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Is Life Living In Thailand A Never Ending Holiday


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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Why would I want to keep a house in the Jungle?

And yes, I do have money. I'm not the average destitute, happy hour drinking, noodle eating farang, thankfully.

Yes, I can see the correlation burp.gif

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Why would I want to keep a house in the Jungle?

And yes, I do have money. I'm not the average destitute, happy hour drinking, noodle eating farang, thankfully.

Why pay for one?

Real man learn to say NO!

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Why would I want to keep a house in the Jungle?

And yes, I do have money. I'm not the average destitute, happy hour drinking, noodle eating farang, thankfully.

Why pay for one?

Real man learn to say NO!

Yes, you're right. Why would I want a house for my family?? What a stupid idea that was.

I'm glad I have spoke to you, now I am going to spend it on whores instead :bah:

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Not so much, now he's paid for the house.

Just as well, as it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.


Without a family, as he says, what's he going to put in his jungle house?

I can't imagine his next wife wanting to live near to his ex-laws.

I suppose, following on from that thought, maybe he could get good value out of the house by marrying his sister-in-law; at least then he'd not be disappointed with the demands of the parents...

He'll probably be better off just hanging on to his fond memories, with no reminders of the facts to spoil the picture...

Notwithstanding he might live happily ever after and be buried in the grounds of the house, a small corner of a foreign field that is forever England or wherever he hails from. His ancestors would be grateful he didn't just rent then...


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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Not so much, now he's paid for the house.

Just as well, as it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.


Without a family, as he says, what's he going to put in his jungle house?

I can't imagine his next wife wanting to live near to his ex-laws.

I suppose, following on from that thought, maybe he could get good value out of the house by marrying his sister-in-law; at least then he'd not be disappointed with the demands of the parents...

He'll probably be better off just hanging on to his fond memories, with no reminders of the facts to spoil the picture...

Notwithstanding he might live happily ever after and be buried in the grounds of the house, a small corner of a foreign field that is forever England or wherever he hails from. His ancestors would be grateful he didn't just rent then...



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My advice. DO NOT build her a house. It's in her name, and if it all goes to poo you get nothing. Same for cars etc.

Keep your money seperate- don't even tell her how much you have. Many many men have given it all to end up with nothing. My wife told me that she knows of many farang that built their wives big house, now divorced.

WOW! Lucky for me I have just read this, I was just about to green light the missus on building us a family house in the sticks......thanks very much for that advice, I am obviously not as streetwise as you!

*trotts of to tell the missus she isn't getting the house anymore*

Why do you think the advice was for you, oh so knowledgeable one?

It was for the OP who wrote "My Girlfriend wants me to move up North to a town like khon kaen or Ubon where living is cheaper and buying a house would be cheaper than a resort"

It's not always about YOU! Try reading the OP next time.

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Some financial considerations come to mind:

Where I come from a decent house would cost 300k euro to buy/build on a handkerchief of land, 1k euro/m to rent.

Here I paid 2.650K baht (approx 55k euro) for one rai of land and house built according my wishes, live here for 10 years, amortization comes to 22.083THB/m, half of that if I don't get dumped during the next 10 years (if I still live that long)

Again, where I come from land goes 300K euro rai/1600sqm.

So why would I mind loosing a 55K investment fully spent already???

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Some financial considerations come to mind:

Where I come from a decent house would cost 300k euro to buy/build on a handkerchief of land, 1k euro/m to rent.

Here I paid 2.650K baht (approx 55k euro) for one rai of land and house built according my wishes, live here for 10 years, amortization comes to 22.083THB/m, half of that if I don't get dumped during the next 10 years (if I still live that long)

Again, where I come from land goes 300K euro rai/1600sqm.

So why would I mind loosing a 55K investment fully spent already???

Would you feel the same way if you'd lost the property after 1 year?

The price of land/ house back in the ol' sod is irrelevant here. You could rent for a fraction of that in the country here. The point is that if you have a house/ land in the Thai wife's name and she kicks you out, you might get nothing for your investment. As often said, buy nothing in LOS that you can't afford to walk away from, and same goes for houses, cars etc. If you can afford to be giving away multiple thousands of baht, you're a lucky man.

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Some financial considerations come to mind:

Where I come from a decent house would cost 300k euro to buy/build on a handkerchief of land, 1k euro/m to rent.

Here I paid 2.650K baht (approx 55k euro) for one rai of land and house built according my wishes, live here for 10 years, amortization comes to 22.083THB/m, half of that if I don't get dumped during the next 10 years (if I still live that long)

Again, where I come from land goes 300K euro rai/1600sqm.

So why would I mind loosing a 55K investment fully spent already???

Would you feel the same way if you'd lost the property after 1 year?

The price of land/ house back in the ol' sod is irrelevant here. You could rent for a fraction of that in the country here. The point is that if you have a house/ land in the Thai wife's name and she kicks you out, you might get nothing for your investment. As often said, buy nothing in LOS that you can't afford to walk away from, and same goes for houses, cars etc. If you can afford to be giving away multiple thousands of baht, you're a lucky man.

There are those who can afford to walk away without any great problem, they would just get on with their lives, I know a guy that works in O&G who has given away ( Lost )3 houses and he still has a ball, that's just in Thailand, that doesn't count the very expensive property he lost in his home country to his Farang wife, and there are those living on a pension with no considerable ammount in the bank that would be in dire straits if they walked away, they would have nothing, nowhere to go, and nobody to go to.

It's different for every person, I know Farangs in Thailand who are stupidly rich, I also know Farangs who are ridiculously poor and walk on eggshells, they live in fear of being on their own, they planned badly, guess who is the happier group of people.

Way I see it is this, come to Thailand and get a woman 20 to 30 years younger then you, you take the best years of her life, you fawking well take care of her, make sure she is well taken care of, cos if you split up, your life will just carry on the same if you have money, no matter what your age is, you'll be ok, her life will be turned upside down and if she is too old, she has given you the best years of her life for what, a fawking rental room that she can't afford to pay for while you piss off with some 21 year old who you met in a bar ?

I always advise Thai women to get what they can from Farangs, cos Farangs can be here today and gone tomorrow, they have to protect themselves against the unscrupulous Farang :)

You wanna be in your home country and get a woman 20 or 30 years younger than you, guess what, you take care of her, ask any aging rock star of film star, you think Hugh Heffner gets women 60 years younger than himself because he is a tightwad ?

Wake up guys, you don't wanna take care of someone, then visit hookers who you pay for by the session, don't string some poor girl along with promises and nothing else.

Problem is, many Farang in Thailand are on a shoestring budget yet wanna think big, I know a Farang here who lies to his wife about his assets, basically he has none, but of course he tells her that should he die tomorrow, she'll be ok, fact is, she won't have nothing but the rent to pay and a few sticks of furniture.

He's a total asshol_e for lying like this.

Edited by MrsMills
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Speaking from experience:

Never move to the GF or Wife's village or anywhere near her family and friends. She will control every aspect of your life. she will be your own personal Jail Warden.

Do not buy or build her a house where she wants. If you do decide to buy a house (better to rent), do so in a place of your choosing.

Better to live near the Expat communites and not in the sticks (the country side).

Do not get married at the Amphur (Government). She will be able to track you like a Hound Dog and you will not be able to get rid of her. All Landloards have to report your stay at their property. Be it a Hotel, Guesthouse, Apartment, etc.

All she has to do is go to the Tourist Police or direct to Immigration to locate you.

Remember that Spousal Abuse goes both ways. Many woman beat their husbands. Being Married legally in Thailand, the Police will not help you if your spouse beats you or threatens your life..

Lock your Mobile phone with a PIN code, or you will daily be accused of being a Butterfly !

Life can be a Holiday as long as you take complete control of your life from the start.

Once you let any part of your guard down, you are a done man.

Better to be single and just rent. Rent in YOUR name ONLY !

But always do take care of your woman if you are in a relationship. Do not be a tight wad, but do not buy her the farm. If she wants something, make her finance it in her name. If thingws go to Pot you can just walk and the rest is "Up to Her".

Keep in mind that many Thai gals have Thai BF's and or Husbands and will just use you. Do not be dis illusioned. Woman know how to play men the world round.

Edited for clarity of taking care of a GF.

Edited by KimoMax
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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Some financial considerations come to mind:

Where I come from a decent house would cost 300k euro to buy/build on a handkerchief of land, 1k euro/m to rent.

Here I paid 2.650K baht (approx 55k euro) for one rai of land and house built according my wishes, live here for 10 years, amortization comes to 22.083THB/m, half of that if I don't get dumped during the next 10 years (if I still live that long)

Again, where I come from land goes 300K euro rai/1600sqm.

So why would I mind loosing a 55K investment fully spent already???

What if she only want house? Dump you after 6 months?

How many times you afford walk away house after 6 months?

Not many Thai/western relationships I see last 5 years, usually closer 6 months!

22kbht a month rent palace, never worry about lose!


2.6Mbht invested easy make 10kbht a month, easy rent house value 2.6Mbht, less risk lost capital.

Way I see it is this, come to Thailand and get a woman 20 to 30 years younger then you, you take the best years of her life, you fawking well take care of her, make sure she is well taken care of, cos if you split up, your life will just carry on the same if you have money, no matter what your age is, you'll be ok, her life will be turned upside down and if she is too old, she has given you the best years of her life for what, a fawking rental room that she can't afford to pay for while you piss off with some 21 year old who you met in a bar ?

Cheaper to rent 6 months of her life, then you not have problem.

Why you think man need take care forever?

You post very strange, maybe you western woman?

Edited by OlafStapleton
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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Some financial considerations come to mind:

Where I come from a decent house would cost 300k euro to buy/build on a handkerchief of land, 1k euro/m to rent.

Here I paid 2.650K baht (approx 55k euro) for one rai of land and house built according my wishes, live here for 10 years, amortization comes to 22.083THB/m, half of that if I don't get dumped during the next 10 years (if I still live that long)

Again, where I come from land goes 300K euro rai/1600sqm.

So why would I mind loosing a 55K investment fully spent already???

Would you feel the same way if you'd lost the property after 1 year?

The price of land/ house back in the ol' sod is irrelevant here. You could rent for a fraction of that in the country here. The point is that if you have a house/ land in the Thai wife's name and she kicks you out, you might get nothing for your investment. As often said, buy nothing in LOS that you can't afford to walk away from, and same goes for houses, cars etc. If you can afford to be giving away multiple thousands of baht, you're a lucky man.

There are those who can afford to walk away without any great problem, they would just get on with their lives, I know a guy that works in O&G who has given away ( Lost )3 houses and he still has a ball, that's just in Thailand, that doesn't count the very expensive property he lost in his home country to his Farang wife, and there are those living on a pension with no considerable ammount in the bank that would be in dire straits if they walked away, they would have nothing, nowhere to go, and nobody to go to.

It's different for every person, I know Farangs in Thailand who are stupidly rich, I also know Farangs who are ridiculously poor and walk on eggshells, they live in fear of being on their own, they planned badly, guess who is the happier group of people.

Way I see it is this, come to Thailand and get a woman 20 to 30 years younger then you, you take the best years of her life, you fawking well take care of her, make sure she is well taken care of, cos if you split up, your life will just carry on the same if you have money, no matter what your age is, you'll be ok, her life will be turned upside down and if she is too old, she has given you the best years of her life for what, a fawking rental room that she can't afford to pay for while you piss off with some 21 year old who you met in a bar ?

I always advise Thai women to get what they can from Farangs, cos Farangs can be here today and gone tomorrow, they have to protect themselves against the unscrupulous Farang :)

You wanna be in your home country and get a woman 20 or 30 years younger than you, guess what, you take care of her, ask any aging rock star of film star, you think Hugh Heffner gets women 60 years younger than himself because he is a tightwad ?

Wake up guys, you don't wanna take care of someone, then visit hookers who you pay for by the session, don't string some poor girl along with promises and nothing else.

Problem is, many Farang in Thailand are on a shoestring budget yet wanna think big, I know a Farang here who lies to his wife about his assets, basically he has none, but of course he tells her that should he die tomorrow, she'll be ok, fact is, she won't have nothing but the rent to pay and a few sticks of furniture.

He's a total asshol_e for lying like this.

Not a bad point there. I agree for the most part. I also have seen many examples to back up what you say. However, its not that simple is it. What you have left out is that many of these young women are suceptable to unscrupulous "farang" on the back of being treated so badly by Thai men.

Sorry, but you simply have to share both sides of the arguement. All these problems dont just start and finish with farlang men. I think the treatment of Thai women here by many Thai men is simply dreadful and we all know domestic abuse here is rife.

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Ben in Thailand for nearly 8 years,and i never planned it to be one big never ending holiday,the same as being retired in uk.The big advantage for me is the good weather,the thai food,a brilliant gf,a nice cheap house,and i can go on holidays in thailand and the uk if i need to.

Seen many many guys who came here to live and have gone back home after drinking every day of the week and getting disalusioned with everything,thats their fault not thai fault.

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The words of wisdom on here are so inspiring and motivational. Thank you.

Remember, always take the advice from a total stranger on a message board, you know it makes sense.

I am now off to tell the missus we are not getting the house built now. If I don't post on here again then you can guess what has happened to me.

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The words of wisdom on here are so inspiring and motivational. Thank you.

Remember, always take the advice from a total stranger on a message board, you know it makes sense.

I am now off to tell the missus we are not getting the house built now. If I don't post on here again then you can guess what has happened to me.

You started posting less than a month ago, and have posted more than 100 times.

:blink::See ya!

Edited by mario299
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There are those who can afford to walk away without any great problem, they would just get on with their lives, I know a guy that works in O&G who has given away ( Lost )3 houses and he still has a ball, that's just in Thailand, that doesn't count the very expensive property he lost in his home country to his Farang wife, and there are those living on a pension with no considerable ammount in the bank that would be in dire straits if they walked away, they would have nothing, nowhere to go, and nobody to go to.

It's different for every person, I know Farangs in Thailand who are stupidly rich, I also know Farangs who are ridiculously poor and walk on eggshells, they live in fear of being on their own, they planned badly, guess who is the happier group of people.

Way I see it is this, come to Thailand and get a woman 20 to 30 years younger then you, you take the best years of her life, you fawking well take care of her, make sure she is well taken care of, cos if you split up, your life will just carry on the same if you have money, no matter what your age is, you'll be ok, her life will be turned upside down and if she is too old, she has given you the best years of her life for what, a fawking rental room that she can't afford to pay for while you piss off with some 21 year old who you met in a bar ?

I always advise Thai women to get what they can from Farangs, cos Farangs can be here today and gone tomorrow, they have to protect themselves against the unscrupulous Farang :)

You wanna be in your home country and get a woman 20 or 30 years younger than you, guess what, you take care of her, ask any aging rock star of film star, you think Hugh Heffner gets women 60 years younger than himself because he is a tightwad ?

Wake up guys, you don't wanna take care of someone, then visit hookers who you pay for by the session, don't string some poor girl along with promises and nothing else.

Problem is, many Farang in Thailand are on a shoestring budget yet wanna think big, I know a Farang here who lies to his wife about his assets, basically he has none, but of course he tells her that should he die tomorrow, she'll be ok, fact is, she won't have nothing but the rent to pay and a few sticks of furniture.

He's a total asshol_e for lying like this.

Dear Mrs Mills,

You are long on advice but short of experience. Thai women did not get the title of the Alpha Women of the Universe by being as gullible as you suggest. Although I do think there is a gullible person in the post.

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only one way to find out and thats do it, read 1000 post and you still will never know, for me was paradise in samui 10 years ago, lasted about 5 years then slowly the appeal went and it became the norm, after 8 years left and live about 10 miles outside Pattaya and life is interesting again, Thai village but expressway in patters in 15 mins. since moving from Samui partner/wife of 9 years was closer to family more and more and now divorced recently, point is as many will agree nearer to family the more problems. the house thing well it can never be yours, , i would not buy here,i keep a place in the UK rent it out, rent covers my rent outright here and then some. my house in England i own outright 100% here not possible, at some stage i would hazard a guess from being here 10 years 80-90% that you will have problems with the house and the thai owners as in her family. i go to Uk once a year get non o and do visa runs, 5 hours there and back once every 3 months. anyway i am sure you will be guided by future wife in the direction that suits her.

holiday no it aint, many things are stacked against you, better than UK yes by a mile but its a roller coaster of ups and downs.

this is my opinion but you obviously have to make your own decisions, wild horses would not drag me to live with family in village.

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Absolutely keep your house in the UK. If you get chronically sick and wish to live, you may have to move back to the UK for NHS treatment. If you can't afford to live here on the rental, or savings, you may need to rethink your plans.

As I don't work, life is a holiday, but village life is pretty boring if you like some facilities like shopping and cinemas etc.

Good luck.

You may have to rethink about the NHS, you may not be Eligible to use it because you have lived outside the UK for awhile.

outside UK as ordinary british citezens act after 3 months out the country no longer entitled to NHS care, irrespective of previous payments. well thats what my letter says from doctor. how ever if i go back and say i am returning to live permanatly then i can get it again. well if i aint there i dont need it, idiots gorden brown again. going for hols in few weeks first thing is new doctor and hey i am back for good can i register then keep by mouth shut about thailand, failing that jump in back of truck in Calais, dress up in bed sheet and get free dental and health care next day :lol:

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The words of wisdom on here are so inspiring and motivational. Thank you.

Remember, always take the advice from a total stranger on a message board, you know it makes sense.

I am now off to tell the missus we are not getting the house built now. If I don't post on here again then you can guess what has happened to me.

You started posting less than a month ago, and have posted more than 100 times.

:blink::See ya!

Make that 3 weeks. I've copped a weeks ban already in that time :bah:

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Why would I want to keep a house in the Jungle?

And yes, I do have money. I'm not the average destitute, happy hour drinking, noodle eating farang, thankfully.

Why pay for one?

Real man learn to say NO!

Yes, you're right. Why would I want a house for my family?? What a stupid idea that was.

I'm glad I have spoke to you, now I am going to spend it on whores instead :bah:

Good, as long as you don't waste it.

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The words of wisdom on here are so inspiring and motivational. Thank you.

Remember, always take the advice from a total stranger on a message board, you know it makes sense.

I am now off to tell the missus we are not getting the house built now. If I don't post on here again then you can guess what has happened to me.

You started posting less than a month ago, and have posted more than 100 times.

:blink::See ya!

Make that 3 weeks. I've copped a weeks ban already in that time :bah:

That gave me a giggle.

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You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

Some financial considerations come to mind:

Where I come from a decent house would cost 300k euro to buy/build on a handkerchief of land, 1k euro/m to rent.

Here I paid 2.650K baht (approx 55k euro) for one rai of land and house built according my wishes, live here for 10 years, amortization comes to 22.083THB/m, half of that if I don't get dumped during the next 10 years (if I still live that long)

Again, where I come from land goes 300K euro rai/1600sqm.

So why would I mind loosing a 55K investment fully spent already???

Would you feel the same way if you'd lost the property after 1 year?

The price of land/ house back in the ol' sod is irrelevant here. You could rent for a fraction of that in the country here. The point is that if you have a house/ land in the Thai wife's name and she kicks you out, you might get nothing for your investment. As often said, buy nothing in LOS that you can't afford to walk away from, and same goes for houses, cars etc. If you can afford to be giving away multiple thousands of baht, you're a lucky man.

There are those who can afford to walk away without any great problem, they would just get on with their lives, I know a guy that works in O&G who has given away ( Lost )3 houses and he still has a ball, that's just in Thailand, that doesn't count the very expensive property he lost in his home country to his Farang wife, and there are those living on a pension with no considerable ammount in the bank that would be in dire straits if they walked away, they would have nothing, nowhere to go, and nobody to go to.

It's different for every person, I know Farangs in Thailand who are stupidly rich, I also know Farangs who are ridiculously poor and walk on eggshells, they live in fear of being on their own, they planned badly, guess who is the happier group of people.

Way I see it is this, come to Thailand and get a woman 20 to 30 years younger then you, you take the best years of her life, you fawking well take care of her, make sure she is well taken care of, cos if you split up, your life will just carry on the same if you have money, no matter what your age is, you'll be ok, her life will be turned upside down and if she is too old, she has given you the best years of her life for what, a fawking rental room that she can't afford to pay for while you piss off with some 21 year old who you met in a bar ?

I always advise Thai women to get what they can from Farangs, cos Farangs can be here today and gone tomorrow, they have to protect themselves against the unscrupulous Farang :)

You wanna be in your home country and get a woman 20 or 30 years younger than you, guess what, you take care of her, ask any aging rock star of film star, you think Hugh Heffner gets women 60 years younger than himself because he is a tightwad ?

Wake up guys, you don't wanna take care of someone, then visit hookers who you pay for by the session, don't string some poor girl along with promises and nothing else.

Problem is, many Farang in Thailand are on a shoestring budget yet wanna think big, I know a Farang here who lies to his wife about his assets, basically he has none, but of course he tells her that should he die tomorrow, she'll be ok, fact is, she won't have nothing but the rent to pay and a few sticks of furniture.

He's a total asshol_e for lying like this.

Why is it always assumed the woman has nothing and the man has to provide everything?

Wouldn't be the case in the west, so why here.

My wife has her own house, land. Long term, she's better off than me.

Statistically speaking, I'd say more farang men end up with nothing ( wife/ GF took it all ) than Thai women get fooled by peniless farang men.

Hugh Heffner gets women 60 years younger than himself because of his fame, but the money helps. Not enough to keep them though!

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I love this place, it has its faults but sitting back all day complaining about it only makes you a miserable git....

Life is WAY to short on worrying about stupid sheet. The world is a screwed up place.

I always hear about people in the pubs having a go at Thai's for putting tomato sauce on their steaks, I MEAN WHO REALLY GIVES A SHEET lol

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I love this place, it has its faults but sitting back all day complaining about it only makes you a miserable git....

Life is WAY to short on worrying about stupid sheet. The world is a screwed up place.

I always hear about people in the pubs having a go at Thai's for putting tomato sauce on their steaks, I MEAN WHO REALLY GIVES A SHEET lol

I LOVE ketchup on my steak, the more the better. In fact I only eat steak so I can have LOTS AND LOTS of ketchup. If you don't like it- TOUGH!

I always find it amusing that so many people are sooooo concerned about my dietary habits, like when I visted home last and put 2 teaspoons of sugar in my cup of tea, just as I have all my life, and everyone was horrified. Surely people have more interesting things to worry about.

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I love this place, it has its faults but sitting back all day complaining about it only makes you a miserable git....

Life is WAY to short on worrying about stupid sheet. The world is a screwed up place.

I always hear about people in the pubs having a go at Thai's for putting tomato sauce on their steaks, I MEAN WHO REALLY GIVES A SHEET lol

Who gives a 'sheet' ???

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I love this place, it has its faults but sitting back all day complaining about it only makes you a miserable git....

Life is WAY to short on worrying about stupid sheet. The world is a screwed up place.

I always hear about people in the pubs having a go at Thai's for putting tomato sauce on their steaks, I MEAN WHO REALLY GIVES A SHEET lol

I LOVE ketchup on my steak, the more the better. In fact I only eat steak so I can have LOTS AND LOTS of ketchup. If you don't like it- TOUGH!

I always find it amusing that so many people are sooooo concerned about my dietary habits, like when I visted home last and put 2 teaspoons of sugar in my cup of tea, just as I have all my life, and everyone was horrified. Surely people have more interesting things to worry about.

Did you try putting ice-cubes, in your pint of English-Ale, yet ? Freaks them out something chronic ! :lol:

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I still live the dream here in Pattaya, everything you could ever want is HERE. Why would you live in a jungle with people you have zero in common with. 3 days is fine then its a boring, sticky, mossy infested slum dwelling. GET REAL. Buy in a place that YOU will have a great retirement, you have earned it, so why end up in misery,cos thats what it will be after the first few weeks. Plus if you complain you are history and back to dear old greylands without a pot. Read the book you chump.

Spot on.

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Foreigners always keep make the same mistake. Think there girl different!

Only never are.

One of the best posts I've ever read here on Thaivisa.

I've written about this a few times, but I'll say it again.

I lived with my son's mother for more than ten years. She's a restaurant manager at one of the top tourist hotels here in BKK. Good salary. Nice car. She manages 30+ staff.

She's late thirties; I'm early forties.

She was the ONLY woman in the whole of Thailand who would never cheat.

Last year a Belgian guy walked into the hotel. At that time, he was the manager of Thailand's top football team, Muang Thong United. You can Google him, if you want. He was probably the highest paid foreigner in the country.

You can work out by yourself what happened next.

Now ......... my son (aged 6) is the only boy in his class at school who doesn't have a proper family.

I lost a lot of money, and I lost my son.

As Olaf says "my girl was different".

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