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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Gloat in your victory while it lasts but this will set Thailand back years if not decades.

It's a shame in my mind that the poor seem incapable of learning their lessons but I guess if they believe that someone is trying to help them when all he is trying to do is enrich himself at their expense and USING them in a deceiteful and cruel way then that is up to them and they will pay for it ultimately.

Now, mission accomplished for the president-in-waiting the whole of Thailand will suffer (YES - the poor as well) as when Thaksin takes over then they will revert to mismanaging the economy, punishing the rich (employers of many of the so-called poor) despite his conciliatary words that he is not intent on doing this, and generally undoing all the good work that Abhisit was putting into motion.

The poor will only have themselves to blame when it all goes "belly up" but the uneducated quarters probably won't even appreciate that it is happening such is their "blinkered ways" on such matters.

Why should I worry as I will not be affected as much as Thai's will and will not suffer the consequences, but my love and fear for the Thai people will always be there and it is such a shame that they have ticked the wrong box (as far as I'm concerned) and THEY will be the big losers in this - not the winners that they think they are in their "moment of glory". They will be smiling this morning and for a while yet, but facial muscles can turn this into a frown in mili-seconds and this is what I predict will happen in the coming years when their policies fail again and the country wipes out all it has gained under Abhisit!!!

Finally, anyone living in the vicinity of drug dealers (and users) should vacate to safer areas as we all know what happened in 2003!!!!

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Thanks for this map. Was just looking for one like this.


Here's a map showing the election results by province. The geographical divides are quite obvious.

(Why can't I post pictures or smilys like I used to? I must say that this new Forum format sucks!)

You need to click on the little icons below the text formatting pull downs. wink.gif



All the vote buying/networks stuff is a distraction really. The fact is the country has a system for deciding who will run the country and the political parties engage in it for advantage. If it is a question of the system being flawed then campaigns to change it can be waged. In the meantime everyone takes as little or as much advantage of the flaws to help themselves. Certainly both main parties were offering incentives where I was around election time, not that it did either of them much good.


TRT/PPP/PTP have now won when the military were in control and when the Democrats/BJT were in control and working very hard against them.

The people know who are the real corrupt forces in Thailand, and the people will always vote against the real corrupt, the real undemocratic forces.

Lets not forget, Thaksin has been convicted on something HIS WIFE DID, where his wife and everyone else involved is innocent and not charged and yet he is charged by association of being the husband,

Its always been a joke and the people of Thailand see right through it.

Thaksin was charged for doing something HE did. As PM, HE wasn't allowed to sign off on a government related deal.

Nobody was found guilty of anything apart from Thaksin.

How can nobody else be guilty and yet he was the only guilty party for being party to an alleged wrongdoing ? If the wrongdoing was not against the law and others found guilty then how can he be ?

The Military changed the top judiciary after the coup. The Military set up panels to investigate Thaksin. It is no surprise the Military appointed panels found Thaksin guilty and the new appointed top judiciary found him guilty on the charges the military appointed panels found.

He had to be found guilty of something to justify the coup and justify the coup leaders granting themselves AMNESTY from treason.

Yes, lets not forget there are many people in Thailand who have granted themselves amnesty. Strangely most with military association.

The propaganda machine has worked hard since 2006 to disgrace Thaksin - but it cannot succeed as seen by the elections and the people know the truth and will continue to vote for the truth and against the TRUE CORRUPT of Thailand, who will continue to lose every election.

The PM is not allowed to be involved in personal deals with the government. That's why he was found guilty.

Ofcourse, that didn't stop Thaksin changing laws to suit his own companies, but that's one of the reasons people turned against him after his 2005 election victory.


Always think the people in the South are saner and less crazy and not easily fooled, EVEN if they are poor, and it kills the lie about the democratic party only representing the Elite of Bangkok


If there are elections in our homecountries, would we like when foreigners there would call the majority of the voters "corrupt, uneducated, greedy bla, bla bal". For sure we would not like that. Is it democratic to repeat and repeat and repeat prejudices? Maybe the people in Thailand not want a "Westernstyle Democracy". We should respect that.

I would have no problem with this if the comments were true or at least based on perceptions of truth. To say these things in order to inflate ones own ego or sense of superiority is another thing. It is fact that much of the Red / Thaksin base is poor an uneducated. If they weren't poor and uneducated he couldn't win and there in lies his motivation to keep them poor and uneducated.

I think these people are also more prone to being manipulated because their focus on what they want from a leader is very laser focused. I don't think many of these people put much thought into the future of Thailand as a whole or even their lives and family's future. They are obsessed with only 1 thing be it more hand-outs, getting Thaksin back or sticking it to the elite. It really is no different in the US in terms of how people become laser focused on 1 issue such as abortion, gay marriage, terrorism or tax hikes. Then there are those who simply think about if the person running is somebody who would be fun to have a beer with.

I really am not sure if they've found something to put in the water to make voters so short sighted but I really don't believe people thought like this before. It used to be about somebody who had leadership qualities, has a history of success and is likely to lead the country in the right way when it comes to all areas be it economic, security and foreign relations.

In the US you have people voting for movie star action heroes with no experience and who spent time in the US as an illegal alien and has little command of the English language or worse alcoholics with a history of hard drug use and arrests who clearly have an IQ less than that of most Americans. Now in Thailand we have people voting for a person with about 8-weeks of political experience and her only business experience was handed to her by her brother. A women too scared to debate her opponents and who is a puppet for a lying, corrupt, fugitive from justice who is wanted on terrorism charges. Regardless of what Thaksin may have accomplished while PM, he has hurt Thailand GREATLY since he left office and bringing him back or allowing him to play a role in politics is NEVER going to allow reconciliation and only an ignorant person would think it would in a country so divided over HIM and HIS policies. Clearly this is a path backwards.

But the real bottom line is something is very very wrong in countries or states where people believe Schwarzenegger, Bush, Thaksin (at this time) or his little sister are the best the state or country has to offer. Call it uneducated, ignorant or stupid but I simply find it scary.

Though some people might be jumping to conclusions what may lay ahead; the above post is spot on.

Seems to me Business types and the educated didn't want this result (and no, they're not hi-so); but your taxi or tuk-tuk driver, bar girl did. It seems there has been a sheep mentality to hate Abhisit (for no other reason that their friends do). Saying this though,. the people have spoke, it's their country, so let's see what happens; but what I do want to know is where the supporters of this result on TV really think they will get all this money from to support their pledges, won't grow on trees; if they heavily tax the rich it will affect business, so who will they target?

Do some honestly believe that they won't try to bring her brother back in? I mean, come on; he's dying to come back and his money is behind it, you'd have to be living on cuckoo land if you don't think they will try to get him back. And Thaksin says he doesn't want revenge. Really? Did he say that with his fingers crossed behind his back?

Some people are easily led.

However, if they do deilver their promises without hurting business or the economy, do improve standards for the poorer areas, don't try and bring Thaksin back as PM, build bridges between old foes, not do media clampdowns and bring this country together again - I will glad say I was very wrong with my opinion - as we all want what's best for this country. Wonder if his supporters on here would admit the same thing.


Just because you don't see the train wreck coming, doesn't mean it isn't.

It may have some appearances of a Win For Democracy, as far as Thailand can have those appearances, but the after effects of this are not going to go as many seem to expect.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

firmly in their place ??????? are you joking ?????:unsure:


I am very perplexed at the choices the plurality of voters sometimes make across the globe .. not just Thailand.

The party was actually against having Thaksin putting his sister in this role because they knew how much hatred so many have when it comes to Thaksin. This would seem like a logical plan but as it proves Thaksin knew better when he overruled the party regarding his sister. Point being is he won the election but at the cost of any hope of reconciliation for Thailand anytime in the foreseeable future .... but worse is that voters bought into this as if they have no voice in the matter. They could have clearly voiced outrage over the party allowing a continuation of what is the crux (Thaksin) of the fighting within Thailand. Certainly people had a legitimate gripe about not having clear elections towards who is running Thailand but the election itself put this issue to rest. Yet, because of the election it is guaranteed the problems will not cease because voters chose to almost basically step backwards in time 5+ years to when all this cr@p started because of a very corrupt and power hungry PM.

I really cannot see how any rational person can say the results of this election was a good thing given Thaksin's past, present and future control of the party.

We can only pray that his sister and party decide they want to actually be in charge and not be controlled by a fugitive hiding out in Dubai. Then it will be a good thing because Thaksin will finally be out of Thai politics and moving forward will become a reality.


Does anybody know what is the scheduled date for transition of power?

If not, what is the typical time frame in other parliamentary government / countries after a vote?


If there are elections in our homecountries, would we like when foreigners there would call the majority of the voters "corrupt, uneducated, greedy bla, bla bal". For sure we would not like that. Is it democratic to repeat and repeat and repeat prejudices? Maybe the people in Thailand not want a "Westernstyle Democracy". We should respect that.

I would have no problem with this if the comments were true or at least based on perceptions of truth. To say these things in order to inflate ones own ego or sense of superiority is another thing. It is fact that much of the Red / Thaksin base is poor an uneducated. If they weren't poor and uneducated he couldn't win and there in lies his motivation to keep them poor and uneducated.

I think these people are also more prone to being manipulated because their focus on what they want from a leader is very laser focused. I don't think many of these people put much thought into the future of Thailand as a whole or even their lives and family's future. They are obsessed with only 1 thing be it more hand-outs, getting Thaksin back or sticking it to the elite. It really is no different in the US in terms of how people become laser focused on 1 issue such as abortion, gay marriage, terrorism or tax hikes. Then there are those who simply think about if the person running is somebody who would be fun to have a beer with.

I really am not sure if they've found something to put in the water to make voters so short sighted but I really don't believe people thought like this before. It used to be about somebody who had leadership qualities, has a history of success and is likely to lead the country in the right way when it comes to all areas be it economic, security and foreign relations.

In the US you have people voting for movie star action heroes with no experience and who spent time in the US as an illegal alien and has little command of the English language or worse alcoholics with a history of hard drug use and arrests who clearly have an IQ less than that of most Americans. Now in Thailand we have people voting for a person with about 8-weeks of political experience and her only business experience was handed to her by her brother. A women too scared to debate her opponents and who is a puppet for a lying, corrupt, fugitive from justice who is wanted on terrorism charges. Regardless of what Thaksin may have accomplished while PM, he has hurt Thailand GREATLY since he left office and bringing him back or allowing him to play a role in politics is NEVER going to allow reconciliation and only an ignorant person would think it would in a country so divided over HIM and HIS policies. Clearly this is a path backwards.

But the real bottom line is something is very very wrong in countries or states where people believe Schwarzenegger, Bush, Thaksin (at this time) or his little sister are the best the state or country has to offer. Call it uneducated, ignorant or stupid but I simply find it scary.

Though some people might be jumping to conclusions what may lay ahead; the above post is spot on.

Seems to me Business types and the educated didn't want this result (and no, they're not hi-so); but your taxi or tuk-tuk driver, bar girl did. It seems there has been a sheep mentality to hate Abhisit (for no other reason that their friends do). Saying this though,. the people have spoke, it's their country, so let's see what happens; but what I do want to know is where the supporters of this result on TV really think they will get all this money from to support their pledges, won't grow on trees; if they heavily tax the rich it will affect business, so who will they target?

Do some honestly believe that they won't try to bring her brother back in? I mean, come on; he's dying to come back and his money is behind it, you'd have to be living on cuckoo land if you don't think they will try to get him back. And Thaksin says he doesn't want revenge. Really? Did he say that with his fingers crossed behind his back?

Some people are easily led.

However, if they do deilver their promises without hurting business or the economy, do improve standards for the poorer areas, don't try and bring Thaksin back as PM, build bridges between old foes, not do media clampdowns and bring this country together again - I will glad say I was very wrong with my opinion - as we all want what's best for this country. Wonder if his supporters on here would admit the same thing.

Well, the lunatics have finally taken over the asylum!

Let's see what happens. I hope I am wrong.

In the meantime, I don't think improving education is at the top of the agenda. Not good news if you are the child of a subsistance farmer methinks.....

When does my family get 4 x IPads please?


TRT/PPP/PTP have now won when the military were in control and when the Democrats/BJT were in control and working very hard against them.

The people know who are the real corrupt forces in Thailand, and the people will always vote against the real corrupt, the real undemocratic forces.

Lets not forget, Thaksin has been convicted on something HIS WIFE DID, where his wife and everyone else involved is innocent and not charged and yet he is charged by association of being the husband,

Its always been a joke and the people of Thailand see right through it.

Thaksin was charged for doing something HE did. As PM, HE wasn't allowed to sign off on a government related deal.

Nobody was found guilty of anything apart from Thaksin.

How can nobody else be guilty and yet he was the only guilty party for being party to an alleged wrongdoing ? If the wrongdoing was not against the law and others found guilty then how can he be ?

The Military changed the top judiciary after the coup. The Military set up panels to investigate Thaksin. It is no surprise the Military appointed panels found Thaksin guilty and the new appointed top judiciary found him guilty on the charges the military appointed panels found.

He had to be found guilty of something to justify the coup and justify the coup leaders granting themselves AMNESTY from treason.

Yes, lets not forget there are many people in Thailand who have granted themselves amnesty. Strangely most with military association.

The propaganda machine has worked hard since 2006 to disgrace Thaksin - but it cannot succeed as seen by the elections and the people know the truth and will continue to vote for the truth and against the TRUE CORRUPT of Thailand, who will continue to lose every election.

The PM is not allowed to be involved in personal deals with the government. That's why he was found guilty.

Ofcourse, that didn't stop Thaksin changing laws to suit his own companies, but that's one of the reasons people turned against him after his 2005 election victory.

The PM was not involved. His wife was (she is now ex-wife).

As for the people turning against him, this is a common misconception.

The PEOPLE have never turned against him in a majority. Just a few minority people did and they got the support of the invisible hand and overturned the peoples democratically elected government.

The ELECTION results do not lie. Check the election results for the past 15 years. The people have always supported Thaksin and support his fight about leveling the playing field and making the country belong to the people, not just the invisible hands.


Why are sooooo many Thai Visa forum members sooooo Anti-Phua Thai? The Thai people have made their choice! Many TV forum members say they want democracy to flourish in Thailand. But the very same people do not walk the talk. I find this hilarious but at the same time - somewhat sad.


Thai Visa today would be a better read if all you disenchanted armchair wingers "took your bat and ball and went home" rather than babble about something you really know absolutely SFA about!


this is such bullshit, that was a different time and a different situation; no-one in any country today would vote for a candidate that endorses creating an empire-for example if Yingluck was running on a platform of invading cambodia and myanmar-and creating a Thai empire because Thailand needed "living space" she would not have won.. god you come up with some idiotic crap.. Yingluck is hitler because her tax bracket and public funds distribution is slightly different than Abhistit

So if the Italians voted in Mussolini would you also call that a victory for democracy. The Thai people today endorsed NO DEMOCRACY. They want an autocratic dictatorship. Best wishes to them with that interesting choice.


The ELECTION results do not lie. Check the election results for the past 15 years. The people have always supported Thaksin and support his fight about leveling the playing field and making the country belong to the people, not just the invisible hands.

15 years;) Wasnt TRT first elected in 2001? But fair point about elections since then


Abhisit and the Democrats just don't get it do they. They never had a mandate; they took office through a fix, sanctioned by the military; they had no answer to the red shirts; they have no support in the provinces because no one trusts them. It is a landslide because they never deserved to be in office in the first place.

"they have no support in the provinces" ... which is why the Dems just got 10.1 million votes ? <_<

"It is a landslide" ... I'm sorry but 44% just isn't a landslide, however much you might wish it to be.

Thaksin & Chavalit were forecasting 300+ seats, later-ammended to 270, but they haven't got it. What they have achieved is a slight overall-majority, which is enough to govern, and a good result against both BJT & CP. Credit to them for that.

It's now up to Ms Yingluck to show that she can do the job, and her party to deliver all the expensive-goodies they were promising, during the campaign. B)


The PM was not involved. His wife was (she is now ex-wife).

As for the people turning against him, this is a common misconception.

The PEOPLE have never turned against him in a majority. Just a few minority people did and they got the support of the invisible hand and overturned the peoples democratically elected government.

The ELECTION results do not lie. Check the election results for the past 15 years. The people have always supported Thaksin and support his fight about leveling the playing field and making the country belong to the people, not just the invisible hands.

The former PM is involved directly in the many cases against him, that he skipped bail on to move to Dubai etc.

In 2007 the majority of people did not vote for PT as I am sure you are well aware; whether this counts as turning against him in a majority which is a meaningless phrase anyhow, I don't know.

Even this landslide victory is not necessarily a win for Thaksin; that as occured in 2007, will take some time to unfold and may well amount to nothing.

As for level playing field; a billionaire who made his money in monopolies who lied in his asset declaration but used popularity to avoid getting a 5 year ban; who got 2 of his kids into public universities despite their grades and who silenced critics when his son was caught cheating at Ram U; who changed the law specifically so he could sell AIS to Singapore and did so tax free again a ruling specifically for his family; who skipped bail and moved abroad where a team of PR consultants massage his image and keep him on the front pages of Thai media and who still to this day is refusing to return and face punishment or show any responsibility for his actions and now wants to amend the Thai constitution basically specifically to remove the legality of the proceedings against him (because he cannot face the charges in any court, as it would have to be so biased to not get convicted).....you are saying his life is in any way played out on a 'level field' ??? :lol::lol::lol:

I do agree...no invisible hands. Except for happy endings...that's when the invisible hand demands an ample supply of tissues to clean up after.


Having read through the threads awhile back it is amusing to see how out of touch the 'bigger' posters on here were with the actual electorate


There is no such thing as a wasted vote! Surely this is the basis of so-called democracy, although the ancient Greeks would not include slaves. Stop whining about being a foreigner and get residence, and later citizenship. Why live here for 20 years and not get at least obtain permanent residence?


Why are sooooo many Thai Visa forum members sooooo Anti-Phua Thai? The Thai people have made their choice! Many TV forum members say they want democracy to flourish in Thailand. But the very same people do not walk the talk. I find this hilarious but at the same time - somewhat sad.

I'd be interested to hear from others but for me it is solely about Thaksin. In my heart of hearts I know that Thailand cannot truly move forward as long as he is pulling the strings or even appearing to pull the stings. Forget about his past and everything about his current situation .. there is simply no other Thai who represents division like Thaksin. I personally would have liked to see Abhisit win but would rather have seen him agree to bow out as long as Thaksin did to truly pave the way for reconciliation.

I truly believe Yellows or all the other anti-Reds would have accepted any election results with one exception and that is a results that gives Thaksin back power be it directly or having a puppet in place. I hope I am wrong but somehow I know I am not and am confident within the year we will see more turmoil in Thailand unless the party turns on Thaksin. And to be clear, it is not even his policies (which I disagree with) but simply him and what he represents. He represents division and now 5-years later he refuses to go away and the division and hatred between Thais has not either.


Why are sooooo many Thai Visa forum members sooooo Anti-Phua Thai? The Thai people have made their choice! Many TV forum members say they want democracy to flourish in Thailand. But the very same people do not walk the talk. I find this hilarious but at the same time - somewhat sad.

I'd be interested to hear from others but for me it is solely about Thaksin. In my heart of hearts I know that Thailand cannot truly move forward as long as he is pulling the strings or even appearing to pull the stings. Forget about his past and everything about his current situation .. there is simply no other Thai who represents division like Thaksin. I personally would have liked to see Abhisit win but would rather have seen him agree to bow out as long as Thaksin did to truly pave the way for reconciliation.

I truly believe Yellows or all the other anti-Reds would have accepted any election results with one exception and that is a results that gives Thaksin back power be it directly or having a puppet in place. I hope I am wrong but somehow I know I am not and am confident within the year we will see more turmoil in Thailand unless the party turns on Thaksin. And to be clear, it is not even his policies (which I disagree with) but simply him and what he represents. He represents division and now 5-years later he refuses to go away and the division and hatred between Thais has not either.

I think that most members here who take an anti-PTP stance would go along with that, it isn't about the party, but most of the pro-PTP in here fail to understand that.


TRT/PPP/PTP have now won when the military were in control and when the Democrats/BJT were in control and working very hard against them.

The people know who are the real corrupt forces in Thailand, and the people will always vote against the real corrupt, the real undemocratic forces.

Lets not forget, Thaksin has been convicted on something HIS WIFE DID, where his wife and everyone else involved is innocent and not charged and yet he is charged by association of being the husband,

Its always been a joke and the people of Thailand see right through it.

Thaksin was charged for doing something HE did. As PM, HE wasn't allowed to sign off on a government related deal.

Nobody was found guilty of anything apart from Thaksin.

How can nobody else be guilty and yet he was the only guilty party for being party to an alleged wrongdoing ? If the wrongdoing was not against the law and others found guilty then how can he be ?

The Military changed the top judiciary after the coup. The Military set up panels to investigate Thaksin. It is no surprise the Military appointed panels found Thaksin guilty and the new appointed top judiciary found him guilty on the charges the military appointed panels found.

He had to be found guilty of something to justify the coup and justify the coup leaders granting themselves AMNESTY from treason.

Yes, lets not forget there are many people in Thailand who have granted themselves amnesty. Strangely most with military association.

The propaganda machine has worked hard since 2006 to disgrace Thaksin - but it cannot succeed as seen by the elections and the people know the truth and will continue to vote for the truth and against the TRUE CORRUPT of Thailand, who will continue to lose every election.

The PM is not allowed to be involved in personal deals with the government. That's why he was found guilty.

Ofcourse, that didn't stop Thaksin changing laws to suit his own companies, but that's one of the reasons people turned against him after his 2005 election victory.

The PM was not involved. His wife was (she is now ex-wife).

As for the people turning against him, this is a common misconception.

The PEOPLE have never turned against him in a majority. Just a few minority people did and they got the support of the invisible hand and overturned the peoples democratically elected government.

The ELECTION results do not lie. Check the election results for the past 15 years. The people have always supported Thaksin and support his fight about leveling the playing field and making the country belong to the people, not just the invisible hands.

The way you 'explain' thaksins conviction in regard to the land purcahse is totally incorrect and misses / twists many important points about the laws involved, which are basically standard in any country and nothing to do with the coup, you are very misleading at least.

You fail to mention the massive vote buying and short term sweeteners which thaksin used to manipulate mass numbers of voters. (But it is true that most if not all parties are involved in vote buying, but that doesn't mean it's OK.)

As mentioned above, thaksin changed the laws to the advantage of his family interests to the tune of billions of Baht, and on top of that the people in his own party who knew that this was very very unethical said nothing! Why, because they didn't dare to comment for fear of serious reprials from the paymaster.

You talk about the coup changing the judiciary etc, but you fail to mention that thaksin seriously intimidated the judiciary and (just a small point)was ultimately responsible for a donut box with 3 million baht left for distribution amongst court officials.

You also fail to mention that thaksin seriously intimidated / frightened the electoral commission and as a result of them being frightened to take appropriate actions (their job) several electoral commisioners were convicted of serious crimes.

"........and support his fight about leveling the playing field and making the country belong to the people, not just the invisible hands....."

So if thaksin was so concerned / so serious about levelling the playing field (which definitely does need levelling), why did he not quickly take the first steps to ensure the majority of the population had better capabilities and why did he not quickly introduce policies / take actions which would provide more and better spread of work opportunites so that the vast majority of the population could gain a good quality of life through their own productivity? He did nothing on either front!

And until it all went wrong, thaksin was more than happy to be the 'team leader' for the so called elite.

"It is no surprise the Military appointed panels found Thaksin guilty and the new appointed top judiciary found him guilty on the charges the military appointed panels found". What you don't mention is that there was masses of specific evidence put before the court.

What is also a reality of life is that all people who get involved in corruption know that they are breaking the law and they know that there is a chance that the axe could fall on them, they take this chance. Sum num na. Or perhaps who believe that because otheres are / have been involved in coruption then nobody should be charged with corruption. That means that if somebody murdered someone in your family then the person would not be charged because others have committed murder before and never been charged. Is that OK with you? What would quickly result is a totally lawless country.

Suggest you research a bit deeper - your various comments are nowehere near the reality of the situation.


Why are sooooo many Thai Visa forum members sooooo Anti-Phua Thai? The Thai people have made their choice! Many TV forum members say they want democracy to flourish in Thailand. But the very same people do not walk the talk. I find this hilarious but at the same time - somewhat sad.

I'd be interested to hear from others but for me it is solely about Thaksin. In my heart of hearts I know that Thailand cannot truly move forward as long as he is pulling the strings or even appearing to pull the stings. Forget about his past and everything about his current situation .. there is simply no other Thai who represents division like Thaksin. I personally would have liked to see Abhisit win but would rather have seen him agree to bow out as long as Thaksin did to truly pave the way for reconciliation.

I truly believe Yellows or all the other anti-Reds would have accepted any election results with one exception and that is a results that gives Thaksin back power be it directly or having a puppet in place. I hope I am wrong but somehow I know I am not and am confident within the year we will see more turmoil in Thailand unless the party turns on Thaksin. And to be clear, it is not even his policies (which I disagree with) but simply him and what he represents. He represents division and now 5-years later he refuses to go away and the division and hatred between Thais has not either.

I think that most members here who take an anti-PTP stance would go along with that, it isn't about the party, but most of the pro-PTP in here fail to understand that.

Irrespective of what we think, the Thai people have given a 'land-slide' decision that wholly supports Thaksin. S - the campaign was fought on the basis of a potential return for khun T and that is what the overwhelming majority of Thais wanted.

It was not the outcome I would have wanted but I believe PTP must now be allowed the opportunity to govern.


Irrespective of what we think, the Thai people have given a 'land-slide' decision that wholly supports Thaksin. S - the campaign was fought on the basis of a potential return for khun T and that is what the overwhelming majority of Thais wanted.

It was not the outcome I would have wanted but I believe PTP must now be allowed the opportunity to govern.

Well, not really "the overwhelming majority of Thais". Only about 45% of them (the voters).


Irrespective of what we think, the Thai people have given a 'land-slide' decision that wholly supports Thaksin. S - the campaign was fought on the basis of a potential return for khun T and that is what the overwhelming majority of Thais wanted.

It was not the outcome I would have wanted but I believe PTP must now be allowed the opportunity to govern.

Well, not really "the overwhelming majority of Thais". Only about 45% of them (the voters).

But they are still the majority and thats democracy, whybother, you need to get over it .rolleyes.gif


More than 50% doesn't mean the majority,

if you have 100 voters and 5 candidates (parties)

candidate 1 = 10%

candidate 2 = 25%

candidate 3 = 5%

candidate 4 = 40%

candidate 5 = 20%

candidate 4 wins by majority.

Please tell your math teacher that over 50% isn't the majority and then come back. :rolleyes:

According to Merriam Webster:


3. a : a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total

Are we talking about mathematics or political voting % ?

As the two are not the same wink.gif

Do you know what the term 'coalition government' means?

Yes i do, and what is your point exactly?

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