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Floathaven (Floatation Tank)


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I use to use a flotation tank (or a sensory deprevation ) tank many years ago . You need to use them about 3 times before they are of any use. The first time you use one you will be either bored or restless - every cut or abrasion will sting, and you will be able to hear the blood rush around your body and head, You will be very conscious of your breathing and other parts of your body and your thoughts . You will need to teach yourself to still yr mind as if in meditation. Weird sensation . Second time , about a week later, you will be be more setttled and you will be able to concentrate on your thoughts more and where your mind takes you . Third week you will be getting the hang of it and the benifits will become more apparent. It is a fast track to meditative states if you want that , or just very very relaxing. Some people have used them for self hypnosis or accelerated learning techniques if there is a sound source connected .

You float in warm water with about 70% epsom salts ,hense the stinging if you have cuts or abrasions ,and in total darkness. Can be very confronting if you are claustophobic or have other phobias .

They are not for everyone and need several sessions to benifit from them .

Sorry ,Probably does not answer yr original question about wether the floation tanks are still available in Patong tho.

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have you heard about any others in thailand?

Im quite understanding of the fact that this is the last country where people might seek spiritual knowledge.. or knowledge at all so i doubt its a viable option for anyone looking to make $

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The one in Patong was gone long ago. I tried it once, did not have the feelings xen described, but did come out feeling very relaxed & refreshed.

agree there...I also found it a novel experience, relaxing, but found a lot of noise getting though the walls, water and earplugs compromised what could have been very attractive way to spend time. Under better circumstances I suspect it would be as close as one might get to a completely pain-free break from reality without resorting to narcotics...

I would like to try such a thing again, but I don't think the uncontrolled sonic mayhem of Patong makes it the right locale, unless they were to invest in another lead-lined chamber to encase the tank.

The owner at the time told me he was trying to sell them to a few spas as well...suspect that if this option still exists on the island you'll find it at a top-end spa (thus, very expensive :o :o )

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For me i will not trust the thing like this in Thailand with so much Mai pen rai thinking could be anything floating atround in the water and never to clean :ermm:

If they are operated properly the Epsom salts should kill any bacteria in the water 20 time over. It is supposed to be about the same solution to the water in the dead sea so u can float without any effort. The flotation solution also should go thru a filter and they also should be sound proof . The original concept was to let astronauts experience what it is like to be floating in deep space completely away from external stimuli and noise. When i used them we were using them as an other experience in conjunction with re-birthing . All very cosmic and way-out but if they are done properly then an unique experience.

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