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Briton Drowned In Koh Samui Insist Thai Police, So Murder Investigation Is Off


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This is precisely why my flight is booked to leave this place. I personally have been turning a blind eye to the horrors which occur here everyday using the excuse "it happens everywhere", does it f..k.

Thailand is now a complete sh..hole and will only get worse now people seem to have lost the ability to communicate. Without a doubt the most dishonest fake place I have ever come across.

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not sure who the author is, but this article surly states the GF may of had a big part to play in this

This was no suicide!’… So says every single one of Kevin’s friends and acquaintances with only one exception, that person being Kevin’s girlfriend ‘Ay’, who continues to insist that Kevin took his own life and – according to friends – is upset that no one believes her.

Kevin Attew, 57 years old, was found floating in Chawaeng Lake on the island of Koh Samui on Tuesday, 24th May, and the mystery surrounding his death, as well as the frustration felt by many of his closest friends, is increasing day-by-day.

Kevin was a ‘biker’. This doesn’t mean that he was simply someone who liked bikes. Rather, Kevin was a man who had 20/40 motor oil for blood, and ‘Harley Davidson’ stamped on his heart, and he belonged to a very close-knit group of fellow bikers that – like him – lived and breathed motorbikes.


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Anything but have to look for the real culprit(s) when they have no clue who. 'Try to avoid embarrassment, rather than a real search for the truth, that keeps this in the face of the public.'

Sadly they never seem to realize NOT doing the investigations properly, DOES keep it in the publics face longer, and with a much worse reputation for Thailand. Their mindset does exactly the OPPOSITE of what they think it does. And harms tourism more than getting to the bottom of it properly, as is done in most places.

I'd met Kevin a few times.

The last thing I would think is he was a suicidal type. Not hardly.

The public known evidence points to foul play, whether he drowned in the end or not.

My condolences to Eve and his family.

Sorry to read about this shocking case. Sadly, its equally likely that the police know exactly what happened and are being paid off by the murderers.

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I believe it said something about him being a biker..In my opinion I would say he has been murdered. Knocked on the head first from behind, and then held under water until he has drowned. The five 3mm indents on his back could be that of a leather studded biker type fingerless glove, probably made by the hand thay held him down, or which struck him in the back, A knuckle duster will give a similar indentation...depends on the configuration of the puncture marks, but I would look at the studded glove theory....

pass this on to the family...

also have them request all autopsy, and medical records, police records, photos of the 5 puncture wounds, and have them pester the UK Embassy, and UK Coroner to look into the matter..

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This will do wonders for tourism. But that is entirely secondary. This guy's family is getting the Supreme Shaft. Time reconsider being based here in the LOS and Shoddy Police Work. Hong Kong is looking better and better with each passing day.

Hong Kong is good. Money superb and a generally very safe place.

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... Thais are a people with no shame ("shame" being internally motivated, as opposed to "face", which is externally motivated).

... Thais are culturally incapable of rising to the same standards of behavior most of the world's modern, enlightened cultures aspire.

... the burden for justice in Thailand really falls on the shoulders of the foreign diplomatic missions ... shame of them, too, for failing to protect their citizens ... letting murders as this pass unsolved and uninvestigated just makes future murders of foreigners all the more likely.

... foreigners are sitting ducks here, and Thais now know it.

(... an afterthought: I wonder how the British Embassy would respond if friends of this poor guy were to organize a protest in front of the Embassy ... it would be unique enough to win press coverage)

Some are obviously compelled by these crimes and the injustice involved, but overestimate largely what foreign embassies - the staff can do - really nothing, ONLY if there are some good connections, apply some pressure in talking and activating the right people, if anyone thinks for a nanosecond that this what is discussed here isn't already in the handbooks of all foreign embassy staff, is at least uninformed about the situation and possible leverage, they are not much more then representatives, with bound hands, nothing they can actively do, none, nil, zilch, it is, as sad as it is, as is, none they can do - it's wishful thinking and accusing the wrong institutions!

And this perceived "injustice and incompetence" may only seem so onthe surface, it is a well knwn fact that sometimesthings get "regulated" in a rather unusual way, not always and not in general, but often!

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have privat detectiv follow the money trail and what he owns ,and there is the answer ...

I don't trust the Thai police one iota. But then again, if they 'insist'...........

"We want to know how Kevin died. At the moment the signals coming back are confusing. But I have been told that is what to expect," added Mrs. Deary who received the news from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office."

I feel truly sorry for this lady and the family.

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This will do wonders for tourism. But that is entirely secondary. This guy's family is getting the Supreme Shaft. Time reconsider being based here in the LOS and Shoddy Police Work. Hong Kong is looking better and better with each passing day.

... I disagree ... the tourism industry will be unaffected by this.

... who is going to spread the word? ... the tour operators? ... the hospitality industry? ... the Thai government? ... or, God forbid, the British Foreign Office?

... why hell, this won't even merit a blip on the tourism radar ... please! ... BRITISH TOURISTS ARE NOT INFORMED OF WHAT GOES ON HERE!

... a concerted effort by the British government is necessary to inform British citizens of what can befall their citizens in Thailand.

... and of COURSE the family will get the "Supreme Shaft", unless they force the issue with the British government in a very public way ... they will be otherwise very diplomatically run around, as THAT is what the Foreign Ministry does best.

... if this happened to a British citizen with any political or celebrity standing back home, the British government would be all over the Thai government ... but, for this poor guy, the diplomats (all so attentive and caring and all) will recommend to the family that these things are better handled quietly ... so quietly, that it loses momentum and just goes away ... quietly ... very important, that ... quietly.

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This will do wonders for tourism. But that is entirely secondary. This guy's family is getting the Supreme Shaft. Time reconsider being based here in the LOS and Shoddy Police Work. Hong Kong is looking better and better with each passing day.

Hong Kong is good. Money superb and a generally very safe place.

Hong Kong is a safe place because nobody in his right mind mess with the triads and the expats there are smart enough to understand that.

Thailand is very safe place too when you behave appropriately.

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But unlike the original post mortem conducted in Koh Samui, the second inquest confirmed two 'impact marks' on Mr. Attew's head and five puncture marks on his back, penetrating 3 mm into the skin, and also bruising on his back and neck

are they for real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , i have seen the picture of when they found the body, and NO WAY is this drowning !, ok he may of had some water in his lungs but how can you explain all the other injuries ! ..... this is truly shocking

i think there mayof been a lot of lost face here, so instead og admiting they where wrong, the police insist on calling this a suscide !, or are being heavily paid off

It is sad to see yet another so called suicide and the truth once again covered over.

The amazing thing is do the powers that be actually think anyone could somehow stab themselves in the back without a weapon of some description causing injury, quickly followed by hitting themselves twice in the head with enough force to render themselves unconscious.

Not the easiest way to commit suicide by drowning.

Kevin’s girlfriend is upset no one believes her I wonder why.

Very sadly for the family and friends I fear the truth with never come out.

I sincerely hope it does.

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This is precisely why my flight is booked to leave this place. I personally have been turning a blind eye to the horrors which occur here everyday using the excuse "it happens everywhere", does it f..k.

Thailand is now a complete sh..hole and will only get worse now people seem to have lost the ability to communicate. Without a doubt the most dishonest fake place I have ever come across.

Good and bad everywhere.

Let me assure you there are far more dishonest places.

Have a safe flight.

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I can't see how all this speculation about his links to the Banditos is going to help anything. So he was pictured the Crispin fellow, so what? is he guilty by association and as such shouldnt receive justice? Maybe all they had in common was an interest in bikes?

It is not known if he was involved in any of that business back in 2006, so why muddy the waters??

It would be interesting to know when the picture was taken with him and the Crispin character. And what another great badge of honour for the BiB..if this Crispin guy was so shady, how is it he is allowed back in the kingdom after being convicted of all those offences?

Crispin sat 18 months in jail without charges.

Eventually they released him.

No conviction, no trial, no charges, no excuse.

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But unlike the original post mortem conducted in Koh Samui, the second inquest confirmed two 'impact marks' on Mr. Attew's head and five puncture marks on his back, penetrating 3 mm into the skin, and also bruising on his back and neck

are they for real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , i have seen the picture of when they found the body, and NO WAY is this drowning !, ok he may of had some water in his lungs but how can you explain all the other injuries ! ..... this is truly shocking

i think there mayof been a lot of lost face here, so instead og admiting they where wrong, the police insist on calling this a suscide !, or are being heavily paid off

Look its really very simple , they dont give a dam_n, drwning clears the books thats it end of story.

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To be expected from "police" who often buy their way onto the force and have no actual real police training. Also to be expected from police who often moonlight as hitmen.

Been here a while??

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I would like to understand how someone shall drawn in a feet of water.. :whistling:

Ammazzing thailand


You can drown in 2" of water if you are unconscious and face and nose down in the shallow water. If your brain is sufficiently damaged to not consciously react in fight or flight mode, then you just lay there and don't get enough oxygen, and brain death ensues in a matter of minutes. Also once water enters the lungs, the panic mode stops after a certain point.

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Doesn't take much research to see the people he was involved in.

Photo clearly shows his wearing Bandido's colours, not only that but he is pictured alongside the club Secretary who was arrested in Koh Samui in 2006 for money laundering and extortion.


It may also be interesting to know that the same gang was also arrested in 2002


Maybe things become a little bit clearer now.

All the same, my condolences to the family.

Its also worth mentioning that most of these allegations turned out to be at best spurious.

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A friend of mine here always reminds me to be worth more alive than dead


The secret is not tell nasty people how much assetts u have.I have heard expats boasting so much,and in many cases telling ies about their wealth

Exactly right. But too difficult for many guys to resist.

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Quote : " five puncture marks on his back, penetrating 3 mm into the skin, and also bruising on his back "

Maybe from someone with long finger nails ?

Thai women can be very vicious ( speaking from experience and still bearing the scars on my arm from my EX wife's fingernails !!! )

You can bet there is money involved here and that is probably why the police do not want to look too closely into this case jap.gif

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not sure who the author is, but this article surly states the GF may of had a big part to play in this

This was no suicide!'… So says every single one of Kevin's friends and acquaintances with only one exception, that person being Kevin's girlfriend 'Ay', who continues to insist that Kevin took his own life and according to friends is upset that no one believes her.

Kevin Attew, 57 years old, was found floating in Chawaeng Lake on the island of Koh Samui on Tuesday, 24th May, and the mystery surrounding his death, as well as the frustration felt by many of his closest friends, is increasing day-by-day.

Kevin was a 'biker'. This doesn't mean that he was simply someone who liked bikes. Rather, Kevin was a man who had 20/40 motor oil for blood, and 'Harley Davidson' stamped on his heart, and he belonged to a very close-knit group of fellow bikers that like him lived and breathed motorbikes.


Wounded by a .....stilleto?

Edited by andrewdrummond
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The secret is not tell nasty people how much assetts u have.I have heard expats boasting so much,and in many cases telling ies about their wealth

Exactly right. But too difficult for many guys to resist.

Yes I often hear farangs boasting about what they have. Most of which is just hot air when drunk.

I tell people I am just a poor working teacher here in Thailand, I drive an old car and rent a house.

AND in all my 6 years living here I have had no trouble with the Thai people.

Of course they do not believe there is such a thing as a poor farang.

But they accept a poor farang more readily than many of the flash gits who hang around Pattaya , Bangkok, Phuket etc.

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Wounded by a .....stilleto?

This post has been edited by andrewdrummond: 8 minutes ago

again, not to sure of the author, but certain parts stand out here

Although they didn't actually live together under the same roof, their relationship was known and accepted by all that knew them. However, what was also known by their friends was that Ay had a very bad temper, and the relatively frequent rows that they had could sometimes escalate into violence

After one particular assault during which Kevin was attacked with a bottle one of Kevin's friends went to visit him in the hospital afterwards, and asked him why he didn't 'hit her back'. Kevin simply replied that he couldn't do that to her… couldn't hit her.

Tuesday, May 24th

Despite Ay's statement to the authorities saying that she and Kevin hadn't argued or fought in the last 2 years, all of Kevin's friends know that that they were, in fact, arguing on the morning of the 24th. This has been confirmed by some of Kevin's friends, who actually met up with him that fateful day.

It was the last time that they would see him alive.

When asked to go and and see if that body was the remains of her boyfriend, Ay declined, preferring instead to send some of the bar-staff that worked for her to identify him

Wednesday, May 25th

Although they didn't live together, Ay would often pop in to see Kevin at his home, and as his friends report 'maybe clean the house a little'. However, the day after Kevin's body was found, Kevin's home was cleaned from top-to-bottom with disinfectant and bleach, and his belongings put into black bin-bags.

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Yes I often hear farangs boasting about what they have. Most of which is just hot air when drunk.

I tell people I am just a poor working teacher here in Thailand, I drive an old car and rent a house.

AND in all my 6 years living here I have had no trouble with the Thai people.

Of course they do not believe there is such a thing as a poor farang.

But they accept a poor farang more readily than many of the flash gits who hang around Pattaya , Bangkok, Phuket etc.

Mostly hot air, you're right, and your approach is a wise one.

But I do know some legitimately wealthy (and yet still ridiculously insecure) guys who boast outrageously. I keep expecting to read about one of them on Andrew Drummond.

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