount per rai if plain rice ,jasmin or sticky rice.. mate the land is just flat rice padi type stuff they get 3 crops per year due to flood irrigation out of wet season.
I know that 700kg per rai as i was there when they weighed it. So im thinkin after doing a lot more homework 700kg of jasmin or sticky rice is deffinately worth a go,. My wifes been on about it for a while now. Sinse shes always right ( no i mean ALLLLWAYS) its worth lookin at. Dont know how many times ive just kaughed her ideas off only to find out shit shes bloody right.
So James is still about. Hes a knowledgeable guy on yang. Hope hes going well.
Anyway thanks for that. Perhaps we should start a rice thread.
By the way my wife has imformed me that tax is on the way in thai. So keep that in the back of your heads if anybody is planning big scale anything. My opinion is if gonna do something in thai and pay tax on your pissy profit. Ide rather do it back in oz where theres more stability.
Just my shitty opinion.
Cheers cobbler

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