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Can You Predict An Earthquake?


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Earthquakes.....HAARP? Weather Warfare? Scalar Technology?

Sure, these ideas sell lots of books and fill up lots of airtime on 24 hour/day TV channels.

More prosaically we(ie humans) know far less than is commonly assumed and are capable of far fewer things than the conspiracy theorists would have us believe. The whole fascination/challenge/terror/opportunity of natural hazards (quakes, volcanic eruptions, slope failure, floods, tropical cyclones and tornadoes) is that they are almost impossible to predict or prevent, and are far more potent than any human force. Their quasi-random nature and overwhelming power dwarf any human attempt to meddle with them. What people have learnt the hard/expensive way is that you cannot work against them in a prevention effort, but more effectively you need to work with them to mitigate the effects of what are fundamentally natural events/hazards.

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