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Israel passes ban on calls for boycott


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Israel passes ban on calls for boycott

2011-07-12 06:07:27 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEL AVIV (BNO NEWS) -- The Israeli parliament on Monday passed a law penalizing persons or organizations that boycott Israel or the West Bank settlements, Haaretz newspaper reported.

The new law, which has been strongly opposed by rights groups, passed by a vote of 47 to 38. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was not present during the vote.

Under the terms of the new law, a person or an organization calling for the boycott of Israel, including the settlements, can be sued for compensation by the boycott's targets without having to prove that they sustained damage. Zeev Elkin of the right wing Likud party, who proposed the law, said the law is not meant to silence people, but "to protect the citizens of Israel."

Among the bill's opponents was Nitzan Horowitz from the left wing Meretz party, who called the law outrageous and shameful. "We are dealing with a legislation that is an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here," he said.

Before the vote, the Israeli parliament's legal adviser, attorney Eyal Yanon, published a legal assessment saying parts of the law edge towards "illegality and perhaps beyond." He went on to warn that the law "damages the core of freedom of expression in Israel." Yanon's assessment contradicts that of Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, who said the bill is legal.

The Peace Now organization, which promotes Israeli-Palestinian peace, announced Monday it opened a Facebook page calling for a boycott of products that come from the settlements. It also plans to launch a national campaign on Tuesday to get international support.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-07-12

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an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here,"

Yes, a type of "democracy" still exists in Israel, but it is increasingly becoming one which is primarily used for propaganda purposes.

In my opinion, what people around the world are wondering is what it's going to take to rein in the extremists currently heading the Israel government.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here,"

Yes, a type of "democracy" still exists in Israel, but it is increasingly becoming one which is primarily used for propaganda purposes.

In my opinion, what people around the world are wondering is what it's going to take to rein in the extremists currently heading the Israel government.

I struggle to get in any way worked up over this considering what's going on to the North in Syria where the U.S embassy has been stormed, or in Malaysia, a supposed democracy where 1600 pro democracy protesters have been arrested. Still it gives you single agenda activists something to moan about. P.S I don't see many campaigns to boycott Saudi oil because of their human rights record so Saudi will never need to take action over the complaints it doesn't receive. :ph34r:

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Under the terms of the new law, a person or an organization calling for the boycott of Israel, including the settlements, can be sued for compensation by the boycott's targets without having to prove that they sustained damage :o

That sounds ominous? In particular the latter part which sounds a bit like guilty until proven innocent.

Although i suppose that should not surprise us?:whistling:

But I wonder how this would work in practice because presumably they could only prosecute within their own jurisdiction otherwise how could they enforce judgement?

Or are we going to see people living in their own country expressing their freedom of expression by calling for a boycott of Israel suddenly being whisked there accompanied by plain clothed people ( the way they did with Mordechai Vanu from Rome) to face prosecution?:lol:

Is there any limit to what these people will do ?B)

Edited by midas
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an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here,"

Yes, a type of "democracy" still exists in Israel, but it is increasingly becoming one which is primarily used for propaganda purposes.

In my opinion, what people around the world are wondering is what it's going to take to rein in the extremists currently heading the Israel government.

My guess is if Israel had some neighbors that were not intent on their utter destruction the so-called extremists would not be necessary.

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an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here,"

Yes, a type of "democracy" still exists in Israel, but it is increasingly becoming one which is primarily used for propaganda purposes.

In my opinion, what people around the world are wondering is what it's going to take to rein in the extremists currently heading the Israel government.

I struggle to get in any way worked up over this considering what's going on to the North in Syria where the U.S embassy has been stormed, or in Malaysia, a supposed democracy where 1600 pro democracy protesters have been arrested. Still it gives you single agenda activists something to moan about. P.S I don't see many campaigns to boycott Saudi oil because of their human rights record so Saudi will never need to take action over the complaints it doesn't receive. :ph34r:

To add to your comments; please also consider the internal pressure via democratic means which the Israeli government has to deal with. This policy is by no means popular among Israelis, basically 50/50. So, like all democratic goverments... they are dealing with internal pressure- not the case with their neighbours who crush internal opposition.

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an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here,"

Yes, a type of "democracy" still exists in Israel, but it is increasingly becoming one which is primarily used for propaganda purposes.

In my opinion, what people around the world are wondering is what it's going to take to rein in the extremists currently heading the Israel government.

My guess is if Israel had some neighbors that were not intent on their utter destruction the so-called extremists would not be necessary.

Hear, hear. Where is the whining from the usual suspects about Syria and Iran trying to completely crush all dissent in their countries? :rolleyes:

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Ok, so some MKs voted for a law that will not be upheld when contested. It is the peaceful expression of frustration from people who feel that they are not being treated fairly. I'd rather they used peaceful means like this than declared jihad and sent out suicide bombers to express their views. The Israeli courts will throw out the law because it is not enforceable. The settler lobby flexed its muscle. Unfortunately, the muscle appears to be in the buttocks.

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As a supporter of existence of the Jewish state of Israel, I don't feel I can support this particular decision. I sympathize with the feeling they must have to do something, but this seems a counterproductive way to go. In any case, the right wing in Israel must be moderated and the extremist fundamentals on the Arab side must also be moderated for any hope of peace. If you are going to boycott everything Israel, it would be more ethical to boycott both Israeli and Arab products from the region as the blame for no peace is shared.

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Nearly all Arab countries have some sort of boycott on Israeli goods.

Saudi Arabia has had one for the past 30 years (at least) and won't even allow a map in Saudi that shows the nation of Israel.

What's good for the goose...etc.

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There is another aspect to this; Islamic front organizations such as CAIR who support Hamas are pretty active at using intimidatory litigation against anyone who writes anything truthful inflammatory about their radical agenda, so I see Israel responding in kind to litigation jihad at least serves to highlight exactly what is happening. The Israeli law is probably little more than politicing but this as well as action to stop flotila ships from obtaining insurance is just another front which Israel has no choice but to fight on against it's terrorist enemies and their enablers.

Edited by Steely Dan
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In a column in the Maariv newspaper, commentator Ben Caspit denounced the new law as "fascism."

"When private citizens can be convicted for voicing their opinions . . . this is fascism. This is a blatant and resounding shutting of people's mouths. This is the thought police. There is no choice but to use this word," he wrote.:(

Read it on Global News: Watchdogs slam Israel law making boycott calls illegal

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In a column in the Maariv newspaper, commentator Ben Caspit denounced the new law as "fascism."

"When private citizens can be convicted for voicing their opinions . . . this is fascism. This is a blatant and resounding shutting of people's mouths. This is the thought police. There is no choice but to use this word," he wrote.:(

Read it on Global News: Watchdogs slam Israel law making boycott calls illegal

No one has been convicted and the likelihood of the law even being upheld is negligible. Why get in a tizzy over some stupidity? Cool heads will prevail.

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an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here,"

Yes, a type of "democracy" still exists in Israel, but it is increasingly becoming one which is primarily used for propaganda purposes.

In my opinion, what people around the world are wondering is what it's going to take to rein in the extremists currently heading the Israel government.

I struggle to get in any way worked up over this considering what's going on to the North in Syria where the U.S embassy has been stormed, or in Malaysia, a supposed democracy where 1600 pro democracy protesters have been arrested. Still it gives you single agenda activists something to moan about. P.S I don't see many campaigns to boycott Saudi oil because of their human rights record so Saudi will never need to take action over the complaints it doesn't receive. :ph34r:

I suspect the single agenda activists to whom I assume you are referring, will be tickled to death that Israel will have another bullet hole in it's foot. I do however doubt, that this will ever make it through the high court. The mere fact that it received as many votes as it did confirms a bunch that many of us already knew.

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What i find most amazing is the fact that Israel ALWAYS gets bashed by the same people no matter what the news line is, while the same people go deaf on any news line about the neighbors.

Israel passes this silly law and here they are slamming it

Neighbors pass the law allowing to simply kill people and silence out of the same group

I think this law is rather a deterrent more than anything else. If people are aware that they could be sued, they are more likely to be little more careful. Because defense alone will cost a fortune.

Just like Thai laws for deformation are very serious, you do not find too many people making loud noise, unless they are prepared to go all the way and have the money to do so.

Edited by kuffki
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What i find most amazing is the fact that Israel ALWAYS gets bashed by the same people no matter what the news line is, while the same people go deaf on any news line about the neighbors.

Israel passes this silly law and here they are slamming it

Neighbors pass the law allowing to simply kill people and silence out of the same group

I think this law is rather a deterrent more than anything else. If people are aware that they could be sued, they are more likely to be little more careful. Because defense alone will cost a fortune.

Just like Thai laws for deformation are very serious, you do not find too many people making loud noise, unless they are prepared to go all the way and have the money to do so.

Neighbours don't misrepresent themselves to be the beacon of democracy as Israel does :whistling:

and evidently there is a pattern developing here :ph34r: another Mordechai Vanu style international abduction :o

Frequent gag order use flouts Israel’s democracy claims


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What i find most amazing is the fact that Israel ALWAYS gets bashed by the same people no matter what the news line is, while the same people go deaf on any news line about the neighbors.

Israel passes this silly law and here they are slamming it

Neighbors pass the law allowing to simply kill people and silence out of the same group

I think this law is rather a deterrent more than anything else. If people are aware that they could be sued, they are more likely to be little more careful. Because defense alone will cost a fortune.

Just like Thai laws for deformation are very serious, you do not find too many people making loud noise, unless they are prepared to go all the way and have the money to do so.

Neighbours don't misrepresent themselves to be the beacon of democracy as Israel does :whistling:

and evidently there is a pattern developing here :ph34r: another Mordechai Vanu style international abduction :o

Frequent gag order use flouts Israel's democracy claims


Good one,. neighbors do not pass laws, they simply shoot their own people, take away all basic human rights and would not find word "democracy" in their dictionary, and yet you find it acceptable to support them :blink:

so please save your preaching for another topic.

Edited by kuffki
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What i find most amazing is the fact that Israel ALWAYS gets bashed by the same people no matter what the news line is, while the same people go deaf on any news line about the neighbors.

Israel passes this silly law and here they are slamming it

Neighbors pass the law allowing to simply kill people and silence out of the same group

I think this law is rather a deterrent more than anything else. If people are aware that they could be sued, they are more likely to be little more careful. Because defense alone will cost a fortune.

Just like Thai laws for deformation are very serious, you do not find too many people making loud noise, unless they are prepared to go all the way and have the money to do so.

I am not bashing this law. I love it for what it reveals about the folks behind it. Us fringe dwellers do not get one handed to us like this all that often so we must enjoy it while we can.

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What i find most amazing is the fact that Israel ALWAYS gets bashed by the same people no matter what the news line is, while the same people go deaf on any news line about the neighbors.

Israel passes this silly law and here they are slamming it

Neighbors pass the law allowing to simply kill people and silence out of the same group

I think this law is rather a deterrent more than anything else. If people are aware that they could be sued, they are more likely to be little more careful. Because defense alone will cost a fortune.

Just like Thai laws for deformation are very serious, you do not find too many people making loud noise, unless they are prepared to go all the way and have the money to do so.

I am not bashing this law. I love it for what it reveals about the folks behind it. Us fringe dwellers do not get one handed to us like this all that often so we must enjoy it while we can.

Enjoy what scraps of succur you can get, it must be tough being an Israel hater when you don't even have any body bags to complain about when there are thousands in Syria and if you try to construct some argument that Israel is not democratic just look next door at Egypt where they now have a Nazi party competing with the Salafists. :lol:

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If and i doubt, it makes Israel bashers feel any better but a number of Israeli's protest against this law and funny enough, and i know it is impossible for you to accept, but they do not get shot or prisoned but allowed to protest.

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<br />
<br />
an embarrassment to Israeli democracy and makes people around the world wonder if there is actually a democracy here,"
<br /><br />Yes, a type of "democracy" still exists in Israel, but it is increasingly becoming one which is primarily used for propaganda purposes.<br /><br />In my opinion, what people around the world are wondering is what it's going to take to rein in the extremists currently heading the Israel government.<br />
<br />I struggle to get in any way worked up over this considering what's going on to the North in Syria where the U.S embassy has been stormed, or in Malaysia, a supposed democracy where 1600 pro democracy protesters have been arrested. Still it gives you single agenda activists something to moan about. P.S I don't see many campaigns to boycott Saudi oil because of their human rights record so Saudi will never need to take action over the complaints it doesn't receive.  <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

If you had 100 fingers you would point them at 100 other people whenever someone says anything critical of israel. No accountability what so ever. What dose Syria, our Saudi, or Malaysia have to do with the BS so call democracy making it a crime for citizens peacefully protest against things they don't believe in?

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<br />
<br />Neighbours don't misrepresent themselves to be the beacon of democracy as Israel does
<br /><br />How could they? <br />The "neighbours"  are the complete opposite.<img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

But at least they're honest about it.

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If and i doubt, it makes Israel bashers feel any better but a number of Israeli's protest against this law and funny enough, and i know it is impossible for you to accept, but they do not get shot or prisoned but allowed to protest.

Exactly. Real democracy at work instead of the hateful religious fascism that enablers of terrorism constantly try to make justifications and excuses for. :bah:

Fred Phelps anyone?

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A number of posts have been deleted.

Off-topic posts have been removed. Some posters seem to think that it's Israel's right to do anything as long as it's not 'worse' than it's neighbors. The topic isn't about the neighbors. Nice diversion and nice try, but it won't work.

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A number of posts have been deleted.

Off-topic posts have been removed. Some posters seem to think that it's Israel's right to do anything as long as it's not 'worse' than it's neighbors. The topic isn't about the neighbors. Nice diversion and nice try, but it won't work.

Scott its not about thinking that Israel can do anything.

Just like any other country there are useful laws and there are silly laws.

This law does not prevent anyone from protesting, what it does prevent is people boycotting-2 very different things. And even then, it does not prevent people from boycotting, but those will be held responsible in terms of monetary loss.

While this topic is not about the neighbors, yet the very same crew AS ALWAYS feels the need to bash Israel for something as silly as that, while on all other threads where neighbors( the same crew always supports and defends) kill civilians daily , they(the crew) do not say a word and do not even dare to criticize it.

Anyone CAN STILL protest and not be shot in Israel and anyone CAN STILL boycot it, but now they may face "fines" for boycotts. Because boycotts has a direct effect on peoples lives.

Millions do not support USA policy in Iraq and Afgan, but they do not punish people in US, do they?!

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Israel isn't a perfect democracy. I don't such a thing exists, ever existed, or ever will exist. Israel indeed has some fascist laws and policies and their right wing is in the dominant position NOW. You could again say that about many democracies, either now or at some point in their history. This latest fascist law has come to exist through a democratic process. Israel has elections and they put into power the kinds of leaders that enacted this law. Hopefully, the law will be overturned. In my view, it is not a defensible law, but the country behind it and their processes are defensible. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater (as much of the world is indeed pushing for, to end Israel entirely) just because the baby is currently misbehaving. It's funny that Jewish Israel is mysteriously singled out for these harsh opinions and motives when generally other countries are not. Remember the military dictatorship in Argentina? Was anyone calling for Argentina to STOP existing just because they were going through a dark period? Of course not! This is relevant because what do you think many of the people behind the boycott movement actually WANT? Just scratch the surface of their ideology and you will find many want to boycott EVERTHING Israel, not only products from settlements, but any Israel products, any Israeli culture such as artists, any deny any Israeli academics from sharing abroad. Some may just want settlements ended, the Gaza blockade ended etc. but plenty of them openly support the unconditional return of Palestinians to all Israeli lands which would mean the end of Israel. So harsh and misguided as this new Israeli law is, you have to consider there is real existential threat to the Jewish state of Israel coming from many sides. Is this law going to really be helpful for Israel? I don't think so, but their people voted this way, so ...

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A number of posts have been deleted.

Off-topic posts have been removed. Some posters seem to think that it's Israel's right to do anything as long as it's not 'worse' than it's neighbors. The topic isn't about the neighbors. Nice diversion and nice try, but it won't work.

Ok, lets focus on the main origin of boycotts against Israel - It's an organization called Boycott, Divestment and sanctions. It's purported beef is over Israeli policy, but if far worse policies from it's neighbors attract no sanction campaign it begs the question whether the true motive is to delegitimise Israel instead of merely change it's behaviour.

But I digress, the founder of BDS Omar Barghouti is actually studying for a masters degree in sedition philosophy at Tel Aviv university. :blink: The university has refused to expell him, which hardly lends credence to the ludicrous hyperbole that Israel is somehow not democratic.

I would ask any Americans who know of McCarthyism to speculate what would have happened to someone studying at a U.S university who actively campaigned to replace the U.S free market democracy with a communism - Yes dam_n right, if no laws existed to silence them laws would be quickly passed to so do. So it is easy to piously sit in judgement from afar when you have no dog in the fight. But at the end of the day democracies answer to their people and if they perceive a threat to be sufficient action will be taken.

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What i find most amazing is the fact that Israel ALWAYS gets bashed by the same people no matter what the news line is, while the same people go deaf on any news line about the neighbors.

Israel passes this silly law and here they are slamming it

Neighbors pass the law allowing to simply kill people and silence out of the same group

I think this law is rather a deterrent more than anything else. If people are aware that they could be sued, they are more likely to be little more careful. Because defense alone will cost a fortune.

Just like Thai laws for deformation are very serious, you do not find too many people making loud noise, unless they are prepared to go all the way and have the money to do so.

I am not bashing this law. I love it for what it reveals about the folks behind it. Us fringe dwellers do not get one handed to us like this all that often so we must enjoy it while we can.

Enjoy what scraps of succur you can get, it must be tough being an Israel hater when you don't even have any body bags to complain about when there are thousands in Syria and if you try to construct some argument that Israel is not democratic just look next door at Egypt where they now have a Nazi party competing with the Salafists. :lol:

Israel is clearly a democratic nation and most certainly has a right to exist as a Jewish state or any other kind of state for that matter. I am interested in the democratic positions that the people themselves drift toward. It appears to my untrained eye they are drifting to the right at an accelerated pace. I am okay with it as I also lean to the right. What often irks me is the hypocrisy of this position. It is not really in conflict with democracy, it is democracy at its best.

There are several new laws that will be voted on which serve to restrict the activities of human rights groups and there are insiders who believe that all or most will pass. There are also insiders that believe the struggle is between the right wingers and the high court and these relatively meaningless laws, are a challenge to the courts.

This inconsequential bill could be a tipping point in Israeli politics.

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