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If You Want To Be My Lover....


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If you want to be my lover, you have got to.....

what folks?

Fill in the dots.... Have fun! :D

i dont have to .. but u have to !!

... smarter than me

... no cheat

... nice bone

... no smelly

... nice

... stable job

... can take care my sick buffy :D

I love kayo :o

ohh its not april fool dayaprilfools.gif

Edited by BambinA
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If you want to be my lover, you have got to.....

what folks?

Fill in the dots.... Have fun! :D

Take a 24 hour plane journey, jump on a rickety old bus for several more hours of scenic sightseeing whilst sharing your bench seat with a pig and a goat, swim a river where the bridge collapsed...... and walk the rest of the way through muddy landslides? :o

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If you want to be my lover, you have got to.....

what folks?

Fill in the dots.... Have fun! :D

Take a 24 hour plane journey, jump on a rickety old bus for several more hours of scenic sightseeing whilst sharing your bench seat with a pig and a goat, swim a river where the bridge collapsed...... and walk the rest of the way through muddy landslides? :o

That sounds pretty accurate. There is not one tourist in town for over two weeks now.

Hi Khall :D

Road repair scheduled to complete today.....

If you want to be my lover, you have got to..... ...

...see a picture of you naked, and then decide. :D

Hmm.. That can be arranged... but er... are you sure RDN (You are a bloke aren´t you?)

Make me laugh (Check)

and impress me with your intellectual ability.(Check)

Ohhh and enjoy the midnight sky :D(Check)

Annnd be an older male too. (Check)

Annnnd an attractive one  :D(Check)

And the winner is.... (or are there other contenders?)

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Since I already tried to funny here I will be serious now....I don't believe a person should work for love. So, if some one was to say "If you want to be my lover, you have to..." I would most likely tell them which building they could take a flying leap from. Just my humble opinion though. :o

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Since I already tried to funny here I will be serious now....I don't believe a person should work for love. So, if some one was to say "If you want to be my lover, you have to..." I would most likely tell them which building they could take a flying leap from. Just my humble opinion though. :D

well for me .. love is not changing

love is compromise and adjust

just tune 2 people together .. no one try to change the other


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love is compromise

Compromise? That's where I do what she says, right? :o

LOL... Yeah Mac.. That´s the one!

And then...

Since I already tried to funny here I will be serious now....I don't believe a person should work for love. So, if some one was to say "If you want to be my lover, you have to..." I would most likely tell them which building they could take a flying leap from. Just my humble opinion though. :D

Being the good influence that you are Tbb, I too shall endeavour a more serious response.

I don´t believe in Love.

Not in the sense that we portray it in our world.

No. To quote - paraphrase - Kurt Vonnegut in his "SlapStick" Preface, he says, I wouldn´t know how to love a woman any differently than how I love my dog.

He was not meaning this in any sexist manner. What he was implying, given the context, was that love is an incomprehensible and certainly conditionless state that is rather uncommon between two humans.

He goes on to write "what I seek is mutual understanding and acceptance of eachothers projects, ambitions, and quirkiness."

Words he has often used to describe what we all call love are "COMMON DECENCY".

Another paraphrase, but maybe even accurate enough to be called a quote, is, "When I see two people who are in "LOVE", I am often tempted to ask them to show eachother a litte less love and a little more common decency."

I like it.

For want of accuracy, read the Preface to his semi autobiographical novel called "Slapstick".

Common Decency... The way we SHOULD all be with one another.

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love is compromise

Compromise? That's where I do what she says, right? :D

LOL... Yeah Mac.. That´s the one!

And then...

Since I already tried to funny here I will be serious now....I don't believe a person should work for love. So, if some one was to say "If you want to be my lover, you have to..." I would most likely tell them which building they could take a flying leap from. Just my humble opinion though. :D

Being the good influence that you are Tbb, I too shall endeavour a more serious response.

I don´t believe in Love.

Not in the sense that we portray it in our world.

No. To quote - paraphrase - Kurt Vonnegut in his "SlapStick" Preface, he says, I wouldn´t know how to love a woman any differently than how I love my dog.

He was not meaning this in any sexist manner. What he was implying, given the context, was that love is an incomprehensible and certainly conditionless state that is rather uncommon between two humans.

He goes on to write "what I seek is mutual understanding and acceptance of eachothers projects, ambitions, and quirkiness."

Words he has often used to describe what we all call love are "COMMON DECENCY".

Another paraphrase, but maybe even accurate enough to be called a quote, is, "When I see two people who are in "LOVE", I am often tempted to ask them to show eachother a litte less love and a little more common decency."

I like it.

For want of accuracy, read the Preface to his semi autobiographical novel called "Slapstick".

Common Decency... The way we SHOULD all be with one another.

Right on, Kayo :o

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love is compromise

Compromise? That's where I do what she says, right? :D

LOL... Yeah Mac.. That´s the one!

And then...

Since I already tried to funny here I will be serious now....I don't believe a person should work for love. So, if some one was to say "If you want to be my lover, you have to..." I would most likely tell them which building they could take a flying leap from. Just my humble opinion though. :D

Being the good influence that you are Tbb, I too shall endeavour a more serious response.

I don´t believe in Love.

Not in the sense that we portray it in our world.

No. To quote - paraphrase - Kurt Vonnegut in his "SlapStick" Preface, he says, I wouldn´t know how to love a woman any differently than how I love my dog.

He was not meaning this in any sexist manner. What he was implying, given the context, was that love is an incomprehensible and certainly conditionless state that is rather uncommon between two humans.

He goes on to write "what I seek is mutual understanding and acceptance of eachothers projects, ambitions, and quirkiness."

Words he has often used to describe what we all call love are "COMMON DECENCY".

Another paraphrase, but maybe even accurate enough to be called a quote, is, "When I see two people who are in "LOVE", I am often tempted to ask them to show eachother a litte less love and a little more common decency."

I like it.

For want of accuracy, read the Preface to his semi autobiographical novel called "Slapstick".

Common Decency... The way we SHOULD all be with one another.

Right on, Kayo :o

In that case Kayo, please have the common decency to explain why you thought of me when you saw a photo of Laura Bush :D That hurt! :D

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love is compromise

Compromise? That's where I do what she says, right? :D

LOL... Yeah Mac.. That´s the one!

And then...

Since I already tried to funny here I will be serious now....I don't believe a person should work for love. So, if some one was to say "If you want to be my lover, you have to..." I would most likely tell them which building they could take a flying leap from. Just my humble opinion though. :D

Being the good influence that you are Tbb, I too shall endeavour a more serious response.

I don´t believe in Love.

Not in the sense that we portray it in our world.

No. To quote - paraphrase - Kurt Vonnegut in his "SlapStick" Preface, he says, I wouldn´t know how to love a woman any differently than how I love my dog.

He was not meaning this in any sexist manner. What he was implying, given the context, was that love is an incomprehensible and certainly conditionless state that is rather uncommon between two humans.

He goes on to write "what I seek is mutual understanding and acceptance of eachothers projects, ambitions, and quirkiness."

Words he has often used to describe what we all call love are "COMMON DECENCY".

Another paraphrase, but maybe even accurate enough to be called a quote, is, "When I see two people who are in "LOVE", I am often tempted to ask them to show eachother a litte less love and a little more common decency."

I like it.

For want of accuracy, read the Preface to his semi autobiographical novel called "Slapstick".

Common Decency... The way we SHOULD all be with one another.

Right on, Kayo :o

In that case Kayo, please have the common decency to explain why you thought of me when you saw a photo of Laura Bush :D That hurt! :D

Run, Kayo...run!

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In that case Kayo, please have the common decency to explain why you thought of me when you saw a photo of Laura Bush  :D That hurt!  :D

:D:D:D:o That was Laura Bush??

Erm.... Oops... Sorry my friend,

With kisses and COMMON DECENCY,


PS: I´m running.

Running on Empty right now.

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I have a million bucks in the bank

I have a 9 inch penis

I look like Michael Douglas

I drive a Porsche

I can pick my nose with my tongue

I have the stamina of a plains stallion

I have an incredibly dirty mind

I always wear designer clothes

I have faultless manners

I speak the Queen's English

I have an aristocratric background

I am on first name terms with the Queen (of the UK, that is)

I treat all women as Princesses

I have wit

I have charisma

I have the physique of an Adonis

I'm also a fantasist


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If you want to be my lover, you have got to.....

Give me your monthly salary (ore at least 90%).

Give me a new 2-3 br condo.

Give me a new car.

Give me a credit card with at least 500.00Bath credit limit.

Give me the latest Nokia.

Visit me once per 3 months be nice and not ask nosey questions......

ALexlah :-)

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love is compromise

Compromise? That's where I do what she says, right? :D

LOL... Yeah Mac.. That´s the one!

And then...

Since I already tried to funny here I will be serious now....I don't believe a person should work for love. So, if some one was to say "If you want to be my lover, you have to..." I would most likely tell them which building they could take a flying leap from. Just my humble opinion though. :D

Right on, Kayo :o

Thanks man.... BTW your first "funny" post was actually very funny... just forgot to tell you.- :D No Kayo...No....

If you want to be my lover, you have got to.....

Give me your monthly salary (ore at least 90%).

Give me a new 2-3 br condo.

Give me a new car.

Give me a credit card with at least 500.00Bath credit limit.

Give me the latest Nokia.

Visit me once per 3 months be nice and not ask nosey questions......

ALexlah :-)

No Alexlah... No... :D

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If you want to be my lover, you have got to.....

Give me your monthly salary (ore at least 90%).

Give me a new 2-3 br condo.

Give me a new car.

Give me a credit card with at least 500.00Bath credit limit.

Give me the latest Nokia.

Visit me once per 3 months be nice and not ask nosey questions......

ALexlah  :-)

Thars gold in dem thar hills! :o

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