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Taliban says it will continue armed offensive despite 'symbolic' U.S. troop withdrawal


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Taliban says it will continue armed offensive despite 'symbolic' U.S. troop withdrawal

2011-06-24 01:32:35 GMT+7 (ICT)

KABUL (BNO NEWS) -- A Taliban spokesman on Thursday promised to continue its armed offensive and rejected U.S. President Barack Obama's announcement on the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan as a 'symbolic step.'

On Wednesday evening, Obama said during a national televised address that the United States will withdraw 10,000 troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2011, and 33,000 U.S. troops by summer 2012.

And while the Taliban will welcome the fact that at least a part of the U.S. troops will be leaving Afghanistan within a year, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Obama's announcement comes at a time when polls suggest that most Americans want to end the war in Afghanistan.

"[The Taliban] considers this announcement which currently withdraws 10,000 soldiers this year only as a symbolic step which will never satisfy the war weary international community or the American people because it comes as America simultaneously wants to build permanent bases in Afghanistan under the title of 'strategic agreement' by forcing its stooge regime to sign and approve it while it is at the same time busying its invading forces in killing and persecuting the Afghan people in all corners of Afghanistan," Mujahid said.

The spokesman claimed that the Obama administration is attempting to deceive their nation. "In reality, they have no respect for their nation's demands or wanting to bring this war and occupation to an end nor do they want to fulfill their promise," Mujahid said. "Obama's statement about training Afghan Police and Army holds no significance because firstly, the trainers themselves have failed in passing this exam and secondly, the Afghans see them as thieves and enemies of their nation and religion."

Mujahid continued on to say that the Obama administration is repeatedly giving false hopes to its nation about ending the war and claiming victory in an attempt to continue the war as long as possible. "It must be clarified that the assertion of American leaders about making headway in Afghanistan and Obama's proclamation of them being in a stronger position are nothing more than baseless claims and propaganda," he added, saying the Americans have not gained progress in the battle field and that they have not provided proof of claims that they have.

"The increase in troop levels since last year has only increased the loss in life and equipment on their side. And in this way, the increased blind bombings of villages, genocide, persecution of people and the destruction of people's homes and farms to protect themselves cannot be called victory or progress by any sound mind," Mujahid said.

The spokesman referred to civilian casualties caused by NATO forces, although the Taliban is responsible for most of the civilian casualties in Afghanistan, according to figures from the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.

The agencies, in its most recent annual report, said the number of conflict-related civilian deaths in Afghanistan increased by 15 percent in 2010. Anti-government elements such as the Taliban were linked to 2,080 civilian deaths (75 percent of all civilian deaths), up 28 percent from 2009, while pro-government forces such as ISAF were linked to 440 civilian deaths (16 percent), down 26 percent from 2009. In addition, 9 percent of civilian deaths in 2010 could not be attributed to any party in the conflict.

In Thursday's statement, Mujahid said the American people must take serious steps to stop the 'pointless bloodshed.' "The American taxpayers must realize that, like the previous ten years, their money is still being wasted on this pointless and meaningless war or is still going to the pockets of the officials in the corrupt Kabul regime. If they do not react now, they will definitely be forced to so in the future in order to release themselves from this crisis," the spokesman added.

Mujahid concluded that the only solution for an end to the Afghan war is the full and immediate withdrawal of all NATO troops. "Until this does not happen, our our armed struggle will increase from day to day," he warned.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-06-24

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