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Managing 2 Girlfriends At Teh Same Time

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Now that I split the majority of my time between thailand and bali I have managed to "acquire" 2 girlfriends, 1 in thailand and 1 in bali. Just wondering if others out there have experienced this. Do you manage your relationships by stealth or with the knowledge and consent of the parties involved?

In my case the 2 ladies are both in their mid 30's and have 2 children, both separated/divorced from their husbands. I live with my thai girlfriend when I'm there and and my balinese girlfriend and I live separately. My thai girlfriend has 2 sons 7 and 8 years and she owns 2 thai restaurants in the suburbs. She is comfortably middle class I suppose and is fortunate in that her ex husband ( I have met him and he is a good bloke) loves his boys and pays his fair share of expenses, as well as spending considerable time with them. He is a fairly wealthy businessmen who, like me can't keep his dick in his pants. I basically contribute to the monthly grocery bill and mortgage on her house. Any profits from her restaurants are for her alone. My balinese girlfriend has a son 14 and daughter 16 and whilst coming from a comfortable middle class family receives little support from them as the sons get everything over here and she married below her caste, much to the disappointment of her mother. The hubby was a real arsehol_e and she gets nothing from him so I basically pay all her living expenses including rent, food and school fees for the kids which amounts to about 3,000,000 rupiah/month (approx $350 US/month). She owns a hairdressing salon over here and again any monies she makes she keeps for herself. I explain my absences to both ladies by the fact I have to return to Australia to work.

So I suppose I conduct my relationships by stealth, including a bit of mongering in Pattaya, Phuket and Yogyakarta from time to time. I am fond of both ladies and my thai lady in particular is extremely beautiful, but is starting to make rumblings about more commitment, marriage and maybe another child, whilst understanding my need to return to Australia. She wants to accompany me there too 1 day. It would be sad to let her go. My balinese girlfriend however, is far more pragmatic and realises she is on a good wicket. Her basic attitude is "if you have to dally around make sure you use a condom and make sure I don't know about it". Extremely sensible in my view.

By the way, a friend of mine with experience in these matters once said "thai women look after you better, but indo women are bigger root rats". I can tell you from experience this is so true! My Balinese girlfriend has a voracious sexual appetite, whilst my thai girlfriend always takes care to powder my balls before bedtime!

Any other experiences out there and how do you manage it?

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A lot depends i suppose on your age and where you are in life ,years ago ,like you i had a wandering dick and had as much sex as i could get ,but i married a lovely Thai girl who i genuinly love and must admit that these days getting your balls powdered at bedtime is far more relaxing and important than running around.

ps my wifes familly also have their own incomes and not having to shell out is a lovely bonus :)

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Sounds like you're a bit of an *flame removed* CW.

I have numerous girlfriends in different parts of Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia, they are all aware that I have a wife but my wife is unaware that I have these numerous gfs, giks or mia-nois. The gf's, giks or mia-nois also think they are exclusive to me alongside the wife. My work takes me to numerous parts of SE Asia so I can manage my time reasonably well. It is also a huge drain on my resources.

I consider myself an extreme arsehol_e. You are just a beginner arsehol_e, work on it.

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Treat others as you would like to be treated.

This basic moral statement would be universally agreed upon I think. It is one of the things that makes us an adult human being.

How would you feel OP if your women were doing the same?

Anyone can get as many gfs in asia as they want. There is no kudos in it. Sounds a little like you are trying to prove to your 16 year old self that you be the man!

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Sounds like you're a bit of an *flame removed* CW.

I have numerous girlfriends in different parts of Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia, they are all aware that I have a wife but my wife is unaware that I have these numerous gfs, giks or mia-nois. The gf's, giks or mia-nois also think they are exclusive to me alongside the wife. My work takes me to numerous parts of SE Asia so I can manage my time reasonably well. It is also a huge drain on my resources.

I consider myself an extreme arsehol_e. You are just a beginner arsehol_e, work on it.

Sounds like you are adapting to SEA reasonably well unencumbered by your Western moral handicaps. Are you in politics by any chance?

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Treat others as you would like to be treated.

This basic moral statement would be universally agreed upon I think. It is one of the things that makes us an adult human being.

How would you feel OP if your women were doing the same?

Anyone can get as many gfs in asia as they want. There is no kudos in it. Sounds a little like you are trying to prove to your 16 year old self that you be the man!

Karma, I am sure they are. What makes us adult human beings is realising that. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and you can get a group rate at the clinic.

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For my 2 satang, I would say that it is unfair to keep the Thai lady in the dark with false / undue hopes. Since she's a 'civilian' (apparently) you should clue her in one way or another.

This is Asia <deleted>; there are plenty of fish!

Just my opinion . . .

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For my 2 satang, I would say that it is unfair to keep the Thai lady in the dark with false / undue hopes. Since she's a 'civilian' (apparently) you should clue her in one way or another.

This is Asia <deleted>; there are plenty of fish!

Just my opinion . . .

At the top of the list of all the women in the world that don't need defending are Thai women who have a relationship with a Farang. If you have happened to hook up with one of the three naive women still left in Thailand you are of course correct.

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For my 2 satang, I would say that it is unfair to keep the Thai lady in the dark with false / undue hopes. Since she's a 'civilian' (apparently) you should clue her in one way or another.

This is Asia <deleted>; there are plenty of fish!

Just my opinion . . .

At the top of the list of all the women in the world that don't need defending are Thai women who have a relationship with a Farang. If you have happened to hook up with one of the three naive women still left in Thailand you are of course correct.

Call me naive, but there are so many available women in Thailand that its just not worth the bother for my conscience . . . I would still either give her the benefit of the doubt and cut loose, or tell her about the other woman and see how she takes it.

Telling-her-about-the-other-woman actually happens a lot, and it might surprise some (but probably not you) that the woman often accepts the situation. Probably because . . . wink.gif

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anything else more interesting this morning ???????????? who care about that .... another good example of how locals see some foreigners here.:annoyed:

These situations are more common than what is advertised.

Yet, it's always the locals who gather the slight wrath towards such "unethical" activities.

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just gross

Yup, a real s-bag who proudly admits he can't "keep it in his pants," droning on and on about all the :boring: details.

Me thinks, Aneliane, that in addition to Pet Sitting, some of your Super Glue could also come in "handy" here.

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who is interest in such stories, should be avoid by any moderator!!!

Yep -- this kind of stuff is really childish.

We all live here in Thailand (or nearby), and we all have our little wifelets or our little girlies.

Those who feel the need to go into detail about these things are either hopelessly immature, or inadequates who failed to find anything in their home country, or elderly bores suffering from the schoolboy-in-the-sweetshop syndrome.

The saddest thing of all is that you see this kind of garbage all too often here on TV.

Only a loser needs to recount his sexual exploits.

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I assume that our cheynewalk is over 21, footloose and fancy free?

I say; if you have the money and can afford it, then have as many girlfriends as you like.

Life is short and who knows? Could be struck by a bolt of lightning tomorrow or become inflicted with a terminal illness.

If you have the opportunity to do something then go ahead, otherwise you`re regret not doing it later on.

Make the most of every opportunity now, enjoy your life and stick 2 fingers up to the decency squad, because they`re only jealous.

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who is interest in such stories, should be avoid by any moderator!!!

Yep -- this kind of stuff is really childish.

We all live here in Thailand (or nearby), and we all have our little wifelets or our little girlies.

Those who feel the need to go into detail about these things are either hopelessly immature, or inadequates who failed to find anything in their home country, or elderly bores suffering from the schoolboy-in-the-sweetshop syndrome.

The saddest thing of all is that you see this kind of garbage all too often here on TV.

Only a loser needs to recount his sexual exploits.


I assume that our cheynewalk is over 21, footloose and fancy free?

I say; if you have the money and can afford it, then have as many girlfriends as you like.

Life is short and who knows? Could be struck by a bolt of lightning tomorrow or become inflicted with a terminal illness.

If you have the opportunity to do something then go ahead, otherwise you`re regret not doing it later on.

Make the most of every opportunity now, enjoy your life and stick 2 fingers up to the decency squad, because they`re only jealous.

Also true.

I like the occasional bourbon cream myself....but I'm also prone to sniffing the inner workings of a kitkat too.

I just hope there's no one reading this who might know me in real life because in fact I'm quite shy of talking about such matters.

Suggest the OP reads some Greek mythology for his answer....

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who is interest in such stories, should be avoid by any moderator!!!

Yep -- this kind of stuff is really childish.

We all live here in Thailand (or nearby), and we all have our little wifelets or our little girlies.

Those who feel the need to go into detail about these things are either hopelessly immature, or inadequates who failed to find anything in their home country, or elderly bores suffering from the schoolboy-in-the-sweetshop syndrome.

The saddest thing of all is that you see this kind of garbage all too often here on TV.

Only a loser needs to recount his sexual exploits.


I assume that our cheynewalk is over 21, footloose and fancy free?

I say; if you have the money and can afford it, then have as many girlfriends as you like.

Life is short and who knows? Could be struck by a bolt of lightning tomorrow or become inflicted with a terminal illness.

If you have the opportunity to do something then go ahead, otherwise you`re regret not doing it later on.

Make the most of every opportunity now, enjoy your life and stick 2 fingers up to the decency squad, because they`re only jealous.

Also true.

I like the occasional bourbon cream myself....but I'm also prone to sniffing the inner workings of a kitkat too.

I just hope there's no one reading this who might know me in real life because in fact I'm quite shy of talking about such matters.

Suggest the OP reads some Greek mythology for his answer....

Although I am as Christian as the next man (depending on whether I am stood in the UAE or not) there's a limit to turning the other cheek, or even walkng the other way.

Are you suggesting the OP lash himself to the mast? Or fill his ears with wax, if he still has to attend to the oars? Actually, as I write that, it seems entirely practical... And the old ruse of clinging to sheep's undersides seems ideal should one have to deal with recently blinded giants.

Oh the joys of a classical education,,,

Anyway, I.m off down sukhumvit to attend to the oars. Stop mumbling man, I said "DOWN SUKHUMVIT ATTEND OARS"


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Although I am as Christian as the next man (depending on whether I am stood in the UAE or not) there's a limit to turning the other cheek, or even walkng the other way.

Are you suggesting the OP lash himself to the mast? Or fill his ears with wax, if he still has to attend to the oars? Actually, as I write that, it seems entirely practical... And the old ruse of clinging to sheep's undersides seems ideal should one have to deal with recently blinded giants.

Oh the joys of a classical education,,,

Anyway, I.m off down sukhumvit to attend to the oars. Stop mumbling man, I said "DOWN SUKHUMVIT ATTEND OARS"


I struggle to understand how anyone could say there is a shortcut between Soi 4 and Soi 8. It might take 10 years of your life to reach the other side.

As to the use of wax...its advisable to flagellate oneself thoroughly beforehand.....well that's what my grandmother always used to say.....

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Suggest the OP reads some Greek mythology for his answer....

Oh the joys of a classical education,,, Anyway, I.m off down sukhumvit to attend to the oars.

Enjoy your time, soldier of Rome, but I struggle to see anything heroic about manning the oars.

Maybe a valiant chariot race early tomorrow morning will bring me to my senses.

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Let’s all be honest about this.

Some are going to say; don`t do this, it`s morally wrong, others will say; why not? Enjoy life why you can and sod anyone else.

There are no rights and wrongs here, it all depends on each one’s opinions. So really it is not possible to answer our cheynewalk`s questions because it`s up to his own conscience what he believes is right or wrong and only he knows his own situation.


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Let's all be honest about this.

Some are going to say; don`t do this, it`s morally wrong, others will say; why not? Enjoy life why you can and sod anyone else.

There are no rights and wrongs here, it all depends on each one's opinions. So really it is not possible to answer our cheynewalk`s questions because it`s up to his own conscience what he believes is right or wrong and only he knows his own situation.

No he asked and so we are morally obliged to tell him he's right and wrong and will go to prison and be saved by the messiah. Soon I'll offer to pray for him at a special introductory price.

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I have 2 friends in Australia that are married and run thai girlfriends too. One has the full knowledge and permission from his wife and the other one doesn't. The one who doesn't manages to visit his pretty, 24 year old girlfriend (whom I introduced him to) twice a year in her village. Anything longer than this would be a bit of a stretch for his wife to believe.

Whilst not exactly proud of what we're doing we certainly enjoy ourselves and enrich the girls lives too. What somebody doesn't know won't hurt them.

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