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Arriving At Uk Immigration With My Thai Fiancee

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Landing at Heathrow (now don't get depressed) it's me, the finacee and our 2 year old (british citizen) somebody told me recently that my fiancee will be able to come in the same line me and my daughter (the UK one) as we are a family together and she does not have to wait forever in the non euro line. Is there any truth in this, as I am skeptical to believe this?

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You are correct. Just take her in the British Line and go to the desk together.

Done it loads of times.

I have never had an issue and they have always been very polite in their Polish accents.

Seriously, you wont have any problems using the UK lane with you wife in tow. tell her she has to carry the baby thou hahaha.

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i came back 3wk ago with my wife and 2 stepkids, before i had chance to do anything a very nice lady from immigration grabbed us and took us all right to the front of non eu queue and said with kids dont wait around, in and out in 1 min, very nice

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Last time I came in...about 3 weeks ago, the UK line was as long as the other one! Both had waiting times of over an hour!

There are UKBA people patrolling the lines so just ask one of them, I'm sure you'll be fine going through together, just pick the shortest line, could be the Non-UK/EU line! :lol:

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There's no hard and fast rule. Some officials say yes some say no. Coming back to Manchester in Jan this year I was told to join the Non EU line, even tho me and son both have UK passports.

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Yes no problem at all...Mother has to stay with.her child.Last time I went the queue was shorter in the overseas passport holders so we went through that one..They are helpful and thete will be no problem...

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The UKBA policy is not to split families, so yes you can go through the EU line, if you think it through it makes sense to stay together so you are one hand to clarify any concerns the IO may have - though the same would apply if you all went through the non-EU line.

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When we came through recently the EU line was very busy and moving slowly whereas the Non-EU line was well organised and moving smoothly. Guess which one we joined!

Nice to see they are showing some consideration for families with young children, about time!

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There's no hard and fast rule. Some officials say yes some say no. Coming back to Manchester in Jan this year I was told to join the Non EU line, even tho me and son both have UK passports.

Another nail in the coffin for Manchester...

Absolute prats if they did that.

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