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Is Life Living In Thailand A Never Ending Holiday


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Only one question.. who does your immigration visa and do you enjoy the 90 day reporting.....

I've not found these to be a problem. 90 day reporting is a 10 minute drive and a 20 minute wait max...sometimes much less. No biggie. The yearly renewal takes about 3 hours beginning to end.

Visa's depend very much on being able to tick the right boxes. Try being not married, under 50 yrs old, not working(by choice or not), and having 50% custody of children with a Thai. No Non-O! Only visa is tourist!

I filled up a passport several years ago doing border runs! Never really wanted to be 50 until I moved to Thailand! :lol:

It does make a huge difference.

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if your coming here to live get away from the tourist areas,life is great if you have the right wife,i live in isaan and still treated as a free lunch for certain taxi drivers, and others they will never learn,like posters have said rent a place first and take every every day has it comes,you will learn a lot and there is a lot to learn,what to do and what not to do,your property in the uk keep it use it as a pension,my wife is 46 and dont get her pensions[uk] one at 60,and 67,she has a property in the uk and rents it out,she would never sell while i am alive,make sure all your finances are in order,dont rely on work,work here is cheap,although most of us moan it is still better than living in the uk good luck.

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Something else to consider is the dangers of playing up on your wife in a small village, its very difficult to get away with (if you're into that). Larger centres offer greater opportunities for discretion in that area.

Totally agree with that. One more reason to live in Sin City. far less chance of getting caught with your pants down :cheesy: :cheesy:

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The first 18 years here were one big holiday, but the last 3 years just seem normal until I think about how much living back home would suck.

My first year was paradise.

Then next ten years were okay.

The last year (my twelth) was so-so.

The appeal wears off quickly.

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The first 18 years here were one big holiday, but the last 3 years just seem normal until I think about how much living back home would suck.

My first year was paradise.

Then next ten years were okay.

The last year (my twelth) was so-so.

The appeal wears off quickly.

Sounds like you might be heading West soon?

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The first 18 years here were one big holiday, but the last 3 years just seem normal until I think about how much living back home would suck.

My first year was paradise.

Then next ten years were okay.

The last year (my twelth) was so-so.

The appeal wears off quickly.

Depends on what you define as "appeal"?

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It entirely depends on your part, on you, the part of "the spouse" you intend to marry after 3 years, will, from the very moment she is back in HER country, probably be very different!

My tip, if you got enough dosh: do it alone, in Thailand you are never alone, unless you want it and you'll be rollin'!

The risk, specially with a thai spouse, that things may turn at best odd, once the house everything is in place, is simply way too high one cannot trust them - nuff said!

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The first 18 years here were one big holiday, but the last 3 years just seem normal until I think about how much living back home would suck.

My first year was paradise.

Then next ten years were okay.

The last year (my twelth) was so-so.

The appeal wears off quickly.

Depends on what you define as "appeal"?

The beauty of the Thai legal system is that the appeal lingers for ever.


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The risk, specially with a thai spouse, that things may turn at best odd, once the house everything is in place, is simply way too high one cannot trust them - nuff said!

Women do tend to lose interest in sex after you get married and certainly after you have built them a house. :whistling:

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I still live the dream here in Pattaya, everything you could ever want is HERE. Why would you live in a jungle with people you have zero in common with. 3 days is fine then its a boring, sticky, mossy infested slum dwelling. GET REAL. Buy in a place that YOU will have a great retirement, you have earned it, so why end up in misery,cos thats what it will be after the first few weeks. Plus if you complain you are history and back to dear old greylands without a pot. Read the book you chump.


I live in the North East and love it. I wouldn't ever have chosen bkk as I would frankly not trust myself there. I like the limited amenities even of a good sized town. I used to visit BKK once or twice a year for a Movie or a curry or entertainment but I don't even do that any more. Life up north can be rewarding if you have things to do. Hobbies, grad school, work. They all trump whoring for me. But thats down to the individual. If I lived in Pattaya I don't think I would have learned much about Thailand. I don't like everything I have learned but, I would rather have a broad understanding than risk living in ignorant bliss.

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It entirely depends on your part, on you, the part of "the spouse" you intend to marry after 3 years, will, from the very moment she is back in HER country, probably be very different!

My tip, if you got enough dosh: do it alone, in Thailand you are never alone, unless you want it and you'll be rollin'!

The risk, specially with a thai spouse, that things may turn at best odd, once the house everything is in place, is simply way too high one cannot trust them - nuff said!

Well we finally agree on something. ;)

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Look at all the moaning and whinging on this website, you think these guys think its a holiday, sat at a computer every waking hour bitching about how hard their life is, and what a terrible country Thailand is and how all Thais are out to get them ? :D

Make the right choices and you'll be OK, make the wrong ones and you'll be joining the throngs of disgruntled Farangs who blame all things Thai for their poor choices and bad planning.

Don't expect it to be like your own country, it isn't, and if it was, why come here ?

Big mistake people make is coming here when they are too old, too old to change, too old to adapt, they sell up everything in their own countries without really considering what will happen if they don't like it here, and many don't like it, they are stuck in a place they don't want to be in, they can't go back because there is nothing to go back to, its all downhill from there. They didn't plan for all eventualities, thought they would love it in Sunny Thailand and no need to keep assets in their home country, be careful.

Plan carefully, there are no helplines here, there is no social security for you, you're on your own here, make bad plans and it could turn out to be the worse move you ever made in your life, coming from a nanny state to Thailand is quite a step, make sure you are in a good financial position to make the move, sell up in the UK at your peril, I know many that have done that and many that have had to leave Thailand when they ran out of money, back to their home countries with nothing after borrowing the airfare out.

20 years ago I knew a guy that came here with 100,000 Pounds, 20 years ago, a nice chunk of money, he was outta here in less than 18 months, completely broke, I and some other guys had a whip round and bought him a ticket back to the UK.

Thailand can suck you in and then spit you out when you bones are clean if you are not careful, and unlike the UK there are no government agencies you can go to for help when you're broke.

Just be careful, there is a reason the suicide rate is quite high here for Farangs, insulate yourself as best you can. Don't run out of money !!

Good luck mate, take precautions and you'll have a good time, and if you don't like it here, you can always leave, just don't wait till you're broke.

Remember, you're a member of ThaiVisa so you can always come on here all of your waking hours, live in a fan room in some hellhole, exist on mama noodles and boiled egg sandwiches and moan about what a terrible place it is, and how all the Thais are out to get you.

Most guys I have known who have left Thailand, left because they were in no financial position to stay here any longer.

Not economically viable ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX4b_rhT0nU

Don't run out of money !! :)

Edited by MrsMills
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Well said mrs Mill, for your wisdom words and insight............saaatuuuujap.gif

The thais want to get out and the farangs want to get in. Is there anyone left that really happy where they are?....sigh

Edited by doji
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Thank you Mrs Mills

well looking at it from Over the Garden wall , the grass does seem greener but i know it wont be.

Looking long term, I need to work the next 5 year and save the money, Once i have made my mind up about moving, I will rent my house out so i will have a income and a Pension to add.

when i was hitting 40, 10 years ago, i decided to go for the divorce, Now that i am hitting 50, I want to have a better life , Looks like its another Mid life crisis LOL

I know whats best for me, But i will have to wait another 5 years before i make it a reality.


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Thank you for the replies.

Yes i have thought about renting my house out in the UK but that would restrict my spending but would give me a income.

I dont get my pension for another 5 years, hence the reason for waiting 5 years.

Like the idea of sitting by the pool but hate the thought about living in a village with nothing to do.

I do understand her reasons for moving near family but their needs to be more going on than what their is in village life.

For some idea of what village life is like read my Village life thread.

My advice. DO NOT build her a house. It's in her name, and if it all goes to poo you get nothing. Same for cars etc.

Keep your money seperate- don't even tell her how much you have. Many many men have given it all to end up with nothing. My wife told me that she knows of many farang that built their wives big house, now divorced.

Absolutely keep your house in the UK. If you get chronically sick and wish to live, you may have to move back to the UK for NHS treatment. If you can't afford to live here on the rental, or savings, you may need to rethink your plans.

As I don't work, life is a holiday, but village life is pretty boring if you like some facilities like shopping and cinemas etc.

Good luck.

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Absolutely keep your house in the UK. If you get chronically sick and wish to live, you may have to move back to the UK for NHS treatment. If you can't afford to live here on the rental, or savings, you may need to rethink your plans.

As I don't work, life is a holiday, but village life is pretty boring if you like some facilities like shopping and cinemas etc.

Good luck.

You may have to rethink about the NHS, you may not be Eligible to use it because you have lived outside the UK for awhile.

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Absolutely keep your house in the UK. If you get chronically sick and wish to live, you may have to move back to the UK for NHS treatment. If you can't afford to live here on the rental, or savings, you may need to rethink your plans.

As I don't work, life is a holiday, but village life is pretty boring if you like some facilities like shopping and cinemas etc.

Good luck.

You may have to rethink about the NHS, you may not be Eligible to use it because you have lived outside the UK for awhile.

According to a current thread on the subject, you will be eligible after 6 months, which is why I mentioned a "chronic" illness. You do have to be living in the UK, not just passing through, which is much easier to do if you have a house to go back to.

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I've only lived here full time for around 3 years...but to me, it's a holiday for sure. Sitting in the pool right now, beer Singh nearby, and watching the birds in the trees. Had a great seafood lunch on the beach and just relaxing now. Life doesn't get much better.

I'm a beach lover, so not sure I would enjoy it as much inland. Before you commit to the interior, rent there for year or so. Rent is cheap!!

And make sure you have your finances in order. Getting work here is very difficult.

Best of luck. :D

Well, it's been 10 years on holiday for sure, but I don't like the beach (only for holidays, thus twice/year). I do like living in the rice fields, the village is nearby but they don't come to empty my fridge neither, thus I am a lucky man.

Make sure you know what you want and get it right, that's the issue.

We just returned from 3 days/2 night Bangkok shopping and even that was too much, glad to be home again :rolleyes:

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My advice. DO NOT build her a house. It's in her name, and if it all goes to poo you get nothing. Same for cars etc.

Keep your money seperate- don't even tell her how much you have. Many many men have given it all to end up with nothing. My wife told me that she knows of many farang that built their wives big house, now divorced.

WOW! Lucky for me I have just read this, I was just about to green light the missus on building us a family house in the sticks......thanks very much for that advice, I am obviously not as streetwise as you!

*trotts of to tell the missus she isn't getting the house anymore*

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WOW! Lucky for me I have just read this, I was just about to green light the missus on building us a family house in the sticks......thanks very much for that advice, I am obviously not as streetwise as you!

*trotts of to tell the missus she isn't getting the house anymore*

Foreigners always keep make the same mistake. Think there girl different!

Only never are.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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WOW! Lucky for me I have just read this, I was just about to green light the missus on building us a family house in the sticks......thanks very much for that advice, I am obviously not as streetwise as you!

*trotts of to tell the missus she isn't getting the house anymore*

Foreigners always keep make the same mistake. Think there girl different!

Only never are.

But I couldn't care less about a house in the sticks, why would I want it if we split up anyway? I'm a man, I walk away and move on.

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