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UN calls for technological revolution or 'major planetary catastrophe'


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UN calls for technological revolution or 'major planetary catastrophe'

2011-07-06 07:08:27 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations (UN) on Tuesday warned that humanity is coming close to breaching the sustainability of Earth, urging a greater and faster technological revolution to avoid "a major planetary catastrophe."

The UN's yearly report titled "The World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation," underlined the importance of scaling up clean energy technologies, sustainable farming and forestry techniques, climate-proofing of infrastructure, and technologies reducing non-biological degradable waste production.

Developing these environmental technologies would need worldwide investments, said the report, which was published on Tuesday by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

According to the study, $1.9 trillion per year will be needed over the next 40 years for incremental investments in green technologies, and at least $1.1 trillion of that will need to be made in developing countries to meet increasing food and energy demands.

"It is rapidly expanding energy use, mainly driven by fossil fuels, that explains why humanity is on the verge of breaching planetary sustainability boundaries through global warming, biodiversity loss, and disturbance of the nitrogen-cycle balance and other measures of the sustainability of the earth’s ecosystem," the report stated. "A comprehensive global energy transition is urgently needed in order to avert a major planetary catastrophe."

In addition, the report noted the necessity of technological transformation, greater in scale and achievable within a much shorter time frame than the first industrial revolution.

"The necessary set of new technologies must enable today's poor to attain decent living standards, while reducing emissions and waste and ending the unrestrained drawdown of the Earth’s non-renewable resources," the report continued, adding that technological change would require social transformation with "changed settlement and consumption patterns and better social values."

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emphasized that "rather than viewing growth and sustainability as competing goals on a collision course, we must see them as complementary and mutually supportive imperatives," stating that this becomes possible when a low-carbon, resource-efficient, pro-poor economic model is adopted.

"Business as usual is not an option," the report concluded. "An attempt to overcome world poverty through income growth generated by existing 'brown technologies' would exceed the limits of environmental sustainability."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-07-06

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It's all about your money. The UN wants a tax that they can levy on those that have and give it to those that they want to give it to all in the name of planetary ecology. Considering the voting blocks, that money won't be going to do any good, except enrich a lot of UN dweebs and world dictators

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

Dear Evil Dr. Somkid

Cannibalism is not the answer Dr. Evil! What then do you do with the zombies that are sure to follow soon after you begin your evil empire. Dr. Evil there are better ways! Learn from the past. Eating your neighbors very rarely works out for the best. Ted Bundy tried this and through many trials and taste tests never got the recipe quite right. The closest i think you can get are the zombie formaldehyde chickens as a substitute. Good luck in your future endeavors.

"There are too many humans on the planet"huh.gif. What area code are you in?

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"It is rapidly expanding energy use, mainly driven by fossil fuels, that explains why humanity is on the verge of breaching planetary sustainability boundaries through global warming, biodiversity loss, and disturbance of the nitrogen-cycle balance and other measures of the sustainability of the earth’s ecosystem," the report stated. "A comprehensive global energy transition is urgently needed in order to avert a major planetary catastrophe."

Which is driven by over population, the root cause of all environmental degradation.

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A suitable technology exists since over a hundred years. This week is a special meeting to bring that to live again. Unfortunately it's not supported by politicians and economists or bankers. Hundred years ago when the project was nearly to happen, JP Morgan stopped it by not supporting it any further because he couldn't put a meter on the electricity that would be available for everyone and everywhere.

Overpopulation is not the problem either. Technically we can mangae about 30 billion people on the planet andwith a high living standard.

Fact is that in highly developing countries the population is going down, like in Europe, Russia, USA, Japan and Thailand - (coming soon).

The main problem is greed and politics.

To ever enjoy this planet in the foreseeable future we need to implement the "Jubilee" which is practized by the Jews, but never ever has taken grip in the rest of the world. "Jubilee" means to firgive debts to each other, in case of the Jews, amongst themselves. This is the secrecy of their monetary success. They do that every 50 years.

Without a "jubilee" for each and everyone, every nation and continent our planet and the live within will be doomed.

Obama's chief advicer even suggests the reduction to one billion people in a genocidal move. His name is Holdren, I have posted a link about his book "Ecoscience" on another thread here. In scriptures it is even mentioned that there will be only 144 000 survivors (which is a jewish doctrine when they altered the scriptures before the roman catholics even altered it further. By the way, Jesus is a wrong name and never was the name as referrred too. This was also, out of fear maybe, never translated the right way. His real name is Yahushua and Gods name is Yahuwa).

Edited by elcent
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^ I'd of rather heard what Holden had to say himself than listen this guys obviously hostile interpretation. Sounds like he's got some good ideas; some not so good; but mostly good.

Like population control does seem the best solution. How one could go about it is a matter for debate. Sterilising Parents who clearly can't afford any more children would help elliviate poverty and the drain on resources.

Population growth may cease and fall back of it's own accord though; as can be seen when countries reach a certain level of development. The problem is that the worlds current reasonably friendly Eco system may not survive that long.

Another good idea is global magement of things like fisheries and pollution limits. Such limits could spark green technology revolution (such revolution may also happen naturally as comoddity prices keep rising; as could b seen in the 3 years prior to 08 crash).

Probably the climate will change and the medium to rich countries will deal with it through tech and infrastructure , while the poor will b screwed.

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

Dear Evil Dr. Somkid

Cannibalism is not the answer Dr. Evil! What then do you do with the zombies that are sure to follow soon after you begin your evil empire. Dr. Evil there are better ways! Learn from the past. Eating your neighbors very rarely works out for the best. Ted Bundy tried this and through many trials and taste tests never got the recipe quite right. The closest i think you can get are the zombie formaldehyde chickens as a substitute. Good luck in your future endeavors.

"There are too many humans on the planet"huh.gif. What area code are you in?


I'm in area code 02.

Not advocating cannibalism. Sicko.

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"It is rapidly expanding energy use, mainly driven by fossil fuels, that explains why humanity is on the verge of breaching planetary sustainability boundaries through global warming, biodiversity loss, and disturbance of the nitrogen-cycle balance and other measures of the sustainability of the earth’s ecosystem," the report stated. "A comprehensive global energy transition is urgently needed in order to avert a major planetary catastrophe."

Which is driven by over population, the root cause of all environmental degradation.

That's what I said.

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A suitable technology exists since over a hundred years. This week is a special meeting to bring that to live again. Unfortunately it's not supported by politicians and economists or bankers. Hundred years ago when the project was nearly to happen, JP Morgan stopped it by not supporting it any further because he couldn't put a meter on the electricity that would be available for everyone and everywhere.

Overpopulation is not the problem either. Technically we can mangae about 30 billion people on the planet andwith a high living standard.

Fact is that in highly developing countries the population is going down, like in Europe, Russia, USA, Japan and Thailand - (coming soon).

The main problem is greed and politics.

To ever enjoy this planet in the foreseeable future we need to implement the "Jubilee" which is practized by the Jews, but never ever has taken grip in the rest of the world. "Jubilee" means to firgive debts to each other, in case of the Jews, amongst themselves. This is the secrecy of their monetary success. They do that every 50 years.

Without a "jubilee" for each and everyone, every nation and continent our planet and the live within will be doomed.

Obama's chief advicer even suggests the reduction to one billion people in a genocidal move. His name is Holdren, I have posted a link about his book "Ecoscience" on another thread here. In scriptures it is even mentioned that there will be only 144 000 survivors (which is a jewish doctrine when they altered the scriptures before the roman catholics even altered it further. By the way, Jesus is a wrong name and never was the name as referrred too. This was also, out of fear maybe, never translated the right way. His real name is Yahushua and Gods name is Yahuwa).

The planet can support 30 billion? Yeah right.

Are you a Zeitgeist supporter/believer?

I am not even going to reply to the rest of your post.

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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The planet can support 30 billion? Yeah right.

Are you a Zeitgeist supporter/believer?

I am not even going to reply to the rest of your post.

You'd better avoid crowded places. ;)

Lack of vision, foresight, faith, love, integrity and more tender to the miseries made by a few for the rest of the world. Not hard to figure that out.

I'm not a Zeitgeist believer, but thought the last publication was very good though.

I'm not channeled in darkness, but love to look at things from various angles to broaden my horizon. Try it, it works.

Money and politics of the power-hungry are the evils in this world.

Otherwise here is your future ...

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After doing some indebt studies for years over these issues, here a taste of what's going on in the USA.

In the wake of hundreds of dietary supplements recently being outlawed across the EU, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has quietly unleashed a regulatory scheme that, if fully implemented, could ban virtually all dietary supplements in the USA that were formulated after 1994.

That means nearly all superfoods, multivitamins, detox supplements, and medicinal herbal products we have all come to depend on to prevent disease and boost our immune health could soon be stripped from store shelves and outlawed across the nation. I call it the "End Game" of the FDA's war against humanity: Phase one was the enforcement of nutritional ignorance by threatening and raiding companies that dared to make truthful health claims on their own websites (http://www.naturalnews.com/021791.html).

... or what about democracy in small city ... this should get everybody off the seats ... outrageous and not even a tip of the iceberg ...

if you people don't see where all that is leading then I don't know what else to say or do to wake you up.

I could post thousands of similar violations on humans if you want me to do.

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The below shows a post by V-Man Mace on a topic related issue.

A friend of mine works for a garbage disposal company, and he disclosed to me that government agencies are PURGING ANY ALTERNATIVE INFORMATION ABOUT ANYTHING!

Including alternative energy publications, pamphlets, and books, alternative medicine, anything "alternative".

This friend of mine was able to save a book by Joseph Newmann called "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newmann". He knows that I work on free energy divices, and he grabbed it and saved it from the shredder knowing I would be interested in it.

I cannot believe they were about to destroy this book.

Nevermind the "home remedies" books, pamphlets by doctors discussing healthy eating and vitamins to cure most diseases, etc.


very soon all organic food will be outlawed too ... in other words, whatever is not GMO is outlaw. ... wake up people ... The very base of our life is at stake ... for control freaks of course and then there will be most probably mass murder ...

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Where is the tin foil hat emoticon when you need it? :blink:

not actually a tin foil here, but a free e-book from Nikola Tesla (over 500 pages) http://www.free-ener...m/TeslaBook.pdf for those who are seriously interested. The outcome of the Tesla conference starting tomorrow will be interesting to watch ...

below a simple free energy producing pyramid at work, for starters ... free 3 hour tutorial available at his website.

H.A.A.R.P. projects are based on Tesla's inventions too. Not for the public though, some is sensitive, we need to force them to reveal their details. The notes from Nikola Tesla have been stolen from the FBI after he died and not all has been returned to his family and native country.

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

Dear Evil Dr. Somkid

Cannibalism is not the answer Dr. Evil! What then do you do with the zombies that are sure to follow soon after you begin your evil empire. Dr. Evil there are better ways! Learn from the past. Eating your neighbors very rarely works out for the best. Ted Bundy tried this and through many trials and taste tests never got the recipe quite right. The closest i think you can get are the zombie formaldehyde chickens as a substitute. Good luck in your future endeavors.

"There are too many humans on the planet"huh.gif. What area code are you in?


I'm in area code 02.

Not advocating cannibalism. Sicko.

Soylent Green, much?

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

Dear Evil Dr. Somkid

Cannibalism is not the answer Dr. Evil! What then do you do with the zombies that are sure to follow soon after you begin your evil empire. Dr. Evil there are better ways! Learn from the past. Eating your neighbors very rarely works out for the best. Ted Bundy tried this and through many trials and taste tests never got the recipe quite right. The closest i think you can get are the zombie formaldehyde chickens as a substitute. Good luck in your future endeavors.

"There are too many humans on the planet"huh.gif. What area code are you in?


I'm in area code 02.

Not advocating cannibalism. Sicko.

Soylent Green, much?

What? Are you talking about this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_Green

Then, no.

elcent, I see you use the English language to write your posts, but I have no idea what you are on about.

And quite frankly, don't want to know. I am allergic to stuff like that. Especially people ignoring the laws of thermodynamics and/or energy.

You guys are a bunch of weirdos.

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

I'll do that for you matey !:D Simply put me in charge of the world, then everybody I don't like DIES !! :blink:

Seriously, I never understood why the west didn't follow China's example of lower taxes for families who have only 1 child, eminently sensible, in my view.

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

I'll do that for you matey !:D Simply put me in charge of the world, then everybody I don't like DIES !! :blink:

Seriously, I never understood why the west didn't follow China's example of lower taxes for families who have only 1 child, eminently sensible, in my view.

WeeGB, simply because the Western population is shrinking. With wealth comes reduction of population naturally.

Mr EvilSomkid, the name serves you very well, thanks for revelation on that matter. As L Cohen said. This time the Whities young men will sound like Charlie Manson ...

If you would take a closer look then you would have to admit that it works. Without Tesla no electric lights worlswide. Edison couldn't deliver, but stole some of the invention from Tesla. Tesla worked for him under the promise of a $ 50,000.00 reward which he didn't pay. This was when Tesla resigned after one year and created one of the most important inventions.

Don't worry, his inventions will come soon, including the wireless transmission of electrical power. - "Cold Electric Power"

Hitlers "Mein Kampf" is harmless when compared to Holdrens book "Ecoscience". The only difference Holdren is now the main advicer for Obama on Science and Technology.

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One off-topic post has been removed. Please stay on topic. The topic is not about Einstein.

Endless videos about the same person are beginning to sound more like propaganda than information suitable for a discussion.

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

I'll do that for you matey !:D Simply put me in charge of the world, then everybody I don't like DIES !! :blink:

Seriously, I never understood why the west didn't follow China's example of lower taxes for families who have only 1 child, eminently sensible, in my view.

For years my oz govt has been giving people $5000 to have a child, for each child. I think the amount has just risen as well. Absolutely amazing a govt will pay someone to have children. grrrrr.

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

I'll do that for you matey !:D Simply put me in charge of the world, then everybody I don't like DIES !! :blink:

Seriously, I never understood why the west didn't follow China's example of lower taxes for families who have only 1 child, eminently sensible, in my view.

For years my oz govt has been giving people $5000 to have a child, for each child. I think the amount has just risen as well. Absolutely amazing a govt will pay someone to have children. grrrrr.

MIne are house broken. How much?

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Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

The largest increase in population is among the poor.

But no one want to say that...

There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

I'll do that for you matey !:D Simply put me in charge of the world, then everybody I don't like DIES !! :blink:

Seriously, I never understood why the west didn't follow China's example of lower taxes for families who have only 1 child, eminently sensible, in my view.

For years my oz govt has been giving people $5000 to have a child, for each child. I think the amount has just risen as well. Absolutely amazing a govt will pay someone to have children. grrrrr.

I agree mate, ridiculous. Certainly in the UK, the only people having large families, are the kind that shouldn't be allowed to breed in the first place. Thankfully the government is now clamping down on those who have kids in order to get more benefits. I personally know of one guy, who has at least 14 kids, with 6 women, and is unable to work due to heart problems (yeah right). These kids then grow up (some have already), and follow a lifestyle of me, me, me, (actions with no regard to the consequences for others). This greed based lifestyle, is what is causing a lot of the ecological problems in the world. Too many ill educated, immoral, selfish, greedy people for a planet to support. All joking aside, I'd be happy to see a few million undesirables culled from the UK population, they certainly don't contribute anything worthwhile, while at the same time making decent people's lives a misery. Would certainly do more good for the planet than recycling shopping bags.

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