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Israel begins dismantling section of West Bank barrier


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Israel begins dismantling section of West Bank barrier

2011-06-26 22:19:04 GMT+7 (ICT)

WEST BANK (BNO NEWS) -- The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Sunday began dismantling a section of the security fence bordering the West Bank village of Bil'in, the IDF said in a statement.

The IDF began the dismantling of the section four years after the Supreme Court ruled that the fence had to be moved. Israeli soldiers will have to relocate and replant dozens of Palestinian olive trees before the construction of the new route, which will enlarge the Palestinian territory, begins.

According to the statement, the new route will put the security barrier within 400 meters of Modi'in Illit and is estimated to cost NIS 31 million (about $9 million).

The Palestine Telegraph reported that witnesses told local sources that Israeli soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets at hundreds of Palestinian citizens who gathered at the site on Sunday.

The area has been the site of violent weekly protests against the fence. The IDF said that over the past several years over 200 Israeli security personnel have been injured at these riots. The Palestine Telegraph said that many of the villagers who joined the weekly rallies were victims to Israeli gunfire.

Israel began building the fence in the West Bank in June 2002 following a wave of militant attacks. According to the IDF, the fence prevented "thousands of suicide bombers from carrying out terror attacks against Israeli civilians." Meanwhile, the Palestine Telegraph said the attacks were launched by Palestinian fighters who where defending "their lands and properties from Israeli ongoing confiscations."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-06-26

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A small step, but a step in the right direction.

Just goes to show the old adage indeed holds true.

Persistence conquers resistance, eventually.

On the contrary, it shows that the rule of law holds in Israel. The aggrieved parties brought a civil suit. The courts considered the evidence and made a ruling based upon the evidence. The court accepted the plaintiffs' arguments and gave judgement in favour of the plaintiffs. The court was not swayed by public demonstrations nor violence and judged the case on its merits.this is what an honest and effective court system does. The IDF is complying with the independent civilian judiciary ruling. This is not something one typically sees in the middle east and it serves to highlight the differences in the region.

Edited by geriatrickid
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A small step, but a step in the right direction.

Just goes to show the old adage indeed holds true.

Persistence conquers resistance, eventually.

On the contrary, it shows that the rule of law holds in Israel. The aggrieved parties brought a civil suit. The courts considered the evidence and made a ruling based upon the evidence. The court accepted the plaintiffs' arguments and gave judgement in favour of the plaintiffs. The court was not swayed by public demonstrations nor violence and judged the case on its merits.this is what an honest and effective court system does. The IDF is complying with the independent civilian judiciary ruling. This is not something one typically sees in the middle east and it serves to highlight the differences in the region.

An extremely rare case indeed. Isleal bulldozers homes and illegally evicts people 1000s every year. Indeed by international law they are wrong to be outside the 67 borders and are now trying to change the demographics on the ground so as to land grab with a coherent arguement to not retreating when/ if they ever do get forced to start redrawing the lines on the map.

Saying all this though; I think sometimes a drastic solution is what's needed when peoples just can't get along. It may not be pc but if u kicked all the Catholics out of Ireland, all the malays out of south Thailand and all the Arabs out of isreal a long time ago by now everyone could of started to come to terms with the past and get on in the world instead of dragging it out; like picking a scab never letting the wound heal.

The Serbs had the right idea in Kosovo (minus the killing). Muslims always seem to overlook that intervention when they spout their holy war nonsense.

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Well done, and it only took them 4 years to decide to abide by that ruling. :blink:

The wheels of justice are often very slow in most countries.

Suggest you read Charles Dickens -- Bleak House.

Four years is NOTHING.

Wheels of justice are indeed slow, but the wheels of justice had finished. This is is 4 years AFTER the ruling.

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Maybe sue them? I hear Robert Amsterdam is looking for new clients.

Frankly, there is good news here that Israel made a concession, and all I hear is WHINING. What's the latest Palestinian concession, to not fire rockets every third Tuesday perhaps. Or maybe to recognize Israel's right to exist (but only while crossing their fingers)?

Edited by Jingthing
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Al Jazeera says they are replacing the fence with a wall!!...seems the Israelis still believe they are chosen therefore a rule unto themselves alone...way to make the world luv 'em....sheer arrogance as usual...

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The international court has asked them to take down the barrier. Their own court has said to take down the barrier. 4 years later they decide to do something. Where is the concession? A concession to follow the law?

Why should the Israeli govt be cheered for doing something illegal then having to rectify it?

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Al Jazeera says they are replacing the fence with a wall!!...seems the Israelis still believe they are chosen therefore a rule unto themselves alone...way to make the world luv 'em....sheer arrogance as usual...

When did the world "luv 'em" exactly. Please remind me.

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The international court has asked them to take down the barrier. Their own court has said to take down the barrier. 4 years later they decide to do something. Where is the concession? A concession to follow the law?

Why should the Israeli govt be cheered for doing something illegal then having to rectify it?

For one thing they do have a western rule of law which is something most westerners value over, for example, Sharia law in some M.E. countries.
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What does that matter? They have chosen to have that rule of law and their own court says to take the barrier down. What is the concession they have made.

You are only trying to deflect the issue by saying they have made a concession by following their own law.

If they took the barrier down out of 'goodwill' instead of going to court and fighting it then I would agree it was a concession. But as the court has ruled the barrier illegal and that it has taken 4 years to abide by that decision then it is plainly not a concession. It is begrudgingly following the order of the court.

I fail to see why the Israel govt should be lauded for being forced to follow it's own law.

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I fail to see why the Israel govt should be lauded for being forced to follow it's own law.

Because the courts in the rest of the region would have never even considered ruling against their governments and the hate Israel crowd never seem to have a problem with that.

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I suggest you stick to the topic. Petty bickering with other posters over such things as what word they have chosen will earn posters a suspension.

Your opinion, insights and information on the OP are welcome; your thoughts on other posters, is not.

Please stay on topic.

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Here are the reasons for the security fence, in case anyone has overlooked it. Whilst I applaud compliance with the court decision I would suggest the delay may have been partly due to getting replacement sections in place for the reasons outlined in the video.

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Courts make legal rulings, but courts can't enforce rulings. If I recall correctly at one point the US Supreme Court made a ruling concerning civil rights (or slavery?) for Blacks and the President said something to the effect: they ruled on it; they can enforce it.

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A small step, but a step in the right direction.

Just goes to show the old adage indeed holds true.

Persistence conquers resistance, eventually.

Leopard can't change its spots-people cannot change basic aspects of their character, especially negative ones.

Describes your posts perfectly as no matter what Israel does-you just can not help yourself but find some negativity in it.

Unlike your beloved "freedom" nations, court ruled and IDF complied even though it is not in the best interest of the nation.

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The international court has asked them to take down the barrier. Their own court has said to take down the barrier. 4 years later they decide to do something. Where is the concession? A concession to follow the law?

Why should the Israeli govt be cheered for doing something illegal then having to rectify it?

International court also asked to stop killing own civilians, stop producing bombs etc etc etc and yet nothing happened. Please direct your criticism towards the so called "victims" who believe its perfectly normal to kill in the gods name and rather than being punished get praised for it :blink:

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The international court has asked them to take down the barrier. Their own court has said to take down the barrier. 4 years later they decide to do something. Where is the concession? A concession to follow the law?

Why should the Israeli govt be cheered for doing something illegal then having to rectify it?

International court also asked to stop killing own civilians, stop producing bombs etc etc etc and yet nothing happened. Please direct your criticism towards the so called "victims" who believe its perfectly normal to kill in the gods name and rather than being punished get praised for it :blink:

IMO, the mere thought that this is a "concession" will do far more damage to the peace process than rockets or suicide bombers ever could.

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The international court has asked them to take down the barrier. Their own court has said to take down the barrier. 4 years later they decide to do something. Where is the concession? A concession to follow the law?

Why should the Israeli govt be cheered for doing something illegal then having to rectify it?

International court also asked to stop killing own civilians, stop producing bombs etc etc etc and yet nothing happened. Please direct your criticism towards the so called "victims" who believe its perfectly normal to kill in the gods name and rather than being punished get praised for it :blink:

IMO, the mere thought that this is a "concession" will do far more damage to the peace process than rockets or suicide bombers ever could.

and you are entitled to your opinionwink.gif

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