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British Convict Arrested In Bangkok


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So need all the farang owned but run by their Thai wives/girlfriends here on Phuket need worry then? Or is it only pimping Thai women outside Thailand a criminal offence?

Prositution itself in Thailand is an offence so I would assume living of the earnings of prostitution would also be an offence in Thailand.

He did not break any local laws(sort of speak), he was arrested in UK for breaking UK Law

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So need all the farang owned but run by their Thai wives/girlfriends here on Phuket need worry then? Or is it only pimping Thai women outside Thailand a criminal offence?

Good point.

What about the farang in Thailand bar owners that practice the bar fine system.

Surely these should also be classified as pimps.

In theory, not really. Because the bar fine is for taking the girl away from the bar, so its like compensating the bar for not having an employee.

NOTE: Not defending it, just rather clarifying the loop hole

Edited by kuffki
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The arrested used to boast of making $30,000 per month on the other Thai forum that the pimp gang are mods/members/donors on. And that he has $100,000 of fine wines lining his basement. So it seems to pay well at least, if that's any good in your prison cell.

One of the members from Northern England is just back in Thailand from a Merseyside 'management position'. It is unknown if he has been apprehend by interpol as of writing.

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While I don't doubt they were hookers from Soi Cowboy, bringing home foreign prostitutes and helping with visas and getting customers is just about the stupidest plan ever. If they are caught for prostitution you are screwed, you're entire life is ruined even if you get lucky and only get a few years. And if the prostitutes decide to say you forced them and they were innocent maidens who thought they were going to be waitresses, you are spending the rest of your life behind bars being beaten and raped.

Even taking a bargirl back as a girlfriend is a risk as she could do it behind your back then cry to the police if caught, intentionally doing this just blows the mind.

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While I don't doubt they were hookers from Soi Cowboy, bringing home foreign prostitutes and helping with visas and getting customers is just about the stupidest plan ever. If they are caught for prostitution you are screwed, you're entire life is ruined even if you get lucky and only get a few years. And if the prostitutes decide to say you forced them and they were innocent maidens who thought they were going to be waitresses, you are spending the rest of your life behind bars being beaten and raped.

Even taking a bargirl back as a girlfriend is a risk as she could do it behind your back then cry to the police if caught, intentionally doing this just blows the mind.

It doesn't sound like these guys where to worried about their life being ruined.

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The arrested used to boast of making $30,000 per month on the other Thai forum that the pimp gang are mods/members/donors on. And that he has $100,000 of fine wines lining his basement. So it seems to pay well at least, if that's any good in your prison cell.

One of the members from Northern England is just back in Thailand from a Merseyside 'management position'. It is unknown if he has been apprehend by interpol as of writing.

I have no doubts that this guy is only one expendable link in the chain and I also have no doubts that the outfit will continue, with the full participation of the Thai prostitutes involved, believing that what they are sitting on is going to earn them a small fortune in Europe and the United Kingdom.

There are no innocent parties as the gangsters that are running the show and their Thai employees are all part of one big network.

In my opinion the only way to stop this is to arrest the whole caboodle, including the Thai prostitutes and incarcerate the lot, instead of making an example of just this one member of the gang as a PR exercise for the law enforcers both in the UK and in Thailand.

The way I see this, imprisoning this guy alone is going to achieve nothing.

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It seems to me that there is more to this than meets the eye. I find it difficult to believe that any UK police force would shell out from their meagre budgets to send a couple of Mr. Plods to Thailand to collect and return to the UK somebody who has either not met the terms of his early release or has skipped bail. It is not as if he is/was a violent and dangerous low life or had committed a major crime. I find it hard to believe that the monies expended could not have been put to better use.

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It seems to me that there is more to this than meets the eye. I find it difficult to believe that any UK police force would shell out from their meagre budgets to send a couple of Mr. Plods to Thailand to collect and return to the UK somebody who has either not met the terms of his early release or has skipped bail. It is not as if he is/was a violent and dangerous low life or had committed a major crime. I find it hard to believe that the monies expended could not have been put to better use.

Human trafficking gets a lot of press these days..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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To confirm what I was saying, The Nation has updated the story to indicate that he "had previously been convicted and jailed for two years for procuring Thai women for prostitution in Britain but, on a temporary release, he fled to hide in Thailand."


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A few yrs ago we raided an illegal brothel in an inner city suburb of Melbourne, where we located 7 Thai women ranging in ages from 21 to 32. The women had been coherced into travelling to Australia on the promises of a better life with the men whom they thought loved them. After arriving they were taken to the brothel where thier passports were siezed and forced to work in the sex industry. They were paid nothing just fed and all slept in a small room which was kept locked. The men involved were of middle eastern origin but where Australian citizens. They were charged with a number offfences including false imprisonment and sentenced to 3 yrs jail. The women were returned to Thailand.

There are possibably a number of Thai women who have fallen for this trap and are in various countries around the world. We do not know the background story involving this English guy but it makes me wonder if his is a similar event.

I have to question the Thai girls claims of believing they were not going to Australia for the purposes of sex trade. There are just way too many women willing to do this and who do go overseas to work as a prostitute while paying off the large debt to the person who arranged and set them up to work. Sure it still happens that girls are fooled into believing they are going to work in a restaurant but then again there are still people who fall for the Nigerian Email Scam. These girls go knowing their passports will be taken as collateral. I have met and know a number of people whose friends have did just this and ended up marrying overseas ... for many, this is their true goal.

No doubt these women are victims and it is sick how they can be treated but I don't fully buy a lot of these stories because there are just WAY too many girls willing to work and live in a modern country, even if it means paying off a large debt, Many women also travel to Singapore to work live with a dozen or more girls in a poor single room apartment. They answer to nobody but live like refuges while not out working because they want to save their money. The money the make in Singapore for a month or two can support them back home for well over 6-months.

Edited by Nisa
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He had served his sentence and was out on license.

He breached the terms of said license by leaving the UK.

The article said he was appealing his sentence and was out on bail - not the same thing.

The article is wrong. I have personal knowledge of the case.

He was out on bail. He was convicted and sentenced to 2-years. He certainly may have served some time before sentencing or being granted bail. The article you refer to uses the words "temporary release" and this is not the same as "Temporary License" or "release on temporary licence" which usually only occurs when you are not a flight risk and is used to do things like go to a family members funeral or if you are dying or you have served nearly all your time and are let our for other compassionate grounds. In almost all cases, he would not need to flee to Thailand but simply ask to go except in the case of a family members death where he would have had a guard if there was the slightest reason to believe he would flee.

No, I don't have all the facts or know this case personally and this is my opinion, and it could be wrong, but it is based on logic as well as news accounts not only from The Nation.

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So need all the farang owned but run by their Thai wives/girlfriends here on Phuket need worry then? Or is it only pimping Thai women outside Thailand a criminal offence?

Good point.

What about the farang in Thailand bar owners that practice the bar fine system.

Surely these should also be classified as pimps.

In theory, not really. Because the bar fine is for taking the girl away from the bar, so its like compensating the bar for not having an employee.

NOTE: Not defending it, just rather clarifying the loop hole

Have to agree because there is no agreement (usually) with the bar owner that the girl will perform any specific sex acts with the client because they paid a bar fine .. that is worked out with the girl's fee. But even though technically (sort of) prostitution is illegal in Thailand, there are loop holes that allow it, especially in entertainment areas .... http://en.wikipedia....ion_and_history

Edit: "A person soliciting the services of a prostitute is liable under the Prostitution Law if the solicitation is done “openly and shamelessly or causes a nuisance to the public”, the penalty being a fine of up to 1,000 baht."

LOL, will cost you more to throw a cigarette down on the ground outside Nana Plaza or the Mall

Edited by Nisa
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Oberkommando, as you seem to know about this case better than the OP, can you tell if said person was involved in a Koh Samui real estate firm? I'm not suggesting anything, but the name rings a bell or two.

No idea. I was only privy to what concerns this particular case. :jap:

why not get thai visa to post a pic of him then all will be happy. plenty of this going on here in new zealand with chinese as well as thai we have english schools here that they study in (supposadly) then work of the debts for there keep and fees at night in the massage parlours.(run by mafia that does not exist here!)

Then if girl very lucky not get caught and sent home she marry with customer live happy and after three years she can fleece him for his house.

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So need all the farang owned but run by their Thai wives/girlfriends here on Phuket need worry then? Or is it only pimping Thai women outside Thailand a criminal offence?

Prositution itself in Thailand is an offence so I would assume living of the earnings of prostitution would also be an offence in Thailand.

He did not break any local laws(sort of speak), he was arrested in UK for breaking UK Law

The person was prohibited from entering the Kingdom of Thailand. Because he was prohibited and entered he has committed an illegal act.Accordingto the Immigration Act of Thailand B.E. 2522 (1979), foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter Thailand:

-Having no appropriate means of living following entry into the Kingdom.

He made his living as a Pimp. This is not considered appropriate means.

-Having been imprisoned by judgment of the Thai Court; or by lawful injunction orjudgment of the Court of a foreign country, except for when the penalty is for a petty offence, or negligence, or is provided for as an exception by theMinisterial Regulations.

He was convicted and imprisoned in the UK.

-Having behaviour which could cause possible danger to the public; or having thelikelihood of being a nuisance or constituting any violence to the peace,safety and security of the public or to the security of the nation; or being under warrant of arrest by competent officials of foreign governments.

Pimping is a breach of the aforementioned. He was also under a warrant of arrest because he was anabsconder.

-Reason to believe that entry into Kingdom is for the purpose of being involved in prostitution, the trafficking of women or children, drug smuggling, or othert ypes of smuggling which are against public morality.

He was a Pimp. He wasn't in Thailand to take a cooking class.

The man had no legal right to be in Thailand. He deserves to be tossed in jail. There are no grey areas. The man was a criminal. Case closed. Good bye and good riddance..

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Always amazes me, how many fall into being pimps out here and yet claim they are just running a bar.

Almost always ends with problems due to police/drugs/stealing/heavies etc, then they complain....hello you area pimp of sorts working wth prostitutes in Thailand what did you expect....Muppets

Edited by stiggy
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He has fled to Thailand and the Thai police were informed by the British embassy to locate and arrest

Apparently the British police were too busy collecting bribes from Rupert Murdoch and handing out personal data on murder victims to the News of the World, so now the British Embassy routinely calls on Thai police to handle matters that don't generate revenue for the UK Police Early Retirement Fund.

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I have no doubts that this guy is only one expendable link in the chain and I also have no doubts that the outfit will continue, with the full participation of the Thai prostitutes involved, believing that what they are sitting on is going to earn them a small fortune in Europe and the United Kingdom.

There are no innocent parties as the gangsters that are running the show and their Thai employees are all part of one big network.

In my opinion the only way to stop this is to arrest the whole caboodle, including the Thai prostitutes and incarcerate the lot, instead of making an example of just this one member of the gang as a PR exercise for the law enforcers both in the UK and in Thailand.

The way I see this, imprisoning this guy alone is going to achieve nothing.

For 'incarcerate' read 'incinerate'? :D

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A few yrs ago we raided an illegal brothel in an inner city suburb of Melbourne, where we located 7 Thai women ranging in ages from 21 to 32. The women had been coherced into travelling to Australia on the promises of a better life with the men whom they thought loved them. After arriving they were taken to the brothel where thier passports were siezed and forced to work in the sex industry. They were paid nothing just fed and all slept in a small room which was kept locked. The men involved were of middle eastern origin but where Australian citizens. They were charged with a number offfences including false imprisonment and sentenced to 3 yrs jail. The women were returned to Thailand.

There are possibably a number of Thai women who have fallen for this trap and are in various countries around the world. We do not know the background story involving this English guy but it makes me wonder if his is a similar event.

And you believed them ?

Cops are the most chivalrous men in the world aren't they ?

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So need all the farang owned but run by their Thai wives/girlfriends here on Phuket need worry then? Or is it only pimping Thai women outside Thailand a criminal offence?

Good point! Lets hope the Americans dont get involved with their dubious morals..Thats the government not the people

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A few yrs ago we raided an illegal brothel in an inner city suburb of Melbourne, where we located 7 Thai women ranging in ages from 21 to 32. The women had been coherced into travelling to Australia on the promises of a better life with the men whom they thought loved them. After arriving they were taken to the brothel where thier passports were siezed and forced to work in the sex industry. They were paid nothing just fed and all slept in a small room which was kept locked. The men involved were of middle eastern origin but where Australian citizens. They were charged with a number offfences including false imprisonment and sentenced to 3 yrs jail. The women were returned to Thailand.

There are possibably a number of Thai women who have fallen for this trap and are in various countries around the world. We do not know the background story involving this English guy but it makes me wonder if his is a similar event.

And you believed them ?

Cops are the most chivalrous men in the world aren't they ?

Well when you sieze hard drives and download transcripts of social pages and dating sites relating to these people along with personal admissions then I guess Chivalry is alive and well in the ranks of some cops.

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He has fled to Thailand and the Thai police were informed by the British embassy to locate and arrest

Apparently the British police were too busy collecting bribes from Rupert Murdoch and handing out personal data on murder victims to the News of the World, so now the British Embassy routinely calls on Thai police to handle matters that don't generate revenue for the UK Police Early Retirement Fund.

There's not that much corruption in the British police. Unlike here even they get nicked for drunk driving.

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A few yrs ago we raided an illegal brothel in an inner city suburb of Melbourne, where we located 7 Thai women ranging in ages from 21 to 32. The women had been coherced into travelling to Australia on the promises of a better life with the men whom they thought loved them. After arriving they were taken to the brothel where thier passports were siezed and forced to work in the sex industry. They were paid nothing just fed and all slept in a small room which was kept locked. The men involved were of middle eastern origin but where Australian citizens. They were charged with a number offfences including false imprisonment and sentenced to 3 yrs jail. The women were returned to Thailand.

There are possibably a number of Thai women who have fallen for this trap and are in various countries around the world. We do not know the background story involving this English guy but it makes me wonder if his is a similar event.

And you believed them ?

Cops are the most chivalrous men in the world aren't they ?

I can believe it as it happens all the time and not just with Thai women. It's called people trafficking and it's rife in the underworld. I find it appalling that they only got 3 years as the sentences should be much tougher. Why are you having a pop at the police? Like them or not they actually catch these shit heads!

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A few yrs ago we raided an illegal brothel in an inner city suburb of Melbourne, where we located 7 Thai women ranging in ages from 21 to 32. The women had been coherced into travelling to Australia on the promises of a better life with the men whom they thought loved them. After arriving they were taken to the brothel where thier passports were siezed and forced to work in the sex industry. They were paid nothing just fed and all slept in a small room which was kept locked. The men involved were of middle eastern origin but where Australian citizens. They were charged with a number offfences including false imprisonment and sentenced to 3 yrs jail. The women were returned to Thailand.

There are possibably a number of Thai women who have fallen for this trap and are in various countries around the world. We do not know the background story involving this English guy but it makes me wonder if his is a similar event.

And you believed them ?

Cops are the most chivalrous men in the world aren't they ?

I can believe it as it happens all the time and not just with Thai women. It's called people trafficking and it's rife in the underworld. I find it appalling that they only got 3 years as the sentences should be much tougher. Why are you having a pop at the police? Like them or not they actually catch these shit heads!

Reminds me of this story involving Thai prostitutes in Darwin Australia. (2005)

A teenager told police he killed two Thai prostitutes as a "favour" for the outlaw motorcycle gang the Hells Angels, a Darwin court was told today.

Ben William McLean said he owed the gang $50,000 and they had threatened to kill him unless he removed the two women from the streets of Darwin.

"They said that they will knock me off unless I do them a favour, to repay the money," McLean told police shortly after his arrest, in an interview replayed to court today.

"What was the favour?," Brisbane police asked in the tape.

"Get two prostitutes off the street. They said I had to kill them."

McLean and friend Phu Ngoc Trinh, both 19, are standing trial in the Northern Territory Supreme Court over the drowning murders of the two women in the crocodile infested Adelaide River, south-east of Darwin, last year.

The floating bodies of 58-year-old Phuangsri Kroksamrang and 27-year-old Somjai Insamnan were found by crocodile spotting tour operators in the river.

The incident comes amid government investigations into claims Thai women are brought to Australia to work in a well established sex slave network.

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A few yrs ago we raided an illegal brothel in an inner city suburb of Melbourne, where we located 7 Thai women ranging in ages from 21 to 32. The women had been coherced into travelling to Australia on the promises of a better life with the men whom they thought loved them. After arriving they were taken to the brothel where thier passports were siezed and forced to work in the sex industry. They were paid nothing just fed and all slept in a small room which was kept locked. The men involved were of middle eastern origin but where Australian citizens. They were charged with a number offfences including false imprisonment and sentenced to 3 yrs jail. The women were returned to Thailand.

There are possibably a number of Thai women who have fallen for this trap and are in various countries around the world. We do not know the background story involving this English guy but it makes me wonder if his is a similar event.

And you believed them ?

Cops are the most chivalrous men in the world aren't they ?

I can believe it as it happens all the time and not just with Thai women. It's called people trafficking and it's rife in the underworld. I find it appalling that they only got 3 years as the sentences should be much tougher. Why are you having a pop at the police? Like them or not they actually catch these shit heads!

Reminds me of this story involving Thai prostitutes in Darwin Australia. (2005)

A teenager told police he killed two Thai prostitutes as a "favour" for the outlaw motorcycle gang the Hells Angels, a Darwin court was told today.

Ben William McLean said he owed the gang $50,000 and they had threatened to kill him unless he removed the two women from the streets of Darwin.

"They said that they will knock me off unless I do them a favour, to repay the money," McLean told police shortly after his arrest, in an interview replayed to court today.

"What was the favour?," Brisbane police asked in the tape.

"Get two prostitutes off the street. They said I had to kill them."

McLean and friend Phu Ngoc Trinh, both 19, are standing trial in the Northern Territory Supreme Court over the drowning murders of the two women in the crocodile infested Adelaide River, south-east of Darwin, last year.

The floating bodies of 58-year-old Phuangsri Kroksamrang and 27-year-old Somjai Insamnan were found by crocodile spotting tour operators in the river.

The incident comes amid government investigations into claims Thai women are brought to Australia to work in a well established sex slave network.

It's everywhere and it's appalling. Nothing wrong with women slipping into prostitution if they want to for a decent wage as we should be allowed to do what we want with our bodies but there's too much slavery going on and it needs stamping out.

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