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Australian Teacher Lucky To Be Alive After Being Shot In The Head In Chiang Mai


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As I often say I love the free entertainment here so many morons hiding behind the key board and their monitor. You would never repeat what you write here to anyone if you where face to face with them.

bad things do happen to good people and sometime the case is not solved, happens where I live on a regular basis. People have even gotten away with murder just by claiming not to have been behind the wheel of an auto that did a hit and run, just no way the police could prove it. Random shooting usually no one hit but sometime it does happen.

Hope the lady has a full recovery and please come back to Thailand there are good people here.

Unfortunately this may have a very serious adverse effect on what the two sister schools have going. Montford sends students to Ringwood Secondary College in Melbourne and Ringwood sends students to Montford in Chiangmai. I am sure it will have little effect to the Thai's going to Australia but I am sure parents of the Aussies kids will be very recluctant to let thier kids go to Chiangmai in the future. My guess would be that principal will can the aussie side of it all together.

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Very unusual to hear of such a case here in CM, guess there must be more to it than we know so far.

...as he said, desperately trying to protect the image of CM.

I've got news for you. This is an unusual case, period.

No it's not.


Another TV poster from Chiang Mai started a thread a few years ago about how his daughter was shot while riding in their car exiting the Carrefour parking lot. This stuff happens all the time. No follow up. No consequences.

Ok, so contraray to what Thailand stated above ("Very unusual to hear of such a case here in CM"), these cases are regular occurances in Chiang Mai. Just another reason to choose safer places like Pattaya to live.

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Very unusual to hear of such a case here in CM, guess there must be more to it than we know so far.

...as he said, desperately trying to protect the image of CM.

I've got news for you. This is an unusual case, period.

No it's not.


Another TV poster from Chiang Mai started a thread a few years ago about how his daughter was shot while riding in their car exiting the Carrefour parking lot. This stuff happens all the time. No follow up. No consequences.

Ok, so contraray to what Thailand stated above ("Very unusual to hear of such a case here in CM"), these cases are regular occurances in Chiang Mai. Just another reason to choose safer places like Pattaya to live.

A lot of folk here would prefer to run the "risks" in Chiang Mai than live in a cesspit. :rolleyes:

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It is highly unlikely the police will find anyone. And I do agree that unless pressure (putting the policemens testicles in a vice for example) is applied no serious investigation will take place. Thailand has a bad reputation, most of which is their own doing.

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Very unusual to hear of such a case here in CM, guess there must be more to it than we know so far.

...as he said, desperately trying to protect the image of CM.

I've got news for you. This is an unusual case, period.

Wait. wasn't there a story posted here on TV within the last couple years about a baht bus being shot at in CM? Or am I remembering something wrong here?

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1,female aussie student spurned advances of thai mo-sigh taxi driver.

2,mo-sigh taxi driver got the right 'ump' after 'loss of face'.

3,mo-sigh taxi driver tried too kill aussie student.

4,BiB drew line under case.

5,everyone went home happily ever after.

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The first recorded American sextourist, Benjamin Franklin, is quoted as saying “Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.” - I wonder if he had been to Thailand before he spoke?

I am back in Los Angeles, California and this kind of incident doesn't even get mentioned in the news. I will feel a lot safer getting back to Chiang Mai.

Glad the teach is OK and sad Thailand gets another black eye.

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The bullet grazed the back of the Ms Cody's skull is in no way the same as shot in the head.

It's written by TheNation, we shouldn't expect less than dramatized reporting.

What I'd like to do, with your permission of course, is fire a bullet at your head. Don't worry, my intention is only to graze your skull.

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Even the most stupid, meathead, moronic dickheads would not start firing in a completely illogical random manner. There had to be reason they were firing at this car. Quite possibly mistaken identity, or some sort of dodgy deal gone sour.

Ask Mr Suwan maybe he owe money! or he bad man ! sounds a bit strange but Mr Suwan can solve it sure!.

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It says they were out at Khum Khantoke, which is in the vicinity where that child was caught by a roving bullet a while back (sat in a child seat in the back of a car with farang driving) - Chiang Mai people will know. Don't think anything came of that; either people firing off random bullets and/or taking potshots at passing cars with farangs in - farang also shot in the back of a songthaew a while back! This one could also be a face thing; but whatever, how Buddhist.

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Every story has 2 sides and in Thailand you usually only hear one of them.

Lot's of farangs mysteriously have problems and depending on which side of the story you get, it's either ALWAYS their fault for being there when the bullet went by or whatever or it is never their fault. They didn't know the people there were hanging around with were yaba dealers or whatever, just an honest mistake. But the truth is probably often in the murky middle somewhere.

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'A Montford teacher, known as Mr Suwan, drove off when the car was fired on.'

Does this mean that he was driving the aforementioned car or ......what ??

The driver, a Thai national and teacher from Montford College in Chiang Mai, sped the vehicle away from the scene.

Yes this means that he was driving the car.

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Every story has 2 sides and in Thailand you usually only hear one of them.

Lot's of farangs mysteriously have problems and depending on which side of the story you get, it's either ALWAYS their fault for being there when the bullet went by or whatever or it is never their fault. They didn't know the people there were hanging around with were yaba dealers or whatever, just an honest mistake. But the truth is probably often in the murky middle somewhere.

:cheesy: :cheesy: Your honour it was a mistake honestly. I was off my face on illicit drugs, oops strike that your honour another mistake. What I meant was I had taken my dosage of prescription medication. I just purchased what I thought was a small plastic cap gun for my son at the market and was showing him how grownups scare farangs. The thing went bang and I thought <deleted> and immeadiately went back and exchanged it. Yes your honour it was an honest mistake and could happen to anyone.

Ok Case dismissed, be more careful next time.

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Every story has 2 sides and in Thailand you usually only hear one of them.

Lot's of farangs mysteriously have problems and depending on which side of the story you get, it's either ALWAYS their fault for being there when the bullet went by or whatever or it is never their fault. They didn't know the people there were hanging around with were yaba dealers or whatever, just an honest mistake. But the truth is probably often in the murky middle somewhere.

:cheesy: :cheesy: Your honour it was a mistake honestly. I was off my face on illicit drugs, oops strike that your honour another mistake. What I meant was I had taken my dosage of prescription medication. I just purchased what I thought was a small plastic cap gun for my son at the market and was showing him how grownups scare farangs. The thing went bang and I thought <deleted> and immeadiately went back and exchanged it. Yes your honour it was an honest mistake and could happen to anyone.

Ok Case dismissed, be more careful next time.

Let me guess you are either in the BIB or friends of the investigating officer. This is the conclusion after thier extensive 3 day investigation right? I was worried they were going to come out with that big coincidence stamp. Just means now they have to get that new fandangled mistake stamp and get a larger rubbish bin, I mean filing cabinet to file this mentally and time exhausting case in.

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And baby sits the adults too, from what i see of what my missus watches on the box.

It makes me laugh so much to see alcohol and cigarettes being consumed smudged out as soon as they reach the mouth of someone on screen yet are in plain clear view when not near the mouth, the same goes for the use of weapons (knives or guns) that are being used are smudged out, but if they ae being pointed or used in threatening manner they are not.

Maybe the Chiang Mai shooters didn't realise that these weapons are the same as the things being smudged out on TV and they do cause damage, perhaps they expected their crimes to be smudged out like those on TV and who knows maybe they will.

Teachers wanted, good pay, health benefits, visa assistance, medical and bullet proof vest provided. This is not good for Thailand! This is shocking. Time to get rid of the stupid "lose face" mentality and start educating. Start with the stupid ass programs on the television that seem to baby sit the majority of the children in this country. :realangry:

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The bullet grazed the back of the Ms Cody's skull is in no way the same as shot in the head.

It's written by TheNation, we shouldn't expect less than dramatized reporting.

Really?? Check again. Making pointless and completely inaccurate posts such as these really add nothing at all to the thread.

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The bullet grazed the back of the Ms Cody's skull is in no way the same as shot in the head.

It's written by TheNation, we shouldn't expect less than dramatized reporting.

Really?? Check again. Making pointless and completely inaccurate posts such as these really add nothing at all to the thread.

Agreed. Gun shots don't come with descriptors like a knife does i.e. stabbed or cut. You're either shot by a gun or you're not. The bullet, on the other hand, can enter or graze. So, if you are shot in the head the bullet can enter your skull or graze it, but either way you are shot in the head. It works with being knifed too. You can be knifed and the blade can stab or cut you.

BTW a woman could have died here. Why are we still clarifying the English language? On top of the crime itself there's an obvious crime/gang discussion to be had here.


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I live in Chiang Mai, I talk to the Tourist Police Daily, and noone has any information about any shooting in Chiang Mai, that's coming from the department that deals with this information, So if the police in Chiang Mai don't know anything about it, how is the case going to be solved?

More about this from the link below.


Good post! Definitely an interesting development.


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Has anyone read a report of the incident in a Thai newspaper yet? I imagine it will contain a more detailed report, such as the exact location of the shooting. If they drove from Montfort College and went to the night bazaar to shop, most likely they parked on Charoen Prathet Rd, at the back of the Anusarn Night Market, since there is no parking available on Chang Khlan Rd, main location of the 'night bazaar;. According to people who have businesses in that area, that stretch of road from Si Donchai Rd north to Saphan Lek has become a focus of gang violence at night.

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Thais (or Burmese) scally wags don't just rock up and slot people for no reason; they would have been involved in something

they shouldn't have - probably gems!

When was the last time a Burmese shot a Ferang??

Thais wouldn't tolerate a foreigner doing something like that - the full weight of the law would need to be applied.

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I live in Chiang Mai, I talk to the Tourist Police Daily, and noone has any information about any shooting in Chiang Mai, that's coming from the department that deals with this information, So if the police in Chiang Mai don't know anything about it, how is the case going to be solved?

More about this from the link below.

Well it definately happened and has been on every television news broadcast in Melbourne. A spokemans for The Australian Dept of Foriegn Affairs said they will be working closely with local authorities on the matter so someone in position of Auth in the Chiangmai BIB knows of it. Having said that the person who knows of the incident is doing nothing about it thinking DFAT will just fade into the distance as well.

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