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Nong Kai 90 Day Border Run,Advice Please

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I will have to do a 90 day border run in the next week or so and at present the nearest place is Nong Kai, I have never used this crossing point before so would welcome any current advice and do's and do not's etc..

We would prefer to leave our car on the Thai side and use either public transport or taxi etc,any idea on current prices and what documents I will need.

Thanks in advance for your replies.


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Bus is 20 Baht, Visa if British is $35 or 1500 Baht.

Fill in the Visa app form with 1 photo deposit with cash at window 1or 2 and collect some minutes later at window 3.

Keep you eyes peeled as they hold your passport up (pic page) for collection.

Edited by Tafia
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Get dollars its cheaper than paying in Baht.

Park your car just short of the bridge near the shops, ignore the touts etc and take the short walk to the bridge, go to the left side and check out of Thailand, walk about 20 feet and buy 20 baht bus ticket, board bus, over the bridge, get off at immigration, walk 15 ft to booth on the left side, ask for visa app, complete and submit with money/passport/photo to window 2, wait and collect from window 3 just around the corner,

When you have collected at window 3 walk straight down that side of the builiding you dont have to check through immigration again so ignore a lines and walk through, your passport will already have been stamped for entry to laos when they did the visa.

At the end of that side of the building, turn left and left again (ignore all the taxi touts) to walk back down the opposite sde, checkout of Laos, keep walking at the end of the building on the left buy your Bus ticket again, over the bridge, get off at immigration, complete entry card and submit with passport to enter Thailand again. CHECK YOUR PASSPORT has been stamped with appropriate date BEFORE leaving.

Hope this helps, good luck !

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Thanks guys for all your help and useful info, will try to get some dollars before we go, my wife is Thai so will help with looking for the bus etc, will report any difficulties on my return.


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