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The Job Nobody Wants: Next Thai Foreign Minister


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If you look at the recent history of Thailand's foreign ministers like Tej Bunnag (appointed by the hapless Samak), and Kasit Piromya, you can see that these guys were in way, way over their heads. is there anyone in Thailand truly qualified for the job? Each time Kasit has tried to settle any dispute, it has ended in humiliation for Thailand. He is very incompetent, and he embarrasses the nation every time he steps off a plane. He is in so far over his head, and it appears he does not even know it. At least Tej had experience as an foreign ambassador. Not sure what Kasit has. The consolation here is the Thaksin is smarter than all of these men, so maybe he will be wise enough to appoint someone competent? We can hope and pray for that. Is it too much to ask for?

Yes it is too much to ask for!!! It is not Thaksin's job by the way, it's Yingluck's (you know - Thailand's incoming first (and last) femail prime minister). OK, forget about who it is to make the appointment and lets get to the nitty gritty of it all.

Please tell me just who in the Pheu Thai party elected to government can fulfil this job :ermm:. Let's face it they are simply a bunch of bungling, inexperienced bozzo's in waiting!!! Initial signs imply that his government is going to be a disaster as they haven't even been inaugarated yet and already they are back tracking on their flag ship policy of increasing the minimum wage to 300 baht. Just how pleased are their supporters going to be when they eventually find out that they want and intend to introduce it to their most hated foe "elitist Bangkokians" initially, and they might be lucky (or not) to get it sometime in the next year. I say EVENTUALLY because they generally don't get to hear about the real happenings in Thailand UNLESS it concerns their livelihood's - and this is clearly THE one that does at this point in time!!! But hey!!, what are they to do? as THEY are the self same uneducated, uninformed lot that put them there - are they to lose face (not an option in Thailand) and protest about broken promises? Just what are they to do now? :huh:

It is a very interesting situation and I am keenly watching to see how Khun Yingluck squirms her way out of this very tricky and toffee sticky situation.

Should be fun (for some anyway) :D .

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Yes it is too much to ask for!!! It is not Thaksin's job by the way, it's Yingluck's (you know - Thailand's incoming first (and last) femail prime minister). OK, forget about who it is to make the appointment and lets get to the nitty gritty of it all.

Please tell me just who in the Pheu Thai party elected to government can fulfil this job :ermm:. Let's face it they are simply a bunch of bungling, inexperienced bozzo's in waiting!!! Initial signs imply that his government is going to be a disaster as they haven't even been inaugarated yet and already they are back tracking on their flag ship policy of increasing the minimum wage to 300 baht. Just how pleased are their supporters going to be when they eventually find out that they want and intend to introduce it to their most hated foe "elitist Bangkokians" initially, and they might be lucky (or not) to get it sometime in the next year. I say EVENTUALLY because they generally don't get to hear about the real happenings in Thailand UNLESS it concerns their livelihood's - and this is clearly THE one that does at this point in time!!! But hey!!, what are they to do? as THEY are the self same uneducated, uninformed lot that put them there - are they to lose face (not an option in Thailand) and protest about broken promises? Just what are they to do now? :huh:

It is a very interesting situation and I am keenly watching to see how Khun Yingluck squirms her way out of this very tricky and toffee sticky situation.

Should be fun (for some anyway) :D .

I stopped reading after you misspelled 'female".

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Yes it is too much to ask for!!! It is not Thaksin's job by the way, it's Yingluck's (you know - Thailand's incoming first (and last) femail prime minister). OK, forget about who it is to make the appointment and lets get to the nitty gritty of it all.

Please tell me just who in the Pheu Thai party elected to government can fulfil this job :ermm:. Let's face it they are simply a bunch of bungling, inexperienced bozzo's in waiting!!! Initial signs imply that his government is going to be a disaster as they haven't even been inaugarated yet and already they are back tracking on their flag ship policy of increasing the minimum wage to 300 baht. Just how pleased are their supporters going to be when they eventually find out that they want and intend to introduce it to their most hated foe "elitist Bangkokians" initially, and they might be lucky (or not) to get it sometime in the next year. I say EVENTUALLY because they generally don't get to hear about the real happenings in Thailand UNLESS it concerns their livelihood's - and this is clearly THE one that does at this point in time!!! But hey!!, what are they to do? as THEY are the self same uneducated, uninformed lot that put them there - are they to lose face (not an option in Thailand) and protest about broken promises? Just what are they to do now? :huh:

It is a very interesting situation and I am keenly watching to see how Khun Yingluck squirms her way out of this very tricky and toffee sticky situation.

Should be fun (for some anyway) :D .

I stopped reading after you misspelled 'female".

I occasionally spell hear as "here" and have forgotten temporarily how to spell a simple 3 letter word like" who" before - does that make me a criminal???

I bet you didn't stop reading my post!!!!:) OK, I mispelled female but if, as you say, you stopped reading it, then I think this has far more to do with the ensuing message as you could detect what was coming and the knew that you would be unable to argue against it (being in the wrong camp) Ha Ha Ha!!!

C'mon be honest, admit it like a man - or alternatively, why don't you have a go to see how you do in countering my posting!!!:rolleyes:.

There's a challenge for you - lets see if you are up to it NB: I would Google every word over 3 letters if I was you as I will be reading it like a hawk!!! One slip up and your MINE!!!

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I would have thought following Kasit would be an easy job. Many foreign countries will no doubt be reaching out to a new person as countries dont want bad relations. Obviously there are a couple of sensitive issues to be resolved but even that would likely be easier for a new minister from a different party.

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The next foreign minister might must be this gentleman, according to those in the know - http://www.sasin.edu.../kittiratt.html

"Chairman of Subcommittee, Venture Capital Fund for Enhancing SMEs Competitiveness"

Quite plausible as he would be wise to jump ship. Those in the know appreciate that Yingluck's (ill-advised) 300 baht minimum wage pre-election pledge will not only take the edge off of SME's competitiveness but send them into oblivion with all of the job losses that entails - Whoops!!! (not exactly what the doctor ordered).

Wise man if he goes for it and definitely in the know in respects of the fact that he clearly knows what is good for HIM - he is not prepared to go down with the sinking ship clearly. Not exactly a noble act - maybe an act of a coward is nearer the mark.

Won (planted to see if you got this far) last thing, exactly what attributes make him fit for the post of "foreign minister"??? as he appears, from his resume, to be either an economist or monetarist so just how will he make decisions on getting the Prince's plane back and those spats with kampuchea might be a tad troublesome for him to resolve!!!!:jap:.

I see that he has a decent education (Harrow in England) - so he is obviously very conversant and understanding of the poor's woes (not) - or could it be that he is simply jumping on the Pheu Thai bandwaggon and getting off the scene he is currently on post-haste, before everything collapses around him (or both maybe).

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If you look at the recent history of Thailand's foreign ministers like Tej Bunnag (appointed by the hapless Samak), and Kasit Piromya, you can see that these guys were in way, way over their heads. is there anyone in Thailand truly qualified for the job? Each time Kasit has tried to settle any dispute, it has ended in humiliation for Thailand. He is very incompetent, and he embarrasses the nation every time he steps off a plane. He is in so far over his head, and it appears he does not even know it. At least Tej had experience as an foreign ambassador. Not sure what Kasit has. The consolation here is the Thaksin is smarter than all of these men, so maybe he will be wise enough to appoint someone competent? We can hope and pray for that. Is it too much to ask for?

Yes it is too much to ask for!!! It is not Thaksin's job by the way, it's Yingluck's (you know - Thailand's incoming first (and last) femail prime minister). OK, forget about who it is to make the appointment and lets get to the nitty gritty of it all.

Please tell me just who in the Pheu Thai party elected to government can fulfil this job :ermm:. Let's face it they are simply a bunch of bungling, inexperienced bozzo's in waiting!!! Initial signs imply that his government is going to be a disaster as they haven't even been inaugarated yet and already they are back tracking on their flag ship policy of increasing the minimum wage to 300 baht. Just how pleased are their supporters going to be when they eventually find out that they want and intend to introduce it to their most hated foe "elitist Bangkokians" initially, and they might be lucky (or not) to get it sometime in the next year. I say EVENTUALLY because they generally don't get to hear about the real happenings in Thailand UNLESS it concerns their livelihood's - and this is clearly THE one that does at this point in time!!! But hey!!, what are they to do? as THEY are the self same uneducated, uninformed lot that put them there - are they to lose face (not an option in Thailand) and protest about broken promises? Just what are they to do now? :huh:

It is a very interesting situation and I am keenly watching to see how Khun Yingluck squirms her way out of this very tricky and toffee sticky situation.

Should be fun (for some anyway) :D .

Well, we all know Yinglick is going to be making very few of the decisions that are going to be made, and that Thaksin will be the kingmaker in all of this. And perhaps he deserves that. While I am no fan of his, the reality is that he was the only one in recent Thai history that did anything remarkable to benefit the Thai people. Like him or hate him, you have to admit the facts. Thailand had years to deal with him, and they did nothing. Now, the past is coming home to roost. It will be Thaksin that makes the major appointments, let's face it. And that may be a good thing. The one aspect of the new administration is that it will be anti-status quo. That may be a good thing for the nation. Anything that diminishes the power of the army, is good for the Thai people. Right?

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