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Estimating Value Of Home Contents For Insurance Purposes


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OK a really dumb question, 'how do I guesstimate the value of my home contents for insurance purposes?'

I'm in the process of setting up contents insurance for my rented condo. To be honest I have no real idea of how much our stuff would cost to replace in the event of a total loss.

Things like TVs, computers etc are no problem, but the likes of beds, sofas etc have all been around a while so lord only knows the replacements costs (and I'm an inherently lazy chap so going round actually looking at prices is a non-starter).

I've tried a couple of online calculators, this one for example http://www.homecontents.com.au/index.php?c=web_intro&profile=suminsured_standard but of course none (that I can find) is based on Thai prices. Using the above calculator and a dummy Oz postcode to make it work I come out with a value of AUD 85,000 about 2.7 Million Baht, which seems a little OTT.

Thoughts anyone, maybe Thaivisa Insurance can come up with a handy-dandy online tool :)

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