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Does Anyone Use Or Need Kefir Grains?


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I am looking to buy kefir (already made). Seems finding it in Pattaya and Phuket is no prob but have searched in Bangkok with no luck. Do you have any idea where I might find it ? If not I could give growing it by myself a shot but isnt it a fairly difficult process? Any leads would be great. Cheers!

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I am looking to buy kefir (already made). Seems finding it in Pattaya and Phuket is no prob but have searched in Bangkok with no luck. Do you have any idea where I might find it ? If not I could give growing it by myself a shot but isnt it a fairly difficult process? Any leads would be great. Cheers!

It's very easy to make your own. Add milk, wait 12 - 24 hours, strain and drink... then repeat forever...

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I live in Pattaya and have been looking for some Kefir grains.

Do you still have them available? If so I would love to have some.

I live Banglamung/North Pattaya but have a car so can meet up anywhere.


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Yes, I still have some to give away. Surprisingly you're the fist person to enquire about them in Pattaya.

PM me and we can make arrangements for you to pick some up. I'm in South Pattaya.

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You're not wrong! The ones you gave me last week have already doubled in volume.

Will PM you later to let you know how it's going.

There doesn't seem to be many people in Pattaya interested in kefir. You're the only person in Pattaya who wanted free grains. I'll have to start eating them instead lol.

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<br />
<br />You're not wrong! The ones you gave me last week have already doubled in volume.<br /><br />Will PM you later to let you know how it's going.<br />
<br /><br />There doesn't seem to be many people in Pattaya interested in kefir. You're the only person in Pattaya who wanted free grains. I'll have to start eating them instead lol.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Think I might have a go at doing the water Kefir as well or having a look to see what else can be made with the grains as I'm the only one that likes it so going to have far too much soon!

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Think I might have a go at doing the water Kefir as well or having a look to see what else can be made with the grains as I'm the only one that likes it so going to have far too much soon!

How many batches have you made? How long is each batch taking?

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Been getting a batch every day since the day after I picked up the grains. Split into two jars as didn't have anything big enough to take the milk and leave space for expansion. Oddly one was quicker than the other - started late evening and was ready by mid-day the next day, the other jar took a little longer. I reckon the first two lots were about 200ml each and probably drank half of that. My partner tried it and said it tasted like milk gone off! He looks at me as if I'm nuts. Ha ha! Well that's what it is, but it doesn't taste like it to me.

Didn't put what had already fermented in the fridge as Dom said it can be smoother if it's left out to ferment a bit more and can increase the vitamin content. Over the last few days I seem to have been straining and renewing twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. Am now drinking 2 small glasses a day from the storage jar before I put the newly made in. Sometimes the stuff in the jar separates out but just stir it back together and it does taste a bit less acid than the freshly made.

The grains have doubled in volume and today decided to put them back all together in one jar. Don't know if the fact that the milk is cold from the fridge might slow it all down a bit, but it certainly doesn't take long to brew. Not putting that much milk in either.

Now have around 400ml stored so if I'm not careful will have far too much to be able to drink. Oddly my street dog loves it (he gets the straining bowl to lick when I'm done) but our other little dog will only take a few licks before she's had enough. She loves yoghurt pots though.

Not noticed any physical changes as yet, but can't expect anything much as it hasn't even been a week yet.

So all in all going pretty well and will also have enough grains to give away shortly!

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Thanks for the update. You maybe surprised to learn that only a tablespoon or even less of fully active grains will produce 500ml of kefir in less than 12 hours. The reason I suggested you start off with only about 250ml was to get the grains fully active as quickly as possible. My very first batch with about a tablespoon of grain was 500ml, but that took nearly 3 days. After a short time a tablespoon would do the job in 12 hours or less.

Regarding your partner hating the taste - well, some people are interested in improving their health, others are not. To me the taste is not important considering the health benefits, but luckily I like the taste anyway. You just can't help some people.

For example - we could quite possibly be looking at an easy cure or preventative for some forms of cancer. How concerned about flavour would a person be if they had cancer?

There's about 1000 trillion (1 quadrillion) micro flora in the intestines of a human being. It makes sense to keep them happy and working efficiently as they are imperative for good digestion, vitamin production and the immune system to name only a few.

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It certainly hasn't taken any longer than 12 hours to brew up.

I think it's crazy that people don't take care of their health. Especially with regards the intestines as that is where all our nutrition starts. So if that's not working how do we expect anything else to. But it's up to them if they want to spend a fortune on hospital and doctor bills when most of the time it's what you eat that creates the problems or the health depending on what you chose.

I'm certainly carrying on with this. May use a bit more milk than usual, but saves on buying ready made yoghurt and it's nice to be able to culture your own probiotics.

Bottled my first 4 litres of Ginger beer. Not happy with it though. It doesn't have much fizz, it tastes too sweet and the ginger flavour isn't strong enough. Am adjusting the feeding of my next batch (added some yeast to increase the fermenting) and think will reduce the sugar content when I bottle. Have 3 bottles and have not touched 2. Am hoping that if I leave those a few days longer they may improve.

If I get to a 'plant' that really works, will pass some on to you when it gets divided if you like.

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  • 3 months later...

So sweet to offer kefir... Recently I got interested in kefir and bought ready made water kefir in Chiang Mai. I liked it, reminded me of ginger ale (and beer which I usually don't like) Now I want to make my own, but will look around for grains in Chiang Mai first.

I think you have to drink at least 2 weeks to get the advantages of kefir.

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So sweet to offer kefir... Recently I got interested in kefir and bought ready made water kefir in Chiang Mai. I liked it, reminded me of ginger ale (and beer which I usually don't like) Now I want to make my own, but will look around for grains in Chiang Mai first.

I think you have to drink at least 2 weeks to get the advantages of kefir.

I just replied to your thread about kefir in the Chiang Mai forum. You can use milk kefir grains to make water kefir. They take about 5 days to adjust to the new medium.

Edited by tropo
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  • 2 weeks later...

So sweet to offer kefir... Recently I got interested in kefir and bought ready made water kefir in Chiang Mai. I liked it, reminded me of ginger ale (and beer which I usually don't like) Now I want to make my own, but will look around for grains in Chiang Mai first.

I think you have to drink at least 2 weeks to get the advantages of kefir.

I just replied to your thread about kefir in the Chiang Mai forum. You can use milk kefir grains to make water kefir. They take about 5 days to adjust to the new medium.

Where can I get the grains in BKK??


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  • 4 months later...

Tropo,have been using Kefir for a long time already and i am just wondering what kind of milk you use?

I use it mostly for breakfast with muesli and fruit,can't beat it!

Right now I'm using skim milk. Other times I've used full cream milk. I've even made it with strawberry and chocolate milk. As long as the kefir grains have got some sugar (lactose in milk) they're happy.

I drink a full glass first thing in the morning on an empty stomach - before I prepare my breakfast. I believe this is the best way to consume probiotics - giving them free passage to where they are required in the digestive tract.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, I always have extra grains. They grow fast and double in quantity every few weeks. Sometimes I have so much excess I make a smoothy with them and drink them. I can post them to anywhere in Thailand.

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  • 1 month later...

Tropo, or anyone else have kefir grains that can be sent to Koh Phangan express? I can send payment via PayPal, or whatever other means for those charges.

I had just started making my own and obviously did something wrong because the jar they were in blew up. :( I had started drinking coconut water kefir for my health issues and now I'm completely out. Can someone please help?

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Yes, I always have extra grains. They grow fast and double in quantity every few weeks. Sometimes I have so much excess I make a smoothy with them and drink them. I can post them to anywhere in Thailand.

Hi Tropo

I would like some Kefir grains , never tried them before, did a lot of research regarding their benefits but didnt know where to get them from.

I am in Koh Samui ,Lamai to be exact please PM me with instruction how to proceed with postage etc...

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Hi Tropo

I would like some Kefir grains , never tried them before, did a lot of research regarding their benefits but didnt know where to get them from.

I am in Koh Samui ,Lamai to be exact please PM me with instruction how to proceed with postage etc...

I just sent you a PM

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Tropo, or anyone else have kefir grains that can be sent to Koh Phangan express? I can send payment via PayPal, or whatever other means for those charges.

I had just started making my own and obviously did something wrong because the jar they were in blew up. sad.png I had started drinking coconut water kefir for my health issues and now I'm completely out. Can someone please help?

My grains are milk kefir grains. Coconut water kefir is made with SKG (sugary kefir grains) which are different. If you go here: http://users.sa.char.../kefirpage.html you can order these from Australia. I don't know of a source here. If you want to try milk kefir grains, I can EMS them to you.

When you make kefir you should leave the lid of the jar loose to vent air. You can leave it sealed too, which yields a carbonated kefir, but you'll have to make sure your vessel can handle some pressure. Use glass.

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I am enjoying your grains too, slowly they are multiplying and the process goes faster. Thanks a million for them.

I'm glad to hear it. Having sent kefir all over Thailand in the last year I often wonder how many people stick with it. I seldom get follow up reports. The guy who gave them to me doesn't even drink it now - he doesn't like the taste. Another guy found it difficult to drink too. I consider it a supplement, so taste is incidental - although I don't mind it.

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