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Britain'S Got Talent

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She was having a bit of fun, she admitted to wanting to get on TV and she did, and she was obviously happy, unlike 99% of the posters on ThaiVisa who seem decidedly unhappy. and complain about everything imaginable. I bet your houses are a place filled with laughter and warm cheer eh ? 

She enjoyed it, the audience enjoyed it, the judges enjoyed it.

ThaiVisa's grumpy old men society didn't enjoy it !  Now there's a suprise ! I hope she gets on page 3 or something similar and makes a heap of money, that will really piss off the GOMS ( grumpy old men society ).

You go girl,  good luck !

Edited by GM1955
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<br />Bloody hell people lighten up!  Loads of the acts on that show try to promote cheesy sexy routines regardless of which country they are from.... Just because she hails from a country with a huge red light scene she is not allowed to do the same?<br /><br />Come on its just a bit of fun, chill out!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

If she was Japanese would it have been ok ?

Japan has a bigger sex scene than Thailand only it's too expensive for regular sexpats, hence no mass publicity and sex tourism, but if Japanese escorts weren't so expensive, Tokyo would be full of the despicable creatures that flock to poorer countries to exploit the financial vulnerability of the people.

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Embarrassing - in more ways than one.

And I'm no snob -- some of the finest people I've ever known have been young women from a less than reputable background -- but one wonders what kind of machines did that girl used to operate in Thailand? It's an odd thing to me; a Thai woman who can go live abroad would seem to be someone from an upper middle class family at least but one wouldn't expect her to wind up a machine operator -- and you certainly wouldn't expect her to behave like that on TV.

And it has to be said, I think she likely does a nice job of perpetuating the worst sort of English attitudes towards Thai women.

In your mind Joe... all in your mind.

She was simply rubbish.

Great legs though!

Uhmm,,,what was all in my mind?

'..perpetuating the worst sort of English attitudes towards Thai woman.' That sounds like someone who is worried about telling his friends and family that he goes to Thailand for his holidays, or, if already here, says he lives in Jomtien instead of Pattaya.

Why on earth are you letting what other people do or think rent so much space in your head?

If she was a machine operator in Thailand, she could have been making bits for Toyota cars, or Western Digital hard drives or any amount of industrial by-products. It's not ALL about flogging their naughty bits you know. I would hazard a guess that there's quite a large contingent of women working in the manufacturing industry in the UK. Nobody has to be Thai hi-so to get a visa to live and work in the UK... where on earth did that bizarre generalisation come from?

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why do they have the american from baywatch on a show about British talent? is he particularly popular in England?

Or why is his nemesis doing the same sh!t on the other side of the Atlantic?

Cowell is the 'boss' - Hasselhof is a badly selected substitute who allows Cowell to broaden his exposure ion the States.

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... That crack about her name - "...Watching porn?!?!" and the audience laughing away stupidly - surely that's a little disrespectful?

No more so than my buddy Chuck having to endure smirks, giggles and guffaws from Thai's when he introduces himself. He's really not a total w^anker.

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Embarrassing - in more ways than one.

And I'm no snob -- some of the finest people I've ever known have been young women from a less than reputable background -- but one wonders what kind of machines did that girl used to operate in Thailand? It's an odd thing to me; a Thai woman who can go live abroad would seem to be someone from an upper middle class family at least but one wouldn't expect her to wind up a machine operator -- and you certainly wouldn't expect her to behave like that on TV.

And it has to be said, I think she likely does a nice job of perpetuating the worst sort of English attitudes towards Thai women.

In your mind Joe... all in your mind.

She was simply rubbish.

Great legs though!

Uhmm,,,what was all in my mind?

'..perpetuating the worst sort of English attitudes towards Thai woman.' That sounds like someone who is worried about telling his friends and family that he goes to Thailand for his holidays, or, if already here, says he lives in Jomtien instead of Pattaya.

Why on earth are you letting what other people do or think rent so much space in your head?

If she was a machine operator in Thailand, she could have been making bits for Toyota cars, or Western Digital hard drives or any amount of industrial by-products. It's not ALL about flogging their naughty bits you know. I would hazard a guess that there's quite a large contingent of women working in the manufacturing industry in the UK. Nobody has to be Thai hi-so to get a visa to live and work in the UK... where on earth did that bizarre generalisation come from?

What an odd post...to pretend to know so much about me but in fact just make it all up....

So you mean that the idea that some British people may have some less than high opinion of Thai women or view them in one particular way only is just my imagination? Absurd.

As for me -- not sure why I'm the sdubject -- my friends and family have known for decades that I live in Thailand and I've never been inclined in any way or for any reason to keep it a secret -- even when I lived in Pattaya. Given that my comment was clearly about Thai women and how they are likely to be perceived by some people abroad, I can't imagine how you can try and interpret it to be about me -- as I'm neither abroad nor a Thai woman. Moreover in a subsequent post I elaborate some on my thinking regarding the matter so...methinks it's all in your head. (I just thought I'd add that it was my experience -- though I've spent VERY little time there in the last 30 years so this may not be generally true -- that unlike in the UK or some other places in the EU, Thailand doesn't have much of a reputation in the US; I'm sure it will come as no surprise that many Americans know very little about it or the region but it is my perception that it's not as famous as a sex tourism destination. Guess what? I am American -- and I have yet to be confronted with much of the attitude that I was talking about when I've visited or had visitors from there; I've spent my life making choices that prove I'm not concerned about what people think about them and I wouldn't care what people think about me living in Thailand -- but the fact is I'd have no reason to.)

If she was a machine operator in Thailand, she could have been making bits for Toyota cars, or Western Digital hard drives or any amount of industrial by-products.

Yeah, no kidding. The point was that your average Thai woman working for Toyota or Western Digital wouldn't go on TV and take her clothes off. And since I myself have pointed out to another poster the fact that the majority of Thai women are NOT "flogging their naughty bits" it makes no sense to point it out to me.

Nobody has to be Thai hi-so to get a visa to live and work in the UK... where on earth did that bizarre generalisation come from?

That would indeed be a bizzare generalization, I suppose (or at least an inacccurate one). But I didn't make it. Upper middle class is NOT "Hi-So" and I made no mention of visas (I was referring more to other socio-economic and cultural reasons why the majority of Thai factory workers might not wind up living in the UK). Now, if I implied that there were no middle or working class Thais at all who go and live abroad, then I'm sure that wasn't correct and I apologize. No doubt there must be some and perhaps they are in larger numbers than I realize. But I'm not sure why that matters or how it detracts from my point in any way.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Yeah, no kidding. The point was that your average Thai woman working for Toyota or Western Digital wouldn't go on TV and take her clothes off. And since I myself have pointed out to another poster the fact that the majority of Thai women are NOT "flogging their naughty bits" it makes no sense to point it out to me.

Quite a lot of Thai girls in a factory town near me are happy to sell their naughty bits.

If there were more customers, more would be selling.

That's the law of supply and demand in action.

Any poster who thinks different must me meeting a different class of woman to me.

Meaning either they don't get out enough or I hang around with women of dubious moral character.

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Yeah, no kidding. The point was that your average Thai woman working for Toyota or Western Digital wouldn't go on TV and take her clothes off. And since I myself have pointed out to another poster the fact that the majority of Thai women are NOT "flogging their naughty bits" it makes no sense to point it out to me.

Quite a lot of Thai girls in a factory town near me are happy to sell their naughty bits.

If there were more customers, more would be selling.

That's the law of supply and demand in action.

Any poster who thinks different must me meeting a different class of woman to me.

Meaning either they don't get out enough or I hang around with women of dubious moral character.

Funny thing is, in Thailand there's a big difference between selling your body and being immodest on national TV -- there are far more willing to do the former than the latter (though that is changing; there was a time when there was a massive sex industry here -- as there is now -- and plenty of women willing to go naked or nearly so in a bar; and yet very few that'd be willing to pose nude, semi-nude, or even in a bikini, in magazines etc - let alone on TV which would be unheard of).

I maintain that most of the factory girls you speak of (if not all) wouldn't go on British TV and do what Wacharaporn did. But maybe I'm wrong about that. Still doesn't change my position or undermine it.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Quite a lot of Thai girls in a factory town near me are happy to sell their naughty bits.

I support the right of anyone to sell their naughty bits if they should so desire. 27721588_125x125.png

Hear, hear!

I am generally in favor of naughty bits and the free trade thereof.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Since when has Britain's Got Talent been a show about actual talent? It's always just been a parade of people who want to be on TV desperately. This girl provided 5 mins of laughs for the audience, so she'll be back. But yes, I do agree about the stereotype being perpetuated further. Can't be helped, though - walk around Thailand - is the stereotype so wrong?:(

Since when has Michael McIntyre been a judge on this show?? :blink: I like him, I think he's naturally funny and has a quick wit - but this is just disappointing. I'm starting to see why people get really annoyed seeing him on TV. That crack about her name - "...Watching porn?!?!" and the audience laughing away stupidly - surely that's a little disrespectful?

Agree on all points. It is a sad state of affairs now as to what is defined as Art, Culture and Music. It was the obvious joke to make on her name, and cringe inducing watching the audience laugh. Probably more disrespectful to a Thai audience. The audience would not have understand Thai names, and the use of porns, bums, and poos...etc etc. I actually went red watching that.

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Agree on all points. It is a sad state of affairs now as to what is defined as Art, Culture and Music. It was the obvious joke to make on her name, and cringe inducing watching the audience laugh. Probably more disrespectful to a Thai audience. The audience would not have understand Thai names, and the use of porns, bums, and poos...etc etc. I actually went red watching that.

I used to work with a guy called Richard Head, and lived opposite a girl called Teresa Green

Nobody in the UK ever laughed at their names.

Don't be daft, funny names were invented by parents to tease their children.

Anyway, you shouldn't be watching this sort of garbage Tv.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Since when has Britain's Got Talent been a show about actual talent? It's always just been a parade of people who want to be on TV desperately. This girl provided 5 mins of laughs for the audience, so she'll be back. But yes, I do agree about the stereotype being perpetuated further. Can't be helped, though - walk around Thailand - is the stereotype so wrong?:(

Since when has Michael McIntyre been a judge on this show?? :blink: I like him, I think he's naturally funny and has a quick wit - but this is just disappointing. I'm starting to see why people get really annoyed seeing him on TV. That crack about her name - "...Watching porn?!?!" and the audience laughing away stupidly - surely that's a little disrespectful?

Agree on all points. It is a sad state of affairs now as to what is defined as Art, Culture and Music. It was the obvious joke to make on her name, and cringe inducing watching the audience laugh. Probably more disrespectful to a Thai audience. The audience would not have understand Thai names, and the use of porns, bums, and poos...etc etc. I actually went red watching that.

I once had an expat associate, who was relatively new to the country but not that new, who upon meeting the very attractive young woman who was one of our staff turned to me as soon as she left and showed how impressed he was. When I said something like, "Yeah, she is stunning, isn't she?" He said, "And she must be really dirty with a nickname like that!"

Yes, her name was Watcharaporn but she had her nickname on the nametag - "Porn". (Sad thing is, he wasn't even joking: he actually thought she had that nickname because she liked porn or wanted to do porn or acted like a porn star or something...)

And I too thought that guy on the show looked like a complete &lt;deleted&gt; for doing that bit about her name.

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Since when has Britain's Got Talent been a show about actual talent? It's always just been a parade of people who want to be on TV desperately. This girl provided 5 mins of laughs for the audience, so she'll be back. But yes, I do agree about the stereotype being perpetuated further. Can't be helped, though - walk around Thailand - is the stereotype so wrong?:(

Since when has Michael McIntyre been a judge on this show?? :blink: I like him, I think he's naturally funny and has a quick wit - but this is just disappointing. I'm starting to see why people get really annoyed seeing him on TV. That crack about her name - "...Watching porn?!?!" and the audience laughing away stupidly - surely that's a little disrespectful?

Agree on all points. It is a sad state of affairs now as to what is defined as Art, Culture and Music. It was the obvious joke to make on her name, and cringe inducing watching the audience laugh. Probably more disrespectful to a Thai audience. The audience would not have understand Thai names, and the use of porns, bums, and poos...etc etc. I actually went red watching that.

I once had an expat associate, who was relatively new to the country but not that new, who upon meeting the very attractive young woman who was one of our staff turned to me as soon as she left and showed how impressed he was. When I said something like, "Yeah, she is stunning, isn't she?" He said, "And she must be really dirty with a nickname like that!"

Yes, her name was Watcharaporn but she had her nickname on the nametag - "Porn". (Sad thing is, he wasn't even joking: he actually thought she had that nickname because she liked porn or wanted to do porn or acted like a porn star or something...)

And I too thought that guy on the show looked like a complete &lt;deleted&gt; for doing that bit about her name.

Yeah, its very sad, and pretty juvenile. I said it was cringe inducing and made me go red. All very predictable.

Sarahsbloke. I don't watch it. I just watched this video.

It all depends on context. I think in this incidence it was a bit condescending, the way it was done. They were laughing at her not with her. On the other hand, I think this context is pretty funny from Thailand Stories...Put A Face To A Name

I remember starting the first proper job I got after university and thinking how clever and avant garde I was by being sarcastic and acerbic to the people I worked with. With hindsight the fact that my boss bought me a copy of "How to win friends and influence people" is a little bit embarrassing but reading it probably saved me getting my head kicked in a few times.

I remember one of the chapters started with the following phrase, "Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language." Then went on to explain anecdotally how important it is not to forget, mispronounce or ridicule somebody's name and how much of a rotter you'd look if you did.

Anyway a year or so later myself and a mate departed from Manchester airport and arrived 12 hours later at Don Muang. Absorbing "How to win friends" had made me top salesman in the company I worked for, more popular with my mates and financially stable enough to afford a holiday in Thailand. However as I waited at passport control to be granted a visa I did a particularly poor job of stifling my laugh at the Immigration officers nametag that told the world he was called "TossaPorn". In fact I was probably lucky to be allowed in the country at all and later when I met up with a friend who knew the territory better he explained that Thai names are made up of little segments, prefixes and suffixes. According to my mate "Porn" is a very popular component in Thai names so you could meet somebody called Aporn or Worraporn who shortens their name to "Porn", he then introduced me to his girlfriend "Poo" and her best mate "Bum".

Over the years I've sort of got used to using names that sound weird or amusing to foreigners but other peoples reactions to odd names can be a good benchmark as to how familiar they are with Thailand. I know a hotel receptionist called Sonchai Wattatwat who can tell accurately to within a day or so how long a foreigner has been in the country when they see his nametag, and there's Tittiso who works at one of the ticket booths on the Skytrain who got sick of foreigners laughing at her nametag so swapped badges with her colleague Pornvid. One of my friends works at an office in Bangkok where the receptionist called Siriwan (remember the Thai's pronounce the "R" as an "L") takes great care when asked her name not to answer "Siliwanka" ("ka" being the polite feminine suffix used when answering questions).

But even the most settled of foreigners have trouble keeping a straight face at times. A friend of mine from Cardiff has been teaching English in a Thailand for over 8 years now and still has difficulty when he reads out the register and has to check to see if "Turdsac" has turned up for his English lessons.

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Since when has Britain's Got Talent been a show about actual talent? It's always just been a parade of people who want to be on TV desperately. This girl provided 5 mins of laughs for the audience, so she'll be back. But yes, I do agree about the stereotype being perpetuated further. Can't be helped, though - walk around Thailand - is the stereotype so wrong?:(

Since when has Michael McIntyre been a judge on this show?? :blink: I like him, I think he's naturally funny and has a quick wit - but this is just disappointing. I'm starting to see why people get really annoyed seeing him on TV. That crack about her name - "...Watching porn?!?!" and the audience laughing away stupidly - surely that's a little disrespectful?

Agree on all points. It is a sad state of affairs now as to what is defined as Art, Culture and Music. It was the obvious joke to make on her name, and cringe inducing watching the audience laugh. Probably more disrespectful to a Thai audience. The audience would not have understand Thai names, and the use of porns, bums, and poos...etc etc. I actually went red watching that.

I once had an expat associate, who was relatively new to the country but not that new, who upon meeting the very attractive young woman who was one of our staff turned to me as soon as she left and showed how impressed he was. When I said something like, "Yeah, she is stunning, isn't she?" He said, "And she must be really dirty with a nickname like that!"

Yes, her name was Watcharaporn but she had her nickname on the nametag - "Porn". (Sad thing is, he wasn't even joking: he actually thought she had that nickname because she liked porn or wanted to do porn or acted like a porn star or something...)

And I too thought that guy on the show looked like a complete &lt;deleted&gt; for doing that bit about her name.

Yeah, its very sad, and pretty juvenile. I said it was cringe inducing and made me go red. All very predictable.

Sarahsbloke. I don't watch it. I just watched this video.

It all depends on context. I think in this incidence it was a bit condescending, the way it was done. They were laughing at her not with her. On the other hand, I think this context is pretty funny from Thailand Stories...Put A Face To A Name

I remember starting the first proper job I got after university and thinking how clever and avant garde I was by being sarcastic and acerbic to the people I worked with. With hindsight the fact that my boss bought me a copy of "How to win friends and influence people" is a little bit embarrassing but reading it probably saved me getting my head kicked in a few times.

I remember one of the chapters started with the following phrase, "Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language." Then went on to explain anecdotally how important it is not to forget, mispronounce or ridicule somebody's name and how much of a rotter you'd look if you did.

Anyway a year or so later myself and a mate departed from Manchester airport and arrived 12 hours later at Don Muang. Absorbing "How to win friends" had made me top salesman in the company I worked for, more popular with my mates and financially stable enough to afford a holiday in Thailand. However as I waited at passport control to be granted a visa I did a particularly poor job of stifling my laugh at the Immigration officers nametag that told the world he was called "TossaPorn". In fact I was probably lucky to be allowed in the country at all and later when I met up with a friend who knew the territory better he explained that Thai names are made up of little segments, prefixes and suffixes. According to my mate "Porn" is a very popular component in Thai names so you could meet somebody called Aporn or Worraporn who shortens their name to "Porn", he then introduced me to his girlfriend "Poo" and her best mate "Bum".

Over the years I've sort of got used to using names that sound weird or amusing to foreigners but other peoples reactions to odd names can be a good benchmark as to how familiar they are with Thailand. I know a hotel receptionist called Sonchai Wattatwat who can tell accurately to within a day or so how long a foreigner has been in the country when they see his nametag, and there's Tittiso who works at one of the ticket booths on the Skytrain who got sick of foreigners laughing at her nametag so swapped badges with her colleague Pornvid. One of my friends works at an office in Bangkok where the receptionist called Siriwan (remember the Thai's pronounce the "R" as an "L") takes great care when asked her name not to answer "Siliwanka" ("ka" being the polite feminine suffix used when answering questions).

But even the most settled of foreigners have trouble keeping a straight face at times. A friend of mine from Cardiff has been teaching English in a Thailand for over 8 years now and still has difficulty when he reads out the register and has to check to see if "Turdsac" has turned up for his English lessons.

Context indeed. I'm sure I've seen the name before - and others like you describe -- and never reacted to them or thought of them as anything other than Thai names, but I just chuckled out load at "Sonchai Wattatwat".

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Yes, her name was Watcharaporn but she had her nickname on the nametag - "Porn".

The first time that I came to Thailand, I saw a shop called "Porn Shop". It was filled with clothing, but I kept walking in and out trying to figure out where they were hiding the porn. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Jesus what is wrong with you people?

ITV produce a show which targets and encourages people with little or no talent to jump on stage and have a laugh - in the early stages at least. Its a crap show with no talent. People from all over the country and various parts of the world make idiots of themselves on that stage every week.

One single Thai girl pushes a trolly dressed as an air stewardess and the TV forum goes bonkers.

She hardly spread her legs and projected ping pong balls!

She pushed a bloody trolly! Thats all!

Jesus you misserable boring buggers what is wrong with you? Misserable, boring buggers you realy are.

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Jesus what is wrong with you people?

ITV produce a show which targets and encourages people with little or no talent to jump on stage and have a laugh - in the early stages at least. Its a crap show with no talent. People from all over the country and various parts of the world make idiots of themselves on that stage every week.

One single Thai girl pushes a trolly dressed as an air stewardess and the TV forum goes bonkers.

She hardly spread her legs and projected ping pong balls!

She pushed a bloody trolly! Thats all!

Jesus you misserable boring buggers what is wrong with you? Misserable, boring buggers you realy are.

Thought it was great and a sexy looking girl, no talent of course but made me smile!!

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Jesus what is wrong with you people?

ITV produce a show which targets and encourages people with little or no talent to jump on stage and have a laugh - in the early stages at least. Its a crap show with no talent. People from all over the country and various parts of the world make idiots of themselves on that stage every week.

One single Thai girl pushes a trolly dressed as an air stewardess and the TV forum goes bonkers.

She hardly spread her legs and projected ping pong balls!

She pushed a bloody trolly! Thats all!

Jesus you misserable boring buggers what is wrong with you? Misserable, boring buggers you realy are.

Thought it was great and a sexy looking girl, no talent of course but made me smile!!

I agree. Harmless fun. Half the old gits on this forum complaining about how its a disgrace to the Thais just iritate me. If they feel that way they should go live in a county more suitable for there personality. North Korea, maybe.

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Jesus what is wrong with you people?

ITV produce a show which targets and encourages people with little or no talent to jump on stage and have a laugh - in the early stages at least. Its a crap show with no talent. People from all over the country and various parts of the world make idiots of themselves on that stage every week.

One single Thai girl pushes a trolly dressed as an air stewardess and the TV forum goes bonkers.

She hardly spread her legs and projected ping pong balls!

She pushed a bloody trolly! Thats all!

Jesus you misserable boring buggers what is wrong with you? Misserable, boring buggers you realy are.

Thought it was great and a sexy looking girl, no talent of course but made me smile!!

I agree. Harmless fun. Half the old gits on this forum complaining about how its a disgrace to the Thais just iritate me. If they feel that way they should go live in a county more suitable for there personality. North Korea, maybe.

I saw it for what it was, a talent show, a very sexy cute girl having fun and I smiled and laughed all the way through, want more!!!

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Jesus what is wrong with you people?

ITV produce a show which targets and encourages people with little or no talent to jump on stage and have a laugh - in the early stages at least. Its a crap show with no talent. People from all over the country and various parts of the world make idiots of themselves on that stage every week.

One single Thai girl pushes a trolly dressed as an air stewardess and the TV forum goes bonkers.

She hardly spread her legs and projected ping pong balls!

She pushed a bloody trolly! Thats all!

Jesus you misserable boring buggers what is wrong with you? Misserable, boring buggers you realy are.

Thought it was great and a sexy looking girl, no talent of course but made me smile!!

I agree. Harmless fun. Half the old gits on this forum complaining about how its a disgrace to the Thais just iritate me. If they feel that way they should go live in a county more suitable for there personality. North Korea, maybe.

I saw it for what it was, a talent show, a very sexy cute girl having fun and I smiled and laughed all the way through, want more!!!

Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder... Were we watching the same video?

I saw somewhat of a Minger sporting a scanky tattoo in a desperate attempt to appear sexy....

Funny and entertaining? Yes, but for all the wrong reasons... Ping pong balls would've been much funnier !

Edited by richard_smith237
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&lt;deleted&gt; seriously mate it's a Thai girl on a UK talent show having fun, nothing else should be thought of it!!! and as for Ping Pong Ball shows anyone that goes to see that sort of thing is sick!!!! actually I think sick is to leneant dirty &lt;deleted&gt; perverts go to these sort of shows!!!

I am guessing you and many others think this girl is giving Thailand a bad name, well no, working girls do what thay do to support there familys dirty fat old gits come here to fuel there obscene perverted habit of exploiting children and any girl thay can lay there grubby hands on. so it is these people who are too blame for Thailands reputation!!!!

This a talent show see it for what it is and get over the rest.

Rant over now watch the programme and have a laugh!!!

Edited by kenny999
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&lt;deleted&gt; seriously mate it's a Thai girl on a UK talent show having fun, nothing else should be thought of it!!! and as for Ping Pong Ball shows anyone that goes to see that sort of thing is sick!!!! actually I think sick is to leneant dirty &lt;deleted&gt; perverts go to these sort of shows!!!

I am guessing you and many others think this girl is giving Thailand a bad name, well no, working girls do what thay do to support there familys dirty fat old gits come here to fuel there obscene perverted habit of exploiting children and any girl thay can lay there grubby hands on. so it is these people who are too blame for Thailands reputation!!!!

This a talent show see it for what it is and get over the rest.

Rant over now watch the programme and have a laugh!!!

I m not anti what she is actually doing. Don't see any difference between her and what other contestants do on these shows. I just thought the joke on her name was all too predictable, and the panel came across as a bit condescending. Personally I don't find her nice looking, but that is surely irrelevant to the debate on here.

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&lt;deleted&gt; seriously mate it's a Thai girl on a UK talent show having fun, nothing else should be thought of it!!! and as for Ping Pong Ball shows anyone that goes to see that sort of thing is sick!!!! actually I think sick is to leneant dirty &lt;deleted&gt; perverts go to these sort of shows!!!

I am guessing you and many others think this girl is giving Thailand a bad name, well no, working girls do what thay do to support there familys dirty fat old gits come here to fuel there obscene perverted habit of exploiting children and any girl thay can lay there grubby hands on. so it is these people who are too blame for Thailands reputation!!!!

This a talent show see it for what it is and get over the rest.

Rant over now watch the programme and have a laugh!!!

I m not anti what she is actually doing. Don't see any difference between her and what other contestants do on these shows. I just thought the joke on her name was all too predictable, and the panel came across as a bit condescending. Personally I don't find her nice looking, but that is surely irrelevant to the debate on here.

Debate??? it's a Thai girl on a Talent show, what joke was on her?? looks like she had fun I certainly loved what she did and found it very funny as did the audience, any other reasons dreamt up for her being there is just a load of old crap!!!

Can't be bothered to reply any more. lol

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