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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.


I have a good salary and will get yearly increases that match the inflation and more. So this really isn't a selfish thing. I just don't see how my neighbors are going to be able to survive if their daily costs are going to increase at the rate that is predicted if all minimum salaries are increased, all the second-ripple cost that increases etc...

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Thaksin is the least corrupt of these leaders and policians, including the generals.

He doesn't need the money.

He's interested in prestige.

Of course, he must by sheer necessity engage in a certain amount of political corruption when you consider who the other players are, and that it's Thailand.

As for paying poor people for votes...how much did Abhissit pay them?


.And what did he ever do for them....


Thaksin tried, and with some success, delivered for them...health-care...land reform...education reform.... and he deserves every vote.

I hope his sister's government can restart those initiatives.

Hey funny man, have you ever been at a 30Bt hospital ??


I am watching Thai TV and it says Phuea Thai did not win a single seat from any province in the South! So much as to all Thais support the reds or Thaksin bullshit. All Thais in the South that I know detest Thaksin and the Red Shirts. Funny enough, that they paid 500 Baht per person and still didn´t get a single seat from the south.

As the southern provinces get far less seats than the north and isaan, it doesn´t change a thing. But still interesting to note.

Just in Thai TV as well. Central and Southern provinces, as well as Eastern Seaboard are all won by the Democrats, while the north and Issaan are won by Phuea Thai. Country is very much divided on this topic.

It is very normal for certain areas to back certain political parties based on traditional voting patterns over the years. The same happens in some areas of the U.K.


Newin might be directing BJT in the background, but wouldn't have attended rallies or speaking on TV on their behalf.


What was Abhisit doing at a BJT rally?


I love how superior all the farangs are on here.

I am one aswell and don't pretend to be Thai. But, honestly to all the people that think that you hail from a proper democracy yourself is a laugh.

The richer the country - the more complex the web of lies are.

Thailands democracy shall remain as false as the rest of ours are.

Now shut it and go enjoy the sun shine.

exactly!!! here many farang acuse thai people of ignorants, lazy and i don not kow how many other things, but the truth is that the Thai people has spoken, for those with a complex f superiority: Go home with your true democracy and you superiority complex!!!


How will you be affected by this outcome? In reality, politics has had zero influence over my life in Thailand since I arrived in 2004... hence I simply refuse to put any emotional energy into the whole business.


Get a life Taksin and Peau Thai haters...voice and rights of the majority must be respected!


Look it up !!!

And I can never respect Buffaloes!

Respect MUST be earned!


No need to look it up, you are quoting straight from Colonel Ghadafi's Green Book, I know, I worked for him for 6 years!

Colonel Ghadafi Said:

"Political struggle that results in the victory of a candidate with 51 per cent of the votes leads to a dictatorial governing body disguised as a false democracy, since 49 percent of the electorate is ruled by an instrument of governing they did not vote for, but had imposed upon them.

This is dictatorship!"

Signed: Colonel Muammar Gaddafi

He also fooled the Libyan people into believing that the system he set up was a Government approved by 100% of the Libyan people, when in fact it was run by a chosen few and effectively controlled solely by Ghadafi himself, i.e. still a dictatorship.


Newin might be directing BJT in the background, but wouldn't have attended rallies or speaking on TV on their behalf.


Matichon newspaper even caught him directing the Blue Shirt protests in Pattaya:



Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

A sort of "Democracy" is dead. It really never was a democracy as known in the industrial nations.


I am watching Thai TV and it says Phuea Thai did not win a single seat from any province in the South! So much as to all Thais support the reds or Thaksin bullshit. All Thais in the South that I know detest Thaksin and the Red Shirts. Funny enough, that they paid 500 Baht per person and still didn´t get a single seat from the south.

As the southern provinces get far less seats than the north and isaan, it doesn´t change a thing. But still interesting to note.

Just in Thai TV as well. Central and Southern provinces, as well as Eastern Seaboard are all won by the Democrats, while the north and Issaan are won by Phuea Thai. Country is very much divided on this topic.

If the Democrats won the entire South, all of Bangkok, all the Central and Eastern Provices, they must be going for a landslide Democract victory then.


Democrats won the South which gets them a total of around 50 seats. Bangkok is 15, all the small provinces in the central are all just a few seats each. They get more seats there than Phuea Thai.

However, East and North have a much bigger population all together, giving them more seats in the parliament all together. In Issaan Phuea Thai is getting over 100 seats, while the Democrats get 3.


Congratulations and well done to Thailand. It is very good news that one party will have a large majority irrespective which party. Domocracy can and does work and if the majority of Thai's wants this government who are we farangs to criticise?


Just guessing from the last ten years of living here that you haven't got a clue as to how to spell 'Democracy' nor do you have a firm grip on English plurals 'Thai's. This all leads me to belief that you haven't a clue about Thailand or even an fundamental understanding of how a Constitutional Democracy works. No doubt you're an English teacher.


How will you be affected by this outcome? In reality, politics has had zero influence over my life in Thailand since I arrived in 2004... hence I simply refuse to put any emotional energy into the whole business.

We don't really care, it is all for entertainment and killing time for the old retired goats. Especially since they could not drink in the bars :lol:


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

A sort of "Democracy" is dead. It really never was a democracy as known in the industrial nations.

I get that but I think this victory to an evident authoritarian megalomaniac will steer this country in the OPPOSITE direction of a better democracy. Abhisit may have been status quo, but this turn is a wrong way turn.


How will you be affected by this outcome? In reality, politics has had zero influence over my life in Thailand since I arrived in 2004... hence I simply refuse to put any emotional energy into the whole business.

I lost interest a long time ago.

The blatant hypocrisy and partisanship from all sides of the argument just made the whole thing a farce and not worth the effort.

I do, however, get paid in foreign currency and I am interested in making more money. This outcome affects me because the inevitable instability will devalue the baht, making me a richer man. I like that.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

A very sad day. This is not a democracy, it is all about money.

Last night my g/f's mother confirmed that all 7 members of her family and virtually everyone in the village (Korat) received 300thb each.

It is a bloody disgrace.

Eh most the world is not much different. I remember one US state had on their ballot a binding question to eliminate the income tax. The state government used $20 million of tax payers money to brainwash people into keeping the tax, the irony that was the exact the problem with it and the need to eliminate it in the first place.

Way I see it is here at least the money goes into the hands of people that can use. hope everyone who got 300 baht each has a great day; they won and had reason to celebrate regardless of the result.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

I live here before during Taksins last reign while the airport, skytrain and underground were finally getting built, never noticed anything sinister, only problem for me was the bars closing earlier, but get used to that again now, I don't think a women PM and naughty nightlife going to mix to well

New airport- huge amount of corruption, poor construction, bad design, many many problems..

Skytrain- huge amount of corruption when Taksin cronies tried to take it over. Extension not permitted.

Thousands of extra judicial killings.

Suppression of the media.

Corruption of the judiciary.

The South.

How bad did it have to be to be sinister?

Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.


Congratulations and well done to Thailand. It is very good news that one party will have a large majority irrespective which party. Domocracy can and does work and if the majority of Thai's wants this government who are we farangs to criticise?

A lot of farangs are now depressed because they just noticed they've been rooting for the wrong team for years.

Well my bunch of expat friends here in Pattaya are delighted at the situation.

I know on one who wanted to keep the Democrats in power!

Of course we dont like Thaksin either, but at least the country has a chance to move forward now instead of back to feudal times!!!

None of us wanted to see a continuation of such a repressive government

I dont think it will be easy now to oppose the obvious will of the Thai people.


Wouldn't be surprising if the deep south flares up big time again, given the way Thaksin treated him during his first regime.

It's worse now than it ever was under Thaksin. As is crime, as is drug usage, as is media censorship, as are human rights abuses etc, etc, etc.


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

You ever been at 7 11 where 3 are behind the counter 1 register open and store full.Pay one good employee 600 and you are still even. Keep on dreaming :lol:


sheep that are easily influenced. it is sad and the people at the top sure know how to pull the strings. thailand in it's history has had more coups than elections. I asked my girlfriend why she likes thaksin, she responded with the reply, 'I don't know exactly' lol. She didn't actually vote, which doesn't really matter now I guess.

No sheep in Thailand only goats


hey it's not over 'til the fat lady sings, as long as Thaksin wants to come home without getting even a token punishment, there will be trouble, this isn't the final chapter I'm afraid. Sooner or later he will want to come home, and even if they won all 500 seats democracy doesn't give them the right to re-interpret the law, so expect a lot of resistance from all quarters. Most likely Thaksin will use this formidable position of strength to negotiate a compromise and slowly but surely weedle his back into complete control. Back to square one, unless of course he learnt a few lessons from the coup.

One thing however, after everything we've seen from the Peua Thai/UDD and their systematic campaign to discredit this outgoing administration, the dirty tactics, the siege of Ratchaprasong, the Pattaya embarrassment, the defacing of Dem posters, propaganda radio, the total and utter refusal to admit any wrong-doing about anything, ever, it's a wonder that they've won by a landslide, truly a wonder, I really would love to know exactly how they did it (wink, nudge)

But that is EXACTLY what the military did after the coupe. Rewrote the law to give themselves complete and total amnesty for their illegal actions. And before anyone comments that the military drafted constitution was voted on and approved by 60+% of the population, you need to remember that they had 2 options. #1 Vote for the new military constitution -or- #2 Remain under indefinite martial law.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

A very sad day. This is not a democracy, it is all about money.

Last night my g/f's mother confirmed that all 7 members of her family and virtually everyone in the village (Korat) received 300thb each.

It is a bloody disgrace.

Yes it should have been at least 500 baht

It's a disgrace that your g/f's mother and her family took the money, indeed. You must not be supporting them properly.

One of my employees said that the Puea Thai candidate handed out 200 Baht as well in her village, but the Democrats handed out 500 Baht the same evening. You see, every party in Thailand pays for votes. In the end however, Thais will vote whoever they want.

They were paying people to vote ,not to vote FOR Thaksin. Most of the people in those North Eastern towns would have voted for Thaksin anyway.

Storm in a teacup by those Thaksin haters who are now throwing their toys out of the cot.ohmy.gif


Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

Finally we know why so many farang are anti-Thaksin. Because they're worried they will lose access to cheap prostitutes.


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