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Thai Students Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Below Global Average

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MOPH reports low IQ among Thai youth

BANGKOK, 8 July 2011 (NNT) – The Ministry of Public Health has found that the levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) among Thai youth are lower than the international standard while low iodine intake is cited as the main cause.

According to Director-General of the Department of Mental Health MD Apichai Mongkol, a survey was conducted from December 2010 to January 2011 on 72,780 students in grades 1-9 nationwide in order to determine their IQ levels. The result suggested that Thai students had an IQ of 98.59 on average, which was below the international standard of 100.

Out of those surveyed, 48.5 percent were found to have low IQ. Students in schools under the supervision of the Office of the Basic Education Commission had the lowest level on average, whereas those in schools under the Office of the Higher Education Commission were ranked the highest.

Youth in the southern province of Narathiwat reportedly had the lowest IQ of 88.07 while the highest level of 108.91 was reported in Nonthaburi province, where the percentage of genius kids was at 9.5 percent, exceeding the standard of 2 percent.

However, MD Apichai noted that the educational system was not to be blamed for the low IQ among Thai youth as a major cause was their deficiency of iodine. Other factors include lack of family warmth, being separated from nature and improper diet.

Therefore, the Director-General said cooperation would be sought from the Ministries of Agriculture and Cooperatives and Industry in issuing a regulation requiring the addition of iodine in table salt. In the meantime, he recommended all parents to find brain-stimulating activities for their children.


-- NNT 2011-07-08 footer_n.gif

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in Nonthaburi province, where the percentage of genius kids was at 9.5 percent,


However, MD Apichai noted that the educational system was not to be blamed for the low IQ among Thai youth as a major cause was their deficiency of iodine. Other factors include lack of family warmth, being separated from nature and improper diet.

Seems the kids in Nonthaburi sure are getting their iodine. :rolleyes:



Now here is a scary quote

The authors argue for a substantial role of genetics and race in explaining these differences. They were led to this conclusion from observing racial clusters regarding national IQs. Thus, the six East Asian nations all have IQs in the range between 105 and 108. The 29 European nations all have IQs in the range between 92 and 102. The 19 nations of sub-Saharan Africa all have IQs in the range between 59 and 73. Rushton thus argues that "They show that there is remarkable consistency in the IQs of nations when these are classified into racial clusters." The book also argues for feedback between genes and environment. For instance, a genetically caused high national IQ leads to high per capita incomes which enables high quality nutrition, education and health care for children which enhance their intelligence.[5]

IQ tests are overrated in terms of making specific short term judgements.

This rather racist but it appears that the highest IQs are indeed found in in east Asia.

What is interesting, however, is why Thailand with its high ethnic Chinese contibution lags so far behind.

I think this is yet another indictment of the appalling education system.


Is cunning taken into consideration? I have seen many cunning stunts since I arrived here many years ago.

"cunning stunts" Spooner would be proud... :cheesy:


Does anyone else think the graphic accompanying this article needs a rethink - 85% (ish) of Thai children have an IQ of less than 100 = happy smiling girls face. What is there to smile about?? Is she stupid?

"Ignorance is bliss"?:whistling:


Another off-topic post with political commentary has been removed.

There are probably a number of factors which come into play with regard to IQ. First, the amount of stimulation is important. Young children need to explore their environment (which should include something other than a shopping mall), they need to touch, feel, grasp. They need to develop eye-hand coordination and fine motor control as well as gross motor control. I have seen far too many parents endlessly carry their child and spoon feed them continuously. I have very, very rarely seen a child in Bangkok (even in my Moo bahn) allowed to play in the grass. We have a small park inside, but no young child ever touches the grass. The basis of figuring out much of the world lies in figuring out how nature works. Many children here do not get to do this.

Schools should not be a factor in IQ, however they are. There are some basic things included in these tests that are usually from formal education.

The Health official has a quick fix--no need for empirical evidence--more iodine and nothing wrong with the schools.


What is interesting, however, is why Thailand with its high ethnic Chinese contibution lags so far behind.

The ethnic Chinese contribution, take it away and then find out how much the lag would be.

This iodine excuse gets trotted out every year, try buying salt that isn't iodised, and nam plaa is chock full of the stuff.

Most of the countries in SE Asia show IQ results above the global average, with a couple of notable exceptions, Thailand being one of them, and it has nothing to do with iodine intake.


I have very, very rarely seen a child in Bangkok (even in my Moo bahn) allowed to play in the grass. We have a small park inside, but no young child ever touches the grass.


Just as well or they would probably all go blind.


I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

Ridicule is usually a sign of low intelligence.



Now here is a scary quote

The authors argue for a substantial role of genetics and race in explaining these differences. They were led to this conclusion from observing racial clusters regarding national IQs. Thus, the six East Asian nations all have IQs in the range between 105 and 108. The 29 European nations all have IQs in the range between 92 and 102. The 19 nations of sub-Saharan Africa all have IQs in the range between 59 and 73. Rushton thus argues that "They show that there is remarkable consistency in the IQs of nations when these are classified into racial clusters." The book also argues for feedback between genes and environment. For instance, a genetically caused high national IQ leads to high per capita incomes which enables high quality nutrition, education and health care for children which enhance their intelligence.[5]

IQ tests are overrated in terms of making specific short term judgements.

This rather racist but it appears that the highest IQs are indeed found in in east Asia.

What is interesting, however, is why Thailand with its high ethnic Chinese contibution lags so far behind.

I think this is yet another indictment of the appalling education system.

I think that it had on the whole been accepted that IQ scores in Asia were higher than elsewhere in the world. Indeed, as a measurement, IQ is not an absolute measure, but when it is correlated with economic growth figures it does show some very strong correlation.

I think you are correct that it is an indictment of the education system, but there are other factors such as opportunity, societal respect for education, respect for achievement, reward for excellence that all contribute. I would believe that the first most important aspect of a child's development is the realization that they will be measured and graded and that by simply applying themselves whole heartedly they can improve their academic achievement. Thailand's attitude of "everyone will pass" is the largest hurdle, along with dozens of other issues that are too numerous to discuss here.

I often say that Einstein could be living in the countryside in Thailand, and no one would ever find him and give him opportunity. So what hope does average little Somchai have?


I was watching this on the news last night - they showed a coloured map showing the regions over the kingdom. It puts an end to the average 80 IQ statements last year. I am always concerned about the testing here though - I hope this was conducted correctly and without the usual teacher help (aka cheating) - as that would actually be a disservice - how can one tackle a problem that is not visible?

It also shows that Thai kids have the right foundation (biologically) - so poor education can really only be blamed on the education system, not the students ability to learn.

Not withstanding a bit of cretinism (Iodine deficiency) human IQ should converge to a near identical average based on potential. Environmental factors related to culture and education will naturally have a bearing.


A few years ago (4 or 5), a recap of IQ testing in Thailand reveled a average score of 79. The out cry from NGO's, and other groups, resulted in a follow up test (less than a year later) where the results produced an average when published, of 89+ or 90.

It seems the Education groups now realize that an IQ of 100 is the target number on the bell curve system, and the subsequent testing selection/procedure, have reveled that the Thai population have achieved the intelligence level which is desired/accepted.????

"A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing" maybe should be a required poster which all of us can see every day as a reminder.

I recall the Nation piece (which I think they removed from online) showing Isaan having 16.x ?? % of the population with a technically retardation level IQ (sub 70).. It also pointed out bangkok both IQ averages and % of very low IQ's tested were far closer to mean.


Perhaps the researchers can explain why those with the lowest IQ all live in my ex-wife's village???




Not withstanding a bit of cretinism (Iodine deficiency) human IQ should converge to a near identical average based on potential. Environmental factors related to culture and education will naturally have a bearing.

Certain academics on the subject dont agree with that.. While diet, education, culture etc all make a difference.. Race also does, as per every test group. Its one of those ugly issues that gets clouded with racist commentary but remains a fact in the test results. You can discuss the relevance of IQ testing as related to intelligence, but its still the best measure we have.


Given the standard of education in public thai schools, it' surprising to me that most students can get above 70....And now a IQ test for thai teachers, the result would be MUCH MORE surprising, I suppose...

I was watching this on the news last night - they showed a coloured map showing the regions over the kingdom. It puts an end to the average 80 IQ statements last year. I am always concerned about the testing here though - I hope this was conducted correctly and without the usual teacher help (aka cheating) - as that would actually be a disservice - how can one tackle a problem that is not visible?

It also shows that Thai kids have the right foundation (biologically) - so poor education can really only be blamed on the education system, not the students ability to learn.


Thais live in a vacuum, som nam na.

Sufficient economy is a proof. They don't need foreigners nor their knowledge.

Ask any Thai what is IMF and who is DSK, what nationality his replacement is, what they know about Khadaffi, Assad, where is Libia, Syria, the Yangzte, Missipi, where is Brussels.

But they did watch the 10 minutes hi-so thing on the Monaco marriage, who got married again???

In a conversation yesterday no one could remember the country the new Monegasque princess was from let anyone could tell the name of Albert II :ermm:

And where on Earth is Monaco, wondering how many TV members do know that?

That new princess is from South Africa... if the Thais paid more attention, maybe they could stop asking me how it is possible to be from South Africa if I am white :annoyed: , it drives me insane.

They learn nothing about the world?


i think that the only thing that this research has proved is that in thailand the educatio system is awful, particulary in the rural areas of the country, i am really sorry for those poor thai kids :(

IQ is not a measure of academic achievement. One of the problems with releasing dubious, probably invalid/unreliable results like this is that the general public is clueless as to its meaning ... as this comment demonstrates.

Of course the choice of "news" items to include on TV is primarily aimed at provoking the armchair experts into supplying explanations and solutions for every breaking "news" item in Thailand based on their vast repository of knowledge acquired primarily in bar beers.

One shudders to think what the results would be if IQ tests were administered to the TV membership. The bell-shaped curve would be perverted into a ski slope descending from left to right.


Thais live in a vacuum, som nam na.

Sufficient economy is a proof. They don't need foreigners nor their knowledge.

Ask any Thai what is IMF and who is DSK, what nationality his replacement is, what they know about Khadaffi, Assad, where is Libia, Syria, the Yangzte, Missipi, where is Brussels.

But they did watch the 10 minutes hi-so thing on the Monaco marriage, who got married again???

In a conversation yesterday no one could remember the country the new Monegasque princess was from let anyone could tell the name of Albert II :ermm:

And where on Earth is Monaco, wondering how many TV members do know that?

That new princess is from South Africa... if the Thais paid more attention, maybe they could stop asking me how it is possible to be from South Africa if I am white :annoyed: , it drives me insane.

They learn nothing about the world?

Tell them you evolved that way to better hide in the snow.


I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

Ridicule is usually a sign of low intelligence.

I agree with this... it is also a marker of low self esteem.


i think that the only thing that this research has proved is that in thailand the educatio system is awful, particulary in the rural areas of the country, i am really sorry for those poor thai kids :(

IQ is not a measure of academic achievement. One of the problems with releasing dubious, probably invalid/unreliable results like this is that the general public is clueless as to its meaning ... as this comment demonstrates.

Of course the choice of "news" items to include on TV is primarily aimed at provoking the armchair experts into supplying explanations and solutions for every breaking "news" item in Thailand based on their vast repository of knowledge acquired primarily in bar beers.

One shudders to think what the results would be if IQ tests were administered to the TV membership. The bell-shaped curve would be perverted into a ski slope descending from left to right.

This is not actually true - the brain need to be stretched and "exercized" too - this has been shown many times in studies - after just a few weeks of doing activities and tests that stretch the mind, can garner quite an uplift in IQ test results of an individual. To say that education does not affect IQ is simply wrong. It may not affect intellectual potential, but no IQ test can calculate that. If IQ tests are low and there is not biological or environmental reason, then it is likely to be nurturing or bio-chemical (poor diet, hormonal etc). Any way many of us, me for instance, didn't say IQs were low because of poor education - we said given standard average IQ's or thereabouts, and therefore equal ability to learn, that it must be the learning mechanism/methodology for the relatively low standard of educated adults at the other end. A leads to B - doesn't necessarily mean B also leads to A.


I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

Ridicule is usually a sign of low intelligence.

I agree with this... it is also a marker of low self esteem.

Are you ridiculing his esteem?


Not withstanding a bit of cretinism (Iodine deficiency) human IQ should converge to a near identical average based on potential. Environmental factors related to culture and education will naturally have a bearing.

Certain academics on the subject dont agree with that.. While diet, education, culture etc all make a difference.. Race also does, as per every test group. Its one of those ugly issues that gets clouded with racist commentary but remains a fact in the test results. You can discuss the relevance of IQ testing as related to intelligence, but its still the best measure we have.

Agreed, this is indeed fertile ground for the racist. I would add that environmental and cultural factors can make a huge difference though. As for the race issue, I believe a study was carried out about 100 years ago which found Jewish immigrants to the UK had a below average IQ, but the situation is reversed today hinting at environmental factors being the causes. Here is a link I found suggesting indeed that racial differences in average IQ are largely genetic, but then of course comes the big question, over time will a racially 'disadvantaged' group (with respect to test scores) converge with the average of another race/culture if exposed to the environmental factors effecting said race or culture?



Meaningless twaddle. No mention of sample sizes or standard errors on the figures. And no authority has an IQ of 130 being at genius level. Hollingworth, for example, uses an IQ of 180 and above for genius.

As for not more than 2% having IQs of less than 70, also wrong. IQ is defined as having a standard deviation of 15 (or 16 in some versions of the test). 70 is two standard deviations away from 100, so approximately 2.5% of subjects will have an IQ of less than 70 (and 2.5% have an IQ above 130).

Of Course you are correct and 180+ is Genius for foreigners however that does also explain why 130 is genius for the locals, indeed there would be so few genuinely at that level they probably should lower it a bit more !! 55555


But there is a valid point to be considered nevertheless. Why are religions called faiths? Faith is the belief in something for which you require no proof or evidence for. Reason on the other hand requires deduction based on evidence which stands up to scrutiny, testamony does not qualify in this respect. Now I don't think it unreasonable to conclude that unquestioning faith in some age old scripture purported to be divine in origin will tend to prevent the brain from reaching it's full potential with respect to deductive capabilities.


Cannot believe that this discredited IQ stuff is being trotted out again. Ever since Eysenck, the cultural bias of these so called tests has been well established. For example, native americans, australian aboriginals and the san people all end up classified as moderaterly retarded. Having dealt with two of these groups, be assured they are at least as intelligent as the git quoted in the article. Rural people are dumber than city, black than white, etc etc. What rubbish.

And how about his recommendation ... give them love, etc. and increase their IQ. Does this mean that if youlove your intellectually disabled child more they will improve or that they are disabled because you did not love them enough. What a twit!

We can see who the cretin is here - another idiot Thai academic. Gawd they're hopeless!


It's not that Thai's are stupid, it's that they are not educated. IQ measures what you know, not what your innate intelligence is. This just shows how terrible the Thai education system is..


It's common knowledge that the Thai education system is messed up. Parents and teachers lose face if students fail. Students who are aware that they can't fail don't try. Thai teachers are paid a pittance so they work accordingly and the best brains go elsewhere. Parents pay fees and it's a done deal. Schools have deals with Universities to supply them with 'x' number of students each year and they give them the required grades to go there. Everyone's happy as students are ushered the education system. The whole system needs reform. Will it happen? Do the current government want a population who can reason, read media IN ENGLISH, make informed decisions, and question their policies? Sadly, the answer is no.

A hundred years ago there was a saying in the western world," The mayor keeps them stupid while the pastor keeps them poor".This is at current times still a fact in Thailand.

The quality level of Thai education should not be a factor in determining IQ, unless children are not exercising their literacy, numeracy, discriminatory and predictive abilities at all. Thais have a very high rate of literacy, so if the test is a valid one, the mean should be close to 100 (as it is nationally) and the score range following a bell curve. Significant factors such as poor nutrition, general health, social and personal distress will impact on results, as will, perhaps, some general cultural dissonance with the IQ testing process and expectations (e.g. memorization and repetition, a feature of Po Noh schooling in Narathiwat, is not tested).

I'm sorry? A high rate of literacy? Where did you get that gem from? If, by literacy, you mean reading ability, the majority of Thais read way under the global average number of books annually - less than one a year, I believe, but could be mistaken - but do read a very high number of comics.

But the crux of the problem stems from the poor education system, and as a post has already pointed out, an educated electorate poses a threat to incompetent and corrupt politicians.


It's not that Thai's are stupid, it's that they are not educated. IQ measures what you know, not what your innate intelligence is. This just shows how terrible the Thai education system is..

No. IQ measures your ability to think logically.But the Thai education system IS in drastic need of reform.

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