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Your being scammed, other residents are likely running multiple aircons heavily, big tv, big computer, fridge, etc, etc.. @ those rates there electricity bills would be in excess of B50'000 per month, theres no way anyone is handing over that sort of cash for their monthly electricity bill. Management know exactly what they are doing, they are scamming u..

The technician will end up getting blamed for the 'mistake' IF you take legal action, and he will be moved to another building..

Cased closed.

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Don't pay the rent next month and start looking for another place. You need to force your landlord to take action over this and he soon will if his money dries up.

And bye bye my 40K in deposits? I have only 3 month left (20K per month rental)

Two months rent as deposit? 20k a month? Rip off management......I'd withhold the months rent and move out. At least you're only 20k down then. Chalk it up to experience and rent on a month to month basis next time with no more than a month deposit.

The deposir should be a security for both parties....by paying more than a months you skewed the deal from the start unfortunately.

Firstly i believe he is renting from the Condo owner not the management of Park Land .Secondly two months deposit is quite normal ( thats what i have from my tennant in Park Lane ) .Thirdly he has a double unit ( 2 bed ) .For my single unit i charge B10,000 a month so his B20,000 rent for a double unit is about right .

>>. What building u r? Me at B2<<

I am also in B2 ,on the 3rd floor .

Edited by Thaifan2
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This is one of the oldest tricks in the book, many many hotels/apartments do this, many you dont even see the meter because there is only a main one and they think of a number and charge you.

Move out they are scamming you, always ask about this stuff before renting anywhere long term, ask to see the meter and ask what the average use is.

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Another thing is that the Condo owner needs to get the Chanote first before you can be charged directly by the electric company .That means that the owner will need to have made all payments and transfer taxes .

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^ in the mean time cut down on your A/C use ,and use a fan /fans instead .You have two A/Cs ,how many hours a day on average do you use them ?

Look at my this years bills. Its very hard to make more then 100 kWt per month. Trust me, u ve been cheated too. You just didnt noticed that.

If u paying more then 1500 BAth for electricity - its 99% chance that u r cheated.

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>>Its very hard to make more then 100 kWt per month. <<

Its very easy this time of year with A/C use .You still do not give any indication of how much you use the A/Cs ?

Iam really sorry, but i dont want to discuss this topic again and again. It was already said here, about the reality of A/C power using.

Numbers dont lie.

There is a big difference between THINKING and KNOWING.

You can live in dreams and guessings or u can count everything one time and be 100% sure about topic.

No offence.

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So, I actually went and read this thing again. I always tell folks to move on because there really is no remedy related to folks being scammed in this country.

OP shows us a photo of his meter. One photo.

OP claims that the kwt is incorrect.

OP posts photos of utility bills that show a consistent monthly stream of kwt readings that match each time but OP claims that the amount of kwt usuage can not be correct.

Condo management already knows that his split (air conditioner) is a POS and nightly usuage of the split is the reason for the "high" kwt figures. Management has zero intention of purchasing new split.

OP gets new meter just in time for the cold season when POS split will not be used at all (very cold high season this year).

High season ends and heat and humidity return.

OP uses the split nightly again. Split is a POS and burns electricity in that cavernous 2 bedroom apartment at alarming rates (or kwt's).

OP doesn't care that he agreed to pay his electric bill based on a 7 baht per unit of measurement rate (100% higher than the actual utility rate).

OP continues to rant and rave and can't seem to get anyone to follow him.

Management laughs at him because they know they are not going to replace the POS split (and they enjoy hearing the sounds and seeing the facial expressions of a Russian pleading his case in English) .

Neighbors don't want to take a position either way because doing so will only prolong the presence of the OP.


I'm not an attorney and I do not play one on TV

probably incorrect in my assessment

kdc: It seems that you do not know anything of which you speak. In my country 7 baht is normal electrical fee for apt or condo NOT 3.5 baht which you claim. The 3.5 baht is if you have your own house and a contract with the electric company.

You also seem very rude to someone who is asking for help here. In Thailand we have "Thai rak Thai" and I think you know what this is. You are the reason that many Thail people laught at farang because we see "farang mai rak farang" and it amazes us how you can be like this. If I travel to another country, I meet other Thai's and we all help each other.

To the OP: You should get Thai people to help you and make an apointment at the Electric company and also invite the Thai police at the same time, Bring all of your bills and photos and DEMAND a review then and there and do not leave or let the police leave until they have re-emburst your money. If they will not then make it clear that the policeman is witness (get his name and number and take photo of him and the Electric manager person) and let everyone know that you will be filing a law suit in the name or discimination. You can also bring the police to your condo after and demand a breach of contract and you should be able to move out right away and get your deposit back. Normally if you call a police officer from Banglamung, they will bring "The Peoples News" film crew with them and that will help your case.

I do not live in Pattaya but if you need any advice you can pm me.

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Do i have any chance if i ll find any lawer? Moving out is not an option for the next 3 month.

There are a few

Local firms

Khun Visan at Attorney house in north Pattaya road near Fairtex

03841 0241

159/105 M.5

North Pattaya Road

Khun Mu his office is on the corner of south Pattaya road and Soi Bongkot

Mob: 08 198 20056

Also Sunbelt Asia who i see is a advertiser on Thaivisa

Sunbelt Asia Co., Ltd

26th Floor Fortune Town

1 Ratchadapisek Rd


Tel (+66) 02-642-0213

I ll try to contact them right at the monday morning.

Can anyone advice me more contacts, so i could have plan B?

Any good thai/english/russian translaters? 3 of my friends living in Park Lane too. We decided to cooperate in this problem, so we can hire someone to help us.

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In my country 7 baht is normal electrical fee for apt or condo NOT 3.5 baht which you claim. The 3.5 baht is if you have your own house and a contract with the electric company.

I think that what you mean is that it is "normal" here for a building to overcharge by nearly 100% (or more) when they bill for utilites themselves and if they think they can get away with it, regardless of who the person paying the bill is. This is not "Thai rak Thai" but is more like "Thai overcharge Thai and Farang, same same".

However there are plenty of people in condos who pay their electricity bills directly to the electricity company and at the official rate. Indeed they even benefit from the waiver on bills of less than 50B per month. So there really is nothing normal at all about being ripped off, no matter what nationality you are.

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In my country 7 baht is normal electrical fee for apt or condo NOT 3.5 baht which you claim. The 3.5 baht is if you have your own house and a contract with the electric company.

I think that what you mean is that it is "normal" here for a building to overcharge by nearly 100% (or more) when they bill for utilites themselves and if they think they can get away with it, regardless of who the person paying the bill is. This is not "Thai rak Thai" but is more like "Thai overcharge Thai and Farang, same same".

However there are plenty of people in condos who pay their electricity bills directly to the electricity company and at the official rate. Indeed they even benefit from the waiver on bills of less than 50B per month. So there really is nothing normal at all about being ripped off, no matter what nationality you are.

Actually I mean exactly what I said. You posted it yourself. Most apts and condos charge 7 b per unit. Thai or farang pay the same. If someone not agree with it then they should not stay there. I have never hear of an apt or condo that charges 3.5 baht have you?

The first thing people need to do when look at apts or condo is ask price for water and elec. If they do not agree then they keep looking. If they agree then they should ask to take a meter reading from the day they move in but ask this if you can do before you sign any contract. If they agree then you take picture or recort the meter reading on your computer or somewhere and when bill comes in take the new reading and get your calculater out.

And I only mention the "Thai rak Thai" because I see many farang here post and look for help but then have many many other farang laugh at them and not try and help fellow farang but make off topic remarks etc. Farang should stay together in any other countries.

In my home I pay 7b per unit. I use Micro wave, TV, computers, fridge, cooker oven, electric grill, rice cooker, hot water heater, mobile chargers, fan 24/7, hot water for coffee, printers and my bill is around 900 - 1,100 baht per month so obviously the OP is being rip off

Edited by Geeraphun
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I have never hear of an apt or condo that charges 3.5 baht have you?

Yes. I know people in View Talay buildings who pay government rate, and also in some buildings on Pratumnak.

The first thing people need to do when look at apts or condo is ask price for water and elec.

They should, but they probably dont on the assumption that there is only one price. This is what one would expect coming from the West.

At the moment I am looking at different places to buy or rent. One of the first questions I ask is "how much is the maintenance fee per sqm", followed by "how much do you pay per unit". You would be surprised how many owners have not the faintest idea of how much they are. Some of them know approximately how much they pay for the average month, but not all by any means.

In my home I pay 7b per unit. I use Micro wave, TV, computers, fridge, cooker oven, electric grill, rice cooker, hot water heater, mobile chargers, fan 24/7, hot water for coffee, printers and my bill is around 900 - 1,100 baht per month so obviously the OP is being rip off

You dont mention aircon. I have mine on nearly 24/7, though I only set the temperature to around 25-26°. I would expect to pay perhaps 2000B/mth for my electricity at government rate, though this could increase to 4000 at your rate or even nearly 6000 at a place in Jomtien that I could mention which charges 10B per unit. The daft thing about that place is that it only charges 8000B rent per month for quite a nice studio, and so they could be making nearly 50% of that on the overcharge for the electricity.

No matter how you look at it, to charge anything above the official rate is a rip-off. But caveat emptor, of course, and everyone has the option of renting/buying elsewhere.

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