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But okay, I'll admit. I am a raging sexpat who can't get a job anywhere and am here for the cheap ladies.

There we go....doesnt that feel better ....a bit of honesty goes a long way....:lol:

Admitting to a problem is the first step in recovery.

Recovery from WHAT? Enjoying sex or hating Thaksin? Any heterosexual man who says he hates sex with attractive women is either a liar, has a strange fetish, or is lacking in the hormones that make him a man. I love sex, but I seldom have more than one beer a day, and I never get drunk. What I don't care about are all the things I have no power to change... like politics in Thailand. Anybody with half a brain can tell that most politicians are power trippers trying to further their own agenda. So what else is new, it happens everywhere. Thaksin was a pure, unadulterated power tripper. He ALREADY had enough money to live a good life PRIOR to getting into politics. He just wanted more power and knew just how to go about it... use people's OWN money to buy votes for himself. The only amazing thing is he actually thought he could push out someone who we are not allowed to talk about.


Dan... I know Woodward and Bernstein... and Dan...YOU are NO Woodward and Bernstein!

You are a pathetic person with ZERO journalistic qualities.

You couldnt get WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE HOW if they were tattooed on your face and you were staring into a mirror.

Thai Visa shame on you for posting this craaaap!


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!

Not to mention the Jews,the Russians, and the homosexuals!

Hey, maybe I am a Russian Homosexual Jew.

# not a good idea to judge people based on who they sleep with; some of those thai prostirutes sleep with some really mangy nasty fat smelly men yet would be unfair to chastise the girls for doing or none the less a call to get rid of them based on that.

# many people in this world make positive contributions to society professionally, academically, artistically and are homosexual.

# some Russians are actually decent people

# without Jews you or a loved one may have already died from a curable/preventable disease as theres no lack of Nobel Laureates, scientists, lawyers, doctors, etc etc with that family background.

# many people of all races and sexual orientations contribute to society.

Pattaya is a city built on prostitution, alcohol, vice, thus naturally and by definition attracts predators, pimps and pervs. domestic and international.criminals.

Hey, my friend no disrespect but you might want to brush up on your history: that was clearly an ironic reference to Nazis and their stated plans to get rid of undesirables. In other words, unless I'm mistaken, the poster was making a joke about the previous posters extreme views (at least as they were put in the post).

I know, I shouldn't speak for him and I apologize for doing so -- but I'd not like anyone to think I was "smiling" in approval of someone that had the same views as the Nazis.


Warning to all TV community:

I wanted to find out who Dan Waites is so I found his site with Google - www.danwaites.com found out he is an activist writer for the Red Shirts and a supporter of Thaksin.

That's one of the several downfalls of using a blogger entry as the basis for "news"

I have just spent five minutes looking at the site, never having heard of Dan Waites before.There is no evidence at all he is an activist writer for the Red Shirts. although I expect that's where his general sympathies lie.I could see no evidence he is a supporter of Thaksin.What is clear however he is well educated, well informed and someone of intelligence.I will keep an open mind but he does seem worth following.Frankly a lively intelligence is a refreshing change after the one note braying of the military cheerleaders.

Hoorah! About time someone recognised Dan for exactly what he is.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!


I know many villagers who HATE him.


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!


I know many villagers who HATE him.

Don't have to please all of them....just most of them


Actually the whole article is meaningless. Its written by a blogger, not a journalist per se. At least not a journalist people are queueing up to read. Writing for Asia Correspondent I'm afraid is an occuptation which is getting a bit like an expat in similar occupations to those the author describes. Asian Correspondent used to get quite good reviews, even the Guardian liked it. But they gave it a good review without really watching it for a while. Its now populated by a lot of wannabe journalists. expounding on their personal views I don'r know any ex foreign correspondent falling in line to write there. I do not believe Bangkok Pundit is the guru some people imagine.

The fact that here may be certain characters as the 'author' describes actually has nothing to do with whether foreigners like Thaksin or not. Generally foreigners take a western stance rather than an Asian one. Asians forgive corruption much more readily. And as we saw most Thais actually supported Thaksin's drugs war , in which most victims were innocent.

Foreigners who support and understand one side of the Thai perspective will support Thaksin. Foreigners who stick rigidly to their established code that a murderer is a murderer, a thief is a thief and must be treated as one etc will not. Its got nothing at all to do whether they go to girlie bars or not or Purachai establishing a curfew. Nobody in any city in the world wants a midnight curfew nowadays. It was inane and boring but he threw in a couple of things to get some hits.

Do I feel jaleousy here ?

Not a journalist people are queueing up to read ? But they definitively queuing up to answer

How many thread in the "news" forum get so many answer in such a short time ? How many of your posts ?

Do you have a good retirement plan ?

why on Earth would anyone feel jaleousy [sic] towards a newbie blogger?

The only reason people are queuing up to answer it is because of its mass emailed status. Anything that gets sent out in that manner generates a lot of traffic.

Countless other mass emailed topics have gotten this many and even more replies in a short time.

Of all the various attempted digs at Mr. Drummond that I've seen, yours is probably one of the weakest ones.


But okay, I'll admit. I am a raging sexpat who can't get a job anywhere and am here for the cheap ladies.

There we go....doesnt that feel better ....a bit of honesty goes a long way....:lol:

Admitting to a problem is the first step in recovery.

Recovery from WHAT?

I love sex

- snipped -

Calm don, Ian. You can still have your sex.

The poster said his problem is affecting his ability to stay employed.


Actually the whole article is meaningless. Its written by a blogger, not a journalist per se. At least not a journalist people are queueing up to read. Writing for Asia Correspondent I'm afraid is an occuptation which is getting a bit like an expat in similar occupations to those the author describes. Asian Correspondent used to get quite good reviews, even the Guardian liked it. But they gave it a good review without really watching it for a while. Its now populated by a lot of wannabe journalists. expounding on their personal views I don'r know any ex foreign correspondent falling in line to write there. I do not believe Bangkok Pundit is the guru some people imagine.

The fact that here may be certain characters as the 'author' describes actually has nothing to do with whether foreigners like Thaksin or not. Generally foreigners take a western stance rather than an Asian one. Asians forgive corruption much more readily. And as we saw most Thais actually supported Thaksin's drugs war , in which most victims were innocent.

Foreigners who support and understand one side of the Thai perspective will support Thaksin. Foreigners who stick rigidly to their established code that a murderer is a murderer, a thief is a thief and must be treated as one etc will not. Its got nothing at all to do whether they go to girlie bars or not or Purachai establishing a curfew. Nobody in any city in the world wants a midnight curfew nowadays. It was inane and boring but he threw in a couple of things to get some hits.

Do I feel jaleousy here ?

Not a journalist people are queueing up to read ? But they definitively queuing up to answer

How many thread in the "news" forum get so many answer in such a short time ? How many of your posts ?

Do you have a good retirement plan ?

why on Earth would anyone feel jaleousy [sic] towards a newbie blogger?

The only reason people are queuing up to answer it is because of its mass emailed status. Anything that gets sent out in that manner generates a lot of traffic.

Countless other mass emailed topics have gotten this many and even more replies in a short time.

Of all the various attempted digs at Mr. Drummond that I've seen, yours is probably one of the weakest ones.

I'm not sure the purpose of the dig at Drummond but then again not sure I see the purpose of Drummond saying this person is not a journalist because clearly he is by definition. If he is a good journalist is up for debate especially depending on how you want to define good. Example; In my opinion (and many others) people at Fox News in the US are the worst journalists in main stream media but many of them are HIGHLY successful in terms of ratings ... so, some might say they are extremely good. As for the OP ... I think what he has written is complete BS but he has shown himself as being incredibly GOOD at getting his words read by the masses as can be seen by how his article has gone a little viral. I have no idea about what emails you are talking about regarding this story but when an email gets great attention and is forwarded all over the place it is because it is of interest to people or created in a way to get a reaction from people. Being able to grab people's attention as a journalist is often what makes the most highest rated ones (good?) stand out from the rest. For this "newbie" (if he is) to get published on numerous sites and get this kind of attention means he is either having great beginners luck or is good at writing articles that draw attention and get read.


As for the OP ... I think what he has written is complete BS but he has shown himself as being incredibly GOOD at getting his words read by the masses as can be seen by how his article has gone a little viral. I have no idea about what emails you are talking about regarding this story

See the below link. It's how most members found their way to the thread.

btw, a few hundred replies on TV really doesn't constitute something as "gone a little viral". I associate that term with the likes of youtube, for example, when a video will have over a million views.

but when an email gets great attention and is forwarded all over the place it is because it is of interest to people or created in a way to get a reaction from people.

That's not how it works. The email wasn't forwarded all over the place. It was sent out directly from TV to only those on the member list of TV.

Being able to grab people's attention as a journalist is often what makes the most highest rated ones (good?) stand out from the rest. For this "newbie" (if he is) to get published on numerous sites and get this kind of attention means he is either having great beginners luck or is good at writing articles that draw attention and get read.

Here and his own blog are the only sites, AFAIK, that are discussing it.

His blog entry "article" only generated interest inside the TV community.


The article was written with the writer's tongue firmly planted in his cheek and, since many of the TVers didn't see that, confirms the writer's allegations. Lighten up, guys.


As for the OP ... I think what he has written is complete BS but he has shown himself as being incredibly GOOD at getting his words read by the masses as can be seen by how his article has gone a little viral. I have no idea about what emails you are talking about regarding this story

See the below link. It's how most members found their way to the thread.

btw, a few hundred replies on TV really doesn't constitute something as "gone a little viral". I associate that term with the likes of youtube, for example, when a video will have over a million views.

but when an email gets great attention and is forwarded all over the place it is because it is of interest to people or created in a way to get a reaction from people.

That's not how it works. The email wasn't forwarded all over the place. It was sent out directly from TV to only those on the member list of TV.

Being able to grab people's attention as a journalist is often what makes the most highest rated ones (good?) stand out from the rest. For this "newbie" (if he is) to get published on numerous sites and get this kind of attention means he is either having great beginners luck or is good at writing articles that draw attention and get read.

Here and his own blog are the only sites, AFAIK, that are discussing it.

His blog entry "article" only generated interest inside the TV community.


I think you give this jack ass way too much credit. Any one can write an offensive blog. Does not take any one with a journalism degree or the ethics that goes hand in hand with calling oneselves a journalist.


Here and his own blog are the only sites, AFAIK, that are discussing it.

His blog entry "article" only generated interest inside the TV community.


You might want to recheck this notion ... http://www.google.co...ksin+Shinawatra

I think pretty dam_n impressive especially considering how fresh this article is.

Again, I think the article is silly but clearly this writer has a knack for getting noticed and drawing attention as well as to get people talking.


The article was written with the writer's tongue firmly planted in his cheek...

Balderdash. Someone's nose seems to be firmly planted in his buttocks.


Here and his own blog are the only sites, AFAIK, that are discussing it.

His blog entry "article" only generated interest inside the TV community.


Again, I think the article is silly but clearly this writer has a knack for getting noticed and drawing attention as well as to get people talking.

The only reason it is on all these Thailand forums is because it was on Thai Visa first. They all copy topics from the leader.


Here and his own blog are the only sites, AFAIK, that are discussing it.

His blog entry "article" only generated interest inside the TV community.


You might want to recheck this notion ... http://www.google.co...ksin+Shinawatra

I think pretty dam_n impressive especially considering how fresh this article is.

Again, I think the article is silly but clearly this writer has a knack for getting noticed and drawing attention as well as to get people talking.

Thanks for the link.

Still, it's just on a few other sparsely-viewed blogs and other forums that hardly generated any sort of "viral reaction". One forum had 3 replies, on another 8, and on a third 4.

Here is the only place it got any traction... and then mainly because it was mass emailed.


Actually it was not on TV first but even if we pretend it was, I don't see the current thread about about the guy looking for a kitty drawing such attention. This writer's story has gained a great deal of attention in the online expat communities.. a fact that really cannot be argued or downplayed with any logic IMO. I cannot stress enough that I think the article is BS but seems a bit odd to not be able to accept the story has garnered a lot of traction.

Clearly the writer has posted in a way and/or about a topic that has allowed him to garner a great deal of attention, readers and discussion from the demographics the article was directed. This would make it a successful article in many peoples eyes.

As for the mass email TV sent out ... I didn't receive it but then again I think I may be like most who don't have my settings in TV set to alert me with every new news post be it about kittens or sexpats. wink.gif


Actually it was not on TV first but even if we pretend it was, I don't see the current thread about about the guy looking for a kitty drawing such attention.

The key difference being... it wasn't mass emailed out. If it had, it would have generated thousands of views and an untold number of replies.

As for the mass email TV sent out ... I didn't receive it but then again I think I may be like most who don't have my settings in TV set to alert me with every new news post be it about kittens or sexpats. wink.gif

The default setting is to receive the emails. It's the reason why so many of the posters on these mass emailed threads have very few replies elsewhere.


Here and his own blog are the only sites, AFAIK, that are discussing it.

His blog entry "article" only generated interest inside the TV community.


You might want to recheck this notion ... http://www.google.co...ksin+Shinawatra

I think pretty dam_n impressive especially considering how fresh this article is.

Again, I think the article is silly but clearly this writer has a knack for getting noticed and drawing attention as well as to get people talking.

Thanks for the link.

Still, it's just on a few other sparsely-viewed blogs and other forums that hardly generated any sort of "viral reaction". One forum had 3 replies, on another 8, and on a third 4.

Here is the only place it got any traction... and then mainly because it was mass emailed.

I am not going through all the 1/2 dozen or more pages of google links relating to this article but the story was picked up by ThaiVisa from an article in the Asian Correspondent posted about 24-hours ago where even there (not forum) it has received over 100 comments, 240+ Facebook "likes" and 51 Tweets.

It just seems odd that we cannot agree this guy has created considerable buzz in a short time within his target demographic. No it is not like a Viral YouTube video because it is an English Written article that would almost solely be of interest to English speaking foreigners having a connection with Thailand. Given this small demographic it is in my opinion the article has done pretty dam_n good given the attention this has got in such a short period.


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

A lot of what he says is very true! you only have to read the pattaya mail or the bangkok post. In the SIXTH paragraph he makes the distinction of an Ex pat and a Sex Pat! and as for Thaksin, I believe it was him that started the thirty baht hospital plan for the poor folks, he also gave a buffalo to every farmer, a hundred thousand baht to every village. AND he was elected by the majority of the Thai people!


It just seems odd that we cannot agree this guy has created considerable buzz in a short time within his target demographic.

Lucky for him that George put it on Thai Visa or it would have been ignored.


Lucky for him that George put it on Thai Visa or it would have been ignored.

or more interesting to wonder why George (along with so many other sites) chose this writers provocative story to republish. Clearly they knew it would be of interest.


Thaivisa syndicates many different types of articles, mostly a selection of mainstream media articles, but from time to time we also publish opinion articles and blogs from less mainstream media in the mix.

We do this to make the news selection less boring and more wide, especially in election times like now.

Sometimes we syndicate articles critizicing Thaivisa for our members to discuss. So long as the articles are not in violation of Thai laws, of course.

This article is but one example.


Yes, yes... that's right guys: you live in Thailand, have done for years, and you are absolutely NOT a sexpat. You hate Thaksin though, so the article must be a load of rubbish.

Read it again: he didn't say most foreigners living in Thailand are sexpats. He said most sexpats living in Thailand hate Thaksin. It's a subtle but crucial difference. Maybe your one of the Thaksin haters who is not a sexpat. Good for you. You are a member of a very small club.

The truth is the guy hit a lot of nails on a lot of heads during the article, hence the reason you're all up in arms.

He may of over-generalized a bit - but that's the whole point of generalizations: you cast a wide net and get a lot of fish, but you pull up a few things you didn't intend to catch as well. If you're really an exception to what he said, I wonder why you're so bothered about it.

A lot of western men in Thailand fall in to one or more of the categories he talked about in the 'rolled up cliche'. And a lot of those post comments on Thai visa.

It was a well written article. Most of you couldn't dream about writing anything to that standard.


Thaivisa syndicates many different types of articles, mostly a selection of mainstream media articles, but from time to time we also publish opinion articles and blogs from less mainstream media in the mix.

We do this to make the news selection less boring and more wide, especially in election times like now.

Sometimes we syndicate articles critizicing Thaivisa for our members to discuss. So long as the articles are not in violation of Thai laws, of course.

This article is but one example.

hi George

i thought you were Dan for a while

it has your mark all over it after the April fool success

its certainly proved to be as controversial............

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