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Mr. T Denies Helping Family Member

sriracha john

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JUSTICE MINISTRY: Thaksin ‘had no hand in extension of brother-in-law’s tenure’

Published on October 07, 2005

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday denied having anything to do with his brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat being kept on as permanent secretary for Justice for an extended period.

Thaksin said the term was extended because the government could not find anyone suitable to replace him or find another position for him to fill.

:o:D no one?.. not one person out of 63 million Thais can fill the postion??? It would seem based on that conclusion, that Mr. T doesn't have much confidence in the abilities of Thais in Thailand, of course other than relatives.

Justice Minister Chidchai Vanasatidya had endorsed Somchai’s job extension on grounds that a suitable successor could not be found.

Somchai has completed four years in his current post plus the maximum extensions of two years.


If Somchai is so irreplaceable, what exactly has he done to further the cause of "Justice" in Thailand, which is so often absent here, particularly over the past 4 years?

A review of numerous articles fail to point up one significant action on his part in his 6 years. However, was able to find more than a few negative stories, such as:

News reports on July 20, 2004 indicated that the government might transfer Somchai to the PM's Office in order to avoid a public backlash if it approved an extension of his tenure as Permanent Secretary for Justice.

Now, more than a year later and after yet another extension, they are so bold and brazen as to be completely unconcerned over any public backlash.


www.dictionary.com has an extremely apt definition as it pertains to the Shinawatra empire, as the line between personal finances and government functioning is so grossly blurred:

nep·o·tism n.

Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business.

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www.dictionary.com has an extremely apt definition as it pertains to the Shinawatra empire, as the line between personal finances and government functioning is so grossly blurred:

nep·o·tism    n.

Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business.

Does the dictionary also provide a definition for disingenuous? :o

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