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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Thailand now has their first female Prime Minister. She hasn't even spent a single day in office yet. Before everyone labels her as a clone or a puppet, give her a chance to prove herself. If she sucks, vote her out next election. That's what elections are for. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise everybody, herself included. We live in interesting times; often fact is stranger than fiction.

What would be great is if her relationship disintegrates with her controlling brother. At this point however, it is fantasy to believe she is not a puppet for her brother.

I think perhaps many votes came her way BECAUSE she is a proxy (puppet?) for her big bruv - if she starts Using her own mind, will that be defrading the electorate?:blink:

Good point. Here's another quote from the Washington Post today (picture section)

One Western diplomat with long experience of Thailand likened Yingluck Shinawatra to Sarah Palin, "but with the sense of keep her mouth shut and avoid gaffes."
In case you don't know, calling someone to be like Sarah Palin is generally an insult (poor education, pretty face, mindlessly patriotic, extremist policy ideas) but the other part kind of is. Sounds like she has a really good coach. Big brother again.
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Thailand now has their first female Prime Minister. She hasn't even spent a single day in office yet. Before everyone labels her as a clone or a puppet, give her a chance to prove herself. If she sucks, vote her out next election. That's what elections are for. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise everybody, herself included. We live in interesting times; often fact is stranger than fiction.

What would be great is if her relationship disintegrates with her controlling brother. At this point however, it is fantasy to believe she is not a puppet for her brother.

Fantasy or not, the electorate has spoken and that can't be changed. Let's judge her by her performance not her perceived allegiances. If what you are saying is true, we will know soon enough but at this point in time it's purely speculation. Wait and see, then voice your concerns at the appropriate time.


If there are elections in our homecountries, would we like when foreigners there would call the majority of the voters "corrupt, uneducated, greedy bla, bla bal". For sure we would not like that. Is it democratic to repeat and repeat and repeat prejudices? Maybe the people in Thailand not want a "Westernstyle Democracy". We should respect that.

I'm beginning to think this might not be the best forum for you as you seem disappointed in the level of discourse. I hear you quiet, polite pleading but, if you have been following this forum for any length of time you will realize the people come here to express themselves and their opiniion and worldview. Not everyone is an agreeable person. I would suggest to you that if you wish to continue on the forum that you block posts for those who offend your sense of proper discourse. I wish you well.


Red shirts will now have to walk a very fine and patient line to meet their goals. The thing people are overlooking here is that politicians are being thrown out all over the globe, the reason is because USA/Europe/China economic policy is increasing the money supply and driving up prices of commodities, less to go around of everything and everyone globally is less happy with things so now the red shirts have a problem. they need to appease the masses but how can they lower the price of rice and oil? essentially they cannot. what they can do is make attempts of distribution. Thailand has been running surpluses and has good credit ratings. The gov can start taking on more debt and using it to sway the masses. Attempts to push royalists out of the picture, again will need to be done very patiently and smoothly less the military once again throw P.T out again... for those saying, well the majority blah blah blah, red shirts have just over 50% of the required seats it is not an overwhelming majority of support there is nothing stopping the military from stepping in when they feel like it. likewise, all these protests, the military has been very kind and patient towards them they could easily change that persona if need be.

no the world is not ending. the show goes on. the red shirts are still very big underdogs to succeed in their grand plans of being the top dog in Thailand.


Next few weeks will be very interesting. I am glad I am not in Thailand, and I am glad I am British and love the UK, and have not made Thailand 'my home'. Just goes to show, it will never be your home. Enjoy the ride!


"The former billionaire telecoms tycoon remains a hugely divisive figure"

I'd say on the contrary...if they win 313 seats Thaksin's a hugely "uniting" figure.....that is overwhelming acclaim.

I'd say it's the out-going PM who was (and likely remains) the divisive figure.

He headed a disgracefully unpopular government of a military-backed minority that broke every rule of democracy, ethics and the Constitution to seize and rule the country.

Let this be the last word about it for a while.

Certainly not the last word,merely the start of a new chapter,wait until the empty promises become apparent.


"Post deleted. I noticed I was deviating from the topic of the thread. I should never be allowed to write when I am tired. Off to bed for now.


It's nice to see that you at least acknowledge you were slipping OT.

Thailand now has their first female Prime Minister. She hasn't even spent a single day in office yet. Before everyone labels her as a clone or a puppet, give her a chance to prove herself. If she sucks, vote her out next election. That's what elections are for. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise everybody, herself included. We live in interesting times; often fact is stranger than fiction.

Wasn't that exactly what her Brother labelled her as?


Thailand now has their first female Prime Minister. She hasn't even spent a single day in office yet. Before everyone labels her as a clone or a puppet, give her a chance to prove herself. If she sucks, vote her out next election. That's what elections are for. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise everybody, herself included. We live in interesting times; often fact is stranger than fiction.

What would be great is if her relationship disintegrates with her controlling brother. At this point however, it is fantasy to believe she is not a puppet for her brother.

Fantasy or not, the electorate has spoken and that can't be changed. Let's judge her by her performance not her perceived allegiances. If what you are saying is true, we will know soon enough but at this point in time it's purely speculation. Wait and see, then voice your concerns at the appropriate time.

What is fantasy is that you are calling her being a puppet speculation. The facts are just way to clear on this. However, I agree the only positive thing to do now is wait and see how things go ... unless of course she has broken Thai law by being politically advised and aligned with a fugitive charged with terrorism against Thailand and banned from politics.


I deleted all links to a video that was posted earlier due to comments added to the video after the video was posted here. The commentary added breaks some very serious Lese Mageste laws and it cannot be linked to from here, directly or otherwise. (If you tell someone to "Google ______" we'll treat that as linking to it.


VIVA Yingluck Shinawatra ! ! !

I think many people here make the same mistake the EX-prime minister made. Folks, believe me Yingluck Shinawatra is a very strong minded business woman (as are most Thai women). do not underestimate this Tungsten Lady; and for campaign promises - she is going to do exactly as her older brother did - she is going to make it happen!

I came to Thailand soon after the economic collapse of 1997/1998. My first impression driving along the highways of Bangkok was that of countless buildings incomplete, somewhat looking like a war zone. The baht was trading at 47.00 to the US$, unemployment was massive since huge factories that employed thousands of workers closed down. Thailand, as with all ASEAN countries were in deep financial sh....

Thaksin came to power in 2001, I have lived here through the periods when Thaksin pulled Thailand out of that IMF debts. I remember the Amazing Thailand campaign; but for me it was amazing that Thailand paid its debts to the IMF off in 2006 - long before any of the others were even able to start paying back; and two years ahead of schedule. To this date Thailand and Singapore are the only two countries that paid their debts off. Since 2004 Thaksin embarked on a campaign to eradicate poverty; what he did for the man-on-the-street was amazing.

Unfortunately that was not loved by the Elite; lifting poverty will also result in educated general population and that will be threat to their comfortable lives. Thus they had to get him out, by whatever means, even if it means they have to replace high court judges.

Thus I do not care if Yingluck Shinawatra is a proxy or only being guided by her older brother. I can only see one good thing coming to Thailand.

It is remarkable when I look back on this past 12 years in Thailand to notice, during this past FIVE years of wrong government, how little was achieved when comparing it to the fast paced six years of S. Thaksin!

As for the political 'inexperienced sister'. This whole strategy of her party, brother's advice and time frame was a magnificent political move. Their opponents were completely caught off-guard, pants down. More than anything else I love her campaign; NEVER did she attack Abhist! It was a clear, clean, no-mud-or-pie-in-the-face-insults from her.


If there are elections in our homecountries, would we like when foreigners there would call the majority of the voters "corrupt, uneducated, greedy bla, bla bal". For sure we would not like that. Is it democratic to repeat and repeat and repeat prejudices? Maybe the people in Thailand not want a "Westernstyle Democracy". We should respect that.

I would have no problem with this if the comments were true or at least based on perceptions of truth. To say these things in order to inflate ones own ego or sense of superiority is another thing. It is fact that much of the Red / Thaksin base is poor an uneducated. If they weren't poor and uneducated he couldn't win and there in lies his motivation to keep them poor and uneducated.

I think these people are also more prone to being manipulated because their focus on what they want from a leader is very laser focused. I don't think many of these people put much thought into the future of Thailand as a whole or even their lives and family's future. They are obsessed with only 1 thing be it more hand-outs, getting Thaksin back or sticking it to the elite. It really is no different in the US in terms of how people become laser focused on 1 issue such as abortion, gay marriage, terrorism or tax hikes. Then there are those who simply think about if the person running is somebody who would be fun to have a beer with.

I really am not sure if they've found something to put in the water to make voters so short sighted but I really don't believe people thought like this before. It used to be about somebody who had leadership qualities, has a history of success and is likely to lead the country in the right way when it comes to all areas be it economic, security and foreign relations.

In the US you have people voting for movie star action heroes with no experience and who spent time in the US as an illegal alien and has little command of the English language or worse alcoholics with a history of hard drug use and arrests who clearly have an IQ less than that of most Americans. Now in Thailand we have people voting for a person with about 8-weeks of political experience and her only business experience was handed to her by her brother. A women too scared to debate her opponents and who is a puppet for a lying, corrupt, fugitive from justice who is wanted on terrorism charges. Regardless of what Thaksin may have accomplished while PM, he has hurt Thailand GREATLY since he left office and bringing him back or allowing him to play a role in politics is NEVER going to allow reconciliation and only an ignorant person would think it would in a country so divided over HIM and HIS policies. Clearly this is a path backwards.

But the real bottom line is something is very very wrong in countries or states where people believe Schwarzenegger, Bush, Thaksin (at this time) or his little sister are the best the state or country has to offer. Call it uneducated, ignorant or stupid but I simply find it scary.


VIVA Yingluck Shinawatra ! ! !

I think many people here make the same mistake the EX-prime minister made. Folks, believe me Yingluck Shinawatra is a very strong minded business woman (as are most Thai women). do not underestimate this Tungsten Lady; and for campaign promises - she is going to do exactly as her older brother did - she is going to make it happen!

I came to Thailand soon after the economic collapse of 1997/1998. My first impression driving along the highways of Bangkok was that of countless buildings incomplete, somewhat looking like a war zone. The baht was trading at 47.00 to the US$, unemployment was massive since huge factories that employed thousands of workers closed down. Thailand, as with all ASEAN countries were in deep financial sh....

Thaksin came to power in 2001, I have lived here through the periods when Thaksin pulled Thailand out of that IMF debts. I remember the Amazing Thailand campaign; but for me it was amazing that Thailand paid its debts to the IMF off in 2006 - long before any of the others were even able to start paying back; and two years ahead of schedule. To this date Thailand and Singapore are the only two countries that paid their debts off. Since 2004 Thaksin embarked on a campaign to eradicate poverty; what he did for the man-on-the-street was amazing.

Unfortunately that was not loved by the Elite; lifting poverty will also result in educated general population and that will be threat to their comfortable lives. Thus they had to get him out, by whatever means, even if it means they have to replace high court judges.

Thus I do not care if Yingluck Shinawatra is a proxy or only being guided by her older brother. I can only see one good thing coming to Thailand.

It is remarkable when I look back on this past 12 years in Thailand to notice, during this past FIVE years of wrong government, how little was achieved when comparing it to the fast paced six years of S. Thaksin!

As for the political 'inexperienced sister'. This whole strategy of her party, brother's advice and time frame was a magnificent political move. Their opponents were completely caught off-guard, pants down. More than anything else I love her campaign; NEVER did she attack Abhist! It was a clear, clean, no-mud-or-pie-in-the-face-insults from her.

If you believe so much in the goodness and clever governing of the Shinawatra clan then maybe you could take a look at the inserted link below,and wake up.



Abhisit and the Democrats just don't get it do they. They never had a mandate; they took office through a fix, sanctioned by the military; they had no answer to the red shirts; they have no support in the provinces because no one trusts them. It is a landslide because they never deserved to be in office in the first place.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

very true!


Thailand refinanced the IMF debt to Singapore.

Longer term, lower price per year and on a different ledger,

more total cost to Thailand, but no more IMF scrutiny of

Thaksin's use of national funds, and a nationalist win for him.

IMF rules were to encourage good banking practices, not crony capitalism.

So likely not in keeping with his aims.

Chuan stopped the use of the IMF debt and started repayment,

2 years early than agreed with the IMF, before Thaksin ever came into office.

Thailand is a founding member of the IMF.

Thailand is STILL a dues paying member of the IMF,

under Thaksin and since.

Thaksin was standing at Chavalits shoulder when he touched off the Asian Tiger crash.

If I were Thaksin I wouldn't talk up his history regarding the IMF.


Abhisit and the Democrats just don't get it do they. They never had a mandate; they took office through a fix, sanctioned by the military; they had no answer to the red shirts; they have no support in the provinces because no one trusts them. It is a landslide because they never deserved to be in office in the first place.

No support in some provinces.


Abhisit and the Democrats just don't get it do they. They never had a mandate; they took office through a fix, sanctioned by the military; they had no answer to the red shirts; they have no support in the provinces because no one trusts them. It is a landslide because they never deserved to be in office in the first place.

No support in some provinces.

The Thai people has spoken . They told Abhisit to go bugger off . No matter how much spin you may use, this is the truth.


I find it funny how the 2006 coup leader is "ready to work with PTP".

Of course he has to be.

He and the other coup leaders all granted themselves AMNESTY against their treason.

He and many others could never fight against amnesty as he and many others have all granted themselves amnesty in the past.

Well done the Thai People again for rejecting the oppressive undemocratic and corrupt forces that continue to try to strangle democracy in Thailand. Well done for voting for PTP (TRT/PPP).


TRT/PPP/PTP have now won when the military were in control and when the Democrats/BJT were in control and working very hard against them.

The people know who are the real corrupt forces in Thailand, and the people will always vote against the real corrupt, the real undemocratic forces.

Lets not forget, Thaksin has been convicted on something HIS WIFE DID, where his wife and everyone else involved is innocent and not charged and yet he is charged by association of being the husband,

Its always been a joke and the people of Thailand see right through it.


It was called the let the people decide election. They have decided under the system that exists. Time to move on. The people can judge this government at the next election. Thailand cant forever go having years and years of conflict because election results arent liked or people have a mandate to do something that others dont want done.

The one thing that has been obvious is that the more extra-parliamentary forces try to interfere with what happens in the parliamentary sphere, the more people are put off. PTP has done better than PPP did and the Dems and most other parties worse.

I wonder if on TV we will see a movement away from repeating the rows of the past bunch of years.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

very true!

The PAD, the Yellow shirts and those who lost out to TRT/PPP business policies have been very vocal users of the internet and media.

They have to be very vocal as with any campaign to disgrace people and parties you have to throw enough lies to eventually make some stick in peoples minds.

So they need to continue pushing the lies all the time, about Thaksin being the most corrupt, about TRT being the most corrupt as for many people who were never here under TRT they have no experience. They do not know how good Thaksin was or how good the TRT were.

This is why the corrupt and undemocratic forces of oppression and the forces who lost out financially to TRT winning will continue to be very vocal against TRT and Thaksin, they have to try to keep the act up, they have to try keep the seeds sown germinating.

However, the Thai people know the truth and that is something that shows in each and every election.


Thaksin's puppet, Yingluck has been bought and paid for. Everyone in Isan received 300-1000 baht to vote for the Pheu Kwai party. Buffalos all - the lot of them. Isan should secede from Thailand. They have all proven that their loyalties lie with money, not with Thailand. Democracy in Thailand has taken a giant step backwards.

Ummm .. that would be really worrying but: not only Yingluck is a puppet but Abhisit too .. in fact they're all puppets. It seems that "political puppet show" is ingrained in the Thai culture. All most powerful figures like to stay in the shadows conveniently avoiding public scrutiny.

Issan people were receiving the money from the other camp too. They were taking the money, that is quite understandable in Thailand but didn't vote for the Democrats. The loyalties of people everywhere "lie with money" not only in this country. The people vote for the party that they believe will improve their lives. Why do you think every party before every election promises "increased payments of family benefits", "lower taxes" and so on? Aren't these "monetary benefits"?

Good day for Thailand's democracy and let's hope army keeps out of it. And if Thaksin was ever "trying to control the army" I could say that's as it should be. Army should be controlled by an elected civilian government and not other way around. But the government must have a mandate of the people to even try to do that. Which after this election it's clear it will.


TRT/PPP/PTP have now won when the military were in control and when the Democrats/BJT were in control and working very hard against them.

The people know who are the real corrupt forces in Thailand, and the people will always vote against the real corrupt, the real undemocratic forces.

Lets not forget, Thaksin has been convicted on something HIS WIFE DID, where his wife and everyone else involved is innocent and not charged and yet he is charged by association of being the husband,

Its always been a joke and the people of Thailand see right through it.

Thaksin was charged for doing something HE did. As PM, HE wasn't allowed to sign off on a government related deal.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

I don't know how anyone can say that yesterday was a sad day for Thailand.

The people have spoken - loud and clear, and in no uncertain terms.

Once again ordinary Thais have swept away the old order with the contempt that it deserves.

The question is now : Will the old order once again use their corrupt cronies in the courts to overturn the decision of the people?

Will they once again bring the yellow shirted mob (yes - mob, and black-hooded thugs) back onto the streets to try to disenfranchise ordinary Thai people?

If that happens THAT will be a sad day for Thailand.


TRT/PPP/PTP have now won when the military were in control and when the Democrats/BJT were in control and working very hard against them.

The people know who are the real corrupt forces in Thailand, and the people will always vote against the real corrupt, the real undemocratic forces.

Lets not forget, Thaksin has been convicted on something HIS WIFE DID, where his wife and everyone else involved is innocent and not charged and yet he is charged by association of being the husband,

Its always been a joke and the people of Thailand see right through it.

Thaksin was charged for doing something HE did. As PM, HE wasn't allowed to sign off on a government related deal.

Nobody was found guilty of anything apart from Thaksin.

How can nobody else be guilty and yet he was the only guilty party for being party to an alleged wrongdoing ? If the wrongdoing was not against the law and others found guilty then how can he be ?

The Military changed the top judiciary after the coup. The Military set up panels to investigate Thaksin. It is no surprise the Military appointed panels found Thaksin guilty and the new appointed top judiciary found him guilty on the charges the military appointed panels found.

He had to be found guilty of something to justify the coup and justify the coup leaders granting themselves AMNESTY from treason.

Yes, lets not forget there are many people in Thailand who have granted themselves amnesty. Strangely most with military association.

The propaganda machine has worked hard since 2006 to disgrace Thaksin - but it cannot succeed as seen by the elections and the people know the truth and will continue to vote for the truth and against the TRUE CORRUPT of Thailand, who will continue to lose every election.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

It also shows how fundamentally different Asian and Western cultures and values are. This is something that a lot of farang posters overlook. You may be married to a Thai. You may have been living here for 20 years. But still, you grew up in a completely different society, with different morals, values and ethics. What's right for the goose may not be right for the gander. You may treat this country as your home. The Thais may treat you as one of them. But, you are and will always be a foreigner and trying to force your values and ethics down the Thai people's throat will merely make them resent you more.

A relatively long post that says absolutely nothing. Vague speculation with Zero reference to anything solid.

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