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Foodmart In Jomtien


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Interesting to hear different opinions about Foodlands and the other ones mentioned, because I hardly never go there. Stay rather close to Friendship South Pattaya. I'm too lazy to check out the other ones.smile.png

Friendship... it's all you need in Pattaya.


Depends on what you are cooking/shopping for. We routinely have to visit 2-3 stores to get the right stuff. Friendship is pretty good, but also very small. If your coming from outside Central Pattaya, Friendship is a pain to get to. As is Villa/Central for us "out of towners".

Makro is great for staples and beer. Fish is OK if you are there the day they stock up. Easy in, easy out.

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After two years living in Jomtien I finally got around to going to Foodmart recently. Some things are a bit more than other supermarkets but the choice of stuff is good and I have found the staff to be very friendly, maybe I go when the miserable ones are on their break!

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I'm pretty hard to annoy, and after shopping there regularly for five years and routinely tipping the cashiers you'd expect some respect. But they managed to try my patience, not once but twice, to the extent that I took myself and my money elsewhere.

I grew up living in a shop - my father was a shopkeeper - and the one thing you never do is to hack off your regular customers.

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I'm pretty hard to annoy, and after shopping there regularly for five years and routinely tipping the cashiers you'd expect some respect. But they managed to try my patience, not once but twice, to the extent that I took myself and my money elsewhere.

I grew up living in a shop - my father was a shopkeeper - and the one thing you never do is to hack off your regular customers.

Tipping the cashier thats a new one.

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I'm pretty hard to annoy, and after shopping there regularly for five years and routinely tipping the cashiers you'd expect some respect. But they managed to try my patience, not once but twice, to the extent that I took myself and my money elsewhere.

I grew up living in a shop - my father was a shopkeeper - and the one thing you never do is to hack off your regular customers.

Tipping the cashier thats a new one.

He probably also Wai the garbage collector. Edited by JanKlaasen
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10 baht is worth a lot more to a girl working on minimum wages than it is to me. Not being a Cheap Charlie, why would I pick it up. And yes, I do show respect to people with a lot less money than I have, including garbage collectors. Why wouldn't I? Where I come from we call it generosity and courtesy, both in short supply in Pattaya.

Up to you. Those cashiers make more than I do. coffee1.gif
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I'm pretty hard to annoy, and after shopping there regularly for five years and routinely tipping the cashiers you'd expect some respect. But they managed to try my patience, not once but twice, to the extent that I took myself and my money elsewhere.

I grew up living in a shop - my father was a shopkeeper - and the one thing you never do is to hack off your regular customers.

Tipping the cashier thats a new one.

He probably also Wai the garbage collector.

lol, the plastic bottle collecting ones?

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10 baht is worth a lot more to a girl working on minimum wages than it is to me. Not being a Cheap Charlie, why would I pick it up. And yes, I do show respect to people with a lot less money than I have, including garbage collectors. Why wouldn't I? Where I come from we call it generosity and courtesy, both in short supply in Pattaya.

Your heart is good....Where i come from we tip for doing more then your job. I am already paying the cashiers salary indirectly..

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I walked through there, didn't buy anything and never will.

I do have to say one thing in defence of this Australian Manager though: On my work permit for my Jeans factory I was the "Manager" however I was NOT allowed to use the machines to make jeans nor was I allowed to deal directly with customers. I had to hire a Thai Manager for that. Maybe this Oz manager did not do that?

I'm lucky enough to have transportation so I shop at Foodland and Freindship along with Makro, Big-C and Tops. Oh yeah and 7-11 as they are way cheaper then Foodmart

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I have only ever come across 1 bad member of staff in there, the ladies who work in the wine section are both very friendly and sexy as are a few of the till girls.

Villa or Central tops for veg, Central tops or foodland for meat, foodmart and villa for beer and all of them together for various different farang items.

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The alcohol section is great, I've not seen better in Pattaya. Few cute members of staff as well, wine section girls deserve a special mention...

Meat and fresh vegetable sections suck big time though, nothing touches Foodland for this in Pattaya.

I got some grond beef at foodland it was awful. This may have been a one time thing i dont know. It looked great nice color but no flavor and it was totally dry

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The alcohol section is great, I've not seen better in Pattaya. Few cute members of staff as well, wine section girls deserve a special mention...

Meat and fresh vegetable sections suck big time though, nothing touches Foodland for this in Pattaya.

I got some grond beef at foodland it was awful. This may have been a one time thing i dont know. It looked great nice color but no flavor and it was totally dry

That's quite typical of low fat ground beef. You want "wet" - go for the high fat gear.

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Foodmart has the most expensive milk in Pattaya. The 0% fat Meiji is a round 90 baht per 2 litre. In Family Marts and 7Elevens it's 84.50 baht.

That's taking the piss (to coin an Australian expression - just for the owner)

Edited by tropo
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As I said, it's more expensive there than every other place in Pattaya bar none. They're just rounding it up for no other reason than believing that everyone will be happy to pay the special mark-up.

It's only the 0% which is being charged at the higher price. Everywhere else it's the same price as the regular milk. They pay the same for it as regular milk. They're taking the piss.

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As I said, it's more expensive there than every other place in Pattaya bar none. They're just rounding it up for no other reason than believing that everyone will be happy to pay the special mark-up.

It's only the 0% which is being charged at the higher price. Everywhere else it's the same price as the regular milk. They pay the same for it as regular milk. They're taking the piss.

If you honestly believe that Foodmart pay the same price as 7/11 on any of their products then you are living on a different planet.

Foodmart are one of a handful of shops in the Pattaya/Jomtien area that bring expats a taste of home in a retail environment. If they are a bit more expensive on some of their items (and they are DEFINITELY not more expensive on everything they sell) then so be it, they offer a service that is desired by many and accepted for what it is.

I agree that they are on the upper end of the price range on certain items, but they are not overpriced otherwise their customers would force them to reduce their prices by staying away. The fact they are there and doing well by the looks of things means they have got their pricing about right. It may be a bit rich for you but it is desired by others and saying that a well established independent retailer is taking the piss does nothing but deter other people from trying it and making up their own minds. The more shops like Foodmart the better as far as i'm concerned - I would think that most people living would agree on that.

Tescos, 7/11, family mart etc have a totally different business model to Foodmart, they cater to the masses. For independent retailers to exist they need to set their price points as high as their market will let them whilst retaining customer loyalty. So many businesses here struggle because everything is aimed at the lowest common denominator - fair to Foodmart for daring to make a profit.

Tropo, I have no wish to argue directly with you but I am a niche retailer by trade and understand the power of forums - price criticism is well and good and needed but it needs to be taken in context.

I'll try again:

The Meiji zero fat milk is sold at a premium at Foodmart. It should be the same price as Meiji regular milk as it is in all other shops in Pattaya, but it is not.

They are taking the piss by trying to sell the item as a premium item which costs more, which it doesn't.

There's no need to get so defensive. I shop at Foodmart quite frequently but I DON'T buy my zero fat milk there because I can get it cheaper just down the road.

Judging by your long-winded replies, trying to educate us on independent retailing, I have to ask: Are you the Aussie owner?

As an expert on retailing, you should realise that basic items like milk and bread are trigger items - items that get people through the doors who will likely spend more while they are there. When I go shopping for basic items I usually buy many other things while I'm in that shop. They are losing out here - it's no skin off my nose - I really don't care.

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Lol - I've been called many things but never an Aussie.


Don't worry, it wasn't because of any particular behaviour but because you were really busy defending Foodmart, which has an Aussie owner.

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Last time I was there they had some affordable Australian wines. Bread and cheese with some German ham or something - not too bad.

I like FoodMart ! I rarely interact with the management of anyplace I shop.

It's so close by and open 24/7 = really an asset to the area.

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I like FoodMart ! I rarely interact with the management of anyplace I shop.

I'm the same. I couldn't care less if the staff were friendly or not. You get used to unfriendly shop assistants here anyway - it's common everywhere.

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Foodmart has the most expensive milk in Pattaya. The 0% fat Meiji is a round 90 baht per 2 litre. In Family Marts and 7Elevens it's 84.50 baht.

That's taking the piss (to coin an Australian expression - just for the owner)

That 5.5 baht difference is truly shocking, what is the world coming too?

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Foodmart has the most expensive milk in Pattaya. The 0% fat Meiji is a round 90 baht per 2 litre. In Family Marts and 7Elevens it's 84.50 baht.

That's taking the piss (to coin an Australian expression - just for the owner)

That 5.5 baht difference is truly shocking, what is the world coming too?

I find it shocking. Why would I happily pay more for something I can get cheaper EVERYWHERE else and more conveniently.

Another marketing expert didn't quite get it, so allow me to elaborate. Milk is a basic commodity that people will make a special trip to purchase if they run out. No one is going to make a special trip to Foodmart to buy Paul Newman's special spaghetti sauce or Haagen Dazs ice cream. Expensive imported items are usually impulse buys. The milk is what gets people through the door. If I know I can get the milk cheaper at 10 7Elevens in my neighbourhood, Foodmart will not get me through the door to view and maybe buy their exotic items. In this case, Foodmart will only see me on the odd occasion where I really want an exotic item or an item I cannot find in 7Eleven AND all the other stores are closed.

Another example, I need milk PLUS some other stuff. I have a choice to go to Foodmart or Friendship, both equidistant from my place. Which would I chose? Usually when I shop I get milk so I'm not going to go somewhere that screws me on it. There's a principle to it too.

Smart stores keep basic commodities at the right price in order to entice people into their store. Even Villa Market, one of the most expensive places in town, charges the going price (or cheaper) for milk.

People have choices and each store has triggers to get them through the door.

Foodland: Meat and veges get me there.

Friendship: Veges and exotic imported item selection and convenient late night shopping.

Big C Extra: Good deals on lots of items. Good for non-grocery items.

Foodland: No triggers at all. No reason to go AND they screw me on milk. Only useful for items needed after Friendship has closed at 2:30 am - rare occasions.

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I like FoodMart ! I rarely interact with the management of anyplace I shop.

I'm the same. I couldn't care less if the staff were friendly or not. You get used to unfriendly shop assistants here anyway - it's common everywhere.

If I'm handing my money over to any business I absolutely expect courtesy in return. It wasn't the prices that caused me to take my business elsewhere, it was ill manners from staff on two occasions and the fact that there was no one there to deal with it.

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If I'm handing my money over to any business I absolutely expect courtesy in return. It wasn't the prices that caused me to take my business elsewhere, it was ill manners from staff on two occasions and the fact that there was no one there to deal with it.

That's a bit dramatic. If I boycotted every place where I have struck discourteous staff I'd only be shopping at Foodland. Who cares, they're only low paid staff who don't really care and if you get a smile it's fake anyway.

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If I'm handing my money over to any business I absolutely expect courtesy in return. It wasn't the prices that caused me to take my business elsewhere, it was ill manners from staff on two occasions and the fact that there was no one there to deal with it.

That's a bit dramatic. If I boycotted every place where I have struck discourteous staff I'd only be shopping at Foodland. Who cares, they're only low paid staff who don't really care and if you get a smile it's fake anyway.

I'm not talking about not getting a smile. One of the so called security guards tried to run a jet ski scam on me by claiming that I'd scratched his mates car in the parking lot and demanding 10,000 baht. "You not pay, I call police". Unfortunately for him, that's not a threat that works on me. I demanded to speak to the manager and yes, you guessed it, "Mai mee, no have, come later...". Yeah, sure. (See motto below)

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  • 3 months later...

I live within a few blocks of Foodmart but I avoid it like the plague. Their prices are high but that's not the problem. I'd rather save the trip down to Tesco. However, the help is VERY unfriendly. They nickel and dime you there every chance they get. I wanted to put up a small index sized ad to sell a set of golf clubs on their bulletin board and they tried to hit me for 200 baht to post it. Idiots!

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I like FoodMart ! I rarely interact with the management of anyplace I shop.

I'm the same. I couldn't care less if the staff were friendly or not. You get used to unfriendly shop assistants here anyway - it's common everywhere.

If I'm handing my money over to any business I absolutely expect courtesy in return. It wasn't the prices that caused me to take my business elsewhere, it was ill manners from staff on two occasions and the fact that there was no one there to deal with it.

Your logic doesn't quite work at Foodmart after 2am when every other supermarket besides Foodland is closed and you live in Jomtien or South Pattaya.

The question is, lets say you need a particular (non-7Eleven) item at 4am and you live in Jomtien, would you drive another 6km (12 km round trip) to Foodland because you'd made a promise not to spend at Foodmart?

Perhaps businesses should be grateful to you for your money, but on the other hand why shouldn't you be grateful that there is a well stocked supermarket in Jomtien. They are providing a great service just being there.

For a nightowl living on the south side of town Foodmart is a life saver. For me the convenience would far out weigh the stress of having to cope with an unfriendly staff member. In reality they're not that bad. I'm quite understanding so I wouldn't expect a staff member to be all cheery and happy at 4am. If you are polite to them they'll respond courteously anyway... even if they are half asleep.

(excuse any typos as it is 3:40am. I'm off to do some shopping at Foodmart)

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